CorelDRAW X5 :: Output B&W Art For Offset - Enhanced Mode

Aug 19, 2011

I'm trying to output B&W art for offset and can't get a .tif, .pdf, or .eps to look as good as the Draw version. Even ran the .tif up to 2400 resolution, making for a 160+MB file; not bad, but still rough by comparison.

Then I turned View/Enhanced to View/Normal: they look the same now. Is Draw, when View is set to Enhanced, smoothing out my artwork in a way that can never be reproduced in real life? Would explain why my printer is always letting me down.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Export Enhanced View?

Aug 4, 2012

i have a file i traced (into vector format) from an image and all looks great in enhanced view but it looks bad in normal view how do i save or export the enhanced image instead of the normal image?

im trying to export to my cutstudio program, when i export to cut studio with the plugin it shows the normal view version not the enhanced view

also is there a plugin or some way i can export to/from paint shop pro (like there is for cut studio)

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CorelDRAW X5 :: View Graphic In Wire Frame And Enhanced

Mar 6, 2012

Is there any way to view a graphic in (let's say) wire frame and enhanced - in different windows or monitors ?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Enhanced Open Type Fonts?

Mar 23, 2012

What's the easiest way to determine if an Open Type font is enhanced with ligatures, optional caps, etc? I have not found any means other than to open each one individually and try to implement the features.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Off White Page Colour In Enhanced View

Nov 17, 2013

When I am in Enhanced view mode Coreldraw turns all whites into a pale yellow color. I can not figure out how to reset it to pure white. It's double strange that it I zoom in quite close to an object it reverts back to white until I zoom out again! It only occurs in enhanced view not the other modes.

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VideoStudio :: How About 30fps 1080p Output Mode Besides MP4

Nov 15, 2010

When outputting as an MP4 file, the result is SO ugly, it almost completely destroys any fine detail in the image, and the sound is total garbage (it sounds like a 22k 64kbps mp3, just utter crap), so MP4 is just not an option for me.

Unfortunately, as it has been brought to my attention, Corel doesn't seem to truly support 60fps, even though most new cameras film in 60fps--so when I use the modes that are supposed to be for 60fps, it flipflops back and forth between 30fps and 60fps. I just want an output that's consistent, not this flipflopping garbage. There's ONE mode I can use, AVCHD, that gives me a consistent framerate AS LONG AS I don't put any titles up, and as long as none of the source material is of a resolution different from the main--otherwise it will look like a glitched mess.

Since they've crippled being able to adjust the project properties outside anything DVD quality, I can't really adjust anything.

Is there an output mode that will give me a consistent 30fps that supports 1080p?

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GIMP :: Display Output In Batch Mode

Sep 22, 2012

Where the output of (display ...) in a script goes when running in batch mode?

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Illustrator :: How To Change Mode Settings In Output From Composite To Separations

Jul 15, 2013

How do I change the mode settings in output from composite to separations?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: What Is Nudge Offset And Duplicate Distance

Jun 11, 2011

I wonder what we can do with nudge offset and duplicate distance controls as indicated with a  in the photo attached below.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Pattern Fill - Row Or Column Offset

Aug 19, 2011

I'm working up a new logo and discovering that I like the old styles best (makes sense, being so ancient myself). Here's a two-color pattern applied to lettering, with the Advanced options box open next to it:

I've highlighted the "Row or column offset." Try to change one without the other--won't do it. They change in tandem: change one and the other matches it. Why call it row or column when it's row and column? For that matter, why the radio buttons?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Duplicate Offset

Jun 12, 2011

I want all new documents to have a duplicate offset of 0,0 (so they appear right over top of the original). I can do this in a document... via Tools, options (or customization), document, general

set the x and y of the offset to 0

BUT, click on the "Document" tree branch and there are checkboxes to save the options for new files.

I enable "Save options as defaults..."

and click the "General options"

... and this should include the offset amounts...

click okay...

Then open a new document, draw a squiggle, hit Ctrl-D, but the offset is still .25 x .25.

I've tried clicking the Tools, "Save settings as Default" but that doesn't work either. I've also tried saving the workspace, but that doesn't work.

This feels like a bug, because both the save settings for a new file AND the tools, save settings as default should have saved these document settings (? right?)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Offset Lisp Routine To Offset Selected Line?

Jun 7, 2013

I need an offset lisp routine to offset a selected line a set distance on each side of the selected line and change the layer of the offset lines to the current layer, and then keep prompting me to select the next line for offsetting until I'm finished.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Collect For Output Not Collecting Everything?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a file with multiple externally-linked bitmaps. When I chose "Collect for Output" and check "Automatically gather all files associated with this document", it is not including those bitmaps. I had no problems with X3 or X4 with the same sorts of files.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Crop Marks For Output To PDF

Jun 13, 2012

I have never had to add crop marks to a file for printing. I output to a PDF at full bleed and it gets cut. Period.

Now, on a new project, it has to have the crop marks. Problem is, When I add those, I get marks like the black lines shown in each corner here. Obviously, this is NOT the cut line. The cutline should be more like the ones I have added after the fact in green. 

How do I make the marks show up further in to the document (like th green lines) versus showing up at the full bleed's edge?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Print Output Not Correct?

Mar 7, 2011

I was using CarelDraw 12 and had an output problen when I purchased a new printer (HP Laserjet 1525)  The page is set for portrait, 8 1/2 x 11, as it always has been, the printer prints the top half OK, but shoves the bottom half of the document up so that the final copy printed is 8 1/2 x 8 1/2?  I have downloaded a trial version of X5 and it does the same thing so I am assuming it is a printer/driver issue?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Can't Eliminate Moire On PDF Output

Mar 18, 2013

I have produced some artwork for my the printers in X5 Corel.

The artwork includes two fills using radial fill with two grey colours from the Corel CMYK metalic palette to produce a simulation of a metal finish.

If I output as JPG the moirè is eliminated but as a PDF, even with complex fills going to BITmaps I end-up with the moirè.

This is the output as a JPEG:

and this is the PDF:

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Offset Contour Too Large?

Feb 10, 2011

I haven't experienced my contour offset 'jumping' in too large increments.....BUT

my contour offset tool is not working like it used to.

Only rarely would I receive the message 'contour offset too large' when offsetting a bezier curve .025"

Whenever this would happen I would then reduce my nodes or convert them to cusp or smooth. This would almost always fix the 'countour offset too large' problem.

I've reset Coreldraw to factory default but still have this problem with certain lines.

All of my software is up to date.

CorelDraw X5

27" iMac, Bootcamp, Windows 7

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Contour Offset Too Large Error Message

Jul 28, 2012

In working with slightly more complex curve shapes in CorelDraw X5, I'm discovering when using the contour option it results in an error ("Contour Offset too large"). This was not experienced in CorelDraw 9 at all. I'm experiencing this error with inside or outside contours, steps at 1, offset at 0.1. Reducing nodes eventually will allow the contour to be successful. However, it takes an extreme reduction of nodes which distorts the shape a lot.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Create Hairline Object Offset From Shape?

Mar 26, 2012

I am looking for a way to create a single hairline object displaced outside, so many millimeters from another object.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Duplicate Offset Preset In Home And Student?

Feb 28, 2013

Under the Tools~option box there is no field to set the duplicate offset distance as stated in the help. Where can I set this.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Station-offset Label Style That Will Drop Trailing Zeros In Offset?

May 14, 2012

I am trying to create a station-offset label style that will drop the trailing zeros in the offset section - e.g. 15' instead of 15.00', but if the offset is not at a whole number, e.g. 15.01, etc.  it will display the entire offset.

I created two expressions:  IF(OFFSET-TRUNC(OFFSET)=0,.1/12,.00000001/12)

and this one:  IF(OFFSET-TRUNC(OFFSET)!=0,.1/12,.00000001/12)

I then created two offset components, one called truncated, and one called full, and assigned the heights to match the expressions. 

I have attached the file, the style is ACHD-Sta Off-Rt [copy]

C3D 2011, Win x64

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Maya Animation :: Audio Offset Will Not Scrub At Offset Frame

Apr 9, 2013

I am using MAYA 2012 on Windows 7. When I import audio (.WAV) it works fine, but if I offset it to a later frame the waveform moves to the right frame but when scrubbing the audio stays at 0. Making if very difficult to lip-sync. I have tried re-caching, playing the scene all the way through and all other options I have seen online.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: How To Make PDF For Offset Plate From CDR File

Oct 2, 2013

I have Corel Draw X6 which creates .cdr files.

From those files I want to create a pdf files from which offset plates will be made.

How can I do this? Is there a tutorial or something? What is the common practice?

For now I only found this: [URL] .......

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Does Not Output Excel Data Correctly

Jun 16, 2013

Microsoft OLE doesn't seem to work flawlessly in CorelDRAW:

Create a new CorelDRAW file

Select menu item "Edit > Insert New Object ..."

Select "Microsoft Excel Worksheet" from the dialog box. This creates an Excel Worksheet within the CorelDRAW file.

Edit the Excel Worksheet to contain some text in the Worksheet's cells.

Alter the font for some of the cells.

Select menu item "File > Publish to PDF ..."

You will notice that in the PDF file the text is all rubbish:

I have added a CorelDRAW X6 file to this post. Unfortunately this forum doesn't allow for file attachments being bigger than 256k. So I had to upload the CorelDRAW file as an "image" by renaming its file extension. ... Please right-click on above image to download the CorelDRAW file and delete the ".png" file extension from the name in order to download the CorelDRAW file correctly. The correct file name should be "CorelExcelImport.cdr" on your hard disk.

CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4  @  Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012

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CorelDRAW X4 :: DWG And DXF File Version - Read And Output

Jan 27, 2008

what version on dxf/ dwg does X4 read and output? I have ver 12 and am thinking about upgrading to latest, but still working through the changes.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: (Out Of Memory) While Collect For Output?

Jan 28, 2013

I get the "Out of Memory" error when I'm trying to collect for output, tired re installing  but the same erorr continues

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Spot Colour Naming Broken In X6.3 Output?

Jun 13, 2013

It looks as if custom spot colours created in X6.3 are not being correctly named in exported EPS or when pubishing to PDF.


I create a new, blank palette in My Palettes. I add a colour named with a screen colour of C=10 M=20 Y=30 K=40 and save it. I cannot name it at this stage (typing anything in the name box changes the CMYK value) so I leave it blank for the moment I mark it to be treated as a spot colour and change the name to NondescriptBrown

Next I create a document with one object, and I assign 100% NondescriptBrown outline to it. Good so far -- it shows correctly as 100% NondescriptBrown on the status line.

Export to EPS without a preview image -- making sure convert spot colours is off.

Open the EPS file in a text editor and look at the line: %%DocumentCustomColors: (C10 M20 Y30 K40)

That's right, the export has named the colour C10 M20 Y30 Y40 and searching confirms that the correct name NondescriptBrown does not appear anywhere in the EPS.

Looking at the palette's XML file I see:

So, it seems that X6.3 should be looking up the proper name in colors>page> and using that for the export, but is instead exporting with the internal colorspaces> which is a purely arbitrary name that is not for external use.

I can fix the problem by manually editing the XML file by changing colorspaces> and both to NondescriptBrown, so that the internal name is already the same as the correct export name, but clearly that should not be necessary -- and if CorelDraw can display the correct name on screen in the status line, it ought to be able to export it correctly too.

Exactly the same applies when publishing to PDF, but is harder to prove, because its compression renders the file unreadable in a text editor.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Getting Multichannel CMYK Output?

Jan 22, 2013

I was given a CMYK TIF file that has two added spot color channels. CMYK channels are empty. Bringin this into Draw X6 64 bit shows nothing but a white box and when attempting to print separations the print dialog says "nothing selected to print." So I opened the file in Photoshop, deleted the CMY&K channels, saved it as a PSD and  imported to Draw which labels it as a Bitmap (Multichannel DeviceN). The two spot colors appear in the document color palette and it displays and appears to separate properly in the print preview.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Collect For Output - Collects Only For Current Page?

Jun 2, 2013

When this bug is going to be repaired? 

CorelDRAW X6

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Flash File Output

Oct 8, 2012

I am using Coreldraw X5 (Version I have a piece of document that I would want to convert to flash and put into the website.

Can't I make it to display but cannot print and cannot be altered? How come flash can print now?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Printer Output Does Not Follow Outline Pen Changes

May 28, 2011

I have noticed that when i make changes to line widths in a drawing using the outline pen, the printed output does not change until i make at least a change of .005".  changing it by less than this only changes it on the display. 

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