Photoshop :: CS4 - Cropping Images Losing Layer Data

Nov 28, 2008

how to disable the cropping tool from cutting out data on layers when you do want it keeping!... its ok if you don't.. but there are times when you want to crop an image and not lose that hidden data!

also why can't you drag n'drop layers to another document tab!! its stupid workflow not to mention all the other lacking areas of CS4 tabbed ui.. like mousewheel functionality.

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Paint.NET :: Rotate PNG / XCF Images Without Losing Data

Mar 1, 2011

I am new to, a friend recommended it to me because I told him I wanted to replace GIMP to try and fix a nagging issue with my sprite work.

2. There are so many plug ins for I don't even know where to start O_O what I'm looking for however, besides what I listed above is this: A free-form rotate tool, A mirror/flip tool and other basic things like that.

3. This is my main question, what I want to do that I can't do in Gimp is be able to Re-size, and rotate png/xcf images without losing data. I know Photoshop can do this in a way but Photoshop is expensive.

Does have a similar feature to photoshop, and if so is it A plug-in? and if so which one

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Lightroom :: How To Reduce Catalogue Without Losing The Data Attached To Images

Mar 19, 2014

How do I reduce my catalogue without losing the data attached to images?

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Photoshop :: Cropping And Resizing Without Losing...

Sep 9, 2008

I'm using Photoshop CS3 on Windows XP.

I'm fairly new to this and I'm trying to figure out how to resize and crop a high res photo without it going a bit blurry ... The image is 18cm x 22cm and is 300 dpi. I need to resize the width to 16cm and them crop 5cm off the bottom so that it fits nicely in the space where it's to go. I seem to lose clarity when I do this and I'd like to keep it crisp of course.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Losing EXIF Data With HDR

Sep 18, 2013

I process three images with PSP X5 using the HDR feature and the EXIF data is dropped.

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Lightroom :: Uninstall Version 5.2 Without Losing All Of Data?

Sep 18, 2013

Only solution is to power off the laptop. I'm running 64 bit Windows 7. How to unistall version 5.2 without losing all of my data?

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Illustrator :: How To Extract Images Images Without Losing Quality

Oct 29, 2012

I am working on pdf file, in which all the assets has been created in illustrator. I am opening that file in illustrator, and by save for web option exporting the images. But somehow the images as not proper. There are some colour related issues and also the images are not proper.
Is there any other way around so that I can extract those without loosing the quality ?

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VideoStudio :: Losing Scene Data When Moving Clips (9)

May 26, 2011

VS9 enables users to virtually split clips by scene before adding them to the work space. It does not split the actual file but just keeps pointers to the various scenes. VS9 keeps this data in a file named scenedb.dat. However if the clip is moved to a different location then the scene information is not re-linked and is essentially lost (as far as VS is concerned) although the data is still in the scenedb.dat.

Is there any way to go around this problem and recover the scene info after a clip is moved?

That is, besides not moving the clips to a different folder than the one it was in when the scene data was first generated and/or re-generating the scen information?

I tried simple editing of the file path in the .dat file but this does not seem to work. It would be nice to understand the encoding rule for the scenedb.dat file to 1) update it 2) use it to generate some index db outside of VS (e.g. html page).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Losing Superelevation Data When Editing An Alignment

Oct 29, 2013

I have an alignment I need to edit that has a reverse curve.  The first curve was made with the "Floating Curve (from entity, radius, through point)"  and the second with "Free Curve Fillet (between two entities, radius)"

When I delete one or both curves i lose all the superelevation data beyond the editing location due to the temporary spit in the alignment.  The superelevation data is all manual.  This is a trail and the super is based on drainage not curves.

how to edit the alignment with a temporary split and not lose the superelevation data?  I have not found a way yet to remove the reverse curves and not have a temporary gap.

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Photoshop :: Make Composite Image From Layer Data Instead From Merged Data Section?

Jun 1, 2013

I am working on parsing the psd file and saving the data as per doc of photoshop 6. I need to make an image from the layer data alone with different combinations of layers selected, visible etc... and not using the merged data section in the file.

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Photoshop :: Losing Layer Focus CC?

Jun 25, 2013

I frequently create multiple paths on a single layer with the intention of applying a stroke to each of them at the same time.  I typically lay out the paths roughly and then go in with the Direct Select tool to refine them before applying the stroke.

In previous versions, once I'd made the last adjustment I would click off the subpath I'd been editing and then right-click and choose Stroke Path, thereby applying the stroke to each of the paths.  (If I don't deselect the last sub-path I was working on, the only option I get on right-click is to stroke that sub-path.)

In CC, once I click in a blank area to deselect the sub-path it also deselects the Layer (removes the highlight from the Layer in the Layer Panel), so most of my right-click options are greyed out. I have to move back over to the Layer Panel and reselect the Layer I want to apply the strokes on.

It's possible that my old approach is bad and I should feel bad, and this added step of having to re-highlight the Layer in the Layer Panel is the bestest thing ever, but I'd kind of like to be able to avoid that additional step.  That is, I'm assuming that this is somehow a feature and not a bug.

If there's no way around having to reselect the Layer after deselecting the sub-path (or after clicking on a blank area with the Direct Select tool in general), in the alternative, is there at least a quick way to select all of the sub-paths at once without losing Layer focus?

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Photoshop :: PS CS2 How To Flatten Layer Without Losing Effects?

Jan 15, 2007

I have a texture layer in my bevel emboss layer effects applied to a layer. Im trying to flatten the file to get it ready to go to printer and each time I go to flatten, the effect changes and darkens the entire image. I've tried merging the layers, flattening, adding a blank layer and merging down, etc.

Out of options and frustrated. Can someone please tell me how to flatten without losing the texture effect and destroying the integrity of the art?

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Photoshop :: How To Merge Layers Without Losing Layer-mask

May 18, 2012

I'm trying to save a file that looks great in Photoshop and preserve it as a PNG. I'll create the image, simply "merge layers" and lose the transparency of it. How do I get my PNG to look like it does in photoshop.
The red background show through in photoshop originally...but then after "merge layers" or saving the PNG every way possible (or so I think)... the degree of transparency isn't preserved.Below looks great. (red bleeds through nicely, good transparency)

Now doesn't look so good. (all i did was merge layers and red doesn't bleed through properly anymore, same result when saving as png)

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Photoshop :: Losing Quality When Importing Images Into PS Touch?

Sep 5, 2013

Bringing in 12mp images from Nikon camera and losing quality (blurry edges, low quality, etc).  Is there a setting I can change or is this what we have to deal with on ps touch?

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Photoshop :: Cropping Images

Aug 18, 2006

I photograph volleyball tournaments. The pictures I take are about 2800 x 2000. I crop out the best 1000 x 1000 or so so that the largest side is no more than 1000. I do this by drawing out a square on every image until I widdle it down to the appropriate size.

What would really be nice is telling photoshop that i want my square to be 1000 x 1000 then I can move it around on the image and crop out the best area. This way all my images would be exactly 1000 x 1000 instead of 1000 x 952 etc.

How can I set up photoshop so that I can just open image after image and just throw the presized crop area onto each image and go from there??

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Photoshop :: Cropping Images

Jan 30, 2006

I scanned a bunch of photos of different sizes with my scanner into one big image because it was faster to do it this way. I thought I would make a new action after making a rectangular marquee tool. The action involved the following:

1. Copy

2. Make new image

3. Paste into this new image

4. Do auto Adjust

5. Save

It works for the first image but the next time I make a mark over a different size image, the new image has the same dimensions as the previous one although the selection region has a different geometry. So I added a menu item in the action after step 5 which was "Purge All". It still does not work.
The preset in the new image is "Clipboard"

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Photoshop :: Cropping / Trimming Layer

Jun 21, 2012

I wan to trim / crop a layer which falls out of the canvas. From I search I did it turns out that by selecting all and the crop will do the job, but in my case it does not and I do not understand why.
Here is an image to see what I am talking about.

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Photoshop :: Cropping Image On A Layer Within PSD?

Apr 24, 2013

I have a psd with 15 layers inside. All the layers are icons and some of these have a bit of whitespace and I wanted to crop each icon to clean it up.
I tried to select the layer and use the rectangular marquee and then hitting crop. All this does is crop the entire psd.
There should be a way to do what I'm trying to do without having to copy the actua layer into a new doc crop there then add it back in am I right?

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Photoshop :: Straightening And Cropping Images

May 30, 2008

I'm working my way through Adobe Photshop 7, ClassRoom in a book. I'm now on lesson three and I'm completely stuck. I have my image open (its not straight and needs cropping)and I have selected the cropping tool and entered the width and height dimensions.

The book then tells you to use the marquee tool to select the area that you want to keep, which I have done. But then things go sour for me. It says after you release the mouse button a cropping shield covers the cropping selection, and the tool bar option now displays choices about the cropping shield. This doesn't happen for me. I just get a broken outline around the area I want to crop.

Also, it says in the tools option bar make sure that the Perspective Check box is not selected. I can't find this on the toolbar.

And, finally,it says, In the image window move the pointer outside the crop marquee, so it appears as a curved double arrow. Then clockwise to rotate the marquee until it is parallel with the edges of the pictured window frame. Again, this doesn't happen for me, all that happens is the pointer changed to a cross.

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Photoshop :: Batch Cropping Many Images

May 19, 2009

I am familiar with running actions and running an action on a batch of images. Can someone give me an effective technique for cropping a batch of photos? I need to take a bunch of photos in vertical and horizontal orientations and crop them to a specific size and resolution to fit on a screen for a slideshow.

The problem is there is no way to ensure that the photos crop correctly (e.g. cut off faces or important parts). Is there a technique or plugin, perhaps, that could at least ensure that MOST photos don't crop incorrectly?

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Photoshop :: Cropping Scanned Images

Jun 24, 2009

I am trying to scan some kids artwork and import into photoshop - I can do that bit!

Then I want to crop the image so that it is around the edge of the actual picture. That is - I dont want a butterfly shape (for example) with a white box around it.

I want to paste the images onto a background colour and don't want the white square around the shape on the background!

know if I can save the image like that in photoshop!

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Photoshop :: Cropping Multiple Images

Mar 12, 2008

I have a question with regards to cropping multiple images in Photoshop. I am planning to make a sort of time-lapse movie of pregnancy / Belly growing. I need to find out a way to make perfect crops i.e. every picture overlaps very well with the previous one.

if its possible in photoshop like tracing the picture using the picture at the bottom and then make a crop i.e. one picture will serve as a template and you place another picture on top of it in bit of transparent layer, align properly with the template and make a crop.

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Photoshop :: Cropping A Layer At Specific Shape

Jul 12, 2012

I have a layer in which I want to crop it-after the cropping I want this layer to have a specific shape-the shape I intend to use is not from the custom shapes list.
Actually it is a type layer.
So I want to use this type layer and with it crop another shape layer, so the latter, takes the form of the later.
How am I going to achieve the above-I tried with a clipping mask but could not do it.

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Photoshop :: Layer Effects And Cropping Tool

Aug 23, 2012

With the new features added to the Crop tool I've noticed when you clip and image the remaining pixels "hidden" by the crop still are affected by layer effects.  I've cropped an image, clipped it, removed the background and when I apply a drop shadow to the remaining pixels, the edge of my photo has a shadow.  Other than clipping first, then cropping away, Is the best solution to set the crop tool to delete cropped pixels? 

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Photoshop :: Cropping Images To Match A Certain Size

May 11, 2007

I am making a list of thumbs in Photoshop that I want to all be the same width and height. What is the fastest and best way to accomplish this when the images are all slightly different sizes?

I've already chosen one of the images that has the perfect dimensions for the page. I'm confused though about how to crop the other images to match those dimensions. I am using CS2.

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Photoshop :: Error :: Layer Is Not A Valid Layer. Some Layers Will Use Existing Pixel Data

Feb 13, 2007

Upon trying to open a line sheet i'm working on, photoshop tells me:

Problems were encountered reading layers
Because the layer is not a valid layer. Some layers will use existing pixel data.

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Photoshop :: Cropping At Same Size And With Aligned Images (and / Or At Scale)

Apr 4, 2013

i am finding that i sometimes have a need to crop a couple of images from something like an architectural line drawing. this means that i have lines in this drawing and i am oftentimes in need - for instance if i have copied two floor plan with one above the other - of having these images sit in a frame that is the SAME SIZE.
i am also in the need of cropping so that the resulting images are ALIGNED - with for instance one line in one image at the same spot at the bottom and to the left with the same amount of bleed area around the image both at this point and at all other points.
is there a way to crop an image in two different spots at the SAME SIZE?

is there a way to crop a "sloppy" copy of two sets of images so that the canvas is the same size but the resulting set of images are aligned in the manner described above?
ALSO, is there some way for me to SCALE a set of images in Photoshop?

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Lightroom :: Losing Images From Folder?

Sep 29, 2013

im losing all my images from "my pictures" as soon as I transfer them to lightroom 4 only to find that I have lost the folder in lightroom as well. then I have to go into the past month collections what can I do to stop this, does it have something to do with  transfering colomn

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Illustrator :: How To Group 2 Layers Without Losing Top Layer

Jun 11, 2013

Im trying to create a logo. I grouped a bottom layer of shapes to form one shape. I also group three letter together. When i put the group of letter on top of the group of shapes it looked great. Then i tried to group this bottom and top layer together and lost the top layer of can i stop this from happening?

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Photoshop :: Cropping And Saving Makes Images Disappear In CS5 Extended?

May 6, 2013

Cropping and saving makes my images disappear in CS5 Extended

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Photoshop Elements :: Cropping / Merging And Pasting Images From Two Different Pictures

May 4, 2013

I would like to crop heads of people in certain photos, and paste or align them with bodies in different images.
I've tried isolating the head or face using the Quick Selection Tool, and then Image/Crop, but I cannot get a clean edge; it's surrounded by an angular border, no matter what I do.

Is this impossible to do with curvy shaped image elements?
I'm working with PSE 9.

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