AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Drape Image Too Small Flipped Upside Down 2012?
Nov 1, 2012
I'm having an issue with draping a google earth image onto a surface that was imported at the same time. The image flips over and shrinks down into one corner. Not sure shat I'm doing wrong, if it's just a setup problem or an actual bug or something. I have the image attached.
how I can turn just one word in a sentence upside down, as opposed to all flipped. Im trying to make one word stand out whilst designing in a text sentence window.
The Google earth map image I insert into my drawing is flipped (north to south) when view in isometric. The surface I download at the same time is OK. I do modify the original surface by pasting another surface into it.
My navcube is flipped around all funny like.My model is still oriented properly, everything still reads the right way, and the world ucs seems to be fine as well.
I have created an alignment in Civil 3D 2013, from 100+00 to 6740+00 and Station 5040+00 thru 5400+00 are upside down both in the respected drawing and the alignment itself. I have checked and double checked all the settings and they all seem to be correct. This has really got me dumb founded.
How to drape OS Mastermap/DWG over Profile DTM Surface Mesh? I've been trying for hours and can't get it to work. I've looked at articles online and they are hardly any use as they show you how to do it properly.
I'm trying to get a drawing flipped round in model space so it fits more neatly in a viewport. I need to rotate the model space by about 45 degrees so that a line that looked about 45 degree slope up from left to right becomes a flat line.
I've been trying to use 'ucs' in the command line and then type the degree rotation as this is what it says in the help section but it doesnt do what i want. It asks for an origin point on the x-axis and then i dont know what this means.
I have a part which I am using the Split tool to make two solid parts. All was fine until a few days later when I went back and made some changes to the surface I was using for the Split. Now, Inventor has flipped the two solid bodies, so later features I had placed now don't work.
I have a large ex surface that I have divided into basins and such. I know need to evaluate the slopes in these areas. To do the whole surface at once seems to not be possible. Is there a way in c3d to view analysis information for a section of surface for instance in a polyline or fence?
Where to get free blocks for small civil projects? I am putting a roundabout in on our site and they are **** about AS. its not a public road but need a block to see hoe they usually set these things out.
Every time I insert a north arrow it needs to be scaled up afterwards. Normally, scaling up by the same factor as the viewport that I select is about right.
I have a profile that has a 25' VC (please see attached jpeg) and want to put my PVI Station and Elevation but it doesnt fit in 40 scale (I need it to be in 40 scale). Is there a way I can only change the style for small vertical curves without changing my other styles?
I am a surveyor doing an asbuilt of some ponds. I am working in the engineer's dwg. In PS, he does not scale down his drawing sheet block to 1"=1', he keeps it the same scale as model space, i.e. 1"=50'.
He has a viewport in the layout, and my Cogo Points seemed to be scaled at 1"=1', which makes them much to small, but everthing else is scaled correctly.
How can I make my Cogo Points appear bigger in PS?
I tried dbl-clicking in the viewport to be in MS, and the viewport says it's scale is 1'0" = 1'0". When I change it to 1"=50', the model view shrinks way down (the viewed area is bigger), and when I scroll to make the model view bigger, the Cogo Points are still small.
When I read the Properties of the viewport, it says:
Anno scale: 1"=50 Standard scale= 1"=50 Custom scale= 0.02
How I can get this viewport to make my Cogo Points big as they should be?
I was sent the floor plan of a building and I am drawing the rcp. I am trying to add some dimensions but they are upside down. The ucs is at world and mirrtext is at 0. I don't know what to do now!
Inserted an alignment line table. It's in model space and viewported (locked) to the layout. On the screen it looks fine but during print preview and printing it comes out too small. Can this be controlled?
I have an alignment for a proposed steel gas pipeline that is several thousand feet long. The alignment is stationed and set to display PI symbols (triangle) at each change of direction. However, steel pipe is relatively flexible so small changes in direction (a few degrees) are irrelevant and I do not want the PI symbols to display in those areas. Is there a setting (a tolerance so-to-speak) in Civil 3D to edit when PI symbols are displayed for an alignment. For example, I want to set it such that PI symbols are not displayed unless the alignment changes direction by more than 10 degrees at a given PI.
I just downloaded the 3ds Max trial, after useing blender and gmax for a few years, and I have been watching youtube videos on how to make maps halo custom edition, and to create the level I have to flip a box before I start working on it, and when I flip it, the box is flipped, but the Outside part I thought is suppost to be transparrent. How am I suppost to work on the inside if I can't get to it. I was thinking it could be the view, but that never worked.
All of a sudden this morning when I dimension something, my dimension text is upside down. It is only on one drawing and only on new dimensions. why nad how to correct?
I've read that it is possible to "hand draft" small complex areas that a corridor cannot handle easily.
I have an intersection in an old neighborhood that is constrained by retaining walls, buildings, and so on. In this I have to fit in current ADA ramps. Due to constrained space I will have to get creative in my elevations and layouts.I'd like to somehow integrate it with the corridor.
I have two viewports, one that is not rotated at 1:50 scale, the other rotated at 1:20 scale, and using associative dimensioning, therefore viewing the same model object with two associative scales. The rotated viewport is showing the dimenions upsidedown since it is rotated more than 180deg. If I modify the dimension properties to Left to Right instead of Right to Left, it rotates my other unmodified viewport. The only way right now to have the dimensions showing properly, is to print the first pages with the unmodified viewports, then modify the dimension properties, and then print the rotated viewport pages.
I have a problem. I'm making a videogame with a videogame-making program, and I can import my videogame characters from computer images. One example is the Forest Imp monster:
PROBLEM is.. there's an invisible (because it's white) border of pixels around this monster. If you want to see it, go ahead and open the above png in Photoshop and use the Paint Bucket Tool to fill in the background, but make sure Anti-Aliased is OFF. See all the white pixels around the monster? Those show up in the videogame: ....
I have two extremely small images that I need to scale up. Unfortunately i can't post them but i need to know if anyone has any ideas on how to go about making them look more presentable.
These images are going to go on a mini slide of our products on our new website, but I can't seem to get the image focused....I would upload the image but Picturetrails is down. I swear this darn thing will be the death of me!! :confused: The image size is 52 pixels (height) and 26 pixels in width.