AutoCad :: How To Change From 3D Modeling Workspace To Standard 2D Drawing Workspace
May 1, 2011
I am trying to go from the 3D Modeling workspace to the 2D workspace without the XYZ coordinate gizmo on the drawing screen (just want to see the XY ucs) to work in 2D format.
I just downloaded 2013 Autocad for MAC and I can't manage to see my drawing toolbars and also don't know where to find workspace settings to change my workspace to autocad classic.
is there a way to have the profile be on 2d drafting already as yoju open a new file or should you always open a new file and then change the profile from architecture to 2d drafting?
Curious as to how to load the 3D Modeling workspace so that I can access the editing features and whatnot without having to type in the commands. I have seen a few different questions dealing with this issue, they pretty much said to into the "custom user interface", click on the transer tab and then path to the support folder where you would load the "acad.cuix" file and drag the 3D Modeling Workspace over to the left hand side. The issue I'm having is that when I path to the folder with all the different ".cuix" files there isn't a plain "acad.cuix" file to be found and none of the other options offer any sort of 3D Modeling Workspace?
I am new to 3D modeling after getting quite skilled in the 2D area.
Problem: I cannot seem to access the 3D modeling workspace switch down in the bottom right of the screen, it just comes up with the active 'Architecture' with no other options. In some Tutorial videos I have seen an option to select '3D modeling' but this is not the case for me. I have also tried using the quick access toolbar to customize and add a 'Workspace 3D Modeling' button but this has not worked either. What I want to do is the change the ribbon thus tabs to the the 3D Modeling mode so I can go from there. (Using 2011 version.)
i do not show 3d modeling as a workspace setting option. only architecture. i was able to right click and 'solid', etc will show up on the pull downs now. but does is matter not to have the 3d modelling workspace?
I modeled a manipulator arm (much like a human arm, or for those who are industrailly sound, like KUKA KR5), and I intend to draw its workspace.
The easiest way to do this is if I go back from the end effector joint(that is my wrist), create a rotation about my wrist rotation axis and create a curve, take this curve and sweep it about my elbow rotation axis to create an area, take this area and rotate about my shoulder axis to create a volume and take this volume and rotate it about my torso axis to create another volume.
So my question is, is there any way I could do such a thing in Autodesk inventor?
Am I able to change the workspace from 2D Drafting and Annotation to Autocad Classic? When I open the workspace dialogue box, AutoCAD Architecture is the only option. With AutoCAD 2010, the workspace dialogue box gave me three options: 2D Drafting and Annotation, 3D Modeling and AutoCAD Classic.
How do I get Autocad Classic as a workspace option?
When I first install My autocad Map 3D 2012 my workspace name are Planning and Analysis, 2D Drafting Workspace or Map Classic Workspace after I select reset button in option->Profiles tab My Workspace names are Drafting & Annotation, 3D Basic, 3d Modeling or AutoCAD classic. How do I get my profile to reset back Autocad Map 3d 2012?
my workspace color turned blue somehow (and it's bright!) and i don't know how to turn it back to default gray. does anyone know how to do this? the only preference reset i can find is for the toolbar locations.
I'm currently using Photoshop CS5 on a Mac . I frequent between two workspace and want to assign different sets of actions to them. So my photography editing is done in one workspace and I'm using lot's of actions for that. When I switch to my scrap booking workspace I want to change the actions palette accordingly.
Im probably a bit anal and like my action palette a certain way and would like my actions to stay in a certain order. When PS freezes and I need to force quit it the order of actions is different again. I seem to recall that it is possible to save the content and order of the palette but cannot find it anywhere on the web anymore. I am saving my actions from PS to a folder organized by name but now I have to keep adding them by hand.
I open PDFs in Illustrator that were created in Autodesk Inventor. The default of Myriad Pro is applied and I would like to change that. I have made a new document profile and a new workspace, but the profile is only good for a new document. The workspace does not change the default type. I could save lots of time if I could change this behavior! I am working in CS6 on a 64-bit Windows machine.
Perhaps it is only a question of getting Illustrator to recognize Arial?
The grey text on black background is fine on my home computer but my little laptop screen, especially travelling with some sun glare on it, is very hard to read. I had hoped to do lots of editing while travelling but have eye strain instead. Can the panel background color and text color be changed to something with more contrast or does Lightroom have other "skins"?
I can change page backgrounds to a darker color. the background of the whole workspace is really bright white, is there any way I can change the entire background to a darker color like neutral the Photoshop background workspace?
I am trying to have one drawing with B size and E size sheets I am trying to get the border, title block and standard to change when the sheet format changes. I can get it to work when I run the rule but have hard time find information to just change when sheet format changes. And I can't find anything or I should say a sample of how to. I think I found the code just don't know how to make it work. Here is what I have so far.
I just wanted to know is there any way, not to allow user to change, workspace or save workspace in another name.
we have 2 shifts of drafters in our company who work with one machine. Shift 2 always complain about user on shift one change panel and ribbons . we have a standard icon and panel , But you know some users have their own way which thinks is the best and always keep changing UI.
So I need to know is there anyway to lock acad.cuix or lock workspace.
Another problem i'm afraid!!! We had a problem with a drawing which came from an outside source, and some how set up the workspace of my colleague into inches instead of mm?! we managed to sort that (how - just randomly clicking!) but now they can only select one item at a time? they can select by dragging over the items but cannot individually select item by item
I have Cad 2013 and don't know how to set up the ribbon style workspace. Ihad set it up a while ago in 2011 and labeled my workspace as KPRIBBON. This workspaceis selected, but the classic CAD Is still the view now in 2013.
After I figured out how to delete a project (why not just have a delete button in the Project Dialog box) that I didn't want created in the first place (apparently some missed option in the pack&go process) I now cannot delete the incredibly convoluted wokspace folder structure it created.
I deleted the project shortcut as was posted somewhere else and it no longer shows up in the Project dialog box. However, the workspace it created cannot be deleted. I had even removed the workspace from the project before I got rid of it.
I simply get a windows error that it cannot delete the folder(s). I am an admin of this entire folder structure and everything beneath it.
I have opened and closed inventor making sure the project is still not in existence. I have verified the workspace is not listed under any other project. No other user has been to this folder or opened any files even closely related to my work.