GIMP :: Unable To Flatten And / Or Deselect Image?

Dec 21, 2011

I opened a jpg that need more width of any color on each side. Set background to black and changed canvas to new width. However the original center image remains selected and Select>None is grayed out, so I can't flatten and save as new jpg. Merge Down command also grayed out. Looked through online docs but didn't find what step I'm missing?

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GIMP :: Manipulating Image - Lasso Tool Won't Deselect

Oct 29, 2011

I have an image, I was manipulating it, smudging etc. Then I selected the lasso to crop out the image. Then I wanted to go back and blur something else. But it wont let me. The lasso'd section of the image stays flashing, even when I double click it to stop it. I am stumped as to how to exit this function. I don't know why it doesn't just switch to blur when I press the BLUR button.

How can I get this to stop? It keeps interrupting my edits and I now have to do it all over again in a separate window as no matter how many times I undo the lasso section will not stop flashing!

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GIMP :: Are Flatten Image And Merge Down Same

Mar 30, 2012

Are 'Flatten Image' and 'Merge down' same ? If not, what is the difference and significance of those two operations?

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GIMP :: Difference Between Merge Layer And Flatten Image

Feb 19, 2012

What's the difference between merge layer and flatten image?Especially in terms of saving the image. I understend that flatten image simply takes things down to one layer but what is partucularly different about merge?

The other thing is is it possible to distort just a portion of an image rather than the whole thing. Say for example to lengthen someones neck only? The only way I've found is to cut a selection then move things around leaving a gap that has to be filled using clone etc. Is there some way of stretching and compressing just portions of the image?

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GIMP :: Flatten Image Or Export To JPG Adds White Borders Around Things?

Feb 15, 2013

I am having an issue with Gimp after taking a heart shaped transparent bg image and filling the transparent parts with a flame pattern, and adding new image objects as layers, every time I flatten the image or export the image to jpg, there is a noticeable white border around the heart! I DON'T want that!!! how can I export or flatten the image without?

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GIMP :: Deselect A Tool When Finished Using It?

May 14, 2013

not be able to go on to something else in a project because I have lines trailing behind my cursor, forcing me to use the undo key or to choose a different, less intrusive tool. Small problem I know, but this has kept me stuck for two days. I did find an answer for an older version that involved about 4 or 5 steps, which I found incredulous, since all I have to do is click once to select a tool. Anyway, the instructions didn't match my version (2.8.4) I hope the answer turns out to be simple, and does not involve multiple steps, because I use the tools a LOT.

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GIMP :: How To Deselect Area After Selected It

May 28, 2011

Is there any way to deselect an area after you've selcted it.

EX: I create a cut out, move my cut out and the dotted line area of cut out is still there. Or I create a box , but I cant get rid of it....

I know.. It's probably simple but I have been trying and I searched the forums before posting.

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GIMP :: After Copying And Pasting Cannot Deselect Area?

Jul 3, 2011

I want to get rid of it, so i'm copying various parts of the background, and pasting them over the signpost. unfortunately, after pasting a section, i can't seem to deselect the newly pasted section. I've had a google and many forums are telling me to go Select -> None, but this is greyed out. I can save the picture, close it, and reopen in GIMP, but i dont want to do this everytime I paste.

I'm using 2.6.8 by the looks of it.

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Photoshop :: How To Deselect Part Of Image

Aug 14, 2011

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to deselect part of an image. When I use the magic wand to select the white background it includes part of the thumb nail. How do I deselect the white part of the thumb nail so I don't remove it with the background?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Deselect With Image In Background

Mar 27, 2013

How do I deselect when there is an image in the background? I'm used to using shift+right click to deselect, but if there is an image in the background then all it does is select the image?

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GIMP :: Unable To Export Image As JPG

Mar 17, 2013

I encountered an interesting problem yesterday while trying to export an image as a jpg. I've outlined what I did.

I had a jpg file of dimensions 150wide X 100 high. Lets call this small.jpg . I had another jpg image that was much larger. Let's call this large.jpg . I wanted to change the size of large.jpg to have the same dimensions as small.jpg.

For convenience, I pasted the large.jpg onto small.jpg and then used the resize tool. When I clicked on export I got the following error-

Saving `large_to_small.jpg` failed

JPEG image plug-in could not save image. I could have sworn that I've done this before and it worked. So I wasted a lot of time trying to `fix` GIMP.


1. Don't paste onto a pre-existing image. Create the canvas size you require then paste the image then resize and export.

2. If you do happen to paste an image onto another for resizing. Close all the files except the current one you are working with. Now choose select all and copy then go to file >>create>> from clipboard. The new image should be of the same dimensions. Export.

One thing I should mention, even though there was an error, the image large_to_small.jpg was created (file size 0 bytes). As you would expect, the jpg file couldn't be opened in GIMP.

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GIMP :: Unable To Toggle 2nd Image

Jan 20, 2013

I resized two images, made a new page canvas, copied and pasted both,opened grid. I can only move one image, can't toggle to other. Layerstack commands are all grayed out, except "reverse layer order" which does nothing. Pg-up/dn keys do nothing. "Align" does nothing.

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GIMP :: Unable To Place PNG In PSD Image

Apr 14, 2012

I have a psd image containing a number of layers, and a png image with a transparent background. I want to place the png image in the psd image but I'm not having much luck. If I copy and paste the png image, all I get is a selection outline, not the image itself. I created a new layer for the psd image before pasting, but obviously I'm doing something wrong.

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Unable To Save / Export Image

Aug 7, 2013

I cannot save or export an image from GIMP 2.8 at all. No matter where the mouse pointer is on the save/export window only a caret is displayed and not a cursor. The exception to this is when I hover over the vertical slider in the directory pane and I am able to move the slider on left click and drag. When I was using 2.8.2 (see below) and attempted this operation the cursor changed to an icon resembling a text document. The icon does not appear in 2.8.6

The problem has only occurred in the last 10 days. It first happened to me about a week ago. At that time I was using GIMP 2.8.2. Today I uninstalled this version and installed 2.8.6 with no improvement. I also tried deleting the .GIMP2.8 directory (as recommended elsewhere in this forum) with both versions but to no avail. As implied I have used GIMP (for more than 18 months) without a problem until the last week and a bit.

I am using Windows 7 Professional 64bit.

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GIMP :: Flatten Without Losing Transparency

Nov 5, 2012

Is there an easy way to flatten without losing transparency?

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GIMP :: Unable To Paint On Transparent Parts Of Image?

Oct 10, 2012

I created a layer by duplicating an existing layer and found that I couldn't paint on the transparent parts of the new layer, regardless of the state of the layer's Lock alpha channel button. After much gnashing of teeth I finally got it to work by exiting Gimp and starting it again. Once I had done that the Lock alpha channel button had the expected effect.

My question: Is this a known bug, or am I doing something accidentally to put it in a mode where it ignores the state of the Lock alpha channel button?

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GIMP :: Unable To Flip Image After Removing Background

Mar 11, 2013

I have no problem flipping an image (before one removes the background). It's "after" I remove the background, that I am unable to flip an image. You'd think you could flip an image in whatever state the image is there a way to do it, or not?

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GIMP :: Unable To Render Background Of Image Transparent

Jun 8, 2013

I have been playing with GIMP now for several months and love the program. One problem I have run into is I cannot figure out render the background of an image transparent so it can be merged with another image. Now, I have tried to read the instructions numerous times, but I have no background in understanding what a path is and several other terms. I have failed time and again and finally decided this is not something I can learn to do on my own.

Warning: I'll be honest. I have no experience in any form of image manipulation and even simple things might need to be explained.

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GIMP :: Unable To Select Feather Tool To Blend In New Image

Apr 19, 2012

When I copy a selection from one image to another, I can't select the feather tool to blend it in the new image (it's greyed out). I have to first anchor the layer, then use the paths tool to re-select the pasted portion again, then feather. Is there another way?

Update: Looks like I can feather before copying/pasting the selection.

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Photoshop :: Changes Appear To Revert Flatten An Image In Cc

Nov 14, 2013

why do some of the changes appear to revert when i flatten an image in cc

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Photoshop :: Image Won't Flatten Glitch C In CS5

Nov 10, 2012

I'm trying to flatten an image with a gradient. This was originally a RAW image. My photos keep having this "C" with circles around it (as seen in Photo 2).

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Photoshop :: Flatten Layer, Not Image

Sep 16, 2007

I've been using Ps for a while, but i don't really know an efficient way to flatten just 1 layer. 1 way is to put the layer by itself, but this takes time. Is there another way to do this? The effect would be changing an effect (fx tabs, strokes etc) into part of the image, so that part of the effect could be removed.

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Photoshop :: How To Flatten / Straighten An Image Of A Can

Jan 30, 2007

Could anyone tell me how to flatten / straighten an image.

I have tried using the perspective crop tool but it only works on rectangular images.

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Photoshop :: Should I Flatten Image Before Printing?

May 14, 2009

I've been printing my images and even with a calibrated monitor they come out darker than what's on my monitor. I'm using the proper printer and paper profiles and got to wondering if my problem might be that I'm printing the psd. In essence, before saving it I just print the image once I've made adjustments to layers, etc.

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Photoshop :: How To Flatten Lighting In An Image?

Nov 13, 2007

How would you remove traces of a shadow in an image?

e.g. Let's say I have an image of a sheet of metal with a hole in it. Obviously, in a 2d image, it looks like a hole because part of edges of the metal will be shadowed where the hole is. But how would you edit the image to remove those shadows?

The reason I would need to remove those shadows is because I am importing the image into a game engine, and the bump map will be handling the shadow effects.

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Photoshop :: How To Flatten Image With Transparent Background

May 5, 2012

I am trying to flatten an image in Photoshop while keeping my transparent background.  When I flatten, it gives me this white background instead. 

I've seemed to of figured it out. what I did was>merge all visible layers(except for the background layer),>command and click on the layer to select all>flatten image>command j>deselect> and then delete the flatten layer. this gave me the transparent background I was looking for."

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Photoshop :: Flatten Image Loses Contrast

Apr 18, 2012

I'm using a Windows 7 icore7 machine. The file I'm working on is composed of six layers: 1) a masked Levels layer; 2) a masked Noise layer; 3) a masked Hipass layer; 4) a convert to BW layer; 5) a copy of the background layer; 6) the background layer. All the eyes on the layers are ON.
When I Flatten Image the contrasty look I've created with the Levels adjustment layer AND with the Hipass layer disappears and the flattened image no longer exhibits those qualities - in other words it reverts back to being soft, low contrast.
All the eyes are ON.
I tried various combinations of MERGE VISIBLE and the same thing happens.I swapped Hipass for Unsharp Mask and for Smart Sharpen and even more weirdness happens - These filters have no effect at all.

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Photoshop :: Altering Colours After Flatten Image

Dec 30, 2005

Say you have a flattened image, a solid background and text of a differrent colour.

If you wanted to change the colour of the text is there some trick to simultaneously changing the pixels around the letters with slightly different hues (because of the antialiasing) into a relative colour?

i have attached a gif image of a letter zoomed in to give an example.

If you wanted to alter that text to say red could you do it?

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Photoshop :: Flatten Image And Merge Visible

Aug 11, 2005

whats the difference between these 2,flatten image and merge visible, and is it necessary to do this before saving it to a jpeg or something?

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Photoshop :: Flatten Image And Invert Its Color

Oct 3, 2008

how can i flatten this image and invert its color?

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Paint.NET :: Take Black And White Image And Flatten It?

Jun 13, 2013

I am trying to take the black and white image and flatten it so it looks flush with the bottom layer, how is this done? Image is attached.

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