AutoCAD VB :: 20MB Dvb File Crashes Randomly

Dec 19, 2013

I just finished 'updating' my VBA code developed over the last 10 years from 'VBA 6' to 'VBA 7'.  When i view the code in the IDE of AutoCAD 2014, everything shows up fine -- no errors.  All of the references i need do exist:

Visual Basic for Applications
AutoCAD 2014 Type Library
Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
Microsoft Scripting Runtime
OLE Automation
Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation
AutoCAD/ObjectDBX 19.0 Type Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1(or  2.7  or  2.8)

When i goto Debug-> Compile, it 'compiles' without errors.  But when i go to run it, it will crash.  If i put in a breakpoint, and step through it, i can identify a subroutine that it crashes on.  But if i do it again and step INTO that sub, it runs fine.  If i have the code just continue on, it will crash somewhere else.  Basically for the most part, if i run a macro and have a breakpoint right away, i can put my stapler on the F8 key and just sit back and watch it run (although a 10 second process turns into about half an hour) -- it gets much further along but will still eventually crash.

By the way, the same basic code runs fine on 32bit AutoCAD 2012 (with the appropriate references changes as well as no 'PtrSafe' or LongLong or LongPtr usages)

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Illustrator :: Compress 39KB AI File Into 20MB PDF

Aug 15, 2013

I have a 39KB AI file I need to compress into a 20MB PFD while retaining all image quality for print.

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Illustrator :: Compress (39KB) File Into 20MB PFD?

Aug 15, 2013

How do I compress a (39KB) file into a 20MB PFD (while retaining all image quality)?

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Photoshop :: CC Randomly Launches Then Usually Crashes?

Sep 23, 2013

this with your installation of Photoshop CS6 or CC? I've seen this happen in both versions.
Here's the issue:
Typically, the problem occurs when creating or modifying a layer style in the layer styles dialog. After assigning some style (drop shadow, stroke,glow, etc.) I occasionally mis-click my mouse prior to selecting the OK button to approve the chosen settings. Photoshop Online Help will suddenly launch in my web browser. It will open a single window or multiple windows randomly, all with the same Photoshop Online Help page loaded (one time it opened more than ten instances in separate windows).
At this point, Photoshop will typically stop responding, then crash and close altogether, BUT NOT ALWAYS. Sometimes I can continue working. Overall this activity seems to create instability in PS and I'll have to relaunch. Sometimes I'll go for several weeks without an occurrance. Other times it occurs several times in a week or even a day. I currently use PS CC.
Accidental mouse clicks aren't exactly the easiest thing to troubleshoot, but I can't fathom why that would launch online help or create instability. As much as I have tried, I'm unable to duplicate it manually. Left click, right click, all over the screen while in the layer styles dialog, and I can't make it happen.
It's not something new that just showed up when I installed CC either. This issue presents itself randomly on several different machines using PS CS6 and PS CC. and has been ongoing for several years now. Been using Master Collection for years and a Photoshop user since 1997. I have tons of memory, tons of scratch disk space, and employ contemporary and FAST processors on all my systems, NO OVERCLOCKING. Everything else is always very stable on all machines.

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Photoshop :: Randomly Crashes When Like Size Or Use Brush

Jul 24, 2013

i have photoshop cc and it will crash randomly when i like resize or use brush tool. My drivers are up to date and i fresh installed windows 7 64bit. My GPU is a AMD Radeon HD 6800 series and photoshop doesnt reconise my GPU URL....and i used event viewer and this is what i have Faulting application name:

Photoshop.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5176451bFaulting module name: aticfx64.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5154f6c5Exception code: 0xc0000005Fault offset: 0x000000000009136eFaulting process id: 0x1498Faulting application start time: 0x01ce889cd7ac9d85Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)Photoshop.exeFaulting module path: C:Windowssystem32aticfx64.dllReport Id: 58d62216-f493-11e2-b673-8c89a5638937 

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Revit :: LT 2013 Randomly Crashes On Close

Jan 12, 2013

I have run Revit 2012 on this computer without any issues, but recently switched to Revit LT 2013 and have been having a tremendous amount of problems with it crashing.  I am working on a quad core i7 laptop with 32 gb of ram and a Nvidia GeForce video card with 4gb of ram.  The operating system is Window & 64 bit. 
When I initially installed 2013 it would randomly crash on close.  The file was always saved even if I didn't save before close and let it save through the closing process.  It would send a report to Autodesk, but this was an error that I could honestly live with since it didn't cause problems while I was working.  
On rare occasions it would crash while I was working in the program.  No warnings, and no report to Autodesk, it would just close and not save what I had been working on.  Becoming a bigger fan of constantly saving.
It also crashed when I was working in the file manager either opening, doing a save as, etc.  I narrowed this arrow down to clicking on a folder with the right mouse button (hoping to rename the folder).  The easy fix was to stop doing that.However, recently it seems to have begun to crash far more often, many times at ten to fifteen minute intervals.  Some of the occasions it occurs at are:

-trying to change the end location or arc of a leader
-editing the boundary of a fill region (when launching the trim command)
-using the paste command to copy line work from one detail to another.

Each time it will crash it will come up with the window that the program has stopped working and windows is looking for a solution.  Eventually windows closes the program.
I have tried turning off the 3d acceleration in Revit and that had disasterous results.  Revit would load but immediately when loading a file and trying to display the image/drawing.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Randomly Crashes Using Intel HD Graphics 4000?

May 28, 2013

When using Photoshop CS6 on Windows 8 [Surface Pro], it randomly crashes. I normally can only use Photoshop for less than a minute, doing less than ten actions, before it crashes. I get an error message saying "Adobe Photoshop CS6 has stopped working." If I debug it using Visual Studio, I get this message:
Unhandled exception at 0x5442B60E (ig7icd32.dll) in Photoshop.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000002C.
I looked up ig7icd32.dll and it seems to be published by Intel and related to my graphics hardware, so I assume the problem is related to my Intel HD Graphics to fix this problem or as to what might be causing it?
EDIT:Also, when launching Photoshop, I get this message:
Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver, and has temporarily disabled enhancements which use the graphics hardware. Check the manufacturer's website for the latest software.
Graphics hardware enhancements can be enabled in the performance panel of preferences.For more information, visit:[URL]...All my drivers are fully updated, and all Windows updates are installed. No other applications have any problems with my graphics hardware.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Active Project File Changes Randomly On Different Users Machines

Mar 19, 2013

We have had this issue now for a couple years and don't know what is causing it. We are using vault pro with admin set single project file. A user can work for months using correct.ipj, then randomly at 10:42 they will notice the active project was been changed to some other temporary project location "c: emp.....". Then it will happen to different users at different times. I cant seem to find any correlation to anything. I can only imagine that it is somehow triggered from the vault addin.

We are inventor 1012 and vault 2012 pro.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Randomly Freezes When Opening A File

Jan 23, 2013

photoshop cs5 randomly freezes when opening a file. File does not open and cannot move palettes. Only rebooting cures it for a time then ...freeze again! Seems to be getting worse, happening more often. I have all the updates. Running on macbook pro 2.4 core i7 8gb ram OS  10.7.5. Basically I work away and then I try to open a file, the windows and pallets all open but the actual file doesn't. The layers are showing all relevant info but if I try to move the pallet...frozen! Have to reboot to get the file to open.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing File Crashes

Dec 2, 2013

This morning I got to work and attempted to modify an existing drawing file per some requested changes. I figured I would open the drawing file and move some of the things around that I needed but were going to disappear after I edited the model. The end result was to remove some small items from the model and add two other small items to the model. There was some annotation in the drawing connected to the parts I was removing that I wanted to stay in the drawing file so I was editing the drawing file first. This is what happened and what I have tried since:

1.) When I went to copy a weld symbol from one view and paste it in another IV crashed.

2.) I rebooted, attempted again, IV crashed.

3.) I rebooted, attempted to add a new weld symbol and delete the other (instead of copy/paste), IV crashed.

4.) I installed the windows updates my computer was telling me I needed to install (.NET 4.5.1).

5.) I rebooted, attempted again, IV crashed.

6.) I attempted to add a weld symbol to a different drawings in a different project, success.

7.) I attempted to add a weld symbol to a different drawing file in the same project, success.

8.) I attempted the original process again, IV crashed.

9.) I attempted to open the assembly file referenced by the drawing file, success.

10.) I attempted to open a drawing file that references the same model file as well as others in a larger assembly, success.

11.) I removed parts from the assembly file that were no longer needed in the design, success.

12.) I attempted to open the original problematic drawing file, IV crashed.

13.) I attempted to open it again, IV crashed.

14.) I used pack-n-go to consolidate all of the files to upload for my support request.

15.) I attempted to open the pack-n-go drawing file on my laptop.... IT OPENED.

Now, every time I attempt to open the original drawing file on my workstation, IV immediately crashes. When I open the PNG drawing file on my laptop it works. What should my next step be?

I am afraid to go any further because this drawing file is very much needed, and so large and complicated that I do not want to just create the file again (6 sheets detailing a large tank). I also don't want to start copying and pasting the file that does work on my laptop and screw something up with the files on my workstation. And of course, this tank is scheduled to start fabrication today.
Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate
Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1)
Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 Crashes Loading DWT File?

Jun 24, 2012

why our copies of AutoCAD MEP 2012 seem to hang when loading the default dwt files? On the splash screen it details all the files being loaded and when it gets to the dwt file it just hangs at 0%. In the windows task manager, acad.exe stops using memory (around 90megs) and the cpu stops too. It's get's really frustrating, especially as it only seems to affect our new Dell Optiplex's and a couple of our old Dell Precisions. Some of them work first time every time, no probs. All PC's are Windows 7 Pro 64bit and running the latest service packs for AutoCAD.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Save File Crashes?

Sep 5, 2012

I seem to have my task accomplished, but Inventor crahes on me after it is done.

Here is how my iLogic works. 

' Deleting the suppressed parts from the assembly
Dim compDef as AssemblyComponentDefinition
compDef = ThisDoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim compOcc as ComponentDefinition
For Each compOcc in compDef
[Code] ........

Now as soon as the last line is executed, Inventor crashes.

But when I go to the save file part (C:MyPath), both the parts and assembly files are saved and if I open it, they work just fine.

I just can't get inventor to stop crashing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Crashes On Opening New File

Nov 22, 2013

Yesterday inventor worked fine, I made 3 new parts.But today when I wanted to put these parts together in an assembly and I try opening a new file, inventor crashes?

I still can open projects, but can't create a new project.

PS. I'm using Inventor 2014 Student Version with service pack 1 on Windows 8.1 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Crashes When Try To Open Existing File

Jun 6, 2013

I installed AutoCAD on my pc with windows 7 and to complete the installation I had to change the registry file EULA from 0 to 1. Now it works but when I try to open an existing file it crashes.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 Crashes When Closing File After Plotting?

Apr 22, 2011

I frequently have AutoCAD LT crash on me when I close a file.  It seems to happen most after I have plotted the drawing. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Crashes When Loading Any File Or Closing Welcome Center?

Jan 12, 2013

After downloading the Autodesk Inventor 2013, I was forced to download the hotfix. I completed the download, and started up Inventor. My force closed crash report directed me to the most updated update, which I then installed to no avail. I've sent an additional crash report, but I've yet to recieve any feedback. When I go to either load the .ipt blank file, or even close the welcome center tab (to be able to access the tools to troubleshoot) It shuts down.

Windows Vista 32-bit
ATI Radeon 3400 HD Series
Intel(R) Core 2 Duo CPU E7300 @ 2.66GHZ X2

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 10 Network Version Crashes When Saving File Changes?

Jun 3, 2013

I'm having a problem with the files saved from Inventor, regardless of type. I have no problem saving new files or opening files, however, any time I try and save changes to a file, inventor crashes. Also if I try and move a file, windowes explorere gets stuck at "descovering items." Renaming a file crahses explorer. 

One of the files is attached.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pro 2014 Crashes When Saving Older File

Oct 21, 2013

I have a situation where a teacher in our PLTW(Project Leads The Way) who uses inventor products for sometime is not able to save a old current project or make changes to this project, then save it. What is happening is it gives a blue screen error and corrupts the file so it cannot be fixed or opened. We cannot duplicate the process with the teacher, but we can if the file is opened on another computer and it is opened also on another computer at the same time as other pc. However, the teacher states that he doesn't have it open on any other PCs in the school.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2009 Crashes When Opening File Created In 2012?

Aug 13, 2012

I work with a national company that creates criteria drawings for new projects. They recently changed to the 2012 version but they save it down to 2007. There has not been an issue with opening files with my 2009 version until recently. All of the computers in our office are unable to open these new files, although they claim nothing has changed. My CAD will pop up a fatal error and shut down whenever I attempt to open the new files. I downloaded the 2013 trial version and saved the file down to the older version, but that does not work either. Newer versions do not seem to be affected by the files, just my 2009 version. I tried creating a new file in 2013 and saved down to 2007 format. When I try to open it 2009 there is no issue. besides purchasing a new version of AutoCAD?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 Crashes Windows 7 When Opening Saved Drawing File?

Jul 25, 2012

When I open a .dwg file from a saved location auto cad crashes about 35% of the way through loading. I did not have this problem when I was running Windowws XP but now I am running Windows 7.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Modified Appearances Library - Now It Crashes On STEP File Opening

Mar 1, 2013

We recently purged our part templates of unused materials and appearances because there were duplicates after our merge between our original 2012 library and 2013 library.  We deleted these duplicates but retained all materials that inventor uses by default, such as the "default" material.

Creating new files causes no problems, however when opening a .STEP file Inventor immedietly crashes and exits to the desktop.  We tried re-assigning the default templates that came with our install of 2013 and we can open STEP files just fine.

We tried uninstalling the latest update (Update 2 for SP1.1) but that did not change the problem.

We are using confirmed STEP files that have opened fine in the past and new STEP files that are freshly downloaded.  NOTE: the same crash occurs with .SAT and .IGES files as well, however we primarliy use STEP files.

This is occuring on two seperate machines, both running Windows 7 64-Bit with i7 processors and 16 Gigabites of RAM.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2013 Crashes In File Dialog Box If Folders Created Or Edited

Aug 26, 2012

I've tried this on three different machines now, definitely seems to be a bug.  We are creating these on the X drive or Autodesk 360, do n't know if it does with any file folder, but guessing it probably does since the sync is an external process.

Autodesk Infrastructure Suite Premium 2012/2013
Windows 7, x64
Xeon E31225 w/ Quadro 600

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layers Turned Off Randomly

Feb 13, 2013

I've had this issue with layers turning off randomly in the previous years; it has been fixed at some point when a service pack was installed. It is back now in Autocad 2013 and SP1 does not work.

Usually it is happening after the unisolate command. I assume that it is related with the unisolate function that does not work for all layers.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameter Changed Randomly

Oct 22, 2013

In one of the assemblies I'm editing I have a rule where the parameter changed formats on me. It went from something normal like:

Parameter("Name:1", "Name")=36 to a format like: p534g9_86=36. 

How i might be able to track down what was being pointed at so I can correct it? I looked through the assembly and part file parameters but can't find where 36 is being plugged in at. 

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AutoCad :: Randomly Commands Will Seem To Be Stuck On Xy Plane

Mar 2, 2011

1. when copy/pasting after the first few times the objects start to appear really far away from the cursor, i have to zoom out to even see where they are trying to paste to.

2. randomly commands will seem to be stuck on the xy plane. I switch to left view and dimensioning will only want to measure lines from a top view.

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3ds Max :: Crashes While Importing FBX File

Jul 11, 2011

I have 3ds max 2012 and every time I try to import an FBX file, the file loads all textures and the object, (the scene is just one character with textures) but soon after the object loads the application says "Not Responding" and in order to fix this I have to restart 3DS max. All I want to do is load the object in 3DS Max to add bones but I cant do that because it wont load.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Randomly Freezes And Won't Refresh

Feb 8, 2011

Anyway, I just updated to the Factory Design Suite Advanced package for 2011 which, of course, includes Inventor.  I have downloaded and installed all updates, service packs and hotfixes I could find btw.  What happens is I'll be working in Inventor on a solid model of ANY size (even a single part) and with absolutely no warning, the display window will freeze up and won't refresh.  What's really weird though is that Inventor itself is not locked up.  I can click on any of the buttons or any of the items shown in the browser as though the program's running normally.  I can check the task manager and it shows Inventor to be running normally.  The memory status bar in Inventor shows lots of available memory.  I can even hover over the display window in the area where the view steering wheel is located and the icon will change appearance as though it's working normally.  I can even save the file.  If I close the file, it responds like normal and goes back to the default screen.  If I try to open ANY file after that, however, the screen will not refresh or show me the file I opened, even though everything else works fine and the program isn't frozen.  The only way to restore full function is to completely close and reopen Inventor (on average I have to do this about once an hour).  Btw, I'm also working in a local directory stored on my hard drive, not a network.

My first inkling is that it's a graphics issue but I have played with all the display settings to no avail.  I ran a diagnostic on the video card and Inventor says that I'm running an Autodesk Certified driver.  All the specs are within reason I think.

My workstation specs:

Dell Precision M4500 laptop

Intel core i7 processor, 2.67 GHz


Windows XP Professional SP3, 32-bit, running in 3 GB mode

NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M, 1 GB graphics card (just updated the driver change)

230 GB hard drive, 136 GB free space

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Screen Randomly Goes Black When Use 2013

Feb 24, 2013

I have a Alienware M17x with 8600 dual core processor (2.4 GHZ), 1G Nvidia 260M Graphic card, and 8G of RAM. These black outs in Autocad Architecture 2013 are random they just happen out of nowhere.  Is it that I need a 2G graphic card instead of a 1G or what?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing Portions Randomly Scaling?

Jan 9, 2013

I work in both metric and imperial dimensions. I specify european cabinetry, and most of the architectural drawings i receive are for US clientelle so they're in ft and inches. When dimensioning, it's important that the cm dimensions are accurate for the factory, but the inches are accurate for the contractors.

So my drawing had 1 plan and 4 elevations. All drawn correctly. All scaled together, never one at a time. Yesterday morning everything printed correctly with this drawing.

Randomly, after some very minor changes to the drawing, 1 elevation remained at the correct scale and the plan, and 3 elevations randomly scaled down and at different scales from each other. Also, when i plotted this to a printer it matched what was on the screen. When i plotted it to PDF immediately after, the PDF's reflected 5 totally different scales where all 5 drawings and didn't match the screen or print. For example: a cabinet height in one elevation was 87cm, the next 86cm , and the next 83.9cm. Printed to pdf at totally different dimensions (see attached).

The file was closed and reopened, and the plan, and 2 different elevations were at an even different scale, smaller scale than before. They more closely matched what I got when plotting to a PDF.

I purged, and audited (no errors found), I copied only the bare bones necessary info into a new document, and scaled everything by reference to the size it needed to be. Most of the drawing automatically corrected themselves to the correct dimensions with the one step.

However, certain lines on my plans scaled at a far greater scale, while one wall was accurate, and one wall was off just a fraction. So even though i selected the entire thing and scaled it up together, different layers scaled differently. Basically i had to redraw the plan almost entirely.

The same happened with 3 of the 4 elevations. One section scaled correctly, one section scaled more than it should have and made that portion off.

So i had to redo that elevation as well.I created guidelines and set them where they need to be to align every single wall and cabinet and locked the layer in the hopes that if things move again, the guides will remain.

This has happened randomly with drawings previously, but only by a degree of .1 to .3 cm.  I figured this was from scaling the drawings and dimension accuracy. While that was annoying, it was minor. This time we're looking at 2-8 inches difference which can really mess up a job if unnoticed.

what could cause only portions of drawings to scale differently than the rest and at random times even when the scale command hasn't been used? And between closing a document and reopening it? AND from printing to a printer and to a PDF?

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Photoshop :: CC Crashes When Open A File?

Jul 24, 2013

When I go to open a file (any file, jpeg, psd, tif) Photoshop CC launches and begins the process of starting up. The file image appears for a brief moment then the program closes (aka crashes) and that's it. I then try CS6 and it opens the file just fine.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crashes When File Is Edited

Sep 30, 2013

I recently upgraded my RAM and since that day I am having problems with Photoshop I am not sure how that could be related. The Photoshop crashes,

When I insert an image and try to Transform or Move it When I try to initialize the Text Tool When I try to Transform a item After a certain amount of time, automatically.

Using Windows 7 OS.

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