AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2013 Crashes In File Dialog Box If Folders Created Or Edited
Aug 26, 2012
I've tried this on three different machines now, definitely seems to be a bug. We are creating these on the X drive or Autodesk 360, do n't know if it does with any file folder, but guessing it probably does since the sync is an external process.
Autodesk Infrastructure Suite Premium 2012/2013
Windows 7, x64
Xeon E31225 w/ Quadro 600
I recently upgraded my RAM and since that day I am having problems with Photoshop I am not sure how that could be related. The Photoshop crashes,
When I insert an image and try to Transform or Move it When I try to initialize the Text Tool When I try to Transform a item After a certain amount of time, automatically.
I work with a national company that creates criteria drawings for new projects. They recently changed to the 2012 version but they save it down to 2007. There has not been an issue with opening files with my 2009 version until recently. All of the computers in our office are unable to open these new files, although they claim nothing has changed. My CAD will pop up a fatal error and shut down whenever I attempt to open the new files. I downloaded the 2013 trial version and saved the file down to the older version, but that does not work either. Newer versions do not seem to be affected by the files, just my 2009 version. I tried creating a new file in 2013 and saved down to 2007 format. When I try to open it 2009 there is no issue. besides purchasing a new version of AutoCAD?
Every time that I open a new drawing and select the path, open file dialog appears empty and If I click "ok" button, then appears the following message:
I´m using Civil 3D 2014+hotfix1.
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1 Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz. ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd 32gb RAM 1600 Mhz. nVidia Quadro 2000. Win 7 Pro 64bit
Is there a program that can rename a new file to match another file name (They are in 2 different folders)
What I have is hundreds of PDF files and I have to rename each of them to match the name of an existing file in another folder. Retyping the names is killing me. I hope to find a program to click on one to match another.
One of my users has a strange problem. While editing a drawing (opened from the network), the drawing switches to read-only when she tries to save it, and the .dwg file on the network folder from which she opened the file disappears. The lock files are still there, but the .dwg is gone. She can do a Save As, so she hasn't lost any work (yet!), but the problem has me perplexed.
This problem started when we converted her to Civil 3D 2011. At the same time we also upgraded her to Windows 7 64-bit.
I have about 20 other users on this same platform, she's the only one who's had this problem. I've done a repair install but that didn't fix it. I haven't yet done a full uninstall & reinstall, maybe that's what I should do next.
I have a network recovery bin application running on the server, but it has no record of the file being deleted.
I'm using Autocad Civil3D 2011, Version 3. Just yesterday I noticed that the file date shown in Autocad's open file dialog box shows an earlier time than Windows Explorer, which shows the file date and time correctly. When I enter the "time" command on the autocad command line, the correct time is shown for the "last updated" time.
For example:
The Autocad open file dialog box shows the file having a time/date of 4/23/2013 3:54 PM
Windows Explorer shows the file having a time/date of 4/23/2013 4:10 PM
"TIME" command at autocad prompt returns the following:
Current time: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:55:35:454 PM Times for this drawing: Created: Thursday, March 27, 2008 5:49:57:104 PM Last updated: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:10:56:299 PM Total editing time: 17 days 15:31:26:967 Elapsed timer (on): 17 days 15:31:26:967 Next automatic save in: 0 days 00:09:58:237
I rebooted and restarted autocad, and resaved my file with the same results (although with different times-but again the autocad open file dialog box showed an incorrect, earlier time). I have never had this problem before, and it is driving me crazy as I usually sort my files by date to assure that I am working with the latest file.
Is it possible to attache a PCG file created with ACAD 2013 in ACAD 2012? I ask because I keep getting the message "the point cloud data file is not valid!". I have tried using both x86 and x64 and get the same error. I have also tried with ACAD 2011 and get the same error. The file was created from a Leica PTS file.
I'm using Autocad 2013, and the Open File Dialog Box has disappeared. Every time I try to open a drawing, it defaults to the command line. I have the same error with Image Attach. It's only my user. Other Users on the computer do not have this issue. Settings to change it.
How to best smooth a surface created from a DEM file? Contours produced from the surface, particularly in the flatter areas seem to be following the triangles, so you can see the rectangular nature of the grid.
I've attached a screenshot with the contours shown. Up to this point when creating the surface, all I did was add a data clip boundary, then add the DEM file (manually within the surface definition, not using the "create surface from DEM" feature). I had tried some of the options under surface edits & smoothing, natural neighbor interpolation, but the results were still all wonky.
When I click on File>Open The dialog box no longer has a thumnail preview. Only a small grey box hovering on the right that says "Initial View" with a check box. I have attached a snapshot of my Autocad File> open dialog box so you can see what I'm getting on my end.
If I browse for files in windows explorer and change view option to thumbnail I can see the thumbnails just fine.
I've tried everything but I cannot get back my File> Open thumbnail preview.
In Tools> Options I have the thumbnail preview settings all set to save thumbnail preview image. Nothing has changed that I know if for the thumbnail preview to go away.
It's really slowing me down not being able to have thumbnail preview in the file> open dialog box.
I have a problem with previewing of new files I made in INV2013. Old files are OK. I can not find the cause...I also found, that some new files are correct and other incorrect, all made in INV 2013.
There are two types of error:
1) when I pick the file I want to open, in left lower corner - thumbnail window- is displayed text:"preview not available"
2) when I pick the file I want to open, the left lower corner - thumbnail window- is black
In iProperties panel I have checked "Save preview picture"
There are four of us in our office who all installed Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2013. One of us cannot see thumbnail previews in the file open dialog box or in the preview area of Windows explorer. She's using Windows 7, 64-bit.
Whenever I try to do a COPYBASE on a surface, C3D 2013 crashes. I can do the same steps in 2012 with no problem, but in 2013 I get a fatal error everytime.
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM
I have been exporting photos into a folder called edited in my originals folder. then i delete the originals and dump the edited into the main folder. but then i can no longer access the photos in lightroom because it says the file is missing. what am i doing wrong? do i have to keep originals and edited photos in my folders? i try to export to replace originals but that doesnt work and it will only work if i put in sub folder. i dont want to keep a copy of originals and edited, but i also dont want to not be able to make more edits in the future.
We are using Photoshop CS3 on our G5 Mac running Leopard. When we open any JPG or EPS file and attempt to edit the meta data it crashes Photoshop completely (before we can even attempt to save the file). It does not matter which meta data field we are editing it happens to all of them. Not sure what has changed on the system as we have not done any updates recently. Thought it might be a corrupt preference file but not sure which one to delete?
Every time we have the file dialog boxes open and try renaming or any other explore action beyond changing folder location and hitting the save button AutoCAD LT will hang and crash. We have tried starting the file operation and then just canceling and it does the same exact thing. What happens most of the time is the user will be working on a file and need to save it. They click save as and will go into the folder and right click and rename an existing file to a backup name and then hit save. It proceeds to crash instantly and the document doesn't get saved. It doesn't seem to matter the name of the file or folders or if it is a rename or delete operation. It seems to be related to bring up the explorer options within AutoCad honestly. All of our computers do the same thing.
duplicate folders being created with Lightroom 4.3 on import?
When I import photos, they go to a folder with a name "XXX" for example.
The folder is in a hierarchy of "2013, March, XXX".
Lightroom creates a folder here and above 2013! It is making a mess of my library.
Also, when I import using Photo Mechanic (great software that just works!) and then do a "synchronize folder" in Lightroom, only 1 photo is transferred.
Admittedly, I am fairly new with Lightroom but I am totally at a loss to explain what has happened. I wanted to create a new catalog to move some files into. I went File>New Catalog and then in the "Create folder with new catalog" dialogue box, I typed in my new name and hit "save". Boom. Lightroom closed right down. When I opened it back up, all of my folders and catologs were gone. Nothing appears in the navigation section on the left side other than the headings, "Catalogs", "Folders", "Collections", etc and they are empty. In "My Computer" all of the folders are still there with the DNG files in place, but LR will not show them to me. why I can no longer access my catalogs?
I'm having issues with Civ3d 2013. I pushed off upgrading from 2012 because of the format change and the service pack release. I was hoping little glitches would be fixed.
Here are the a couple of glitches to date that I have seen no resolution to in the long list of threads.
1. Layer filters do not filter, unless I have checked "Apply filter to toolbar". The problem is, I dont want to apply them to the toolbar.
2. Publishing to PDF - when set to lines merge (set in the page layout and the publish setting), the wipeouts dont work, and the background masks on leaders makes a faint border around the text in the PDF. When set to overwrite, to get the wipeouts to not print to the PDF as a big black blob, they have to be on a layer set to color 255. I can work around most of the wipeouts, except for dimensions because the background mask doesn't seem to take.
I have deleted these folders manually and they are recreated each time PSP launches. I have changed the settings in File -> Preferences -> File Locations to remove references to these folder locations, and then tried deleting them, but they are recreated again on load. how to remove them? They are littering my network drive...
Is there any possibility to work with the vista 64 save-dialog in photoshop? My problem is: I often have to click through a lot of folders to get to the one I need and there's no chance to put individual folders at the save-dialog on the left side (as i.e. "computer", "desktop", "last viewed" etc.). The windows-explorer got this feature - there you can drag individual folders to the dialog-window as a shortcut.
I'm running Windows 7 RC but I've been using that for a while. It seems like this problem started after I began running my lightroom catalog from my Drobo, but I'm not sure if that is related as well. When I bring up a Browse for Files or Folders dialog box, for example when chosing where to export or import images, nothing shows up in there except for my user name and folders that are inside there such as documents, pictures, music etc. My drives and folders do not show up at all. If the location I want to import or export to is in the list of previous locations, for example e:pictures then I can still use that location. But if I wanted to pick that location from the browse dialog there is no way to do so. I need to export some photos to a CD, I can't select the drive. I attached an image to make my problem more clear.
I'm experiencing a bit of an organization problem with Lightroom 3 which is probably rather easy to fix, but I just can't seen ti figure out how. When I import photos in Lightroom it automatically creates folders (2011-12-14 for example) and I would like to change the location on my computer for these folders, but I can't find where to do it. It now creates these folders in my regular Pictures folder which gets really messy due to this. How can I change this? And how do I relocate all the excisting folders on my laptop, without having to find all the missing photos afterwards.
I have an assembly that was created on 64 bit version of Inventor 2013, the total file size of everything is around 150MB. Even if I use 'Pack and Go' to move the file to another computer running the 32 bit version I get an error when I try to open it which says something like:
'unable to allocate 3GB memory for FBAttributeSegment'
The actually figure is over 3GB but of course on a 32 bit version of windows it is physically impossible to allocate that amount of memory (even with the /3GB in boot.ini hack)
I've performed various dynamic simulations as well as animations within the assembly so I'm thinking that perhaps its trying to allocate that huge amount of memory for a saved state of one of those.
What FBAtributeSegment might be and whether there is any special way to save an assembly to avoid this problem? The name FBAttributeSegment doesn't correspond to any part or assembly names.
I should also add that I have no problem opening it in a 32 bit version of Fusion which again suggests to me that it is something like simulation or animation that is causing this
I am working C3D 2012. I have a proposed alignment and profile design by another firm that I had to tranfer into C3D. I had no problem getting the horizontal alignment to display from a text file. I tried to do the same with the profile by using the 'create a text file and create the profile from file' command. I got the POB, PI's, and POE to display. I then defined the VC. I wanted to verifiy that the profile was indeed accurate compared to what we were provided. So I tried to execute a profile report PVI Station and Curve Report - I keep getting an error that "No FG profiles in dwg".
I know the Proposed profile is indeed set to proposed in the properties. I have noticed that the icon next to the profile I create from the text file is different than the profiles created from scratch.
Is there a way to convert this profile to be recognized as a FG profile?
Actually I can create the map by itself and its ok. I can render without FG and its ok. If I Render with FG, right after it creates the map, it crashes.
3ds Max 6.5 - Max 2013 Windows 7 Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 2.13 GHZ 64-Bit, 8 GB RAM