3ds Max Animation :: Animated Array With Distance Offset?
Sep 13, 2011
I'm trying to create an animated array with an offset on the distance between objects.e.g You have ten spheres, and when you a controller dummy they all move in one direction (e.g. to the left), but each sphere moves progressively further away from the last one - like an array with an offset.
I am using MAYA 2012 on Windows 7. When I import audio (.WAV) it works fine, but if I offset it to a later frame the waveform moves to the right frame but when scrubbing the audio stays at 0. Making if very difficult to lip-sync. I have tried re-caching, playing the scene all the way through and all other options I have seen online.
Attached file shows a book cabinet. After manipulating the depth (32 cm) for many times, still I haven't got the ideal depth. Manipulating the distance is time consuming and I am looking for a smarter way to do it.
Changing the depth is cumbersome for me, as I act in the traditional way. Let say if I want to change the depth of all shelves to 34, I choose 7 shelves from bottom, move all 2 cm down. In the next step I choose 6 shelves from bottom and move them 2 cm down and repeat until I reach the bottom.
In order to draw them, first: I use rectangle not lines which has some shortfalls, second: I use array command to copy them down.
This is not a smart way and I think there must be a better way. Although a LISP routine will solve it very easily, but I prefer a non-LISP solution.
I would like to know if it's possible to create an offset curve from another curve, but with an increasing distance, the result i want to achieve is shown in the picture. (the magenta line).
i need to do a loop animation of several stripes that starts at lets say 2units distance from each other, they separate slowly and by the end they have 15units separation, my problem is that each stripe is a separate object, so i offset their keyframes, but when i want to tweak the keys on curve editor they dont apply to the other copies. Any other way to do this simpler?
quick example on the image attached, real application on the video, video shows the animation(rendered sequential images of 1 loop then applied as texture) but with linear speed, so constant separation, i need to apply the above here, these dont only move on the X axis but on the Y aswell, while keeping the symmetry fixed on the center.
I am trying to find a routine that will allow me to offset an arc by a distance and to a scale.
The offest command is very limited as to how far I am able to offset without the boject completely vanishing.
I am trying to make a flat pattern from a cone or something close to it. The routines and programs that I have found do not quite accomplish this very accuratll. They are always off on the upper and lower arcs and on the distance between the arcs. Tho this would not completely sovle my problem, it would allow me to get the distance between the top and bottom correct.
how would I find the distance between two offset lines. Basicaly what I have got is straight line with an original offset line at the base and I have copied this line at different distances along the line, but I need a way to double check the distances from the original line.
New to civil 3d...I have a series of bore locations along an alignment that I need the station offset and distance. I tried POINT -> ALIGNMENT: STATION/OFFSET, and that prompts me to tell where i want the offsets to go. I want to be able to pick the center of each bore and have civil 3d tell me that information. What command do I use?
I have a chain of spheres linked a linear manner, i.e. sphere10 is linked to sphere09, sphere09 is linked to sphere08,sphere08 is linked to sphere07, ..., such that sphere01 is overall parent.
I am trying to lock the distance between the children and their parent so that when moving them around, they are always the same distance from their parent. Almost like the child is pivoting around the parent's pivot point. However, I can't seem to figure it out.
I can get it to work if I turn Interactive IK on, but I do not want the movement to affect the orientation of the parent.
When Saving an animated GIF in Photoshop CS3 the animated frames slow when viewed after the save. Therefore any gradient fades etc seem to stutter, about 25% slower than the frame rate set initially.
When the animation is played in photoshop it plays at the right speed, only slows when viewing the file after saving...
The scene is a 100 meter dash. I have animated one biped character and would like to add four more characters, identically dressed but in different lanes.
1) How can I duplicated the character? 2) how can I get the animation to be specific to each lane? 3) Can I vary the speed using Time Warps in Mixer?
I'm trying to mirror an object (wipers). But i can't. Mirror tool not mirrors the animation, just the model, so when i play the animation on the mirrored object, it moves weirdly. Symmetry is nor an option. I'm not using bones or anything, just 3 objects, two with rotation, one with rotation and translation.
I have a very complex hub model that needs animated visibility on certain areas. So I took all the parts I need to fade out and in and wired them to a slider, and did so with everything else that I need.
I don't get a gradual fade. If the slider value is zero, nothing is there but if its even 1, everything is solid.
I am trying to export a rigged character mesh (with clothes and shoe meshes too) using fbx so that i can put the character into UDK. Max wouldn't do it at first. (exporting all the meshes with the textures) that is, it did do the fbx file but udk would always crach importing it.
Then i managed to export the meshes seperatly and udk would import them with the textures moslty ok. But.... then max would not export the animations correctly. it totally ignores the 'range' you specify when doing the export. UDK would import them but they were the wrong lengths because of what max exports. i had to go into max and delete the frames and keys of the animations i did not want exported. that worked. obviously i had to do that for all of my animation sequences.
Now. once i figured out that max would only export animations that way i thought 'a-ha, now i can try exporting the character mesh with the clothes and shoes and rig with the textures. but max won't do it. i even tried to just do the body mesh with the rig as i did before (she runs around naked in udk) but now max won't even export an fbx file that UDK recognises as having a skeletal mesh in it. UDK only sees a static mesh.
Do i need to re-install max? is that a hassle? or does it do a repaire?
I am animating a skeleton. As a result, I'm not using physique-- I'm just connecting different mesh objects to different bones in the biped, and I'm good to go.
Here's my issue: I don't want my biped inside my mesh. I want to stick it off to the side somewhere where it's not interfering with my actual mesh, and I can do my links easily by just dragging over to them.
Naturally, when I do this, things rotate around the biped's pivot point rather than where I want them.
Is there any way to offset the biped-- just for interaction, and visually? I just want it outside of my mesh so I can animate the biped without having to look at it all merged up with my mesh.
I have an animated GIF that I'd like to insert into a regular PSD file that I'm using as the background. The GIF is a foreground object. Another way to phrase my task is that I'm trying to add a static background to an animated GIF. How should I do this in order to preserve the animation?
What I've tried to do is insert the animated GIF into a smart object in the PSD file but I can't get it to preserve the animation, even after making sure all the frames are copied.
why the create animated sequence (Make Preview) will often times freeze and get stuck on one frame even though the time is progressing? Quite often when I create my previews, it will progress to a certain point and the frame won’t progress and it will continue to create the same frame over and over even though the time slider is progressing through the animation. I’m using Max 2011 and 2012 but this has happened in 2009 and 2010. To fix it I have to keep a close eye on the sequence images and stop the preview to restart it at the point it stopped.
3ds Max 2013/2014 Autodesk Inventor & AutoCAD HP xw8600 Workstation Windows 7 64Bit Dual Intel Xeon 2.83 E5440 GHz 8.00 GB of Ram
When I merge an animated camera from another scene, the movement setting keys for the camera and target are there, but it appears that animated exposure settings are not. Is there a way to import those with the camera, as well?
My model has turbine engines complete with blades.
After attaching the engine to the rest of the model, I tried to animate the blades using Cycles, however, because the engine itself is attached with a 15-20º incline, the blades do not rotate around -360 properly. The illustration below shows the blades at the -89º mark.
How do I reset the pivot point for the Rotate Tool, or at least compensate for the offset pivot?
I have several art assets that I have already rigged, skinned, and animated. Unfortunately, the objects have to be re-sized.
There isn't a simple way to simply scale the rigg to match the new size, because then the transforms are incorrect, and the scale on the bones are no longer at 100%. Normally it wouldn't matter, but these objects need to go into a game engine, so it has to be at 100%
No, simply re-sizing the rigg and hoping to just 'reset scale' will not work either.
Save/Load animation will inherit the pivot points of the original animation and paste them onto the re-sized objects, so that does not work either.
Is there a way to transfer a rigg and save it's animation when an object gets re-sized? I'd figure that Autodesk would have made some kind of feature for this scenario, since in game production things will inevitably be scaled at some point.
It's easy to scale everything to it's new size... the problem is... how do I reset it's transforms without the rigg going bonkers?
How do I take the original animations and re-apply them to the newly scaled down version?
I've set keyframes on the Glow Intensity attribute of an object so I can slowly reduce the intensity at certain points. Now I need to create a new expression to give a random flickering to the glowing object as the scene plays, until the glow finally dims out.
But when I select Glow Intensity and try to create the Expression, there is no option now to 'Create New Expression'. The other options are still there, but it seems that at the top I'm left with an option relating to the Animation Curve Attributes (animCurveTU..?)
Is there no way to add a rand() expression to give some flickering to the Glow Intensity if I also have a few keyframes set that slowly dim the overall intensity level? Surely not.
I've tried to manually create the expression in the Expression Editor, but when I have to type in the name of the attribute, it hangs the whole program and I have to kill Maya and restart. Either it will not work that way or I'm missing something.
Maybe another way get the flickering short of manually keyframing the intensity level for the entire sequence.
I have an object with several animation layers. When I clone(copy) it, the new object also has the same animation layers. That should be OK.
The weird thing is, when I start to mess with the animation layers of the second object. If I disable, lets say, layer02 on the second object, it affects(disables) layer02 on the first one. Somehow the objects are connected through the animation layers.
Is this the normal behavior of the animation layers? And if it is, how can I make two separate copies of the animated objects?
why my video plays faster than the set animated sequence i have saved in the playback preferences. I have a camera on a motion path and have slow the playback speed to 3fps yet when i play the avi video in quicktime after it's rendered it plays much faster.
For certain and obvious reasons i need to delete history, problem is since i never deleted it, certain problems occur, like the very binding of my character to the skeleton is undoed, is there a way out of this mess, i just want the texture to stop moving when animation starts.