GIMP :: Flatten Without Losing Transparency

Nov 5, 2012

Is there an easy way to flatten without losing transparency?

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GIMP :: Resizing PNG Graphic And Losing Transparency

Aug 17, 2012

I am using the following code to upload and resize graphic files.

PHP Code:

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Photoshop :: PS CS2 How To Flatten Layer Without Losing Effects?

Jan 15, 2007

I have a texture layer in my bevel emboss layer effects applied to a layer. Im trying to flatten the file to get it ready to go to printer and each time I go to flatten, the effect changes and darkens the entire image. I've tried merging the layers, flattening, adding a blank layer and merging down, etc.

Out of options and frustrated. Can someone please tell me how to flatten without losing the texture effect and destroying the integrity of the art?

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Illustrator :: Every Time Flatten Transparency It Rasterizes?

Jun 6, 2012

I need to have my file in EPS, so I need to avoid transparency or avoid vector illustration because some part of the image rasterize. I still didn't find a way, how to make it, but I can see illustrations, which are vectors and saved in EPS and the effect drawned there MUST be done with transparency.
I created a simple file, where there is a gradient on the background in layer Bg nad another layer Glow with circles. The circles are made by gradient which goes from solid colour to a fully transparent one, so it can join the Bg nicely.

This is how the circles' gradient looks like.

This is the scene.
When I want to save it I select all the transparent objects and all the objects which touch the transparent one. In this case, it is everything in the scene. Then I press Flatten transparency and apply it with following setting. Anyway, every setting (higher ppi) I tried failed.
The result: Illustration full of images -> rasterized -> failed.
Just for example take this illustration - it had to been done with transparency, but it is still a vector graphics! [URL]

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Illustrator :: Flatten Transparency - Getting White Lines?

May 24, 2013

I am getting white lines around anything with a drop shadow or outer glow after flattening the transparency in Illustrator CS6. The only thing I have found that remedies this is to rasterize all objects with effects. Is there another way with out having to rasterize the transparencies?

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Illustrator :: How To Eliminate Darkened Areas After Applying Flatten Transparency

Jun 13, 2012

I just upgraded by CS to 5.5 here in the last couple of weeks (I had purchased it prior to 6 being launched). Any way, I've noticed on some ads I create, when I save as an EPS and then go to "flatten transparency" that sometimes it is taking elements and darkening the photo/graphic underneath. For example, I have an ad that has three starbursts with drop shadows overlaying some photos. When I select the "flatten transparency" function, it is darkening a portion of the photo underneath.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Smart Carver Losing Transparency

May 3, 2012

I recently had to reinstall PSP X3 and since then when I use Smart Carver any transparent areas are lost - they appear as solid white.

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GIMP :: Are Flatten Image And Merge Down Same

Mar 30, 2012

Are 'Flatten Image' and 'Merge down' same ? If not, what is the difference and significance of those two operations?

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GIMP :: Unable To Flatten And / Or Deselect Image?

Dec 21, 2011

I opened a jpg that need more width of any color on each side. Set background to black and changed canvas to new width. However the original center image remains selected and Select>None is grayed out, so I can't flatten and save as new jpg. Merge Down command also grayed out. Looked through online docs but didn't find what step I'm missing?

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GIMP :: Difference Between Merge Layer And Flatten Image

Feb 19, 2012

What's the difference between merge layer and flatten image?Especially in terms of saving the image. I understend that flatten image simply takes things down to one layer but what is partucularly different about merge?

The other thing is is it possible to distort just a portion of an image rather than the whole thing. Say for example to lengthen someones neck only? The only way I've found is to cut a selection then move things around leaving a gap that has to be filled using clone etc. Is there some way of stretching and compressing just portions of the image?

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GIMP :: Scale Without Losing Resolution?

Sep 25, 2011

How do I scale without losing resolution? I'd like to make the image smaller without it becoming blurry

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GIMP :: Flatten Image Or Export To JPG Adds White Borders Around Things?

Feb 15, 2013

I am having an issue with Gimp after taking a heart shaped transparent bg image and filling the transparent parts with a flame pattern, and adding new image objects as layers, every time I flatten the image or export the image to jpg, there is a noticeable white border around the heart! I DON'T want that!!! how can I export or flatten the image without?

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GIMP :: How To Dodge / Burn Without Losing Saturation

Mar 25, 2011

I was doing it before, but now it keeps losing saturation when I use the dodge/burn tool. I must have changed a setting or something.

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GIMP :: Enlarging Image Without Losing Clarity?

Dec 23, 2013

I have a .png image that is 38 pixels wide and 30 pixels high. I would like to enlarge this image to 64 x 64 pixels and also 100 x 100 pixels size, but when I try to do this, the image becomes blurred. The file image is attached. It's a hamburger.[/color]

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GIMP :: Moving Things Around Without Losing Their Scaling

Nov 22, 2012

Ive figured out how to scale images and remove their backgrounds, but when I go to paste them in a new location I lose their scaling.

What I'm trying to do is put multiple pictures (the items are scaled to actual size, which is important) onto a single 8.5 x 11 page.

So, I've taken some of my pictures, opened their files scaled them to where they need to be, and then removed the backgrounds. I saved that as a new file.

How would I then take those files and place them, with the scale I made them, into something that is this 8.5 x 11 page size.

When I try to do it now, it doesn't keep the scale.

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GIMP :: Transparency Does Not Appear?

Jan 25, 2014

Sometimes I make a fresh transparency blank of gimp. Then I import a jpg. I expect the transparency to appear as I erase. Sometimes it erases and there is white; sometimes I erase and it's transparent. ? Isn't it supposed to be transparent?

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GIMP :: How To Recreate Transparency

Oct 4, 2012

The edges of this fabric are semi transparent. The grey colour to the area where the arrow points is caused by the photo's original background. Now I'm wondering is it possible to recreate the transparency so that the colours from a new background will show through. I've tried colour to alpha but that makes most of the image transparent.

The rest of the image is mostly black and greys with a splash of red. I would post the entire image but it's copyrighted - DA stock model - so I don't want to break the rules.

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GIMP :: Transparency From Background

Mar 26, 2012

How is it possible, to take the brightness of every pixel from the background, and transfer that to the upper layers transparency. (The upper layer is for example all blue). As I said before, I know that this works. I tried everything out and asked Google a lot of times, but I just can´t figure it out.

What I can remember doing there was just take the blue layer and transfer it to another picture. I was wondering because i didn´t do anything special.

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GIMP :: PNG Images And Transparency

Apr 8, 2013

My Gimp version……2.6.8.

Until recently Gimp has either supported transparency of .png image files or automatically added an alpha channel to the image. This I don't know. I do a lot of rendering and have always been able to take a .png or convert any image type to a .png, create a path, and delete everything outside of the path and end up with a transparent background.

But something has changed where I must now manually add an alpha channel to a .png image in order to end up with a “transparent background”. what changed in Gimp that I can no longer just erase or delete a selected area of a png resulting in a transparent area?

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GIMP :: Setting Transparency In PNG

Jun 1, 2012


In each program I have used from Corel Photo-Paint 11, Paint Shop Pro 5 and 7, to Gimp 2.6.11 the end result is exactly the same.

I select the background Invert the selection to pull it out of the original Paste the remaining image with transparent background or make an alpha channel The background needing to be transparent stays transparent.

The moment I save the image as a PNG, close the image, reopen it, check if the Mask/ Alpha channel data remains in tact, and it does, the transparency is completely removed and the background turns to white. This happens on every one of the programs and I am just at my wits end.

There must be something, an order of operations, a color scheme, a presetup step that -everyone- knows but me, that is preventing this from having a transparent background.

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GIMP :: Transparency From Selection

Jun 25, 2012

I've to select an area ant turn the background transparent. Previously this was simple: select foreground, invert so background selected, toggle the transparency to 0% and hey presto, transparent background. Now when I do that it goes white.

I have tried using transparency - add alpha channel, and nothing happens: the menu stays there. Is that a glitch in y version of Gimp? and how can I now isolate the background and turn int transparent?

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Photoshop :: To Flatten Or Not To Flatten --

Mar 4, 2006

I am learning about CS2 now.

Is it best to flatten my images once I get them completed or is it better to keep them in psd format with the layers intact. What are the pros and cons (other than file size of course).

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Photoshop :: To Flatten Or Not To Flatten...

Jul 5, 2008

do you flatten your layers when finished? PSD files are huge and flattening seems to compress the size.

Also, if you do flatten, can you open them up again to make further adjustments?

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GIMP :: Black Alpha (RGB+A) Transparency?

Dec 7, 2011

making a alpha channel transparency; Funny thing is. I made it work once a few days ago. I went to bed and forgot to write down how i did it (Tried everything, almost)

In the link right here [URL] n i have 4 files; Q3a_arrow_gimp_ver4.tga (TGA that works as i want it, you'll notice ALL the alpha channels have a black layer channel in the channels tab, how do i recreate that?) Q3a_arrow_methodtry.tga (tried to recreate with THIS tutorial [URL] with no success P.S. i tried loooads of tutorials but this recreation seems rather close to the working .TGA i need) (sourcematerial all vector from Adobe Illustrator) Q3a_arrow.png (picture with transparency intact if needed for comparison)

So; Now... What i did to make the working picture was making a .PNG - drag it into gimp.. I recall doing some Alpha and or masking or selection thing with it, then rendered it for .TGA since Illustrator does not support the kind of .TGA i needed. Worked flawlessly in the engine where i use a function called alphafunc GE128 (blend with black as invisible layer and white as solid)

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GIMP :: Not Erase Something Off The Transparency Layer

Jan 28, 2014

I loaded one PNG pic.

I added an alpha channel to make it a transparency.

I used the select by color tool.

I clicked white & removed.

I saved. I switched to eraser - but it is acting like I'm trying to erase something off the transparency layer and won't erase anything.
I have the correct layer selected in the layers window.

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GIMP :: How To Create Variable Transparency

Sep 4, 2013

I'm sure 'variable transparency' is not the right way of putting this.

I have an image which has some text in white. However because of the aliasing the text is not 100% white against the background (black). Rather; the edges are shades of white.

I want to convert the image so that the text is transparent. If the text was 100% white it would be simple. Colors.. Colors To Alpha. However that doesn't work as it doesn't deal with the shades of white around the edges of the text.

I want the shades of white to be transparent with the same degree of opacity as they white. So the white in the image is 100% transparent and a pixel which is say light grey to be 90% transparent. (The end image is going to be used as a webkit mask; showing the background behind the masked element).

I don't know where to start with this. I know PNGs support 8 bit transparency so it should in theory be possible.

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GIMP :: Transparency For A Sprite Sheet

Dec 21, 2013

I have a PNG of sprites similar to this:


I want to change the background color to a transparent one. I've tried using Color to Alpha but that makes the sprites themselves partially transparent which is not what I want. My second attempt was to use the fuzzy select tool to select all of the white bits and remove them. This doesn't really work either because on a non white background each of the sprites has a few whitish pixels around it's edge. So what I really want is a combination of the two, i.e. all of the white pixels are made completely transparent, and the whitish pixels on the edge of each sprite are made partially transparent, but the sprites themselves remain opaque.

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GIMP :: Image Loses Transparency

Nov 22, 2011

*) Open the image "Ok.png" - you'll see there's a small green triangle on the right.
*) Mark and delete a bit of the triangle.
*) Save the image (I checked the 3rd (gamma), the 5th (resolution) and the 6th (time) checkbox).

When I now open the saved image in a different viewer (I use the picasa viewer because this viewer shows the transparent areas nicely), the image is still transparent.

*) Delete the rest of the small green triangle on the right.
*) Save the image.

When you now open it in a different viewer, then suddenly the background isn't transparent anymore. (It's then like the 2nd attached pic - Fail.png)

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GIMP :: Set Transparency On Couple Of Layers?

May 7, 2012

I need to set transparency on a couple of layers, how do I do that in GIMP 2.8?

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Can't Draw Area Of Transparency

Mar 16, 2013

Take any image. Enlarge the canvas to create an area of transparency. Find out you can't draw on it. Click and unclick the buttons by "Lock:" in the layers bar. Get really really frustrated.

What do I do to fix this (before I give up and uninstall Gimp)?

(to pre-empt the innevitable question - I can't draw on an area of transparency. Even if I copy a section of picture and paste into a new layer and move that to cover the transparent area, it isn't visible. Its like there's an area of completely opaque transparency covering everything else.)

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GIMP :: Are There Different Formats Of Transparency In PNG Image

Mar 5, 2011

Are there different formats of transparency in a PNG image?

I've made a PNG image with transparency that looks fine (I see gray checkerboard through the image) when I close it and reopen it in GIMP. But in the Windows 7 picture viewer, all of the transparency looks opaque white. It is also opaque white when I load it into my Android app for use in OpenGL.

I've made PNG images with Inkscape, and they do not have this problem. The transparency looks correct in the Windows picture viewer, and in my Android app.

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