I'm using Autocad 2013, and the Open File Dialog Box has disappeared. Every time I try to open a drawing, it defaults to the command line. I have the same error with Image Attach. It's only my user. Other Users on the computer do not have this issue. Settings to change it.
When I click on File>Open The dialog box no longer has a thumnail preview. Only a small grey box hovering on the right that says "Initial View" with a check box. I have attached a snapshot of my Autocad File> open dialog box so you can see what I'm getting on my end.
If I browse for files in windows explorer and change view option to thumbnail I can see the thumbnails just fine.
I've tried everything but I cannot get back my File> Open thumbnail preview.
In Tools> Options I have the thumbnail preview settings all set to save thumbnail preview image. Nothing has changed that I know if for the thumbnail preview to go away.
It's really slowing me down not being able to have thumbnail preview in the file> open dialog box.
I have a problem with previewing of new files I made in INV2013. Old files are OK. I can not find the cause...I also found, that some new files are correct and other incorrect, all made in INV 2013.
There are two types of error:
1) when I pick the file I want to open, in left lower corner - thumbnail window- is displayed text:"preview not available"
2) when I pick the file I want to open, the left lower corner - thumbnail window- is black
In iProperties panel I have checked "Save preview picture"
There are four of us in our office who all installed Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2013. One of us cannot see thumbnail previews in the file open dialog box or in the preview area of Windows explorer. She's using Windows 7, 64-bit.
Autocad MEP 2013 was working fine until I installed SP1 yesterday.
Now when type in open the dialog comes up (not a filedia issue). When I click the "look in" pull-down in the open dialog it goes blank and I am unable to browse any folders. I've tried rebooting.. Should I reinstall?
My AutoCAD (2013) don't shows the preview in open dialog. I read something about edit a value in Regedit, but I don't have access to Regedit. Has other way to fix it?
I'm using Autocad Civil3D 2011, Version 3. Just yesterday I noticed that the file date shown in Autocad's open file dialog box shows an earlier time than Windows Explorer, which shows the file date and time correctly. When I enter the "time" command on the autocad command line, the correct time is shown for the "last updated" time.
For example:
The Autocad open file dialog box shows the file having a time/date of 4/23/2013 3:54 PM
Windows Explorer shows the file having a time/date of 4/23/2013 4:10 PM
"TIME" command at autocad prompt returns the following:
Current time: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:55:35:454 PM Times for this drawing: Created: Thursday, March 27, 2008 5:49:57:104 PM Last updated: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:10:56:299 PM Total editing time: 17 days 15:31:26:967 Elapsed timer (on): 17 days 15:31:26:967 Next automatic save in: 0 days 00:09:58:237
I rebooted and restarted autocad, and resaved my file with the same results (although with different times-but again the autocad open file dialog box showed an incorrect, earlier time). I have never had this problem before, and it is driving me crazy as I usually sort my files by date to assure that I am working with the latest file.
When I go to the file open dialog box and start typing in a file name the the file name box it does not show a list of drawings that match the search in the file name box.
First, I am developing with the following system environment.
- ObjectARX 2011 - AutoCAD 2010 - C# with VS 2008
I am making a custom command that opens a open file dialog to prompt the user a dwg file.And the programmatically(automatically) insert another dwg file to the opened map.So what I tried to find a method to open a open file dialog, but couldn't find it.So next I tried to execute "OPEN" command programmatically. The following code is what I tried...
When I run the custom command, nothing happens. After opening a file, I want to insert ("INSERT" command) another drawing onto it. How could I achieve this?
I've been running dual monitors (22" and a 18") for a while, but I just upgraded to a larger second monitor (now both 22"). Before, I left AutoCAD running in the main monitor, but now I've switched it to run in the second monitor instead. Now AutoCAD will not remember the position or size of the Open and Save dialog boxes while it is in the second monitor. Sometimes it throws them back into the main monitor and other times they show up in the second but without the resize I did previously.
I recently purchased AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 and all of a sudden when I select "File", and "Open", the dialog box from which I am supposed to select a drawing file has a small "Initial View" box with a small check box to "Select Initial View". This box seems docked to the right side of the "Select File" dialog box but I am unable to select the check box. It seems to do nothing. Is this a glitch?
Just thought I would post this because I have been looking for a working VBA file open dialog box solution for awhile. I'm an old autolisped making the jump to VBA and I have seen and read various solutons for the equivalent getfiled autolisp function but I never had much luck with them. This one worked for me it uses the Win API to do the job.
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _ "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long Private Type OPENFILENAME lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long
[Code] ....
Make a form and place the following code listed below on a button to call the showopen routine.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim Filter As String Dim InitialDir As String Dim DialogTitle As String Dim OutputStr As String
I have a user with AutoCAD LT 2007 SP2. Whenever he clicks on File > Open... the drop-down list to browse to another directory is blank. It doesn't show any local or network drives. He can open files just fine from Windows Explorer.
I'm having a problem that my file dialog box won't open when I go to open, new or save as. When I hit open, new or save as the command bar wants you to type the file name. My co-worker told me to type CMDDIA and change it to 1. But that didn't work for my error. How to fix my AutoCAD issue. I attached a .jpg of what the command bar looks like when I hit the open button.
In AutoCAD 2012 when the File Open Dialog Box is displayed there is a drop down option list called Views and the option at the bottom is Preview. That's the same in both the English and German versions of AutoCAD, other than in German its called Vorschau. When the option is ticked (checked) a preview is displayed, if it is not ticked then no preview is displayed.
In AutoCAD 2013 this option for Preview does not exist because the Preview is always there.
OK, how do you see this in your version of AutoCAD 2013. Who sees the preview and who not?
Or, is there a setting somewhere that controls the visibility of the preview. I don't know, but I would like to know.
Or, is there a setting somewhere that controls the visibility of the preview. I don't know, but I would like to know.
I had resized the File>Open dialog in Inventor. I had resized it so that it was quite large so I realized pretty quickly when I opened another file, that the window size had rest to its original size.
What I found was that if I export a parts list to excel, then go to File>Open, for some reason the size of my file>open dialog is cleared.
I used to be able to save as and browse to the file where I want to sane or open a file
Now I get a dialog box where I can only save to the default location or manually enter the path and file name
Same with opening a file - I go file open and it is gives a path to the last file I used. There is option to browse - how I get this back to the normal function of open/save by browsing?
I would like to see consistent behaviour between dialogs. For me, probably the dialog that I use the most is the File >Open dialog. When I do File>Open and browse to a file, then close the file. The next time I do a File>Open, I am taken to the previous path, but the previous file is not highlighted/selected. So, I have to grab the scroll bar and pull it down to get to the file.
Now when I do a File>Open from Vault, it goes to and selects the previously opened file. This is also how Autocad works. Would be nice if Inventor worked the same way.
My external hard drive has disappeared from the 'open file' window in photoshop CS6. It's working fine and appears in other applications such as bridge and lightroom. How do I get it back? I'm running a Mac on OS X.
Under my install of Vista Enterprise on an AD network, I'm am not getting the "computer" option to access local and network drives when I select "File/Open". All I get is the redirected "home" directory for that user. True for all Adobe applications (have the latest Creative Suite 4). Other Windows apps using Windows file/open dialog box can get to the network. Tech support said I should have an option to select the OS dialog box, but I do not see that on my install.
I've tried this on three different machines now, definitely seems to be a bug. We are creating these on the X drive or Autodesk 360, do n't know if it does with any file folder, but guessing it probably does since the sync is an external process.
Autodesk Infrastructure Suite Premium 2012/2013 Windows 7, x64 Xeon E31225 w/ Quadro 600
I have some problems with the new Open File Panel in the bookmarks section: I can save local link like "D:Maya_Projects" without problems but if I try to save a network link like: "\C02Maya_Projects" Maya not able to save it (sometime replace it with scripts folder).
since some weeks i have a real curious bug in 3dsmax.With less words: Everytime i want to open a File Dialog Window in 3dsmax it crashes directly after the mouse click without any warning. It is like something has killed my 3dsmax.exe process.In other words: I can't work anymore. Some examples for the File window are:
File --> Open File --> Save as MAXScript --> Run Script and so on...
The only way i can save my MaxFile is to overwrite my existing File by pressing "CTRL+S"..Another curious thing is, that it seems to happen with random max files. If i work on a new scene everything is perfect, but after a week this problem happens with this scene too.First i thought that this problem occurs only on my computer, but yesterday another worker of our company had the same issue on a max file, which i have never seen before.Both of us haven't installed any software the last weeks.Another idea was, that we have a new windows hotfix, which occurs this issue, but all of our other machines are up to date too.
1. When i double click a .MAX file , the new windows of 3ds max opened, although there is already have a 3dsmax window i opened before That means i want to open the .MAX file in the existed 3ds max window -which i opened before (without have to drop .max file into 3dsmax )
2 .How to disable this dialog when drop a 3d model file to 3ds max ? it's annoying when dropping .max files and this dialog appears ,we have to click many times
i want it to choose : "open file" as default , how to do it and when we want this dialog appear again ,how to do that ?
and the same with this dialog : when i use ctrl+N( new scene) how to make it choose "New ALL" as default ?
Why did Adobe remove the file preview area from the File > Open dialog box? I like having all my file requests showing Details mode so I need the Preview window when I am navigating, browsing and opening files.
Illustrator CS6 still has a Preview window, granted it only works on AI files, it should be able to preview PDFs and EPS files correctly, let alone all raster formats.
I am just trying to save a PDF from my illustrator file. However, when I go to Save as, and select PDF, no dialog box opens to allow me to set how I want the file outputted. IF I just hit enter, the file does save.. its just like the Dialog box is hidden or not appearing. The reason I need the dialog box is because I need to add bleeds to the PDF and my default save doesn't do that.
I want to open a "Save File Dialog " with some default path.Like when user run that script I want to open a "Save As" dialog box with default path "/Volumes/<shared name>/<folder name>/.. ."I am using File.SaveDialog(prompt, filter);
but it doesn't open to the location by default that I want to open.