I have a layer in which I want to crop it-after the cropping I want this layer to have a specific shape-the shape I intend to use is not from the custom shapes list.
Actually it is a type layer.
So I want to use this type layer and with it crop another shape layer, so the latter, takes the form of the later.
How am I going to achieve the above-I tried with a clipping mask but could not do it.
I hope I am able to adequately describe what I want to do!
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and people used film in their cameras, here is how I used to mark my clients' photos for cropping:
1. A photo proof would be on the table. 2. I would put a cardboard device over the photo. 3. With the device I could make a rectangular window of various standard frame sizes, like 8x10 or 5x7. 4. I would put the "window" over the photo wherever it was most pleasing, and then, with a pen, mark the outline of the area to be kept. 5. The photolab would then crop the photos accordingly. 6. The photos could then be printed to fit perfectly into frames.
Whew! Does that make sense?
Now: How do I do the equivalent in Photoshop?
I do NOT want to simply "resize" the photo. I want to CROP WITH THE FINAL SIZE IN MIND.
It seems like you could do this with the crop tool, but I can't figure out how.
Suppose I have a 300px x 300px image and I need to choose a part of that image to crop to 150px x 150px without resampling. (I need that hypothetical 150px x 150px so it fits a pre-defined area in a web page layout.)
I know I can take the crop tool to the image and view the "Info" tab to get my 150px x 150px. But that requires a fine touch and some trial and error to get the exact crop I want.
Is there a way to specify a particular size to crop or select and then move that selection around in the image to find the best crop? (Photoshop 7.0)
In PS i can Magic wand selection shape from one layer, drop to sub layer and copy that selected shape from that sub layer. How do I do this in illistrator, and moreover, from multiple layer at the same time.
For instance, in PS = Import an image of gold - select a text phrse with wand - drop to gold - copy paste = gold text.
I can see how to lock in an aspect ratio, but can I use Lightroom to crop a photo to a very specific size in pixels so that I can then upload it to a website in a spot of just that size?
In Photoshop CS6, when you have a shape layer with a layer mask, and the two are not linked together, and the layer mask is selected, you should be able to scale the layer mask independently of the shape. What actually happens is the shape gets scaled and the layer mask stays untouched. In fact, even if you option-click on the layer mask to show the mask by itself, and then try to scale it, you still end up scaling the shape instead of the mask. Even if you go as far as to make a pixel selection of the layer mask and attempt to scale the pixels, the shape still gets scaled and the layer mask still stays put! Unbelievable!
This works correctly in CS4, but not in CS6 (don't know about CS5).
I wan to trim / crop a layer which falls out of the canvas. From I search I did it turns out that by selecting all and the crop will do the job, but in my case it does not and I do not understand why.
With the new features added to the Crop tool I've noticed when you clip and image the remaining pixels "hidden" by the crop still are affected by layer effects. I've cropped an image, clipped it, removed the background and when I apply a drop shadow to the remaining pixels, the edge of my photo has a shadow. Other than clipping first, then cropping away, Is the best solution to set the crop tool to delete cropped pixels?
how to disable the cropping tool from cutting out data on layers when you do want it keeping!... its ok if you don't.. but there are times when you want to crop an image and not lose that hidden data!
also why can't you drag n'drop layers to another document tab!! its stupid workflow not to mention all the other lacking areas of CS4 tabbed ui.. like mousewheel functionality.
How to change the shape of an image to fit a specific shape.
What I'm trying to do is reshape a geometrically patterned rectangular image so that the printed image fits around a truncated cone. I'm trying to use the image to create a stencil for glazing a straight sided pottery cup. I know the circumference of the rim and the circumference of the base of the truncated cone so I need to wind up with the borders of the image having a convex curve at the top with the arc length equal to the rim's circumference, a concave curve at the bottom with the arc length equal to the circumference of the base, and with the end points of both arcs connected with diagonal lines equal to the length of the sides of the cup. In addition, I'd like to preserve the image in it's entirety, but distort it as necessary to fit the borders without cutting any of it out. (I attached a sketch in case my pattern shape description was confusing).
I can't figure out how I can use a text or shape layer as a mask for the layer below. See the example attached and you will know what I mean. (I created the example with simply cutting out the text outline from the white box).
I need the text to be a mask and I need it to be editable as text. Don't know if this is possible, experimented with clipping masks but I cant make it work.
When I create a shape in Photoshop CS6, it brings up a nice panel of options - allowing me to change radius, stroke style, colour etc. However, once this shape has been placed in the Photoshop document, I am not able to edit it, without creating a new shape.
I cannot change any of the options. Sure, I can select it and change the size - but how would I change the shape stroke colour and style, as well as the radius of the curves?Is there an option or panel which I need to activate to get back to this menu for the current shape?
Here the shape options are visibleHowever, once I click off the shape - they dissapear and I can no longer get them back.
How would I get the shape options back for this shape, without creating a new layer and shape?As with the way it is now, I have to get things like the stroke colour and radius right the first time - and I like to experiment with my options.
How can I select a shape on a layer in PSD in the layers palette?
In my past version of PSD, I was able to simply click on the Layer and hold either select or control to have marching ants go around my image - but with CS2 I am not able to do that.
i'm trying to build an easy way to create something like the following network graphic in Illustrator:
I basically want to create a brush or some other automatic method for adding a specific shape (in this case a circle) at every point a long a path. It would be nice if I could easily move around points on a path without have to move all of the circles independently.
I tried creating a pattern brush where the circles were the corner elements but depending on the angle of the corner the shape would get distorted.
I've had a simple lisp I've been using for years that suddenly disappeared. It required that you identify a block name, tag name, and the value that you want the tag to be. All of this is performed via command line, so it is scriptable. Since I lost it, I've been experimenting with -attedit. This command comes frustratingly close to what I'm looking for, except it only appends an existing tag, or replaces a specific string within the tag; I can't get it to replace the entire tag, regardless of its value.
1> Any lisp routine that does what I describe? or 2> How to make -attedit replace a tag value without regard to what the value currently is (like a * wildcard)?
I am trying to put a layer on top of another and achieve a specific effect.
My bottom layer is a normal color image, however my top layer is a single object with completely white background. I am trying to over-layer the two in such a way that the object on the top layer is fully visible and blocks the space behind it. However the white portion of the top layer should not interfere with the bottom image. I know there is a cropping method but I cannot use any cropping in what I am doing. I need to figure out how to do this effect using layer options.
The trick is that I have a completely white background on my top image, so I think there should be a way to make white transparent but at the same time keep the object visible.
Here is a sample of what i am looking for (I did this using cropping technique but need to figure out how to do it using layer options/effects such as multiply and overlay)
I needed a second audio file and created a layer and placed my video file that has the audio I want in that layer. I edited the audio in that layer and now I want to save the result as an audio file.. preferably an MP3 file. How do I select a specific layer and save just that layer as an audio file?
I have a quite large Photoshop document where I've drafted up a number of pages for a website, and I require guides which are specific to certain layers or groups, and not just to the whole document. Is this possible? Any plugins which serve this purpose, or functionality I'm missing?
I just recently discovered the keyboard shortcut for toggling the current layer on and off and it is an incredible time saver. Is it possible to create a keyboard shortcut dedicated to toggle a specific layer on and off regardless of what layer I am working on? I use Photoshop for painting and I'll have a layer set up like an overlay, with my line drawing set to Multiply blending mode at about 25% opacity.
However, as the painting progresses, I need to turn that layer on and off continuously to be able to see my painting without the lines overlayed. I know I lose a lot of time having to go over and turn the eye off and then back on over on the layers pallete. I've tried setting something up as an Action, and had a shortlived success, but when I added new layers or moved them around after setting it up, it stops working. I have to say, it was my first attempt at creating an Action of any kind, so there may be a way to keep it working regardless of what I do to the other layers, Having the ability to somehow dedicate a key for quick toggling of my drawing layer would be another tremendous time saver.
I want to warp a specific selection of a portion of a layer, but everytime I do this the warp tool cuts off the edges. Is there a way to prevent the warp tool from doing this ?
I'm trying to create an album design that has a grid effect with all the images I have. But how to put specific dimensions on each layer..I've tried the image size option but its not working - do I need to free transform and try to figure it out dimensions free handed?? Surely not?
If you can imagine U2s Achtung Baby (Or at a long shot: Exile On Main Street) That is where I'm headed (or TRYING to head rather) with it.
How can I, or can I apply a specific layer to a specific command?? When I choose the dimension command, i want it to automatically become my "Dim 1" layer without having to select it, then select the layer. Is this possible??
I want to copy some objects from one drawing to another. However, in the source drawing the objects are on one layer, but I want them on another layer in the target drawing. I know pasting the objects as a block fixes the problem, but as soon as I explode them they're back on their original layer - and I have to select them all and move them to the preferred layer - which can be tedious with multiple objects.
I made holes on the edges of the film, I'm trying to cut them out of the layer so they will be transparent, IE: If its laying on a red wallpaper, the holes will show red etc. How do I do this?