Illustrator :: Flatten Transparency - Getting White Lines?
May 24, 2013
I am getting white lines around anything with a drop shadow or outer glow after flattening the transparency in Illustrator CS6. The only thing I have found that remedies this is to rasterize all objects with effects. Is there another way with out having to rasterize the transparencies?
I need to have my file in EPS, so I need to avoid transparency or avoid vector illustration because some part of the image rasterize. I still didn't find a way, how to make it, but I can see illustrations, which are vectors and saved in EPS and the effect drawned there MUST be done with transparency.
I created a simple file, where there is a gradient on the background in layer Bg nad another layer Glow with circles. The circles are made by gradient which goes from solid colour to a fully transparent one, so it can join the Bg nicely.
This is how the circles' gradient looks like.
This is the scene.
When I want to save it I select all the transparent objects and all the objects which touch the transparent one. In this case, it is everything in the scene. Then I press Flatten transparency and apply it with following setting. Anyway, every setting (higher ppi) I tried failed.
The result: Illustration full of images -> rasterized -> failed.
Just for example take this illustration - it had to been done with transparency, but it is still a vector graphics! [URL]
I just upgraded by CS to 5.5 here in the last couple of weeks (I had purchased it prior to 6 being launched). Any way, I've noticed on some ads I create, when I save as an EPS and then go to "flatten transparency" that sometimes it is taking elements and darkening the photo/graphic underneath. For example, I have an ad that has three starbursts with drop shadows overlaying some photos. When I select the "flatten transparency" function, it is darkening a portion of the photo underneath.
I have an ink drawing intended for part of a comic book that I scanned in black and white (no grey) and I am just trying to replace the white areas with transparency so that I can come in with other layers and add color to the image...I am just wondering how I would go about doing this...
I created logo with a gradient object. The gradient is with a single color and transparency.
I can not export the logo, ( Ai, eps or pdf) in InDesign and keep the transparency of the gradient. Transparency becomes white. For the pdf, not only I do not have the transparency of the gradient, but I also have a block of white around my logo.
swatch that I have created in illustrator. Once the swatch is applied as a fill there is a white line surrounding the original pattern. I have read other blog posts about the issue that state that the lines are just on screen and dissapear when you export as a PDF and when you print. I printed the design today at three different scales (100%, 40%, 20%) and all showed a white line but only on the horizontal axis. Both horizontal and vertical lines are visible when exported as a PDF. The original design is vector.
Here is a screen shot of the design from my computer:
Here is a photo of what the design looked printed (notice that the white lines are ony visible on the vertical axis):
I designed a vector in Adobe Illustrator CS6, but when saved as an .eps file, white vertical lines appear in my gradient.
What is happening? I've tried rasterizing the vector at 300 PPI with anti-aliasing, but the edges look jagged (but I really want to keep it as a vector anyway)
I don't know whether it's relevant, but I'm using process colours (but that's only because I couldn't get spot colours to work properly).
I keep getting a white outlined box around type in my Illustrator artwork.It’s a simple logo design with a gradient circle with an S on top.
Text is converted to curves.Text and circle gradient are on different layers.Colors are CMYK. Not spot.Looks fine in Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign but shows up when exported or printed to Acrobat.Also shows up in MSWord 2010 and 2013.Exporting artwork to EPS, BMP, EMF, TIF, JPG, all produce the same result.Flattening the artwork doesn’t fix the issue.Having this issue with both Illustrator CS6 and CC.
I can change the dark color in the border to any color I want using the stroke color. But I can not change what appears to be white, the area surrounding the darker color, in the border, to any other color. If I change the fill color it changes the gold colored area. All I want is to change the white lines in the border area.
This is my deconstructed crest logo, all pieces taken apart. I tried to find the source of the problem but it doesn't seem to be anything that I can track.
This problem ocurrs (the white lines on the "body" and on the two "wings") only when I use Save for Web with the GIF, JPEG and PNG options. If I use the WBMP, SWF, or SVG options then the white lines do not appear. They also do not appear if I use the regular Save As, or if I export to PNG, JPEG, etc.
The black forms are just shapes with black fills (no strokes) on them - so there is no reason that I can find for this happening.
I'm trying to create a compound path in order to mask off some bits and create letters, but there seems to be some kind of overlap and its leaving a white line where there shouldn't be one. Its all set up to snap-to and both shapes are perfectly in line, but its still leaving this white border.
The top of each letter is basically just 2 semi circles, the diameter being where the white line is. the lines are still visible on low-res monitors...
how to get rid of this line or if it will even print?
I used trace to do a trace of my image. I then used live paint to paint chunks of it. When I hovered over each bit, it would come up with a thick pink line and would fill in that line. So all was going well, I got everything the colour I wanted it, etc. I tried to export my image to a PDF and the purple lines that were so useful to me when I was doing live paint still showed up, but showed up as a white outline. I read forums and tried everything-deselected the keep ability to edit in illustrator and create acrobat layers from top level layers. But every time I try to open it in preview on the mac, the purple lines are still there. I can "click off of them" within illustrator, ie-select somewhere else on the page and it makes them go away, but even if they aren't showing up when I save it, they still show up on preview. I can't print it out like it is now!
I am having an issue with Gimp after taking a heart shaped transparent bg image and filling the transparent parts with a flame pattern, and adding new image objects as layers, every time I flatten the image or export the image to jpg, there is a noticeable white border around the heart! I DON'T want that!!! how can I export or flatten the image without?
I'm migrating from web to graphics, and I have no idea if I can save as/export documents in PHOTOSHOP making the white background saved as transparency, as you do with GIFs in Fireworks. This is VERY important to me as I must make dozens of objects with transparent backgrounds and many photos I get they have all that white background.
every time that I want to expend my picture resolution I using the crop tool and make the photo bigger but PS filling the new area with transparency instead of white. How can I set it to be white by default ?
i have an image which is a large scanned hand-drawn housing layout, simply black pen outlines on a white background.
is there a way i can automatically turn the whole white background into transparent? i know how to use background eraser, but it would take me about a week to manually go round the whole image picking out the white bits.
i used the "magic wand" tool to take out the white backgrounds behind a few polaroid images i'm using on my friend's website and there seems to still be a white line still. it's very thin and almost unnoticeable, but you can see it as you scroll through. check out his site and go to the "life" section and you'll see what i mean on the polaroids as you scroll.
my possible reasons behind this are:
1) somehow the "drop shadow" effect creates the white line?
2) in my code i used borders and on the polaroids i set it to no border, and somehow this make there still be a white box around it?
Designer Pro 6: I've made round cornered pix for a catalog. I export as a PNG and the corners show black in the Web app I'm using, but they are transparent so it's OK. The last set of pix were done in Xara Xtreme 5, when I exported those as PNGs the corners were white, and the transparency was OK. My question is why the white or black corners, and is there something I can do that will control that? I used the same approach in Designer as in Xtreme 5.
I am new to Illustrator (CS5, Mac OSX)..I made a logo which contains several gradients and transparencies and it is meant to be printed for several purposes.If I don't perform a manual flattening of my artwork (Object > Flatten Transparency) and just choose to save it as as a .pdf with the high quality print preset, will the printed product look as I am seeing it on the pdf?
The color mode on the original .ai was set to CMYK from the beginning at 300 dpi resolution and all, and the final image on the pdf looks all right, just as I want it to be... but I am unsure if saving as a .pdf will automatically flatten all transparencies and effects on the artwork.
Unfortunately the logo is for a client who's on another state, so I cannot see for myself the printed product. I've already encountered several bumps along the way with this client and I want to make sure the file I am about to send will not be rejected.
Well I sent my design work (used illustrator CS4) to offset printer and it came out one picture dropped. The offset printer says beucase "the pdf was not flattened". How should I "flatten" the PDF?
How can I set transparency like when color is brighter it will be more transparent, eg. white is fully transparent, black is non-transparent, gray is 50% transparent, etc..