I can change page backgrounds to a darker color. the background of the whole workspace is really bright white, is there any way I can change the entire background to a darker color like neutral gray...like the Photoshop background workspace?
Back in x3 and earlier versions, bottom of workspace, you had a option for Object Details and Object Information it would display the font used & Size used if you made a rectangle it would give it's sizes h & w
How do I get this set back up in x5, running win7 64 bit.
I just reinstalled CorelDraw 12 on my new computer, but I can't open it. I get the following error message: "Valid workspace file not found at the path specified. XML document must have a top level element."
After two years of no problems invoking Draw or Photo, I received this message today when I tried to start both Draw and Photo... I downloaded and ran the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 (and CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5) Service Pack 3 but it failed because it couldn't find my X5 suite installed on my computer.
Transitioning to CD X6 while try to get work done is a chore. I just loaded the real CD X6 box version. It deleted the downloaded test version. But now I made a new poster and I am using Ctrl-E to export it and there is no Export Dialog box. It just saves the JPG in what it thinks I need!! How do I get the Export Dialog box back to control the parameters of my Export?
I was trying to get white on my open color pallets and inadvertently messed them up and got something named "defrgb.xml" with a blank box and now I can't get any color pallets to come up. I have even uninstalled and re-installed to no avail. How do I get this situation back to normal?
Since installing the X6 Trial I have lost the images for my cdr and cpt thumbnails. I haven't decided to upgrade yet but would like my thumbnails images back in the meantime. Do I do a repair with X5?
I had recently downloaded CorelDraw 6 upgrading from CorelDraw3. I'm guessing that the CD6 automatically converted all my files that were CD3 to CD6...Any who...I decided that I like corel draw 3 better and redownloaded it. Now I can't open my CD3 files now..Even though my files says CD3 I still can't open them.
I do not understand the process to print my document on A3 printer.My document is a small A5 booklet of 8 pages . My layout options are as follows. Map folds Side 105 x 148.5 Binding left.CorelDraw on my desk I have a document giving the property the following 210 x 297 min (A4). When I send my document to print on A3 printer (HP 2800 pcl), I end up with four pages on the first fold of my A3 though logically I should end up with two pages per folds.So what is the right method for this type of work?
how to work cereldraw x3 i was going fine with all my work then it just went white when i tried to do something not sure what and now i dont know how to get it back to normal i cans elect my work but cant see any of it
I use CDX5 to run our laser engraver. A customer brought us in some plastic sheet he'd like us to laser into small little "lenses" that go over LEDs. These little lenses are roughly .5" square with one radiused corner. The material isn't cheap, so of course the customer wants to minimize waste - I can't spread them out.
I just ctrl-D duplicate them into a tightly packed array and send to the laser... Unfortunately, the material isn't very laser-friendly. It sucks up a lot of heat and starts to bulge, which takes the laser out of focus. I can get decent results by doing a few at a time, but that causes too much waste. If I try to do to many in one area, the bulging leads to ruined parts.
Is there a convenient way in CD to randomize the order of objects? If the laser would cut one over here, then another over there, etc, I think the heat buildup would no longer be a factor, and I wouldn't have to babysit the machine. I thought about doing it manually in Object Manager but, ugh, there are like 384 pieces in the layout.
I am going to be printing some raffle tickets. I need them to be numbered sequentially. I have found out how to do the numbering using the printmerge function.
I am going to be doing 8 up. Seems like the easiest way is to design one ticket, then use the print merge feature, and then use the layout imposition tool. However, I would like to have a light colored watermark behind all the tickets.
To make this simple to understand (hopefully) lets just say I want the word "TICKET" repeated over and over again horizontally and vertically untill it covers the whole page.
Of course if I was going to hand number these I would simply design an 8 up print and then put the TICKET watermark behind it no problem.
I could simply crop the watermark and place it in the single 1 up design, and then use print merge and layout imposition, but then the pattern would be exactly the same on all tickets and I would have to cut them in exactly the right place. Whereas if I did 8 up, I wouldn't have this problem.
I am using a landscape flier template and have just noticed that there is also a portrait layout (dashes) showing which has nothing to do with what I am doing.
I use Corel Draw X5 while at work and to do the particular task needed I have to have the stroke set to COLOR: RED, and WIDTH: HAIRLINE, MILLIMETERS. How to set the program to jump to these settings as a default upon opening all files.
Okay so I'm having issues with the text tabbing in X6 ,the tabs are set and double checked before it goes out for printing but when its printed some tabs just jump back to the edge. This also happens when the text box is updated(moved or re-sized). We have been having multiple problems with x6 now for a while , we have done the start with factory settings, which has only resolved previous issues temporarily as after a while the problem would reoccur. X5 never had these problems.
When I select the text tool and click in the layout area, I type "i" and upon clicking off it auto changes to a capital "I". It's never done this before. If I do i space i space i space, it keeps changing, it won't allow me to have lower case letters.
I've created my own workspace and saved it. When I shut down coreldraw and it reverts back to default and I have to manually set it back to use the one I saved.