After I figured out how to delete a project (why not just have a delete button in the Project Dialog box) that I didn't want created in the first place (apparently some missed option in the pack&go process) I now cannot delete the incredibly convoluted wokspace folder structure it created.
I deleted the project shortcut as was posted somewhere else and it no longer shows up in the Project dialog box. However, the workspace it created cannot be deleted. I had even removed the workspace from the project before I got rid of it.
I simply get a windows error that it cannot delete the folder(s). I am an admin of this entire folder structure and everything beneath it.
I have opened and closed inventor making sure the project is still not in existence. I have verified the workspace is not listed under any other project. No other user has been to this folder or opened any files even closely related to my work.
When I share a project with our other Smoke, a second workspace apprears for that project. Is there a way to delete that workspace if I no longer need to share the project?
I just downloaded 2013 Autocad for MAC and I can't manage to see my drawing toolbars and also don't know where to find workspace settings to change my workspace to autocad classic.
I am trying to go from the 3D Modeling workspace to the 2D workspace without the XYZ coordinate gizmo on the drawing screen (just want to see the XY ucs) to work in 2D format.
is there a way to have the profile be on 2d drafting already as yoju open a new file or should you always open a new file and then change the profile from architecture to 2d drafting?
I modeled a manipulator arm (much like a human arm, or for those who are industrailly sound, like KUKA KR5), and I intend to draw its workspace.
The easiest way to do this is if I go back from the end effector joint(that is my wrist), create a rotation about my wrist rotation axis and create a curve, take this curve and sweep it about my elbow rotation axis to create an area, take this area and rotate about my shoulder axis to create a volume and take this volume and rotate it about my torso axis to create another volume.
So my question is, is there any way I could do such a thing in Autodesk inventor?
I understand how to select and hide surfaces and bodies using the model tree, but this isn't useful when my part has 50+ surfaces and solids and I'm forced to hover over each surface or body until the surface or body I want to hide is highlighted. This is possible using Soildworks but why not Inventor?
All of a sudden I get this message when I try to change the materials of any part within my workspace folder. I looked at the project and everything looks fine. I can save the file but cannot change or add anything now.
Is there any way to easily determine if any file in a user's workspace is checked out from Vault?
I'm building an Inventor addin to clear files from a user's workspace. Before i delete any files I need to know if the user has any files checked out. I was hoping there was an easy way(inside of Inventor) to programmitically check if a folder contains any checked out files.
Is it possible to automatically divert Inventor to save to a specific folder within the workspace???
If a certain iProperty is set to yes, we want the user to save that file into a particular folder, if they try and save it elsewhere a message is popped up telling them an error has been made please try and save in the correct folder.
Admittedly I am not the most competant iLogic programmer but this is what I have thus far
when i create an ipart with an custom parameter column, the files are created in the workspace. Is there any way how i can change this location?
Many parts are piling up in the workspace.For example to the library (like "normal iparts" do) or to a folder in the workspace (workspace/ custom_ ipart_ folder)?
It was working fine. Then I just did a simple command (pattern a part) and the entire workspace blinked out. The first time it happened I hit UNDO and it was back. So I got out of the drawing and got back in and tried the pattern again. Same issue but this time when I hit UNDO it would not come back. I closed the file without saving and when I went back in the file the workspace is still nothing but white screen. In the browser everything is still visible except for those that I had already changed to invisible. I tried making an invisible to visible and nothing happened. I got out and tried opening the "old version" which should've been before any of this happened and it is also blank. I can go to an ipt or iam in the browser and hit open and it will open in another screen just fine. I just can't see my main assembly. I have Inventor 2012. It shows no errors or messages. I have even rebooted.
I looked thru the forum and found a past issue back in 2005 identical. I tried doing Find in Window on an item in the browser but for some reason that option is not even in the list when I right click.
I'm simply trying to delete the revision table if it exists on a drawing. I did find where you can't do anything with Rev Tags with the API, but what about the Actual Revision Table?
Trying to get this to work;
If iProperties.Value("Project", "Revision Number")>0Dim oRevTable as RevisionTableoRevTable = ActiveSheet.Sheet.RevisionTable.Item(1) oRevTable = nullRevisionTable
I made a sketch attached to a drawing view, in it made a hatch. I closed the sketch and the file.
Opened again, after days, activated the sketch, selected the hatch, it turned red, pressed delete but it didn't disappear. Also on the right click there is no delete option.
When i select the hatch and it turns red, when i press delete or right click it turns green.
It is strange that when the sketch is closed and i select it in the browser i see the other lines of the sketch in red, but not the hatch.
I have lots of files that are linked either by length, height, etc.. Is there an option to delete all linked parameters. I would also like to keep the part history (cuts and extrudes).
I wonder if there is an option to delete all at once like iLogic option-"delete all rules" or should be deleted individually.
I installed a bolted connection into my assembly and realized I chose the wrong length. I simply want to delete the connection and start over but there is no option to delete.Ctrl-Z will not let me back out of the connection either.
When I go to animate an assembly in presentation, it will let me set the camera in the sequence view, however I can't seem to find a way to delete the camera. I put too many cameras and now the animations making too many transitions between tweaks. Is there a way to delete the set camera?
I am trying to delete fill from a sketch I have done on a drawing. (See attached). Unfortunately I cannot find any way to delete without deleting the whole sketch. I tried as Inventor said to go into Annotate Ribbon and change Layer & Style but both these dropdowns show blank when I try that. I also tried going into Fill/Hatch again hoping the new one would overwrite the old one but no success.
I want to cancel deletion of certain Part Feature (where PartFeature.Name starts with ''I_''). In my dll, I capture « DocumentEvents.OnDelete ».
private void PartDocument_OnDelete(object o, BeforeAfterEnum beforeAfter, NameValueMap context, out HandlingCodeEnum handlingCode) { if (beforeAfter == BeforeAfterEnum.Before) { if (((PartFeature)o).Name.StartsWith(‘’I_’’)) { MessageBox.Show(‘’You cannot delete ’’I_*’’ part features.’’); // MISSING CODE HERE TO CANCEL DELETION !!! } } }
First I thought that putting « handlingCode » to « HandlingCodeEnum.evtCancelHandle » would do the job, but when I read the API, it says that Inventor doesn’t care about that output argument. Then, how can I cancel the deletion of an object when capturing ‘On Delete’ event ?
In creating our drawing template, I collected alot of unwanted styles and want to delete/clean this up. I only want to keep what's highlighted..By the way, I found style editor and template creation quite tedious & convoluted.
Dell T3500 Intel Xenon CPU 15 MB RAM 64-bit operating system NVIDIA Quadro 5000
how to delete iLogic forms from Inventor 2013 parts/assembly using 2010?
I am able to delete all the rule using "Activated_iLogic.DeleteAllRules(PartDoc)" but "Activated_iLogic.DeleteAllForms(PartDoc)" or "Activated_iLogic.DeleteForm(PartDoc, FormName)" does not give me the result I was expecting and Google is not showing any result related to this.
How to delete a work surface. These work surfaces were imported from an iges file which contains thousands of work surfaces. They are not associated with a part feature which can be deleted. I've developed a routine to sort through these and identify unwanted work surfaces based on their positions. The best I've been able to come up with is to make them invisible, but I'd really like to delete them completely to clean up the file. I did try to loop through and delete any surface body objects associated with the work surface but that failed.
In an .idw I can add a leader with text and by simply leaving the text editor empty I can create a 'blank arrow'.
However, my nice arrow has an annoying dogleg reference line on the end of it. Is there anyway I can get rid of the reference line, without the chew of creating a sketched symbol or creating a new style??
I've added a screenshot to explain it a little clearer.
Way back when we first started using INV (R5) we used a bitmap in our titleblock for our company logo. Since then, we have moved to using vault last year and this bitmap is causing major headaches since its original location was no in a library file, but stored in our template file area.
Every time we attempted to add a new IDW to the Vault, Vault would kick it back of course saying a file by that name already exists in Vault. To get around this, we have reworked our titleblocks and have used a DXF file for our logo instead of a bitmap. This works on new IDW's just fine, but editing any previous drawing now causes problems with uploading to vault.
The only way I have found to purge this bitmap from the IDW reference is to start a new IDW and copy the views while inserting the new titleblock.
So, is there a way to clear this reference from the current IDW without having to recreate new drawings?
I have tried to edit the (bad) titleblock and deleted the bitmap out of it, but when trying to then save the file to vault, the vault tree still shows a 3rd party reference which is this bitmap! Copying over the new (good) titleblock does not work either as the IDW keeps the this bitmap reference even though the file does not exist anywhere in the drawing or any of the sketched symbols.
How to get rid of this bitmap reference from our titleblocks without recreating entirely new drawings.