Photoshop :: PS CS2 How To Flatten Layer Without Losing Effects?

Jan 15, 2007

I have a texture layer in my bevel emboss layer effects applied to a layer. Im trying to flatten the file to get it ready to go to printer and each time I go to flatten, the effect changes and darkens the entire image. I've tried merging the layers, flattening, adding a blank layer and merging down, etc.

Out of options and frustrated. Can someone please tell me how to flatten without losing the texture effect and destroying the integrity of the art?

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Photoshop :: Flatten Image Changes Layer Effects - How To View Whole Canvas Accurately

Mar 4, 2011

Been working on my bands logo that has 2 layers on it. One has layer effects on it (inner and outer glow). When I flatten the image, it changed the way that it looked. Found out that it just "looks" like it changes because my canvas wasn't at 100%. I have to zoom out to about 25% to be able to see the whole image and work on it.

Is there any way to accurately see my whole image on the canvas and what the layer effects will actually look like? The way it works now, how the image will change once I flatten it. Being zoomed out makes what I'm actually viewing on the screen to be wrong it seems.

I attached 2 images, (Both are at 25%) the first one is what I'm looking at on screen BEFORE I flatten the image. This is what I want my actual image to look like. The second is AFTER I flatten the image. Notice the inner/outer glow gets smaller. I tried to just increase the size of the glows to compensate once I flatten it since I noticed that they were basically just shrinking. This doesn't really work though and I lose the noise effect on the white outer glow.

How am I supposed to work on the image and see what it looks like as a whole if zooming out doesn't show what the image will ACTUALLY look like?

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GIMP :: Flatten Without Losing Transparency

Nov 5, 2012

Is there an easy way to flatten without losing transparency?

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Photoshop :: Possible To Flatten Bottom Most Layer To Make Background Layer

Aug 5, 2013

I have a large psd. The bottom most Layer can be a background layer is it possible to flatten just this layer to make is a background layer as this may make the file size smaller. Im working in PH5 on a Mac.

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Photoshop :: Why Do I Loose Effects When I Flatten...

Apr 18, 2008

I've been working on a poster composed of several groups of layers and probably around a total of 80 layers. When I flatten the image, I loose all of my layer effects, things like bevel and emboss on text get flattened out.

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Photoshop :: Flatten Layer, Not Image

Sep 16, 2007

I've been using Ps for a while, but i don't really know an efficient way to flatten just 1 layer. 1 way is to put the layer by itself, but this takes time. Is there another way to do this? The effect would be changing an effect (fx tabs, strokes etc) into part of the image, so that part of the effect could be removed.

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Photoshop :: Flatten Layer Styles?

Aug 18, 2004

Is it possible to flatten layer styles (bevel, stroke, drop shadow etc..) into a singular layer?

I've looked everywhere and can't work it out, I'm sure it's easy to do though, right?

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Photoshop :: How To Flatten A Layer With Transfer Modes Intact

Nov 11, 2012

I have a PSD from a designer where they created icons using "darken" or "multiply" modes over a background, such as this:
However, since it will get on a CSS gradient,  I need to extract the icons as a transparent PNG file, which of course gets me this in the web browser:
I can't just flatten it with the background, since the background is a gradient AND I need to be able to adjust the image's position in HTML.  Also there, are several instances of this situation in the design.  The best way to do this is to have a transparent PNG of each icon.  But, how can I first get the artwork at least close to the way it appears in Photoshop (in darken mode over red)?

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Photoshop :: Losing Layer Focus CC?

Jun 25, 2013

I frequently create multiple paths on a single layer with the intention of applying a stroke to each of them at the same time.  I typically lay out the paths roughly and then go in with the Direct Select tool to refine them before applying the stroke.

In previous versions, once I'd made the last adjustment I would click off the subpath I'd been editing and then right-click and choose Stroke Path, thereby applying the stroke to each of the paths.  (If I don't deselect the last sub-path I was working on, the only option I get on right-click is to stroke that sub-path.)

In CC, once I click in a blank area to deselect the sub-path it also deselects the Layer (removes the highlight from the Layer in the Layer Panel), so most of my right-click options are greyed out. I have to move back over to the Layer Panel and reselect the Layer I want to apply the strokes on.

It's possible that my old approach is bad and I should feel bad, and this added step of having to re-highlight the Layer in the Layer Panel is the bestest thing ever, but I'd kind of like to be able to avoid that additional step.  That is, I'm assuming that this is somehow a feature and not a bug.

If there's no way around having to reselect the Layer after deselecting the sub-path (or after clicking on a blank area with the Direct Select tool in general), in the alternative, is there at least a quick way to select all of the sub-paths at once without losing Layer focus?

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Photoshop :: How To "flatten" Effects In Illustrator Logo

Jul 23, 2008

I have made a logo in Illustrator that contains effects such as shadow and blur. But I can't save it and preserve its tranparency.

how do you flatten the entire logo?

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Photoshop :: How To Merge Layers Without Losing Layer-mask

May 18, 2012

I'm trying to save a file that looks great in Photoshop and preserve it as a PNG. I'll create the image, simply "merge layers" and lose the transparency of it. How do I get my PNG to look like it does in photoshop.
The red background show through in photoshop originally...but then after "merge layers" or saving the PNG every way possible (or so I think)... the degree of transparency isn't preserved.Below looks great. (red bleeds through nicely, good transparency)

Now doesn't look so good. (all i did was merge layers and red doesn't bleed through properly anymore, same result when saving as png)

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Photoshop :: CS4 - Cropping Images Losing Layer Data

Nov 28, 2008

how to disable the cropping tool from cutting out data on layers when you do want it keeping!... its ok if you don't.. but there are times when you want to crop an image and not lose that hidden data!

also why can't you drag n'drop layers to another document tab!! its stupid workflow not to mention all the other lacking areas of CS4 tabbed ui.. like mousewheel functionality.

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GIMP :: Difference Between Merge Layer And Flatten Image

Feb 19, 2012

What's the difference between merge layer and flatten image?Especially in terms of saving the image. I understend that flatten image simply takes things down to one layer but what is partucularly different about merge?

The other thing is is it possible to distort just a portion of an image rather than the whole thing. Say for example to lengthen someones neck only? The only way I've found is to cut a selection then move things around leaving a gap that has to be filled using clone etc. Is there some way of stretching and compressing just portions of the image?

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Photoshop :: How To Keep Layer Effects On One Layer From Affecting Another Layer

Jun 7, 2012

I have found that when I use the Layer Styles on one layer and then make a new layer or select a shape that creates a new layer that when I go to add Styles to the new layer/new shape the previous layer is affected by how I set the Bevel & Emboss, Direction, Altitude, Drop Shadow etc etc.
For instance, let's say I have a ...
BG > New Layer > draw an ellipse and then add a Bevel with an  > Angle of 89 and an Altitude of 30 and then I add a New Layer > open the Styles and go to change the Angle to say +89 or whatever and the Altitude to say 45 ... the first Layer/Shape Effects change.
How I can keep one Layer from being affected by an other Layers Effects'?
I have found that if I Rasterize a Layer Effect that I can add a "double" effect on the same layer but I haven't tried the to do this with separate layers. However, for most of the work I am doing I cannot use the Raster because everything needs to be true vectors.
I have a Dell Laptop/Windows 7 Home Premium that's a 64 bit

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Illustrator :: How To Group 2 Layers Without Losing Top Layer

Jun 11, 2013

Im trying to create a logo. I grouped a bottom layer of shapes to form one shape. I also group three letter together. When i put the group of letter on top of the group of shapes it looked great. Then i tried to group this bottom and top layer together and lost the top layer of can i stop this from happening?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Xref Reload And Losing Layer States?

Nov 2, 2012

We recently upgraded from 2006 to 2013. We had a lisp routine in 06 that would reload all the xref's in a sheet so the layer states would update since simply reloading the xref did not always work. Below is the code we used. Now, in 2013, when we run it, I lose all layer states.

(defun c:xrl ()
(setvar "visretain" 0)
(command "_qsave")
(command "xref" "reload" "*")
(setvar "visretain" 1)
(command "_qsave")

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Paint.NET :: Losing Image Quality After Adding Layer And Inserting Into MS WORD

Sep 23, 2013

Losing image quality after adding layer and inserting into MS WORD.

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Photoshop :: To Flatten Or Not To Flatten --

Mar 4, 2006

I am learning about CS2 now.

Is it best to flatten my images once I get them completed or is it better to keep them in psd format with the layers intact. What are the pros and cons (other than file size of course).

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Photoshop :: To Flatten Or Not To Flatten...

Jul 5, 2008

do you flatten your layers when finished? PSD files are huge and flattening seems to compress the size.

Also, if you do flatten, can you open them up again to make further adjustments?

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Photoshop :: Add Layer And Effects On TIFF?

Sep 12, 2013

I guess my question is as follows: If I were to open a tiff file in photoshop, and add layers and effects on that tiff. file, am I loosing any quality or is there no real difference between working with raw files and tiff files?

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Photoshop :: Rasterize Layer Effects?

May 13, 2004

How would you "rasterize" the layer effects? So that instead of it being the object with the effects on it its just the individual pixels with no effects on them ... does that make sense?

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Photoshop :: Merged Layer Effects

Jun 30, 2006

I have two layers.. One is a simple shape with a raised bevel.. The other layer is text centered over the shape with a bevel of its own that makes the text look engraved.. The problem is when I go to merge the layers, I lose the text layer effect.. I have to merge the layers so how can I stop the text bevelled effect from disappearing?

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Photoshop :: Clip Layer Effects?

Apr 8, 2009

I was just playing around and wanted to put a text layer on top of another layer, I hit a problem with drop shadows though.

I would like the drop shadow only to appear on the bottom layer, at present it drops some of the shadow into what is empty space

Here is an image to show you what I mean

Arh seems I can not upload images yet, well think of a transparant background

layer one is an oval disk and layer two is some text.

The text starts half way up the disk and reaches above it, I want to get rid of the drop shadow that is above the disk.

(my username is also a domain com or uk where I put the images)

Is there a way to clip the effects to the bottom layer, I have been messing with masks but its not happening for me.

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Photoshop :: Centering A Pattern In Layer Effects CS5

Jun 4, 2012

is there a way to center a pattern sample in Photoshop in layer effects? If I scale the pattern it doesn't seem to allow me to center it, it just grows it left to write and as a top to bottom expansion.
Same issue with making a selection and filling it with a pattern. The only way to get a single copy of the pattern is to use EDIT/FILL, then crop it via selection. But I want to get a single sample of the pattern block via a layer effect fill.

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Photoshop :: Stroke Layer Effects Set To Multiply

Aug 18, 2012

When designing for the web, I often like to give text boxes a thin, 1-pixel stroke of a slightly darker color than the box itself. I've noticed that when using the Stroke layer style options, setting the position attribute to "Inside" and the blend mode to "Multiply" has the undesirable effect of multiplying the border color with the background, instead of multiplying the border color with the box color (see figure 1). This seems like a bug to me. The only way I have found to achieve the result I'm looking for is to create a duplicate shape above my box layer, set the fill to 0%, and then apply the stroke effect to that layer (see figure 2). Any way to accomplish this all in one layer? I know I could just set the blend mode to "Normal" and choose my darker color explicitly, but I want the layer style to be portable, so I can use it on boxes of any color and have the resulting stroke a darker shade of that color.I am currently using Photoshop CS4 on a Mac.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Is (Contour Editor) For Layer Effects Gone?

Jun 20, 2012

In some earlier Photoshop version, you could edit the contours (looking like curves) that shaped layer effects like Drop Shadow or Bevels. To do this, you opened the contours drop-down library within a style dialogue like Drop Shadow; then you double-clicked onto a contour icon and you got the "Contour Editor", a dialogue looking like a small Curves dialogue.
But in CS6 i find no way to edit the contours provided. I can create new ones, which doubles the last contour activated, and i can add more contours provided by Adobe. But double-clicking on a contour icon only applies this contour and there is no way, it seems, to get to an "Contour Editor".

I'm on Windows 7/64 bit with ample RAM, with PS CS6 Extended.

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Photoshop :: Export Video And Layer Effects

May 22, 2013

When frames from the timeline are saved using export video, some layer effects display differently from how the frame looks in the timeline. It seems as if some layer effects are based on the layer effect settings for a different frame (for that layer effect setting) 1 rather than the actual frame visible in the timeline.

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Photoshop :: Layer Effects And Cropping Tool

Aug 23, 2012

With the new features added to the Crop tool I've noticed when you clip and image the remaining pixels "hidden" by the crop still are affected by layer effects.  I've cropped an image, clipped it, removed the background and when I apply a drop shadow to the remaining pixels, the edge of my photo has a shadow.  Other than clipping first, then cropping away, Is the best solution to set the crop tool to delete cropped pixels? 

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Photoshop :: Layer Effects Disappear When Saving...

Jul 30, 2008

way to commit layer effects? I try and save a jpeg, png, tiff (without layers), etc. the effects disappear.

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Photoshop :: Group Layer Effects Change?

Oct 14, 2008

I have an image made out of a stack of layers of vector shapes, grouped together. All layers have same (10 px stroke) effect. Is there a way to change it all at once, without clicking and editing every layer effects?

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Photoshop :: Layer Effects Disappear When Saving...

Jul 30, 2008

Is there a way to commit layer effects? Every time I try and save a jpeg, png, tiff (without layers), etc. the effects disappear. What causes this and is there a way to fix this?

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