Photoshop :: Lock A Layer Within Document And Password Protect Specific Layer?
Sep 24, 2012Is it possible to lock a layer within a document and password protect that specific layer?
View 3 RepliesIs it possible to lock a layer within a document and password protect that specific layer?
View 3 RepliesAny new plugin for illustrator that will password protect a layer. The plugin Master Lock only works in Illustrator version 8 and 9.
Is there a newer version that works with CS5 ?
Is ther anyway to password protect picture files?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a drawing for our current project. I wish to share this drawing to other disciplines but shouldn't be modified by others. We can password protect that file, but it will ask password while opening it. I need to protect this file like Excel that "anyone can open it but they can't modified istead of typing password". I need to open and attach as xref it in autocad not in autocad reader (DWS).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to Password Protect some of my drawings. I have tried several times with no success. When trying to set Password, I don't get a Password Confirmation Screen.
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate (@ home) Windows 7 Pro (@ work)
AutoCAD 2013
Also have the same issue with 2012, and 2008.
Is there a method to set a password on a particular layer to prevent it from being unlocked, unfrozen, or otherwise being made visible once hidden ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedEvery time that I open a file, almost all the layers in the first level appears expanded, even when the file was saved with these layers colapsed.
So, as I have a lot of layers and sublayers/groups, it is difficult to navigate to a specific location and I need to collapse layer by layer.
Are there some trick to force Illustrator to remember the layer status?
I just want to know if it is possible to protect certain "Layers" thru password or by any other means so that nobody else can modify the layer properties. How?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to have a password protected layer manager? Basically, I do not want anybody to have the ability to create or modify the layers; however, people should be able to modify the drawing any way they see fit?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to lock or password my files so that people can not tamper with my work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWondering about the lock on background layer, the manual says the background layer will be partially locked unless it is transparent.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am in 2D mode in autocad, drawing a plan. I have locked one layer and also increased the translucency, jet my snaps still respond to the objects in this layer, where all I want to do is keep it as an underlay while I draw the rest of the things. The objects within this locked layer are also selectable, they come up with doted lines once selected, but I can't edit or move them, because the layer is is locked.
Is there a way to lock the layer, so that it is completely ignored by snaps and selection, jet kept visible with little transparency?
I am using AutoCad 2013, and there are only blocks within this layer.
1. I try to use any auto correction such as tone, and nothing appears to change
2. I see the small layers 'background' icon flashing as I do this into the black and white check pattern
3. It seems that the layer background is partially locked- (when I scroll my mouse over the 'lock' icon this is written)
Yet there is no icon above in 'lock' that is highlighted. So I cannot unlock it.I am able to adjust in all other methods which are not auto corrections. Perhaps I changed some settings accidentally?
I went to lock a Layer (the whole layer) and could not - I had to Lock the item IN the Layer (one item: and the Layer still did show as Locked).I have a screen shot; but, it's been a bit & I don't see how-to attach it.Plus, shouldn't I have been able to Lock the Layer & the item in it? Is this a Bug?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to lock down a block once it's in the drawing, without locing the layer?
View 0 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to lock the current layer (to say layer 0) so that is STAYS the current layer regardless of my isolating, turning layers on and off etc?
Really annoying to keep getting those "Are you sure you want to turn off the current layer" messages and it would prevent me from either drawing thing on a layer I don't intend to, or drawing on a layer which is off (which confuses me every time).
How to toggle the layer lock/visibility in CS6 than in the earlier versions.
It seems that there's more padding around the lock/visibility icon, and you have to be really precise to click it... increasing the row size doesn't really make any difference, as the "padding" is still there. Wheres in the earlier versions clicking anywhere within the toggle box would enable/disable it.
We are using AutoCad 2012. Our company have more than 32 disciplines. For any projects the drawings are prepared with many disciplines. Civil does the civil drawing portions, water does the water pipeline portion, electrical does the electrical cable layout portions etc. etc. Each departments have their own set of layers in the drawing.
Now the problem is civil can accidentally modify the entities of electrical departments / utility departments. Though we lock the other disciplines layers programmetrically, but user can unlock the other disciplines layers easily if he wish to. Can we make those other disciplines layers read only? So that users can draw / modify in his own discipline layers but can not do that in other disciplines layer. But he can refer those layers / copy entities from those layers if he wish to? Some sort of xref type of thing is required, but we can not use xrefs as we work in a single drawing and our custom drawing management system is integrated with this type of file system accross the offices.
I have a layer in which I want to crop it-after the cropping I want this layer to have a specific shape-the shape I intend to use is not from the custom shapes list.
Actually it is a type layer.
So I want to use this type layer and with it crop another shape layer, so the latter, takes the form of the later.
How am I going to achieve the above-I tried with a clipping mask but could not do it.
I am trying to put a layer on top of another and achieve a specific effect.
My bottom layer is a normal color image, however my top layer is a single object with completely white background. I am trying to over-layer the two in such a way that the object on the top layer is fully visible and blocks the space behind it. However the white portion of the top layer should not interfere with the bottom image. I know there is a cropping method but I cannot use any cropping in what I am doing. I need to figure out how to do this effect using layer options.
The trick is that I have a completely white background on my top image, so I think there should be a way to make white transparent but at the same time keep the object visible.
Here is a sample of what i am looking for (I did this using cropping technique but need to figure out how to do it using layer options/effects such as multiply and overlay)
currently on trial with X5 (on jobsite)...registered user of there a way to "lock" pen weight and color with each layer? doing tech Illustration, would be useful to maintain line weights used between layers.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI needed a second audio file and created a layer and placed my video file that has the audio I want in that layer. I edited the audio in that layer and now I want to save the result as an audio file.. preferably an MP3 file. How do I select a specific layer and save just that layer as an audio file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a quite large Photoshop document where I've drafted up a number of pages for a website, and I require guides which are specific to certain layers or groups, and not just to the whole document. Is this possible? Any plugins which serve this purpose, or functionality I'm missing?
I'm using Photoship CS6 on a Mac OSX 10.8.3
I just recently discovered the keyboard shortcut for toggling the current layer on and off and it is an incredible time saver. Is it possible to create a keyboard shortcut dedicated to toggle a specific layer on and off regardless of what layer I am working on? I use Photoshop for painting and I'll have a layer set up like an overlay, with my line drawing set to Multiply blending mode at about 25% opacity.
However, as the painting progresses, I need to turn that layer on and off continuously to be able to see my painting without the lines overlayed. I know I lose a lot of time having to go over and turn the eye off and then back on over on the layers pallete. I've tried setting something up as an Action, and had a shortlived success, but when I added new layers or moved them around after setting it up, it stops working. I have to say, it was my first attempt at creating an Action of any kind, so there may be a way to keep it working regardless of what I do to the other layers, Having the ability to somehow dedicate a key for quick toggling of my drawing layer would be another tremendous time saver.
I want to warp a specific selection of a portion of a layer, but everytime I do this the warp tool cuts off the edges. Is there a way to prevent the warp tool from doing this ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create an album design that has a grid effect with all the images I have. But how to put specific dimensions on each layer..I've tried the image size option but its not working - do I need to free transform and try to figure it out dimensions free handed?? Surely not?
If you can imagine U2s Achtung Baby (Or at a long shot: Exile On Main Street) That is where I'm headed (or TRYING to head rather) with it.
How to turn of the "lock symbol" from showing when you run your crosshairs (outside of a command) over a locked layer. Its annoying and i would like to turn it off.
Also, when offsetting a line, is there a way to turn off the imaginary offset line that indicates the offset side, again its annoying and i'd like to turn it off.
What is/are the benefits of having every background layer of a newly opened document locked? I have never come across a need for it and wish it wasn't. It only means I have to create a new layer and import an image to that. Or, double click the layer to unlock it. Is there a way to permanently eliminate that "preference?" It's like entering a room with your shoes tied together.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a large psd doc several layers deep. I have a smaller sized psd file open.
I want to drag a layer from the large to the smaller one and have it resize. Much like if i have the option in prefs for place. I thought holding ctrl when dragging or other keys, but i can't seem to find a solution. I know there are a few other workarounds but they are all long winded.
Did i miss something here or is it just not actually possible to say drag a 4000x4000px layer into a 150x150 document and have it auto fit the layer, just as place would do if importing a file.
I have an image with five layers and I need to know the width of all five layers so I know what sizes to put them at on the web as a picture banner (I have a limited width space).
Is there an option that lets you find out the width and height of a selected layer? I know of tricks to do this, like copying it and making a new image and checking the size there, but I want to know if there is a way to do this without creating a new image and just inside your own image your working on.