Illustrator :: Automatically Adding Specific Shape At Points Along Path?
Nov 5, 2013
i'm trying to build an easy way to create something like the following network graphic in Illustrator:
I basically want to create a brush or some other automatic method for adding a specific shape (in this case a circle) at every point a long a path. It would be nice if I could easily move around points on a path without have to move all of the circles independently.
I tried creating a pattern brush where the circles were the corner elements but depending on the angle of the corner the shape would get distorted.
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May 30, 2012
Is there a way to remove redundant points whilst maintaining the exact shape of the path?
After using Pathfinder or Expand there are often many redundant points which can't be removed using Simplify or Unite.
The VectorScribe plugin has a Smart Remove Points feature which is exactly what I want. I'm presuming the only way I can get that feature is to buy the plugin.
A simple example is shown below: The path is part of an exact circle and I need to remove one of the anchors.
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Dec 28, 2013
How can i pattern a hole on a specific path?
please look at below picture : [URL] ........
I like to pattern a hole on along of the M shape path.
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Aug 31, 2013
In illustrator, is there a way to reduce anchors points in a segment path without altering the path?
Is there a better and more efficient way to reduce anchors points than using the pen-minus tool?
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Jul 9, 2013
I should run a script in Illustrator once a day, automatically at 23 p.m.
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Sep 5, 2013
I know that I can delete anchor points but I was wondering if there is a shortcut to do it on a larger scale.
Can you automatically delete anchor points when a new image is placed on top - so that it 'replaces' the image, only on the parts obviously that you cover with the new one.
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Oct 27, 2013
I want to send the contents of A1 to an Illustrator document at 135, 172 and B1 to 135,190, same with A2/B2 will be at different coordinates as will A3/B3 and so on... I want to do this 6 times and save the document as a PDF. Then, it should clear and do it again. The columns will ALWAYS be A and B.
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Mar 27, 2013
Is there a way to disable this function?
I regularly have to edit text within a grid of lines in illustrator. I can replace/edit text zoomed out, but when I try the cursor automatically changes to the type on a path tool. I then have to zoom in, edit text, zoom back out thousands of times a day. It would save me a bunch of time if I could set the type tool to ignore paths and only select text.
I could take the grid of lines on the files I'm working on and send them to back and lock them, but I am dealing with tens of thousands of files, and it's just not practical.
Any way to get rid of type on a path, or at least prevent Illustrator from automatically switching to that tool when I hover the type tool over a path?
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Aug 15, 2012
I need to export with artboard. Illustrator automatically adds a number to my original file name. It won't even let me replace the old file. It is extremely annoying and makes flow with other programs really hard because they can't auto update, since the file name changes. When you have multiple files, you can't be manually renaming all the time.
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Sep 29, 2013
How do I measure a path between two given anchor points?
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Jul 11, 2012
I'm trying to take a shape from illustrator and have the iOS graphics engine draw it without having to import the file. In order to do this, I need to somehow get a text break down of all the bezier paths / curves / points that comprise the shape so I can tell the iOS graphics engine the points that need to be drawn. Is there anyway to get a list of these points from illustrator?
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Oct 25, 2011
I'm used to working with the pen tool in Adobe Photoshop, so Illustrator is just different enough to be problematic, since my automatic keyboard shortcut uses don't quite work. My biggest problem when drawing paths in Illustrator is that I can't figure out how to move individual anchor points without moving the entire connected path. I'm not using the direct selection right, or I don't have the rest of the path deselected properly, or something? How to move only individual anchor points in a path. (I am very tired of trying to move anchor points and ending up scooting the entire path along with it.)
General Information:
Windows Vista (relevant only for keyboard shortcuts, I suppose)
Illustrator CS2
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Dec 5, 2012
In CS5, and in various documentation it doesn't appear possible to be a way to move multiple anchor points (as it is, in Photoshop). If this is the case... are you kidding me? Even Photoshop can do this.
Quite frankly, on my return to Illustrator, it's, as expected, Adobe has pulled a fast one with their suite of software. What was broken years ago is still broken today.
Photoshop needs the ability to add gradients to shapes, path brushing, symbols, ie the functionality of Illustrator needs to be placed into Photoshop.
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Jun 9, 2013
I have to make an illustration with a 2D text that rolls on a 3D cilindric path. I don't know if is it possible on AI. Maybe I have to do this on a 3d software?
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Feb 26, 2013
I have been playing around a bit - and think the answer lives somewhere in compound paths, but can't quite get it right.
In the example below, I essentially want the anter to cut out it's outline shape into the axe. Same with the shield over everything.
This is essentially so I can place the logo over all sorts of backgrounds, without having to have a white outline on it.
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May 23, 2013
Cs6 here.... I am trying to cut out a simple shape to allow the area under the shape to be trasnparent or Alpha. Like a Mask. Except when I use the Mask it does at it should do and mask the area where the shape is and MASKING or removing the areas not under the mask. I tried Compound path but I am not getting any result from it. My shape stays right on top of my work and does not "cut it out" to allow the Background to shine through as an alpha channel. See pics for clarity. I want to reverse this where the circle is cut out and the rest stays visible...
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Jul 4, 2013
I'm doing an offset path command on a random shape and I need to repeat that in 4mm increments. I noticed that this command is far from accurate. To be as precise as possible I copy the base shape, paste it in front, apply the offset path command +4mm, +8mm etc (since the shape has round edges I chose round and a miter of 5000), and expand appearance. However, at 8mm expansion the round curves become pointy curves and therefore not mimicking the original shape.
AI CS6 latest
OS 10.7.5
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Jan 12, 2013
Is there a way in Illustrator CS6 to drawn an object (random shape), copy and paste a duplicate object and then add or subtract 1/4" from all sides of the duplicate object?
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Sep 10, 2013
I am wondering if there is a way to add/remove/redistribute anchor points on a compound shape so that there are evenly spaced anchors along the outline of that shape.I am aware of the "add anchor points" command. But that adds a new anchor at EVERY midpoint between two anchors. It doesn't smartly calculate where to add and where to avoid adding anchors.
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Jun 17, 2013
I'm currently having troubles from having too many anchor points after "image trace" or "offset path tool".
1. I would like to know if there's a way of deleting useless points AT ONCE. (ex. multiple anchor points on a stait line, or duplicated points at one anchor point)
- I've tried "Simplify" but it changed the picture too much.
- I've tried "Remove redundant points" when using "image trace" but it came out as below:
2. Sometimes pathfinder seems to make duplicated paths. Is there any way of knowing that there are duplicated paths OR eraseing duplicated paths at ONCE?
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Oct 26, 2012
I want to make the A shape as if it was composed from the grouped hexagons from B. the hexagons from B are grouped and the shape from A was made from two elipses and function Minus Front prom pathfinder.
I've tried all the functions from pathfinder in all ways but some don't give a result(I don't need explanation for this) and some do not work as I wish.
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Sep 3, 2012
I got this error many different times and the problem still continues.
When I change the stroke weight from the Strokes menu arrows or by scroll, this action changes my path's shape and distorts it. You can see the problem below:
I got similar errors when scaling a couple of times. But this one looks just impossible to me.
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Jun 7, 2013
After using the path tool to create offset path and increasing the size of a letter. when creating an outline of that new letter the outline remains the same as the original. How do I create outlines to the shape of the new path not the original??
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Aug 20, 2013
I was trying to make a logo and for doing as I sketched it I thought Offset path will do. But unfortunately it didnt. By using this feature repeatedly the shape is losing its initial form. This is what I want (as concept) but as you can see the shapes don't have the same form as the original cloud:
I know is almost impossible to make this without any distortion, but I was wondering if there is any other methond with less shape deformation.
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Jan 15, 2014
I want to simplify part of a complex shape. Is it possible to isolate part of a shape path and simplify it, leaving the rest of the shape with the original number of anchor points?
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Nov 2, 2013
I want to use a 3rd party brush to 'color in' parts of a drawing or paint the background so it has a nice effect.However, when I use the brush tool to add color it reacts in an odd way as seen in the snapshot. I've looked at the brush options but am unsure of what will make a difference. Is there a way of devoting more ram to the program when I'm using it?
Is there an alternative way of adding the same stroke to the actual fill of a shape? At the moment all of my fill colors are block colors rather than having a kind of chalk / pastel texture that I can get with the brush. Basically, I would like to fill shapes with textured color rather than flat color.
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Feb 25, 2012
Here when ever i click on the editable poly modifier again this happens, now im pretty sure this is not supposed to happen,
i tried searching the internet and several forums but no results (maybe im just missing some 3dsmax vocabulary so i didnt coin the term for it)
How do i use a specific shape to carve out a primary shape
e.g. putting a sphere inside a box (sphere is protruding from all 6 faces) and carving out the box
Edit: changed the image to a link and added the scene file as an
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Jun 9, 2012
How do I offset the path of a random shape (for example the outline of a guitar) without having it automatically inset the path as well? Is there an easier way to delete the segments of path I don't want than double clicking continuously with the white arrow?
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Oct 26, 2013
Any way to do this using strokes, but everything I've tried so far has been unsuccessful. I'm starting to realize that this may actually be impossible, but maybe there's a trick I'm unaware of. Pic should explain what I'm trying to do.
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Feb 21, 2013
Here's an extremely simple example.. It works with a circle or a square, obviously because it has the same height and width. The problem is when you have irregular shapes, (or in this case, an oval). I know I've seen solutions to this in the past, but I just can't think of how to word this question and find them again.
I know you can create multiple strokes for an object in the appearance palette, but I'm looking for something more effective than just having colored stroke > white stroke > colored stroke> white stroke > etc.
Here's a couple examples of the kind of effect I'm looking for.
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Sep 19, 2013
Using: WIN7, Adobe CS5, PS, AI
When I need to move a project from Photoshop to Illustrator, I need an automated way to prep shape and vector mask items for export--preferably preserving the structure and layout that already exists as layer names and order, character and paragraph settings, and of course global registration. My scripting is limited to recording actions, so I need to find an existing script or get coached on this. Any recommendations?
I have googled and waded through numerous forum posts trying to research this on my own, so I know about the ability to export my path collection, but that's usually inapplicable in reality. It only deals with vectors from the Paths palette. In Photoshop, I use the Paths pallet to store master and WIP paths, but all the working paths are either shapes or vector masks--or active type layers. Often enough that it's become an issue, I'll need to move the whole project to Illustrator. Obviously, the process has issues; I'm not expecting the rastor layers or Photoshop styles to carry over, but I see no reason why I can't capture text, shape and vector mask elements.
They all have a vector component, but simply opening a PSD in Illustrator flattens (badly) the layers. I select the "Convert Layers as Objects" but have yet to see it extract editable text. I'm not sure if it even attempts to do anything with vector shapes or masks. I've got a process for moving a project one element at a time, using registration marks--but this requires turning text into shapes most of the time, especially if I am trying to preserve kerning and leading crucial to the layout. Maybe I just have not found the right info, and there is a way to transfer editable text without losing character and paragraph settings.
For now, I'd be happy to stop wasting time doing a ton of conversions and renaming by hand, just so I can preserve the work I've already invested.
One suggestion, posted under a multiple path export question, was to use scripting... but no one explored or explained how to go about it. I'm not asking for the impossible, however. I simply working out my own solution: if there is no application method for transferring the elements, try to script a method to prep those elements for export. Before I even attempt to reinvent someone's wheel, I am putting the question out there:
I kept at it and managed to open my current project PSD in AI with text and shape/mask vectors successfully--not as cleanly as I'd hoped but the relative positioning of things was acceptable. I am still interested in hearing people's suggestions on better ways to transfer work from one tool to the other, though. I know this is going to come up for me again and again.
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