Photoshop :: Put A Layer On Top Of Another And Achieve A Specific Effect
Feb 6, 2009
I am trying to put a layer on top of another and achieve a specific effect.
My bottom layer is a normal color image, however my top layer is a single object with completely white background. I am trying to over-layer the two in such a way that the object on the top layer is fully visible and blocks the space behind it. However the white portion of the top layer should not interfere with the bottom image. I know there is a cropping method but I cannot use any cropping in what I am doing. I need to figure out how to do this effect using layer options.
The trick is that I have a completely white background on my top image, so I think there should be a way to make white transparent but at the same time keep the object visible.
Here is a sample of what i am looking for (I did this using cropping technique but need to figure out how to do it using layer options/effects such as multiply and overlay)
I am looking for that chair is too old/paint falling off/grass overgrown effect. The whole look that the picture is acient and fantasy liek. How do I achieve this? Maybe any links to specific tutorials?
I'm looking how to achieve the circle ripple'ish effect that can someone be seen in the outer points of image marked with "1" - (ignore the lens flare itself, don't want it there). I've just played around with some tools to see if I could get somewhere near the effect - this is not quite perfect though. The image marked with "2" got a very low opacity example of this.
Im looking to do something like nr "2" with the white "ripple"/glow'ish effect. I figured it could be done in a manual combination of -> making a circle shape -> applying some effect to it -> copy the layer -> scale it down etc. But haven't been apple to find a useable combination and was hoping there perhaps were some filter or other method.
I've seen this type of effect used on photos, mostly for fashion ads, and how its done. Possibly, it has to do with lighting during the photo shoot itself. But it seems to me that there is also a significant deal of processing in Photoshop.
Mostly what interests me is that quality that retains a photographic look, while at the same time gives the image a somewhat plastic and unrealistic feel to it.
I tried to attach a sample image which shows exactly what I'm talking about... but it seems that since I'm new here I can't include links until I have at least 5 posts under my belt. You can see the image if you look here: [URL] ....
I've been trying to figure out how to add a matrix syle bullet trail to an image.In case you guys havn't seen the matrix its a trail coming from the bullet that distorts everything it passes in front of.I notice this effect can be achieved by using the ghost trails plug-in for 3d studio max, but that takes a LOT of work and i was just wondering if any of you know to do this in photoshop maybe using the displace filter or something.If anybody knows how to do this it would be great if you could post a tutorial or just something to point me in the right direction.
Am trying to achive the effect of the attached, I'm talking about the bottom half with the red colour. Sort of looks like water or wine has been spilt on the paper... Anyone seen anything like this, even something along the same lines would great as a starting point.
There's this bloom effect in many sci-fi franchises. Basically, a bloom effect is applied to lighting it make it look like it's glowing. However, the particular bloom effect I'm trying to figure out how to do is... stretched horizontally, for lack of a better term.
For the background image halfway down, there's a totem pole sort of "merged" in with the color. But it's not simply an overlay blend mode or opacity change. It has essentially seemed to adopt an entire palette based on the background color itself.
I think I recall a way to create this effect in Photoshop, but in GIMP I'm stuck. How would one go about making that "color overlay", given any regular picture and a colored background? I'm doing this for a website, by the way.
I came across an amazing Inventor animation on YT. Its a ball that rolls down the ramp, falls into/thru a hole and realistically moves objects it touches. How is that done?
How is that possible to achieve that effect of free falling/gravitation?
I was wondering how you create the sketch effect used on this site I would love to use it in my next project and was hoping you would know of an good tutorials that I could look at.
I'm adjusting a photographic image and am using both a filter effect and a layer style in the same layer on a Smart Object. I want to separate the two effects into two layers, so one layer has the filter effect (Nik) and one layer has the layer style (Color Overlay) (with the goal of merging/rasterizing the Nik filter effect with the Smart Object but keeping the layer style unmerged). I can make two layers and move one effect without problem, but the visual result of each effect on a separate layer is quite different from having both effects in the same layer. The Blend Mode for all my layers is Normal. Within the Color Overlay panel, the blend mode is Linear Burn.
Layer 1: a layer style and a filter effect, stacked
I've had a simple lisp I've been using for years that suddenly disappeared. It required that you identify a block name, tag name, and the value that you want the tag to be. All of this is performed via command line, so it is scriptable. Since I lost it, I've been experimenting with -attedit. This command comes frustratingly close to what I'm looking for, except it only appends an existing tag, or replaces a specific string within the tag; I can't get it to replace the entire tag, regardless of its value.
1> Any lisp routine that does what I describe? or 2> How to make -attedit replace a tag value without regard to what the value currently is (like a * wildcard)?
I have a layer in which I want to crop it-after the cropping I want this layer to have a specific shape-the shape I intend to use is not from the custom shapes list.
Actually it is a type layer.
So I want to use this type layer and with it crop another shape layer, so the latter, takes the form of the later.
How am I going to achieve the above-I tried with a clipping mask but could not do it.
Lets say I have one layer with colour information, (set to hue blending mode) and one layer with black and white shades. What if I want the layer with the colour to only effect the layer immediately underneath? And not all the layers underneath?
In Corel photophaint, if I wanted one layer to only appear through another layer, I would "powerclip" or "paperclip" it.
I needed a second audio file and created a layer and placed my video file that has the audio I want in that layer. I edited the audio in that layer and now I want to save the result as an audio file.. preferably an MP3 file. How do I select a specific layer and save just that layer as an audio file?