CorelDRAW X3 :: Way To Change Default Nudge Settings?
Dec 9, 2013
I like to use .001 for nudge and 20 for super nudge, so every time I open a new file I need to change it from the default settings of .1 and 2. I've always wondered if I could set my own defaults and it occurred to me to ask on the forum. I can't find it anywhere on the options menu..
I am exporting graphics to TIF format and it needs to be exact same as in document, RGB code. I found out that if I uncheck the "Embed Color profile" it exports correctly with exact color codes as in Corel. However, sometimes I have found out that I have forgotten to uncheck that little box..
So I would prefer to have it unchecked by default. How would I do it?
I opened filters.ini and found the TIFF section, but I don't really understand anything there.
I was wondering how can we change the default setting of PS.
If you go to "Blending Options" in PS and click on "Outer Glow/Inner Glow/Drop Shadow/....etc" You will see that these options have already some colors as default, means Drop shadow has black color as default and inner glow and outer glow has yellow as default.
I wanted to change these default colors to something else. Like I want to change the YELLOW color of outer and inner glow to WHITE color. Is it possible?
When I open Gimp, I want all selection tools to have antialiasing turned off, all thresholds set to 0, default brush set to 1 pixel, and erase tool set to hard erase.
How can I achieve this? (I use gimp for pixel drawings.)
I have been using for quite awhile now and like it very much. There is one thing I would like to see, it would make using easier. Right now the default setting for saving is PNG. Unfortunately I do not use PNG, the universal setting for just about anything is JPEG. Is there a way to change the default setting from PNG to JPEG? I downloaded and installed the latest versio, 3.5.10 but it made no differense. I have been unable to find anything about this in the drop down menus.
I am trying to change some default layer settings. I go to: Toolspace -> Settings tab -> Right click the drawing name -> Edit drawing settings -> Object layers tab. There I can set the default layers that objects are created on. I want to set "General Note Label" and "General Segment Label" to be created on what ever layer is current.
Every time I open Xara I have to change the default settings under "Utilities", "Options", "Units" from inches to pixels. There are other default settings I'd like to change as well, but my question is how do I change those settings to default so that when I open Xara, I don't have to go reset them? This is a PITA! I have searched through the help files and don't see any info on changing the standard default settings!
For some reason regardless of what I save or the fact that I've saved the template files, everytime I open a new file it automatically adds shadows and applies perspective view. This is extremely annoying. How do I alter the default settings to be ortho with no shadows?
X3 - I use X4 at work with no problems but at home I have X3. I set my workspace the way I want it and all my presets the way I want. I hit tools/save stings as default. I then save my workspace as todays date. Close corel and reopen. It starts with the defaults every time! I have to manually choose my workspace and even after doing so my settings have reverted back to default i.e. text to be point not inches like I chose etc.
I use CorelDRAW X4 exclusively (90%) for Laser work. I have a Page saved as Laser Page. It use to open with a 24 x 12 page area and Horizontal and vertical guidelines in place. It is set to "show guidelines."
However, every time I open a new document, the page layout and guidelines are not there. I always have to rebuild the page and add the guidelines. What has changed so that all I get is a blank page anymore? Or how to reestablish my defaults? I have re-saved it as my new default countless times but nothing sticks. It's a pain to have to always reestablish the layout I want to work with..
I have just purchased Corel draw x5 and need to change the colour management default settings but when i go to tools, colour management, i only have document settings! I have done this with new pages, old pages, images on pages etc and no luck.
I can't see how to set my basic default settings that I have always used for:- artistc text: color, size, etc.- paragraph text: line spacing, etc.- graphic: color, outline, etc.
I even click "text properties" and nothing happens.
Experiencing problems with the dimension tool since upgrading to Corel Draw X6 at this end, which hasn't been resolved with the updates.
I work in mm. The system doesn't remember the default settings if I change my preferences for it to measure in mm via the customisation window or the toolbox as it used to in previous versions. When I open the program again or start a new document, the measurement default keeps changing back to ["] (inches). Sometimes, it will jump back to inches after I change the default to mm when I'm working on the same document.
Same problem seems to be happening with the other units of measure available as well.
Current workaround - the only time it seems to remember my settings is if I change the default to mm and then save a document.
I can fwd a video screen capture which shows the problem if that would work.
I want to change the shortcut for super nudge from shift + arrow to ctrl + shift + arrow. I can't find super nudge or micro nudge in the keyboard shortcuts list. I tried checking "navigate to conflict on assign" but that doesn't seem to work very well in general and fails completely with super and micro nudge.
I'm aware that when using "pixel mode" at a certain zoom level Draw Ignores your settings for "nudge" and does it's own thing. (I think it's when the pixel grid appears and in my case this is at 800%) However, I've found a "feature" which seems like a mistake.
In large zooms in pixel mode objects move 0.5 pixels with the arrow keys, however when using the node edit tool your setting applies.
Personally I'd prefer Draw to always use the settings that you specify but I was told that the change of setting at large zoom levels was intentional - if this is true why do my nodes move differently to objects? This inconsistency can't be "intended"?
Ok so I have x3 and recently installed the trial for x5, since the trial ran out i removed it and carried on as before, this however has left a few things buggy, the first was file assocation which was easier to fix, the other biggie is that I seem unable to edit any bitmaps using the usual method. How do I re-enable the bitmap editing? and if i have the choice I'd rather it opened photoshop to edit the file opposed to corel paint if this is at all possible?
How can I change the default text size? I can set the size to 12 pt in three different places and choose "save settings as default", and when I place the text cursor on the page, it goes back to 24 pt. Very maddening...
where the preferences are saved for items like in the postscript tab. Automatically increase Flatness
Auto increase Fountain fill steps. Optimize Fountain Fills
Confirm to DSC
As far as I can see the default behavior for these should be ON, it used to be this could be saved as the Defaults until after version 9, now they turn off. However is there any reason to ever have them off? I think not but just in case there is I will allow as to leave them there for people to turn off.
Yes I am aware I can save those settings as Print styles and have in fact got 2, one with crop marks enabled and because crop marks are 100 % CMYK unless greyscale is chosen I have one with no cropmarks so Xerox doesn't charge me color clicks on mixed black and color prints. Of course one has only to forget to use one of these 2 preferences to have all the problems associated with not having those items checked such as dropped out complex items.
While I am at it another default should be NOT to treat all objects as filled - the first thing needed to be changed during a install. I can however live with it as is as it is not a item that needs to be changed with every job.
As I see it the most common reason for Adobe users to complain about Coreldraw is the problems that come by not having Auto Increase Flatness as a default postscript behavior and their not knowing to turn it on.
And while I am at it an addition for creating PDF's would be the option of creating as a Bitmap, this being the preferred proofing method so providing a proof doesn't provide the artwork to the client, it could also be a useful method of supplying Web artwork.