CorelDRAW X4 :: What Is Nudge Offset And Duplicate Distance
Jun 11, 2011I wonder what we can do with nudge offset and duplicate distance controls as indicated with a in the photo attached below.
View 1 RepliesI wonder what we can do with nudge offset and duplicate distance controls as indicated with a in the photo attached below.
View 1 RepliesWhen I hit CTRL+D, CorelDRAW duplicates the currently selected objects.
The first time I do this after installation, CD asks me for a default duplicate distance.
I now want to change this default offset values. How can I do this? I can't find any option to change the default values.
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
I want all new documents to have a duplicate offset of 0,0 (so they appear right over top of the original). I can do this in a document... via Tools, options (or customization), document, general
set the x and y of the offset to 0
BUT, click on the "Document" tree branch and there are checkboxes to save the options for new files.
I enable "Save options as defaults..."
and click the "General options"
... and this should include the offset amounts...
click okay...
Then open a new document, draw a squiggle, hit Ctrl-D, but the offset is still .25 x .25.
I've tried clicking the Tools, "Save settings as Default" but that doesn't work either. I've also tried saving the workspace, but that doesn't work.
This feels like a bug, because both the save settings for a new file AND the tools, save settings as default should have saved these document settings (? right?)
Under the Tools~option box there is no field to set the duplicate offset distance as stated in the help. Where can I set this.
View 5 Replies View Relatedthis Nudge command. Seems like it could be very useful, and I must say i like the IDEA of it (to those not familiar, you hold CTRL and hit arrow keys to slightly shift an object) but how to set the distance default on it. It seems to me to just move things by whatever distance it feels like.For my job specifically, I need 1/2" increments. how to set that variable?
View 9 Replies View Relatedarch.jpg
I would like to know if it's possible to create an offset curve from another curve, but with an increasing distance, the result i want to achieve is shown in the picture. (the magenta line).
I am trying to find a routine that will allow me to offset an arc by a distance and to a scale.
The offest command is very limited as to how far I am able to offset without the boject completely vanishing.
I am trying to make a flat pattern from a cone or something close to it. The routines and programs that I have found do not quite accomplish this very accuratll. They are always off on the upper and lower arcs and on the distance between the arcs. Tho this would not completely sovle my problem, it would allow me to get the distance between the top and bottom correct.
I'm trying to create an animated array with an offset on the distance between objects.e.g You have ten spheres, and when you a controller dummy they all move in one direction (e.g. to the left), but each sphere moves progressively further away from the last one - like an array with an offset.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow would I find the distance between two offset lines. Basicaly what I have got is straight line with an original offset line at the base and I have copied this line at different distances along the line, but I need a way to double check the distances from the original line.
View 4 Replies View RelatedNew to civil 3d...I have a series of bore locations along an alignment that I need the station offset and distance. I tried POINT -> ALIGNMENT: STATION/OFFSET, and that prompts me to tell where i want the offsets to go. I want to be able to pick the center of each bore and have civil 3d tell me that information. What command do I use?
View 4 Replies View RelatedLines snap at an offset distance (0.0000274 m e.g.) from the actual point. What change of settings can resolve it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhere the heck do I find the offset which controls the distance between the profile grid and my profile data band?
I have compared settings between ones that look the way I want and I'm just not seeing it.
(The attached doc shows you what I'm up to)
how to set the nudge value and keep it set so everytime I open the program I don't have to reset it everytime.
"If it wasn't for the last minute, it wouldn't get done"
I like to use .001 for nudge and 20 for super nudge, so every time I open a new file I need to change it from the default settings of .1 and 2. I've always wondered if I could set my own defaults and it occurred to me to ask on the forum. I can't find it anywhere on the options menu..
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to change the shortcut for super nudge from shift + arrow to ctrl + shift + arrow. I can't find super nudge or micro nudge in the keyboard shortcuts list. I tried checking "navigate to conflict on assign" but that doesn't seem to work very well in general and fails completely with super and micro nudge.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm aware that when using "pixel mode" at a certain zoom level Draw Ignores your settings for "nudge" and does it's own thing. (I think it's when the pixel grid appears and in my case this is at 800%) However, I've found a "feature" which seems like a mistake.
In large zooms in pixel mode objects move 0.5 pixels with the arrow keys, however when using the node edit tool your setting applies.
Personally I'd prefer Draw to always use the settings that you specify but I was told that the change of setting at large zoom levels was intentional - if this is true why do my nodes move differently to objects? This inconsistency can't be "intended"?
Is there any way of displaying the geodetic distance(ie "mapdist") with the dimension tool instead of the normal distance?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to oTrack distance from the top circle edge of a cylinder to a certain distance ... whenever i try to do that ... it either track to x and y .. but not in z :/ ... the video i have on you tube he did it so simply and it seems to be easy .
I am not sure what is wrong .. but i heard parallel and perspective view could make a difference .. i actually try both :/ ...
I am wondering, is it possible to duplicate the page content, but to have all elements on the new page as a separate layers? Perhaps, some short key buttons combination....Just got tired to copy and paste all my elements as a separate layers to the new page :( Need to have all elements separate because creating a SVG file for die cut machine.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have problem when I open some dxf format from autocad.
For each line in autocad in coreldraw I have about 10 lines. How to clean drawing?
I'm working up a new logo and discovering that I like the old styles best (makes sense, being so ancient myself). Here's a two-color pattern applied to lettering, with the Advanced options box open next to it:
I've highlighted the "Row or column offset." Try to change one without the other--won't do it. They change in tandem: change one and the other matches it. Why call it row or column when it's row and column? For that matter, why the radio buttons?
I'm trying to output B&W art for offset and can't get a .tif, .pdf, or .eps to look as good as the Draw version. Even ran the .tif up to 2400 resolution, making for a 160+MB file; not bad, but still rough by comparison.
Then I turned View/Enhanced to View/Normal: they look the same now. Is Draw, when View is set to Enhanced, smoothing out my artwork in a way that can never be reproduced in real life? Would explain why my printer is always letting me down.
For some reason my quick key "Control D" for Duplicate isn't working. It shows that it's still listed in the Tools, Options, Commands, Duplicate at times. At others, it appears empty. I now have to go to Edit and select the Delete function each time.
Is my CorelDraw falling apart?
My wife is starting a label company - we design the labels in corelx5 then print & cut them out on our printer - but I'm wondering how to autoduplicate the names into each of the labels on the page (a page has maybe 100 labels that would have the persons name in them - same name in each label). Rather than copy things over & over how can I set things up so that I type the name into the first label and it fills all the rest of the labels on the sheet with the same name automatically ?
Do I need a macro for this ? (I'm green to macros)
I want the selected object to be halved and duplicated and i would like to define a shortcut for x and y.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need an offset lisp routine to offset a selected line a set distance on each side of the selected line and change the layer of the offset lines to the current layer, and then keep prompting me to select the next line for offsetting until I'm finished.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI haven't experienced my contour offset 'jumping' in too large increments.....BUT
my contour offset tool is not working like it used to.
Only rarely would I receive the message 'contour offset too large' when offsetting a bezier curve .025"
Whenever this would happen I would then reduce my nodes or convert them to cusp or smooth. This would almost always fix the 'countour offset too large' problem.
I've reset Coreldraw to factory default but still have this problem with certain lines.
All of my software is up to date.
CorelDraw X5
27" iMac, Bootcamp, Windows 7
In working with slightly more complex curve shapes in CorelDraw X5, I'm discovering when using the contour option it results in an error ("Contour Offset too large"). This was not experienced in CorelDraw 9 at all. I'm experiencing this error with inside or outside contours, steps at 1, offset at 0.1. Reducing nodes eventually will allow the contour to be successful. However, it takes an extreme reduction of nodes which distorts the shape a lot.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a way to create a single hairline object displaced outside, so many millimeters from another object.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have been using Corel Draw primarily in my work for more than 20 years but have never taken the time to understand this....nor why on some artwork an object will move fractionally but on other artwork (specifically this time, a 20m x 10m workspace for vehicle signage) the objects move 200 or 300mm!?
I always thought this was a 'drawing precision' setting but even when I set that to 1 decimal place it doesn't seem to affect this.
dimension tool.jpg
See the figure below.
Is there any way to adjust the dimensions, when dragged, with regular distance from object?
See differences by red arrows. The intention is that dimensions keep a pre-set regular distance.