CorelDRAW X5 :: Pattern Fill - Row Or Column Offset
Aug 19, 2011
I'm working up a new logo and discovering that I like the old styles best (makes sense, being so ancient myself). Here's a two-color pattern applied to lettering, with the Advanced options box open next to it:
I've highlighted the "Row or column offset." Try to change one without the other--won't do it. They change in tandem: change one and the other matches it. Why call it row or column when it's row and column? For that matter, why the radio buttons?
I have a hatched area (A wall with a column inside wall). I deleted the column and now its place is void (no hatch). How can I extend the hatch pattern to fill the column location as well?
I read some threads about associative or non-associative hatch areas, but I don't think that could solve my problem.
What I'm wanting to do is be able to draw a vector object and use it as a pattern fill.
I need to be able to node edit the created pattern. I'd also like (the option) to be able to scale the destination object, and the pattern scales with it.
I figure it be much easier to use/create a fill pattern then duplicate all day long. Now (as example) there is the built-in "Star Shapes" pattern which is a black filled star.
I need to be able to change that to a a red hairline stroke, no fill pattern as example.
I am very new to Corel Draw x5 and am having difficulties using a full color patter fill for text. Everything looks good until I actually fill the text outline with a vector pattern. At that point the edges of my pattern become jagged, and as yet, I haven't been able to figure out how to smooth things out again.
I know how to create a new fill pattern, BUT, whenever I use a created pattern to fill an object, I get weird lines in it - as though the fill ends then starts again. It's as though the cross that you use when creating the fill is imprinted on the pattern.
I want to make some letters and fill them with a background pattern like rainbow.
all the fonts are solid black so I need to know how to hollow them out so the background fill will show, then have to cut out all the letters to get the background around them removed so I have only the letters filled with rainbow that can then be moved around and overlaid like with the gray checkerboard squares thing happening.
Like this: imagine a rainbow backing picture with " I heart Mom" text overlaid, fill the " I heart Mom" with rainbow then get rid of the rest of the rainbow backing that is OUTSIDE the letters. The word heart will be replaced with a heart shape.
if I have a group of areas that I want filled... I can select uniform, fountain, and postscript... but why doesn't pattern work for a group? This would be useful and seems like a bug. Why would I have to apply the fill to each part of the group? Groups are supposed to be useful for manipulating multiple objects in this way.
I added a patten fill to my libray, saved my default setting so it would stay, now everytime I draw an object it is automatically filled with that pattern fill...I even deleted the pattern fill from the library, saved default settings again, restarted corel, and it still fills an object.
I just started using CD X5. I want to buy a cycling skinsuit, similar to this one: URL....
I have a chance to design it myself and send a .cdr file to the company that manufactures it. I have some questions. I drew a basic shape of the suit and split it into 3 objects like this: URL....
Black legs is object 1, middle 2-color part is object 2 and white top is object 3, I wasn't able to fill the middle part with a black-white pattern unless I made it an object. I surely know there is a way to do it all with only 1 object that is divided into 3 sections but how? Smart fill works when you just draw some lines that form a closed contour but regular fill doesn't. Secondly, how to use a pattern fill that doesn't affect outlines? Third question is how to nudge only part of an object, for example if I want to make sleeves longer? Now I'm able to move the whole object only.
I used a heart fill pattern of the right 75% of the picture and the left 75% of the picture is selected overlapping the first fill in the background... I want to fill the selected background area with a flame fill pattern where it overlaps the selected portion of the heart pattern as well as the transparent area... 'overlay' looks better but Gimp is FAILING to fill the transparent areas, it ONLY fills the overlapped heart pattern portion of the selected content!!! I even tried filling the transparent area with 'white' then filling the selected area, but it STILL ONLY wants to overlay fill the heart pattern, it STILL leaves the rest alone!!! it doesn't matter if the background is white or transparent, it leaves that alone and ONLY fills the heart pattern area of selected portion of the image!!!
I have a diamond pattern that needs to be a polyline and also needs to be offset on each side of the diamond. When I create a polyline out of one diamond pattern and then try to offset the polyline pattern a certain distance on each side, it will only let me offset to one side and not the other.
I made a path and filled it with black. When I zoom in to make anchor adjustments, the fill and the path outline are offset making it very difficult to adjust and align filled paths. This happens all the time.
I'm trying to build a wall that has the concrete block pattern that's offset by 1/2. If I build a wall using mass then I can make it into a pattern that I want but then I can't paint it so that's it's clear or see through. On the other hand if I build a wall just using the walls then I can't find an option for the block pattern.
I'm using Autodesk Inventor 2012 SP1 64 Bit on a Windows 7 machine without vault.
I seem to be missing something. I cannot get the parts list in assembly drawing to fill the part number column. See the image below.
The BOM has the part number field filled out as shown below. Is there someway that I need to map the iProperty to the part number column in parts list?
We have several chain guards which we punch from sheet metal. We recently changed our practice to punch a hole pattern in the part rather than weld in a mesh screen - saves shop assembly/fab time. See the attached 2 parts.
My question: Is there an automated way of delelecting all holes within X" of the part edge. Currently we have to go through one by one and it takes a lot of time. how to model this part more efficiently. As you can see, the designer of the new part got lazy and did a rectangular pattern. The goal would be to have a consistent margin around the full perimeter of the part more like the first.
When i do a normal Fill with Pattern the pattern is the right colour, image (1)But if i select Scripted Patterns Image (2) it always comes out with random colours.
I was browsing some templates the other day, and really liked the effect presented in this design. How do you develop this dotted type of overlay/pattern in Photoshop-?
I'd like to apply a pattern above a color fill, at the moment I apply the color fill, then I convert it to a smart object and apply the pattern, this because if I apply pattern and color fill, the color fill goes above the pattern covering it.
There is a way for skip this procedure and apply the pattern above without smart objects?
i'm using PS CS and I want to fill a selection with a pattern but i'd like to simulate a light source.. so i'd like the pattern to fill with a varying density -- like stippling..or cross-hatching. i'm doing a 2-color (black and white only) t-shirt design so i can't have any gradations of colour. this may be a loaded question.. so i'm just hoping to get pointed in the right direction. if u need me to be more specific let me know.
Would illustrator be better suited for this task because i also have access to ai cs. even if not.. can someone recommend a good illustrator forum that is comparable to this mb? and maybe for Flash too.
I'm trying to remove a fill pattern I added to an image but I've since saved and closed the original so I can't simply undo it. I'll attach a copy of the image but in short it is a simple polygonal map of the world, I filled the continents in with a simple checkered pattern and would like to remove it so they are all blank.
Is there a way to adjust the color of a pattern fill without changing the actual pattern?
Sometimes I do this by overlaying another solid color fill on top of the pattern fill, and use multiply or other blend modes. This works except when the pattern contains empty/transparent areas: in this case the solid color would pass through and affect the object below the pattern, which is unwanted.
So basically, is there a way to isolate the color change to a single object? I've tried with "Isolate Blending" and "Knockout Group" with no success...
Is there a way that the background fill of a pattern can fill the whole pattern so that there aren't gaps like the above picture? So that it woudn't matter if you expanded the border there would always be a solid fill background?
I am creating wall sections and I want to change the fill pattern from drafting to model so I can minipulate the pattern. I selected a multitude of elements to change from rigid insulation to CMU and all were the same in the fact none could be changed into model pattern. Heres what I did; I slected an element, then went to the Paint Tool selected Surface Patterns, then Pattern, then Fill Patterns but it wont let me choose model.
I am trying to make a hatch pattern in Illustrator CS6 with the pattern tool so I can apply a clean, single lined hatch to various shapes (some small some big - but the hatch needs to remain at the same seamless scale). I understand that there is a Basic Graphics_Lines Pattern under the Swatches Palette, but I don't understand how to edit it with the Pattern Options dialogue box.
I must be missing something, because I wouldn't think making a single line at 45° repeat at the same spacing for a shape fill would be that difficult. I shouldn't have to make a line with the pan tool at a stroke of 1000 with a 0.1-3 dash and make a clipping mask should I?
Basically I don't know how to make a pattern's lines match up when I do the 5x5 or 3x3. I tried doing 1x1 and the result is that of the image with the red stroke...still not aligning. Do I need to get mathematical with the size of the line I'm drawing and its stroke to allow H and V Spacing to work?