Illustrator :: Can't Save To PDF - No Dialog Box Open To Set Output File

May 3, 2010

I am just trying to save a PDF from my illustrator file. However, when I go to Save as, and select PDF, no dialog box opens to allow me to set how I want the file outputted. IF I just hit enter, the file does save.. its just like the Dialog box is hidden or not appearing. The reason I need the dialog box is because I need to add bleeds to the PDF and my default save doesn't do that.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Open Save File Dialog With Default Path

Oct 8, 2012

I want to open a "Save File Dialog " with some default path.Like when user run that script I want to open  a "Save As" dialog box with default path "/Volumes/<shared name>/<folder name>/.. ."I am using File.SaveDialog(prompt, filter);
but it doesn't open to the location by default that I want to open.

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Illustrator :: Why Take So Long For Open / Save Or Save As Dialog Boxes To Open

Dec 11, 2012

I'm having a problem throught CS6 with the Open, Save, or Save As dialog boxes not opening for a period of time after clicking on the desired functions.  It can take over a minute just to get the Open dialog box up to browse for a file.  Eventually, the dialog boxes open, but during the time that it's trying to open, the program is unresponsive.  It is happening with all of my CS6 programs.  I have unistalled and reinstalled with no fix.  The programs are updated. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Open And Save File Dialog Box

May 30, 2012

I used to be able to save as and browse to the file where I want to sane or open a file

Now I get a dialog box where I can only save to the default location or manually enter the path and file name

Same with opening a file - I go file open and it is gives a path to the last file I used. There is option to browse - how I get this back to the normal function of open/save by browsing?

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Illustrator :: How To Save CC File To Open In CS6

Jul 15, 2013

How do I save an illustrator cc file to open in cs6?  I get an error when I send the file to a colleague and they cant open it.It doesn't give me any options.

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Illustrator :: Open Or Save File / Pop Up Box Will Only Last 2 Seconds?

Oct 24, 2013

when i go to open or save a file in illustrator, the pop up box will only last 2 seconds? i just recently installed the new maverick osx but it was working fine yesterday.

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Illustrator :: Save Files With Spaces Instead Of Dashes In Save For Web Dialog Window?

May 17, 2012

How to save files with spaces insted of dashes in Save for Web dialog window in Illustrator CS6?

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Illustrator :: Save CS7 File So It Will Open With Multiple Artboards In CS6?

Oct 17, 2013

I've downsaved the file as an ai file for CS6 in CS7, however when I go to open it in CS6 it forces me to open each artboard as a separate file. How can I save it so the file will open normally?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Save A File That Is Already Open In Same Directory With Different Name

Nov 7, 2013

I'm trying to create a script to save a file that is already open in the same directory with a different name.
Example: nome_0000_art to nome_0000_closed
I tried to create from another script that saves EPS but as I am new to the subject could not make it work
how do I perform the command saveas automatically without showing the dialog window by changing the file name?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Windows - Open Save As Dialog Box?

Mar 11, 2013

Why in Photoshop & Illustrator CS6 "Open" and "Save as" dialog box style is from Windows XP?
In AfterEffects, Audition and other is new dialog box style:
Can Adobe add in "Preferences" - option with checkbox for users Windows 7/8 who can use the new windows explorer with extended folder bar? That would be simplified and speeded up a lot of things.

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Photoshop :: CS6 And CC Freezes In Open / Save Dialog

Aug 24, 2013

Photoshop is unusable for me. I was running CS6 but it kept freezing when I tried to open a file. I uninstalled and installed CC -- same problem. I checked the preferences to see if there was a setting for an Adobe file dialog and it froze again.
I suspect it has something to do with Mountain Lion 10.8.4 but I don't have this problem in other Adobe apps. Ran Disk Utility, verified permissions, verified disk -- everything checks out. Not sure what to do.

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AutoCad :: Open / Save / New Dialog Box Missing?

Aug 12, 2005

In AutoCad 2006, when I want to open a new or existing drawing or template, instead of regular dialog box I receive only a prompter dialog which is present in the command line also, asking me for the name of the drawing that I want to open; it is the case also when I want to save a drawing too. I already checked the "Options" under the "Open and Save" tab and everything looks to be in order. How can I resolve this bothering problem since I am able to perform the above tasks only accessing "Windows explorer"?

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Illustrator :: Save Copy Of Open AI File As PDF With Personal Preset

Aug 17, 2012

I am currently working on the schematics of a quite big document and I am using Illustrator. I work on the .ai version of the figures but I want to save them in a very quick way as pdf files with personal setting (super compression, no preview...). What I am doing now is that I have my .ai file open, and when I want to save a pdf version of it I go to "File" then "Save a copy" then "Type: pdf" and I enter a name, I click on "Save" and a window pops up with some options. Here, I select a personal preset and then click on "Save pdf" and I am happy with the final saved pdf.

The thing is that it is a quite long process when you have to do it several times per figure. I tried to automatized it through a script (or action) but the available options are quite limited (it is hard to make Illustrator understand that if the current file is, I want a myfig.pdf and that I want to save it in the working folder). Under "File", I also tried the "SaveDocsAsPdf" script but once again, I have to select the folder where I want to save the figure and so on. Maybe I missed something. Any efficient way to save my figures as pdf by clicking a the F9 key (for instance).

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3ds Max :: How To Switch To Dialog Windows For Open / Save Dialogs

Feb 1, 2013

How do I switch to Windows' dialog windows for open/save/etc dialogs ?

On Photoshop CS3 we had this option (PS's had more options, but Window's gives a better view).

For the same reason I would like that on AutoCad : AutoCad's dialog is misorganized and carries a bad side menu. I really prefer explorer's .

I know there is an option on AutoCad to use Thumbnails instead of list, for example, but it won't apply to evey folder.

And the side links (see the picture) poins to useless places, and I cannot add my shortcuts, oppose to windows', where I can.

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Photoshop :: Open / Save Dialog Boxes Not Working Correctly

Sep 24, 2012

Environment: CS6 (PS 13.0.1) Mac OS X 10.7.5. Plenty of hardware. (Generally starting with .CR2 RAW.)Recently (maybe since the 13.0.1 update??), I have been having problems with the open and save as dialog boxes.
First. The open file dialog always defaults to Enable: blank (i.e. no file types enabled). Each time I have to  go to the bottom of the dropdown list and select "All readable documents" before I can open ANY type of file. I've searched in everyway I can think of looking for some method to have OPEN default to "all readable" but can't find anyway to do this. when whipping around at deadline having to stop each time and make this change is irritating. No other program has this difficulty (including Illustrator and InDesign). PS 5.5 did not exhibit this behavior on the same machine.
Second. When I save as and try to select any file format, say going from psd to tiff, the format dropdown list ALWAYS selects the format ABOVE the one I choose. Example: If I select JPEG, PS tries to save as .iff. If I pull the selection down to JPEG2000 it will then save as standard JPEG. Again just an irritant but, tiff (which I need for several other programs) is last on the list thus there is no way I can go one below it to get tiff format selected. It always comes out as png. Also note that the Format selection indicates the correct format - in the case of tiff the dialog box shows TIFF selected, but the program is appending .png. (Continuing the save as (without altering my selection) always results in the incorrect format no matter what the Format dialog says in the save as operation.) Again, no other program I work with (including several Adobe products) exhibits this behavior.
I seriously need to be able to save as tiff.

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Photoshop Elements :: Open Images In Save As Dialog Window?

Oct 26, 2012

I have loaded about 10 pictures in the editor of elements 10.  I want to save them to an sd card.  When I try to do that it tries to save all of my pictures instead. 

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VideoStudio :: Save Output File As M2TS For PS3 Viewing?

Dec 10, 2011

I am evaluating VS Pro X4 (trial version) and one of my tests consists in importing a .m2ts clip, strip some parts of the original clip and save it in the same formats (codec, resolution, aspect ratio, file) as the imported clip.

The original clip is a NTCS HDMV file format (with the .m2ts extension), H.264 video 720p60 (16:9), digital Audio Dolby (AAC).

I'm able to do the first 2 steps without any problem. However, when I want to save the result in a file, I cannot find any way to indicate the software to save in the same format as the original clip. So I am looking for any way to save the video in a 720p60 (59.94 to be accurate) with the same video and audio codec that can be read by a PS3 console (H264, AAC) as a .m2ts file.

Is it possible to do this using VS Pro X4? Or do I need to use a non-trial version? Or do I need to use the Ultimate version? Or is it simply impossible to do this (yet)?

Things I tried:When I want to create a video file, and choose "as per project's parameters". But it appears they are set to NTSC SD for DVD-like output. If I go in the project's parameters menu, there is no way I can set the resolution to 720p60 HD.Among the AVCHD outputs in "Create a video file", I only find 1080i and 1080p resolutions. Same for Blu-Ray outputs. Why is there no 720p resolution in both outputs?In the "Customized" output, there is no way I can set the resolution to 720p60 HD. Is it normal?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Disabling File Name Selection In File Save Dialog?

May 24, 2013

I'm using the file dialog snippet as the foundation for a save as dialog box for saving a new copy of my template assembly to a project folder. Is there a way to disable the ability to click on a file in the window which puts that filename in the input box? The assembly file name is standardized and pre-"calculated" by my code and its a decent hassle if you accidentally click another file because the user would either have to rewrite the file name by hand, or cancel out of the dialog box and re-navigate to the project folder.
Inventor 2013 SP 1.1

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dual Monitors - Open / Save Dialog Boxes?

Jan 9, 2014

I've been running dual monitors (22" and a 18") for a while, but I just upgraded to a larger second monitor (now both 22").  Before, I left AutoCAD running in the main monitor, but now I've switched it to run in the second monitor instead.  Now AutoCAD will not remember the position or size of the Open and Save dialog boxes while it is in the second monitor.  Sometimes it throws them back into the main monitor and other times they show up in the second but without the resize I did previously. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2014 Crashes With Open Or Save Dialog Form

Oct 7, 2013

Every time that I open a new drawing and select the path, open file dialog appears empty and If I  click "ok" button, then appears the following message:

I´m using Civil 3D 2014+hotfix1.

Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1
Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz.
ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd
32gb RAM 1600 Mhz.
nVidia Quadro 2000.
Win 7 Pro 64bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Unable To Open File Explorer Windows / When Select Open / Save From File Menu

Mar 1, 2011

I have autocad civil 3d 2008 in my pc. From last 2 days I got a different problem i.e. when I am selecting open / save command from File menu graphical file select explorer is not opening just message in the command window . Previously I used to select files using graphical file explorer.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: File Dates Shown Incorrectly In Open File Dialog Box

Apr 24, 2013

I'm using Autocad Civil3D 2011, Version 3.  Just yesterday I noticed that the file date shown in Autocad's open file dialog box shows an earlier time than Windows Explorer, which shows the file date and time correctly.  When I enter the "time" command on the autocad command line, the correct time is shown for the "last updated" time. 

For example:

The Autocad open file dialog box shows the file having a time/date of     4/23/2013     3:54 PM   

Windows Explorer shows the file having a time/date of                             4/23/2013     4:10 PM

"TIME" command at autocad prompt returns the following:

Current time:             Wednesday, April 24, 2013  3:55:35:454 PM
Times for this drawing:
  Created:                Thursday, March 27, 2008  5:49:57:104 PM
  Last updated:           Tuesday, April 23, 2013  4:10:56:299 PM
  Total editing time:     17 days 15:31:26:967
  Elapsed timer (on):     17 days 15:31:26:967
  Next automatic save in: 0 days 00:09:58:237

I rebooted and restarted autocad, and resaved my file with the same results (although with different times-but again the autocad open file dialog box showed an incorrect, earlier time).  I have never had this problem before, and it is driving me crazy as I usually sort my files by date to assure that I am working with the latest file.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: File Open Dialog Box File Name Selection?

Jul 31, 2012

When I go to the file open dialog box and start typing in a file name the the file name box it does not show a list of drawings that match the search in the file name box.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Open File Dialog And Then Insert Another File

Apr 6, 2012

First, I am developing with the following system environment.

- ObjectARX 2011
- AutoCAD 2010
- C# with VS 2008

I am making a custom command that opens a open file dialog to prompt the user a dwg file.And the programmatically(automatically) insert another dwg file to the opened map.So what I tried to find a method to open a open file dialog, but couldn't find it.So next I tried to execute "OPEN" command programmatically. The following code is what I tried...

Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.SendStringToExecute("OPEN", false, false, false);

and changing the second parameter to true...

Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.SendStringToExecute("OPEN", true, false, false);

When I run the custom command, nothing happens. After opening a file, I want to insert ("INSERT" command) another drawing onto it. How could I achieve this?

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Photoshop :: Click On File To Save To Web - Dialog Box Is Too Big

Jul 30, 2013

I am trying to optimize an image in Photoshop CS5 and when I click on File to Save to the Web the dialog box is too big and I cannot reach the commands at the bottom to change anything.

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Maya Modeling :: Taking UV Snapshots - Failed To Open Output File

Sep 18, 2011

When i am taking uv snapshot, an error is seeing.

Error: Failed to open output file: E:WORKSMayaMaya WorksSwordimagesoutUV.jpg

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AutoCAD VB :: Open File With Dialog Box

Aug 4, 2006

Just thought I would post this because I have been looking for a working VBA file open dialog box solution for awhile. I'm an old autolisped making the jump to VBA and I have seen and read various solutons for the equivalent getfiled autolisp function but I never had much luck with them. This one worked for me it uses the Win API to do the job.

Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _
"GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long

[Code] ....

Make a form and place the following code listed below on a button to call the showopen routine.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Filter As String
Dim InitialDir As String
Dim DialogTitle As String
Dim OutputStr As String

[Code] ......

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Photoshop :: File Open Dialog Box

May 19, 2009

Under my install of Vista Enterprise on an AD network, I'm am not getting the "computer" option to access local and network drives when I select "File/Open".  All I get is the redirected "home" directory for that user.  True for all Adobe applications (have the latest Creative Suite 4).  Other Windows apps using Windows file/open dialog box can get to the network.  Tech support said I should have an option to select the OS dialog box, but I do not see that on my install.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Options To The File Save As Dialog Box

Jun 7, 2012

I have the following function that opens the File "Save As" dialog box.  It gets fed a drawing number and allows the users to browse to a folder where they want to save it.  The problem is when a file already exists with the same name.  A message box pops up letting the user know that the file already exists and do they want to overwrite it.  The can pick yes to overwrite, but it doesn't really overwrite the old file, it seems like it opens it and then crashes when the rest of the program tries to run.

What I want to do is create a loop to determine if the file already exists.  If it does not exist, then save the path and drawing name as usual. 

If the drawing exists, I want to pop up a dialog giving two options; Overwrite, or Rename the current drawing.  If they pick Overwrite, I can have the program delete the old existing drawing and then just save this one.  If they pick Rename it will loop back to the "Save As" dialog giving the user the ability to change their drawing name (like add a "-1" to it.

Public Function GetFilePathAndName(ByVal dwgNumber) podDWG = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument podDB = podDWG.Database podEd = podDWG.Editor podPSO.InitialDirectory = "W:Work_in_Process" podPSO.InitialFileName = dwgNumber podPSO.Filter = "AutoCAD DWG Files|*.dwg" podPFR = podEd.GetFileNameForSave(podPSO) Select Case podPFR.Status Case EditorInput.PromptStatus.OK SaveDwgName = podPFR.StringResult Case EditorInput.PromptStatus.Cancel MsgBox("User Cancelled.") End Select Return SaveDwgName End Function

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InDesign :: Save Dialog Box In Vista Types Over File Name?

Oct 28, 2009

When I save from InDesign (and only InDesign), I open the folder I need to save my file in. I begin to type the name of the company folder that this file needs to be saved in (there are hundreds). I am only able to type the first letter of the company before it begins typing over my file name. This has turned out to be a major annoyance for me and my coworkers because we may have 40 or 50 folders that start with "s" so we can only type in "s" and then have to stop and scroll through and read each folder instead of typing in the name of the folder we need and hitting enter.

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Illustrator :: Slice Selection In Save For Web Dialog In 17.1

Jan 21, 2014

Since upgrading to Illustrator 17.1 I can no longer select slices in the Save for Web dialog, nor can I select a slice on a different layer than the one it was created on.

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