CorelDRAW X5 :: JPG Export Screen Shows Solid Black Area Instead Of Graphic Image?
Jan 31, 2012
.jpg export screen shows a solid black area instead of my graphic image - why? but when I open the .jpg file that was exported, it looks correct (not a large black rectangle). why is the preview window in the export window showing a large black area? see attached screenshot.
When I am exporting a jpg from CorelDraw X6, I keep getting random columns of white pixels to the right of the graphic image. If I switch the matte color in the export dialogue to black, I get random amounts of black pixels. In X4, when I would export a jpg, the resulting file would be cropped right to the image edge, with no extra pixels. I'm getting anywhere from 1 to as many as 8 columns of extra pixels on the right hand side, which is problematic for utilizing the resulting files for page layout.
I achieve the same results when choosing "Export for Office" and "Export for Web".
I'm running a 64-bit install on a Win 7 64-bit box.
When I preview or play a slideshow in Lightroom 5 I see a black screen. I've tried it using various settings, images, lengths, and with the show saved or unsaved, all with the same result. In a preview I can see the show advancing through the slides; all remain black.
Sometimes (unpredictably) the screen isn't black, but rather two colors or color washes separated diagonally.
There are no videos in the shows. (A black screen for a slideshow with a video as the first slide is a known issue mentioned in the Lightroom Journal.)
Exporting to pdf works properly. An exported video shows as a black screen.
(Mac Pro, OS X 10.7.5, Radeon X1900 XT video card)
I am designing a calendar. When designing the background is a solid black, but when I export or save as PNG it appears on the screen as dark grey. I'm self taught and don't know if it will print out grey or black.
I am trying to make a png (tried a gif too) by going to File >>> Export for Web.
In the new window I selected following: -
Format: PNG
Color Mode: RGB color (24 bit)
Transparency Box: Checked
In Advanced, Anitialiaced Box : Checked
Embed color profile Box: Unchecked
Interlaced Box: Unchecked
Resolution 72
The image displays in comparison window as transparent but when I save this image and upload it on my website, the background changes to black instead of transparent.
I am using windows 7 Premium (64 bit) and Corel Draw X5.
I have what is to me a rather large assembly. 1823 total occurrences in the active document and 700 open documents in the session.My problem is that when I open the assembly nothing shows up on the monitor in the image area. The tree is fully populated an showing visibility on all the parts.I have tried saving as a different level of visibility and still no go.
The image is basically a grayscale height map created from Digital Elevation Models, and exported out of another program as a 16bit tiff. I know photoshop can handle the idea of a 16bit image, but no matter what I do, these come out black. i've tried dumping it out as signed, unsigned, stretched, etc. I can't mess with things like contrast or brightness globally cause that will alter the values which have to stay the same.Basically it needs to open in photoshop cs5 as what it is and save off the same way.
I don't have any other way to do what I need to do to it other than photoshop, so if there is a way to make this work, and no, converting it to 8bit is not an option.
After installing SP3, the Export preview window, as CMYK, shows a black window, but the file is exported correctly. This situation does not happen when the file is exported as RGB. Any explanation why this happens? I´ve tried with different files and happens the same "black window".
I have tried twice to export a slideshow of 373 photos from LR4, using the 1080P preset. An mp4 file of 3.21 GB is created and it opens in a Quicktime player screen. The player shows 40 minutes of playtime and appears to start, but no images come up on the black screen. The images were created from Nikon raw files, and I am using an iMac running OS X 10.7.5. I am using QuickTime Player 10.1 for playback, but I've also tried QuickTime Player 7 with the same results. What gives?
It was working fine. Then I just did a simple command (pattern a part) and the entire workspace blinked out. The first time it happened I hit UNDO and it was back. So I got out of the drawing and got back in and tried the pattern again. Same issue but this time when I hit UNDO it would not come back. I closed the file without saving and when I went back in the file the workspace is still nothing but white screen. In the browser everything is still visible except for those that I had already changed to invisible. I tried making an invisible to visible and nothing happened. I got out and tried opening the "old version" which should've been before any of this happened and it is also blank. I can go to an ipt or iam in the browser and hit open and it will open in another screen just fine. I just can't see my main assembly. I have Inventor 2012. It shows no errors or messages. I have even rebooted.
I looked thru the forum and found a past issue back in 2005 identical. I tried doing Find in Window on an item in the browser but for some reason that option is not even in the list when I right click.
Originally, I'd used linear transparency on image#1 which caused a line that showed up only on a Ricoh-generated hard proof. I kept the transparency of image#1 and converted it to a bitmap, so no lens, but still the line. Finally I ditched the transparency I'd applied to image#1 and placed image#2 over image#1 to achieve the fade-out of image#1 that I had originally intended. Now image#2 is creating a line only evident when printed on that bloody Ricoh!
Printing a black and white layout to my HP LaserJet 4000 produces an image that appears to be grayscale instead of solid black. In other words, my text, line border I've put around the layout and graphics (for the most part), all appear about 70-80% black instead of SOLID black. Small text doesn't appear to be nearly as sharp because it looks like a halftone instead solid black. On one layout I just printed, the entire thing appears halftoned except for one vector graphic that did print in solid black. Strange. I figured I have something set incorrectly in the software or printer. Has to be the CDR X6 software though because all other programs output just fine.
I have been trying to save an image at 1200 dpi. The image turns solid black.
I had this problem once before (months ago). I know it has something to do with the Resource Consumption settings (i.e. Edit -> Preferences -> Environment - > Resource Consumption).
I got it figured out before but I reloaded Gimp on my computer so the settings went back to default. It has something to do with increasing the cache size or the total new image size or something. I can't remember.
Blank/Black Screen when opening some CorelDraw files.
I have several hundred CorelDraw files with various images and design that I use for printing for our business.
Recently I have opened files to discover either blank or black screen in the CorelDraw file. I can use Object Manager to see that the image and text are still present, but I cannot view it. I can also export the image to a PDF even though I cannot view it. Other files open without any issue. One file opened fine and then when I went to cut an image the file turned black and is now in the same condition as other files with the problem.
I have an irregularly shaped graphic that I want to post to a webpage without any surrounding background. Every time I save it, it creates a rectangular background that is visible when I post it to my webpage. How can I make that background invisible?
I've inadvertently changed something that mades the import/export screen too large, and I can't click onto the open, save, etc. buttons on the bottom right. I've tried dragging the screen up to the top, but I still can get to those darn buttons!
I just installed Photoshop through Creative Cloud and my Liquify filter screen is totally black and doesn't show the image. You would think the default setting would be to show the image or layer,
I've been struggling with the color management in CorelDraw X5 for awhile. I usually just design blind and check the print out or exported images after the fact to see if they're how I initially intended. The image above is exactly how the design looks in Draw.
This next image is how it looks when I print it out or when I export it to a JPG or PSD or other bitmap.
I've been researching for awhile on the color management and have tried many many varieties. I'm still not sure what the deal is. If it was my monitor or drivers I don't think I would be getting the result I want after I export the image, although I haven't tried updating the driver yet.
Hopefully my title gets the point across. I've read numerous threads on here where people seem to have the same issue, but I've yet to discover a solution.
I recently bought a new pc and installed Corel Draw X5. When I export to eps and open the eps in Corel, the Pantone colors appear nearly black. This is also true for my clients, although I'm not sure what program they are using to open the eps.
It is worth mentioning that on my old PC I did not have this problem. EPS files I exported from Corel Draw X5 were fine. I could export eps files containing Pantone colors, and the Pantone colors would be there when I opened the eps file.
The settings I'm using under export to eps dialogue are the exact same settings I was using before:
Output colors as Native and PostScript 3.
I am running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, and CorelDraw X5