Illustrator :: Offset Path Of Random Shape (Outline Of Guitar)?

Jun 9, 2012

How do I offset the path of a random shape (for example the outline of a guitar) without having it automatically inset the path as well?  Is there an easier way to delete the segments of path I don't want than double clicking continuously with the white arrow?

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Illustrator :: Offset Path Random Shape

Jul 4, 2013

I'm doing an offset path command on a random shape and I need to repeat that in 4mm increments. I noticed that this command is far from accurate. To be as precise as possible I copy the base shape, paste it in front, apply the offset path command +4mm, +8mm etc (since the shape has round edges I chose round and a miter of 5000), and expand appearance. However, at 8mm expansion the round curves become pointy curves and therefore not mimicking the original shape.
AI CS6 latest
OS 10.7.5

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Fill And Path Outline Are Offset

Dec 27, 2012

I made a path and filled it with black. When I zoom in to make anchor adjustments, the fill and the path outline are offset making it very difficult to adjust and align filled paths. This happens all the time.

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Illustrator :: Using Offset Path Without Losing Shape Form?

Aug 20, 2013

I was trying to make a logo and for doing as I sketched it I thought Offset path will do. But unfortunately it didnt. By using this feature repeatedly the shape is losing its initial form. This is what I want (as concept) but as you can see the shapes don't have the same form as the original cloud:

I know is almost impossible to make this without any distortion, but I was wondering if there is any other methond with less shape deformation.

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Illustrator :: Get Path Outline To Cut Out The Shape Below

Feb 26, 2013

I have been playing around a bit - and think the answer lives somewhere in compound paths, but can't quite get it right.
In the example below, I essentially want the anter to cut out it's outline shape into the axe. Same with the shield over everything.
This is essentially so I can place the logo over all sorts of backgrounds, without having to have a white outline on it.

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Illustrator :: Ceases To Contract A Shape Using Offset Paths And Will Only Expand A Shape

Jun 20, 2013

What does it mean when Illustrator v.15.1.0 ceases to contract a shape using offset paths and will only expand a shape? Seems like only yesterday I could render both ways. Wait a minute, it was only yesterday! Why would it suddenly stop funtioning?

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Photoshop :: Adjusting Shape Style / Path Outline Always Appears?

May 28, 2012

It does trouble me especially during setting "drop shadow", "inner glow" and "stroke". In previous version, if this problem came up, I can solve it by  clicking another layer and then double-clicking the original layer to pop up the style setting.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Adding Dimensions To Object (Random Shape)

Jan 12, 2013

Is there a way in Illustrator CS6 to drawn an object (random shape), copy and paste a duplicate object and then add or subtract 1/4" from all sides of the duplicate object?

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Illustrator :: Offset Path Negative Value?

Dec 22, 2013

Is there a way to make the offset path not close the gap(red arrow)/not disappear if the two paths collide? like if the paths gets x milimeter close, then they dont offset anymore?

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Illustrator :: Copy / Drag Artboard - Random Shape Will Move Around Arbitrarily

Oct 12, 2012

When I copy/drap an artboard, most of the time a random shape(s) will move around a arbitrarily.  Why?

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Illustrator :: Keep Same Gradient Results When Using Offset Path?

May 24, 2013

The letter "A" on the left is filled with a radial gradient. The letter "A" on the right is the same except I used offset path to expand the shape of the letter "A" but the gradient doesn't keep it's original coordinates and the outside shape of the offset "A" does not match the gradient of the original inside "A". I need the gradient to expand out with the same center coordinates as the gradient inside the original "A". I can't just scale the "A". I need both shapes of the "A" but filled with the same gradient.

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Illustrator :: How To Delete The Image Outside Of Offset Path

Feb 25, 2013

I'm really new to Illustrator, and I'm trying to print an image that will have a CutContour swatch around it, with a bleed outside of the CutContour line. You'll see that I set up the bleed by creating an offset path outside of the CutContour path. However, I would like to delete the rest of the image outside of that, but I'm not sure how to do this. I don't want to print the entire block of the photograph, just the image inside the tracing, leaving the outside white. I thought I could select the offset path and make a Clipping Mask from that but it says it's "too complex" or doesn't do anything at all. I've attached an example since it will probably make more sense to have something to look at in addition to my explanation...

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Illustrator :: Offset Path Creates 2 Additional Paths Not 1

May 29, 2013

So I am preparing a document for printing on an Epilog Zing Laser 10000. I have an outline for a cut I need to make, but I need to accomodate for the kerf of the laser. I am trying to select the circles and use the Offset Path tool to make new circles in the same places slightly smaller. However when I apply the negative offset I get a new circle on the outside of the path and on the inside.
As you can see there is now a larger circle as well as a smaller circle, but the smaller circles don't even have a smaller circle only a larger one despite the fact I entered a negative offset.What can I do to only get the smaller circle in all the circle? Am I even on the right path as far as the path offset tool? Pun intended.

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Illustrator :: Odd Separated Shape On Outline

Jul 9, 2012

The oject below has an unwanted small yellow shape on its edge.

Not sure why it is there as an identicle object within the same project doesn't have it!
How can I connect them again so they are one?

Whilst I am doing this is it also possible to connect the other yellow areas in this image so I can recolor them all together whilst testing colors?

I tried using the: Shift+Select all object>Ctrl Click>Group (& tried "Join" also) but doesnt seem to connect them!

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Illustrator :: Creating Outline Of A Shape

Mar 21, 2013

I'm new to illustrator and I'm trying to achieve something I hoped would be quite simple. I want to take a bitmap, live trace it, then create an outline of 2px wide only around the outside limits of the shape. I want to then get rid of all of the live trace vectors and be left with my very simple outline of the original image. Eg.

I've tried image expand, I've tried outline, but nothing seems to work as I need it to.

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Illustrator :: Hiding Shape Outline

Jan 27, 2013

i created three circles which overlap at certain points, and each of the spaces is filled in with a different color.  i need to hide the thin, black outline of the circles.  i have made sure that there is no stroke, but it's still there. 

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Illustrator :: Contract A Path With Offset - Entering A Negative Number?

Jun 22, 2013

I have a path that turned out to be a litt ethicker than it needs to be.
I see that I can expand a path with Offset Path. I have read online that you can contract a path by entering a negative number, but when I try that, it ignores the minus sign and expends the path instead.
Is there some other way to contract the path?

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Illustrator :: Stroked Path - Outline For Text

Mar 3, 2014

I would like to find a way to outline text, but not that the outlined path will be a filled path, but only a stroked path. I hope the image bellow is more clear than my explanation

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Illustrator :: Create Path Or Outline Just Like Text?

Sep 3, 2013

For text i can easily use TYPE / Create Outlines
but what about Create Path Around Object or PNG with Transparancy ?
i know about using Pen Tool and create Path , but it takes much time and my final work not perfect as i want
is there any tips to create path around and image object ?

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Illustrator :: Stroking A Path Causes Weird Offset (internal / External Stroke)

Feb 13, 2014

I have experienced the following behavior:
1. Adding Effects to a path applies the effect but the effect is not visible in the Appearance panel.
2. In conjunction with this, it appears that internal stroking of the object creates a weird offset. The stroking is visually incorrect. The stroke generally offset by -1 on each axis. If the object has had a rounding effect applied to it, some of the corners become mangled.

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Illustrator :: Delete Unnecessary Anchor Points ALL At ONCE (Pathfinder / Offset Path)

Jun 17, 2013

I'm currently having troubles from having too many anchor points after "image trace" or "offset path tool".
1.  I would like to know if there's a way of deleting useless points AT ONCE. (ex. multiple anchor points on a stait line, or duplicated points at one anchor point)
    - I've tried "Simplify" but it changed the picture too much.
    - I've tried "Remove redundant points" when using "image trace" but it came out as below:
2. Sometimes pathfinder seems to make duplicated paths. Is there any way of knowing that there are duplicated paths OR eraseing duplicated paths at ONCE?

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Illustrator :: Creating Outline Around Text Or Objects That Follows Their Shape

Jan 5, 2013

I have tried the offset path, however it gets too large.  I am looking to keep things simple but need a bit more definition that just a simple outline will give.  On this particular image I am looking to create an outline or fill shape behind the words and pistol but wanting to keep roughly the same shape. 

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Illustrator :: Outline Visual Shape Made Of Group Of Elements

Dec 11, 2012

How can i outline a visual shape made of a group of elements (vector shapes) without outlining the individual elements or merging them togather. I would normally go by merging them togather but client requested they be unmerged.

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Illustrator :: Filling Outline With Color - Path Appears To Be Closed

Nov 14, 2013

I'm using Illustrator CC.  When I draw an outline with either the pencil tool or the paintbrush tool, I can't fill it in with color, even though the path appears to be closed.  The "fill" square has a red diagonal line through it and won't switch to a color. 

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Illustrator :: Giving Text Outline Stroke And Path And Uniting With Other Paths

Jan 13, 2014

How do I give Lucida handwriting a 2pt outline stroke, give it an outline path, then unite it with another shape path without the text losing it's outline stroke??  I can't bold Lucida handwriting as it only has an italic option, so need to give it an outline stroke to achieve a bold letter.  As soon as I give it an outline path and unite it to other shape paths the 'bold'ness disappears and it reverts to it's original size.

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Illustrator :: Create Wavy Line (zigzag Feature) - Outline Shape And Fill With Solid Color

Aug 11, 2013

I would like to create a wavy line (the zigzag feature is not exactly what I need here) to outline a shape and then fill it with a solid color.
This is approx what I want; however the undulation needs to be more round and less peaked.

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Illustrator :: 2D Type Along 3D Path / Shape Possible?

Jun 9, 2013

I have to make an illustration with a 2D text that rolls on a 3D cilindric path. I don't know if is it possible on AI. Maybe I have to do this on a 3d software?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Text Within Shape While Precisely Keeping The Shape's Outline

Nov 11, 2011

I'm working with CorelDraw X3 and want to fill text into a round shape, while keeping it's exact outline. Hence, cutting of parts of words and letters is fine with me as long as the shape is well-defined. Unfortunately when filling paragraph text into a shape, the automatic line breaks lead to a quite irregular shape regardless of font size.

As workaround I arranged a mask in front of background and text but this requires a square paragraph text which is larger than the background. Since paragraph text obviously cannot be cropped with other objects I made the mask size bigger and filled it white. When exporting my document as image everything looks neat, but there must be a better way to do this in CorelDraw itself?

I tried converting the paragraph text into artistic text and cropping this, which works fine for a few words and a small object. But I'm talking around 1000 words here, and trying to crop this artistic text leads to very random cropping results. I guess such a large number of objects and knots is too much for CorelDraw to handle!?

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Illustrator :: Cutting Out A Shape With Compound Path?

May 23, 2013

Cs6 here.... I am trying to cut out a simple shape to allow the area under the shape to be  trasnparent or Alpha. Like a Mask. Except when I use the Mask it does at it should do and mask the area where the shape is and MASKING or removing the areas not under the mask. I tried Compound path but I am not getting any result from it. My shape stays right on top of my work and does not "cut it out" to allow the Background to shine through as an alpha channel. See pics for clarity. I want to reverse this where the circle is cut out and the rest stays visible...

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Illustrator :: Multiple Offset Outlines On Closed Or Non-closed Path

Sep 27, 2013

i want to have multiple offsetoutlines on a closed or non-closed path. with "offset path" i can make only one additional outline but i need multiple?
i searched all over the net for answers with no success.

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Illustrator :: Cutting Shapes Path From Shape Group

Oct 26, 2012

I want to make the A shape as if it was composed from the grouped hexagons from B. the hexagons from B are grouped and the shape from A was made from two elipses and function Minus Front prom pathfinder.

I've tried all the functions from pathfinder in all ways but some don't give a result(I don't need explanation for this) and some do not work as I wish.

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