CorelDRAW X4 :: Removing Background From Graphic Image
Aug 6, 2013
I have an irregularly shaped graphic that I want to post to a webpage without any surrounding background. Every time I save it, it creates a rectangular background that is visible when I post it to my webpage. How can I make that background invisible?
I have a graphic but it is on a white background. I need to put the graphic on a colored background and therefore have to "cut around" the actual graphic(s) to do so. I am using PGD 6.
I have a JPG with a graphic over a white background. I converted to GIF using Corel PHOTOPAINT. In the GIF Export window, hitting the background with the eyedropper tool is supposed to make anything that color transparent. Things appeared to be working when I clicked the Preview button. But....
Whenever I try to put this new GIF on top of another bitmap, I still have the white rectangle background. I tried I converting the secondary background image to GIF, but I still have the original white box around the first image.
Using CoreDRAW, so I drag a PNG from the web ([URL]......) into CoreDRAW. The image shows up perfectly, but the background is black. I know it is a transparent image because the background is white on the web page. I want to make the background transparent.
Also, after the image is transparent, I want to extrude just the visible part. Will I be able to just "Convert to Curves" and then extrude?
i've got aimage in a file which i want to remove and replace with a new image. I can remove the image using the lasso tool in photoshop cs3. But what i want to be able to do is get the background space i have removed filled the same as the rest of it,
Before I pass along to you my request, I'd like to point out that I have watched tutorial, after tutorial on how to remove an image from a background. Every thing goes great, "step by step", (my project compared to tutorial) right to the final procedure. Then my image either turns "white/black", or disappears (lets just say the project does not pan out compared to tutorials).But everything is "fine", right up to final phase. How to do the following....
1. Extract an image from a background (any kind) of background.
2. Instruct me how to take the extracted image, and "save" it to file, to use it in "another" project, at a later time.
3. How to take an image (for instance, a large hole in a tree) and take another image, and place it in there. Inside this hole in the tree, I want to take an image, and "blend" it into the hole in the tree. Another wards,I don't want to just place a vivid "sharp" image into the hole in the tree, I want a " halo/gradual fade out from tree, to a gradual fade in to object placed in tree. I hope you understand my description. Basically, going from a sharp vivid image, to a gradual blending of another image in hole of tree.
how I can get rid of the bluish colour around the tree that I have removed the background from (see attachement). I first invert the image, then go to "Components", choose Monochrome, adjust the image to get the black background, and finally go to "Levels" to increase the dark background. However, when I had the mask and do the rest of the sequence, I keep getting the blue tinge of the sky around the object I have cut out.
i have a large number of pictures, they all have the same background image.
The background image is a white-to-gray vertical gradient and has some text on the top.
I created an action to batch remove the background - I use color ranges (Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and the Right Click anywhere on the image and click on 'Color Range')
In the Color Range dialogue i selected 'Add to Sample' and started clicking numerous times along the horizontal line of my background - I am reminding you that my background is a gradient.
After selecting all of the colors (samples) that are in my background I clicked 'OK' and deleted the selection which leaved me with my image and a transparent background - GREAT!!
This method works great if my image has a high contrast with the background - which is about 80% of the cases.
When i use this action to remove the background from images that have WHITE / GRAY colors in them it comes out terrible since the Color Range selects the background AND bright areas on my image and deletes them.
I have the background image saved as a separate file, I want the Batch Action to check the original background image against all of my images and:
-Detect which parts of the image are similar to the original background -Delete those similar areas
If that is possible, that would probably be a pretty good way to get rid of the background without deleting anything from my image.
Is it possible to do something like that in Photoshop (maybe using masks?!), or is it possible with any other Image Editing Software?
I am removing the background on a detailed object(s). I removed the initial part..the ants started marching. Then I pushed "control click", and started on another section..the ants started marching on that piece. Then I moved to my 3rd section doing the same. But when you click your final at your beginning on your 3rd section, the ants start marching there also..but you lose the sections you did previously. So I went to "undo", clicked that, and got my previous sections "back".
But my question can I continue taking out the background in this picture...there are a lot of openings between arms and bodies etc., where I need to remove the background. I've tried removing the background on a detailed image one time before, and the same thing happened. Gimp will only allow you to remove so much, and if you try to remove more, it cancels out what you previously tried to can I continue removing the background on his image, being the image already has an alpha channel over it. If you try to continue after saving the present image to path/ will lose the image your trying to save in the second process.
I have a stock photo of a white and yellow flower isolated on black and when I add an alpha channel and use 'color to alpha' to remove the black background it creates some transparency in the image too.
I understand that this is because it is taking the black out of the flower too but I thought the point of isolating an image was so that the background can be removed.....which leads me to believe that there must be another way of doing this?
how to remove a background from a translucid/see-through image (where the background can be partly seen behind the image). I included an example in an attachment.
I am able to render anything around the image itself to transparency (using the alpha channel, selection tools, etc.). But in translucent images such as in my example, that leaves what is "behind" the image (that brown stuff in this case).
if it was indeed possible to remove text from an image with rather detailed background. I'm no stranger to Photoshop and the Adobe Family however I've tried several methods and all of them seem to work but finished result looks obviously doctored...
Here is the image, my client wants the price from the image to vanish, while retaining the background!I have tried myself to accomplish such a result but my attempts at this
I'm making an image with clan crest over tartan. I can remove the white background from the crest, but there are still some odd bits around the very edges. No matter what I try, it always comes out like that. see attached.
I have no problem flipping an image (before one removes the background). It's "after" I remove the background, that I am unable to flip an image. You'd think you could flip an image in whatever state the image is there a way to do it, or not?
I am new to X4 and cannot seem to get rid of the white background when I export a vector to a jpg file. This is probably a no brainier but I have tried setting the page background to none and a few other things but to no avail.
I have a pillow bevel applied to a paint splatter brush image, and I'm having trouble with the shadows. I want to save this splatter as a transparent PNG. The problem is that a drop shadow effect is showing up when I save it this way. I think it's a "shading" setting rather than a true drop shadow, as there is no drop shadow set in the layer styles.
The shadow does not appear when a white background is applied. It only shows when the background is transparent. I've tried reducing the shading opacity in the bevel dialogue, and this does get rid of the drop shadow....the problem is that it also removes the shading from the paint splatter, making the image look flat instead of raised.
.jpg export screen shows a solid black area instead of my graphic image - why? but when I open the .jpg file that was exported, it looks correct (not a large black rectangle). why is the preview window in the export window showing a large black area? see attached screenshot.
When I am exporting a jpg from CorelDraw X6, I keep getting random columns of white pixels to the right of the graphic image. If I switch the matte color in the export dialogue to black, I get random amounts of black pixels. In X4, when I would export a jpg, the resulting file would be cropped right to the image edge, with no extra pixels. I'm getting anywhere from 1 to as many as 8 columns of extra pixels on the right hand side, which is problematic for utilizing the resulting files for page layout.
I achieve the same results when choosing "Export for Office" and "Export for Web".
I'm running a 64-bit install on a Win 7 64-bit box.
Image below, what I want to do is remove the parts of the red logo below the black line. normally I would use the virtual segment delete tool. this is working with the red outer line, but not on the letters. rather than removing the part of the letter below the line, it is removing the whole letter. Also it is leaving a square edge on the line, and not removing it on an angle.
I am somewhat new to CDX5 and on a VERY steep learning curve.
Anyway, I have an image of a girl and I was able to powerclip the outline away from the background, however I want to remove the infill, which is a dark colour between her arms and her body. Her arms are by her side.
Also the dark colour between her legs. I need to do this to superimpose the image across another background.
I've been using Photoshop 7 for years and have some .png graphic elements with clear backgrounds, which I use to make cover photos for a Facebook page. When I open these graphic files with I expect to see two layers - one for the clear background and one for the graphic itself, but instead I see just one layer. If I then open a photo and try to paste the graphic overlay on top of it the clear background doesn't work, the checkerboard pattern is displayed instead.
is there a simple way to make these files work as they used to in Photoshop, i.e without going to the trouble of masking things off and clearing backgrounds all over again? Can they be opened in with the see-through background fully functional from the off?
I am going to make a large graphic about 10 feet x 9 feet using 150 resolution. I have this image in 300ppi that is roughly 12x8 inches. Can this image cover the background of the large graphic without looking too fuzzy?
Anyway, I have a simple graphic that has a white background. I want to put it on a webpage that is not white. So I want the white area on the graphic to be transparent.