I just wanted to know is there any way, not to allow user to change, workspace or save workspace in another name.
we have 2 shifts of drafters in our company who work with one machine. Shift 2 always complain about user on shift one change panel and ribbons . we have a standard icon and panel , But you know some users have their own way which thinks is the best and always keep changing UI.
So I need to know is there anyway to lock acad.cuix or lock workspace.
I just downloaded 2013 Autocad for MAC and I can't manage to see my drawing toolbars and also don't know where to find workspace settings to change my workspace to autocad classic.
I am trying to go from the 3D Modeling workspace to the 2D workspace without the XYZ coordinate gizmo on the drawing screen (just want to see the XY ucs) to work in 2D format.
is there a way to have the profile be on 2d drafting already as yoju open a new file or should you always open a new file and then change the profile from architecture to 2d drafting?
I have a drawing for our current project. I wish to share this drawing to other disciplines but shouldn't be modified by others. We can password protect that file, but it will ask password while opening it. I need to protect this file like Excel that "anyone can open it but they can't modified istead of typing password". I need to open and attach as xref it in autocad not in autocad reader (DWS).
I would like to Password Protect some of my drawings. I have tried several times with no success. When trying to set Password, I don't get a Password Confirmation Screen.
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate (@ home) Windows 7 Pro (@ work)
Is it possible to create something like a password or other trick to protect ilogic rules from editing? Ilogic can enforce standards but if any engineer can delete rules or edit them then we have a problem.
I have photo store and I often shoot weddings but I have "problems" with my customers.Thy want to put all pictures on CD Discs to watch the pictures on computer and to make order for enlarging.I resize the picture but they complains about small looking size of the pictures.They complain even if I put almost invisible watermark.I have try with A4 contact sheets but still complains.
how I can put the pictures on CD but somehow to protect them from enlarging on photo paper.Is any program available to protect the pictures from enlarging.For example picture looks fine of computer screen but when it's printed on photo paper watermark to appear, or I ask too much.
How to protect some area in the Illustrator from changes? Like Photoshop does.
What I mean is: In the Photoshop I can select some area with Selection tool, let's say a rectangle. Then I can edit that area without a risk to harm any pixels outside it. I can apply any filter to it (blur, etc.), I can fill it with some colour or pattern. And the area outside the selection will be unchanged.
I can not find any way in the Illustrator to do the same or even a similar thing! I can isolate some object or group. but I can not isolate an area/region.
In PS CS3 I had set up something very useful on my Wacom tablet. I had two buttons mapped to two different actions. They would do the following:
1) Load tool preset for Dodge, 25px soft round, 10%, Highlights
2) Load tool preset for Burn, 25px soft round, 10%, Shadows
With PS CS4 this doesn't work because of the new "Protect Tones" checkbox. If Protect Tones is on, the tool preset will not change from "Highlights" to "Shadows" automatically. It just gets stuck on whatever it was on previously. To make matters worse, Protect Tones turns itself ON every time you switch from Dodge to Burn, even if you've saved a Tone Preset with Protect Tones turned off!
I'm creating my first webpage design. Now I'd like to put it in a forum to get some feedback. But I'm worried that someone could steal the design right away from the presented gif file... How could I protect my work? With watermarks? Do you even think, it's important to protect it?
I followed the directions in guided mode in "recompose" to protect/remove. All I get is the little cross hair curser. Is there suppose to be a virtual "brush" like the directions speak about? I am using the supposedly "fully functional trial" version of Photoshop elements 11.
I upload my customer proofs with LR to my website for easy viewing. I would estimate that I loose 25% of potential orders due to theft. How can I protect the images on my website from being downloaded or copied?
Another problem i'm afraid!!! We had a problem with a drawing which came from an outside source, and some how set up the workspace of my colleague into inches instead of mm?! we managed to sort that (how - just randomly clicking!) but now they can only select one item at a time? they can select by dragging over the items but cannot individually select item by item
I have Cad 2013 and don't know how to set up the ribbon style workspace. Ihad set it up a while ago in 2011 and labeled my workspace as KPRIBBON. This workspaceis selected, but the classic CAD Is still the view now in 2013.
After I figured out how to delete a project (why not just have a delete button in the Project Dialog box) that I didn't want created in the first place (apparently some missed option in the pack&go process) I now cannot delete the incredibly convoluted wokspace folder structure it created.
I deleted the project shortcut as was posted somewhere else and it no longer shows up in the Project dialog box. However, the workspace it created cannot be deleted. I had even removed the workspace from the project before I got rid of it.
I simply get a windows error that it cannot delete the folder(s). I am an admin of this entire folder structure and everything beneath it.
I have opened and closed inventor making sure the project is still not in existence. I have verified the workspace is not listed under any other project. No other user has been to this folder or opened any files even closely related to my work.
Curious as to how to load the 3D Modeling workspace so that I can access the editing features and whatnot without having to type in the commands. I have seen a few different questions dealing with this issue, they pretty much said to into the "custom user interface", click on the transer tab and then path to the support folder where you would load the "acad.cuix" file and drag the 3D Modeling Workspace over to the left hand side. The issue I'm having is that when I path to the folder with all the different ".cuix" files there isn't a plain "acad.cuix" file to be found and none of the other options offer any sort of 3D Modeling Workspace?
I'm trying to create (in 3D workspace), a 3D polyline which starts from the "ground" and goes up the Z axis for 45 units (meters for example), then, the polyline continues "up" but in a 45 degree inclination, and then it goes up further but still 45 degrees from the last segment.
I attached a picture of this to the post, the top line is the one I want to create, and the bottom one is what I get. The thing is that the 3dpoly command doesn't let me set the line on the Z plane, unless I fix it in ortho mode, and even after I do the first segment that way, the next one stays fixed in either the Z plane or the XY plane, but not in the 45 degree between them that I want....
P.S. - when I click the 3d polyline command, there are no options in the command area, just "specify first point...." - is this what should appear?
looking to do shop drawings for electric showing pipe runs, i saw a video and a guy had "electric" and "plumbing" workspaces down along the bottom, my autocad doesn't have.