CorelDRAW X6 :: Nudge In Pixel Mode Inconsistent?

Mar 6, 2013

I'm aware that when using "pixel mode" at a certain zoom level Draw Ignores your settings for "nudge" and does it's own thing.   (I think it's when the pixel grid appears and in my case this is at 800%)  However, I've found a "feature" which seems like a mistake.

In large zooms in pixel mode objects move 0.5 pixels with the arrow keys, however when using the node edit tool your setting applies.

Personally I'd prefer Draw to always use the settings that you specify but I was told that the change of setting at large zoom levels was intentional - if this is true why do my nodes move differently to objects?  This inconsistency can't be "intended"?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: What Resolution Is On Screen In Pixel Mode

Sep 11, 2013

what the resolution is on the screen in Pixels mode?  Where Corel finds the value of resolution?

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Photoshop :: Why Does Image Or Type Nudge Extra Pixel (or Two) When Release Mouse

Feb 23, 2012

After I move an image or line of type to where I want it on a Photoshop CS5.1 layer, it moves an extra pixel. It is incredibly annoying and want it to stop before I start screaming. I've turned off all "Snap" and "Snap To" menu items.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Adjusting Nudge Value?

Nov 27, 2011

how to set the nudge value and keep it set so everytime I open the program I don't have to reset it everytime.

"If it wasn't for the last minute, it wouldn't get done"

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Way To Change Default Nudge Settings?

Dec 9, 2013

I like to use .001 for nudge and 20 for super nudge, so every time I open a new file I need to change it from the default settings of .1 and 2. I've always wondered if I could set my own defaults and it occurred to me to ask on the forum. I can't find it anywhere on the options menu..

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Assign Shortcut To Super Nudge?

Apr 4, 2012

I want to change the shortcut for super nudge from shift + arrow to ctrl + shift + arrow. I can't find super nudge or micro nudge in the keyboard shortcuts list. I tried checking "navigate to conflict on assign" but that doesn't seem to work very well in general and fails completely with super and micro nudge.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: What Is Nudge Offset And Duplicate Distance

Jun 11, 2011

I wonder what we can do with nudge offset and duplicate distance controls as indicated with a  in the photo attached below.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Getting RGB / CMYK Color Values Of A Bitmap Pixel By Pixel?

Feb 19, 2012

Via VBA macro, some way of getting RGB/CMYK color values of a bitmap pixel by pixel?

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Paint.NET :: Pick Same Color In Pixel Mode

Apr 2, 2013

I making a bling picture on a web site. Im seeing my pic on paint in pixel mode. What i want to do is see all like colors so i can pic them to put in my web bling. That way i dont have to pic one color at a time to transfer. Does this make sense?

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Illustrator :: Strange Lines In Pixel-preview Mode

Oct 6, 2012

When I'm drawing something with two windows (one is usual other in pixel preview) I have some strange white lines in pixel preview window. URL....

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Illustrator :: Symbol Isolation Mode - Pixel Grid Is Not Aligned To Ruler

Feb 11, 2014

If you create a symbol that is pixel perfect, exit out of the symbol and go back in, the pixels bleed into each other because the pixel grid is not aligned correctly. Instead it is aligned to the global document grid which the symbol content is not placed in. It makes no sense to align the pixel grid to the global coordinates when the content by definition is not present in it.
This makes it impossible to use symbols to edit pixel perfect objects because any editing other than the original creation does not display pixels but pixel bleeds.
This is a valid bug in Illustrator CS6. Please specify:
1. Do you understand what I am specifying? If you do not I will provide images as I wish to resolve this functionality.
2. Specify if it has been fixed in Illustrator CC. I do not have an available Win7 installation to test CC but if it is I will acquire one.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Marquee Select Over Pixel Image?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a pixel image and then a number of objects (lines) drawn on top of the image.  I can't seem to marquee select those objects.  Whenever I try dragging the select tool (with or without Shift) it grabs the pixel image and moves it.  I can marquee select everything including the image but not selected objects that are positioned over the image.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Selection / Mask - 1 Pixel More

May 27, 2013

I have a question about selections in PP.

Why when I make a path for example and make a selection from it every time the selection is 1 pixel wider then the path. I'm used to it with Photoshop  and it's very precise even you use the lasso tool and paths. But here I can't understand the logic in that 1 pixel more. Every time I make a selection I have to reduce the size of the selection with 1 pixel and that is very uncomfortable.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Pixel Printing Transparency And Drop Shadow

Dec 3, 2013

I'm exporting files as .eps to print them with my roland printer using versaworks.

The problem is when i'm exporting files from my desk computer, (CorelDraw X6) and then I print it I have this problem. my bitmap components in the file are printed with many more pixel than before. and I don't know why.

Maybe since I updated my X6 version? It does that with files that contain drop shadow effects or transparency.

The thing is when i'm exporting the same file with my Laptop, using Coreldraw X5 and I then print it, I  don't have this problem. So the printer's software is not the problem. I double cheked all my .eps exporting settings and they are the same in both computer.

You can see on these pictures what's right and what's wrong.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Dimension Tools - Pixel Units Missing?

Mar 11, 2011

I don't know if this has been reported but I found out today when working on a web design (hence working in the new unit - pixels) that you can't actually use the Dimension tools for measuring pixels. That's a pity because often you need to work with exact pixel dimensions when making websites and here the Dimension tools could come in very handy. It seems counting pixels by hand is a bit old-fashioned. Of course you can use calculations, but still...

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Extra White Pixel Still There When Anti-aliasing Selected

Mar 9, 2010

ALL users of Draw who use it for web-design. If this is intended to be this way and understanding that it's a pain for most users why not just offer the option of having it cropped automatically in the export dialogue?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Use Pixel Unit For Font Instead Of Point

Jul 16, 2013

How to use Pixel unit for Font instead of Point?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Coordinates Not Accurate When Using Pixel Units?

Nov 5, 2012

When using "pixel units" the position and sizes are reported rounded to the nearest pixel.

The two squares below are both reported as 2 pixels square.  One is actually 1.5 pixels square:

can the pixel coordinates and sizes not be rounded?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: One Grey Pixel Border Line Exporting Images

Aug 30, 2010

The problem is almost prehistoric. It dates from the very beginning as far I can tell... whatever image you like to export and whatever its format: png, gif, jpg, there is always one grey pixel border line at the edges. This happens when AA is activated (and deactivate it is not an option if you know what I mean).

I have been reading some threads and no matter what I do: Exporting with or without the background or changing its color... it's always happening.

 I Have now installed the trial version of Corel Draw X5 (sp1 included) as I do with every release in order to check out if the problem persist... but no luck for me: nobody seems to be taking care of this issue. I really don't know why Corel is bumping off some many (potentially) buyers like me and many others... why Corel is keeping this issue unresolved year after year, release after release? 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Bulk Edit Photos By Pixel Size?

Apr 27, 2013

Is there a way to bulk edit photos by pixel size? I'm going through an eBay nightmare where the minimum pixel size on the longest side will need to be 500. I have thousands of images. First: will corel 12 sort images by pixel dimensions? or is there a program somewhere that will? Second: can I then take the smaller images and bulk resample them to 500 pixels on the longest side?

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Photoshop :: Nudge

Feb 15, 2006

way to change the number of pixels that you can move when you are nudging an object. The Help just says you can use arrow keys to nudge one pixel and the arrow key and the Shift key to nudge it 10 pixels.

I would like to be able to adjust it to less than one pixel is it possible.

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Photoshop Elements :: Crop Picture Pixel Dimensions Become 6 Bytes Width And Height 1 Pixel Each

Apr 11, 2013

When I crop a picture Pixel Demensions become 6 bytes Width and Height 1 pixel each. I can no longer see the picture.  How can I fix this?

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GIMP :: How To Make Clean Image Without Deleting Pixel By Pixel

Mar 13, 2011

I managed to remove the background, of an image,(A whit background) and put the image on top of a transparent layer. made a transparent image. When I place this image over a light color background, it looks fine, but when I place it over a dark color background, the edge of the image looks very rough and dirty, I think it's because some of the anti alias from the original image, how can I make it a clean image without going to delete pixel by pixel?

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GIMP :: How Channel Mix Works Exactly For Transforming Pixel By Pixel In Java

Jul 26, 2012

We are developing an application using functionality of Gimp´s channel mixer with java.

Our problem is that we don’t Know how channel mix works exactly for transforming pixel by pixel in Java.

For example,

We have an image an do on it the next mix:

Output Channel = Red

For simulate that, we transform all pixels with Red Component *2 and 255 (maximum) if is greater.

Our problem is:

Output Channel = Red

How can I simulate that?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Moving Objects By Pixel Increments Using Arrow Keys

Sep 27, 2011

How can set that an object only moves per 1 pixel increments when moving using the arrows keys?I am designing a few web banners right now and when i move objects with the arrow keys to have them placed exactly, they jump with more then 60 pixels in one go making this exercise a bit useless.

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Photoshop :: Can You Nudge A Guide?

Apr 2, 2007

Is there a way to nudge a guide?

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Photoshop :: Nudge Not Working

Dec 13, 2008

I have moved my layers around all the time with my arrow keyes... you know, a nudge. Today, Photoshop says that I can't nudge... it says "Could not nudge the selection because the pixels in a type layer cannot be modified without first rasterizing the layer."

I've never had to rasterize it before... is there a setting I accidentally hit?

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Photoshop :: How Do You Nudge Rotate A Pic?

Apr 9, 2008

It's hard making very tiny adjustments to the rotation of a pic using a mouse and if I have to zoom in, I can not see the whole pic in order to rotate it to. Is there a way, so that once it is in free transform or when you grab the corners to rotate it, that it goes in smaller increments or how do you nudge rotate it.

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Illustrator :: Move / Nudge 0.5px In CS6?

Nov 25, 2012

Level:  Newbie'ish  OS: Win7  Illy:Cs6
I would like to be able to move an object over just a tad which I believe would be a half of a pixel.
How I could go about doing so or is it not possible?

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Photoshop :: Scaling Two Objects To Match Exactly Pixel To Pixel

Apr 22, 2013

I have two art objects on two layers. I want to match to the pixel the two objects that otherwise could be exactly the same but one layered object was imported slightly smaller.

The scale tool has good scale handling, I just want to measure the tool spots to the pixel to gain an exact scale size factor and match sizes.

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Photoshop :: Changing Somthing's Color Pixel By Pixel

May 12, 2007

It blows my mind that somthing this simple isnt all that simple. I used the eyedropper tool to slect a color from another photo, then used the brush while fully magnified to change the color of each pixel.

It was coming out a weird greyish color, and I noticed that if I clicked more than once, it got darker, but so did the pixels directly around the one i was editing. So, i copied both pictures, loaded them into paint, and went to town.

It worked, but then when i copied it back into photoshop, it had a black background (there was no background in the original pictures) around the sprite I was editing. I tried to use the magic wand tool to get rid of it, but it took parts of the sprite with it, so...

Is there any way that I can edit the color of a single pixel (or hell, even a group of pixels if they share the same exact color would be nice...preferred, even) accurately? If not, what program could I use that would keep the transparent background?

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