AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Drawing File Disappearing While Being Edited?
Nov 16, 2010
One of my users has a strange problem. While editing a drawing (opened from the network), the drawing switches to read-only when she tries to save it, and the .dwg file on the network folder from which she opened the file disappears. The lock files are still there, but the .dwg is gone. She can do a Save As, so she hasn't lost any work (yet!), but the problem has me perplexed.
This problem started when we converted her to Civil 3D 2011. At the same time we also upgraded her to Windows 7 64-bit.
I have about 20 other users on this same platform, she's the only one who's had this problem. I've done a repair install but that didn't fix it. I haven't yet done a full uninstall & reinstall, maybe that's what I should do next.
I have a network recovery bin application running on the server, but it has no record of the file being deleted.
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Feb 29, 2012
Using Civil 3D 2011, I have a topo drawing that's about 2 miles long. The points have styles to them to show the actual survey item such as manhole, trees, signs, etc. I have also created a point group called "no display" that I have added certain points to so they don't show up in the topo. While adding additional points to the "no display" point group, I have noticed that ALL the points but 3 have vanished from the drawing.We just installed the SP2.
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Aug 26, 2012
I've tried this on three different machines now, definitely seems to be a bug. We are creating these on the X drive or Autodesk 360, do n't know if it does with any file folder, but guessing it probably does since the sync is an external process.
Autodesk Infrastructure Suite Premium 2012/2013
Windows 7, x64
Xeon E31225 w/ Quadro 600
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Apr 4, 2012
How to set civil 3d 2012 to automatically load your templete file at start-up instead of a misc. drawing file with no styles or anything.
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Dec 13, 2013
we are having a problem here at our office. this revolves around one file. When I open the file, some objects (text, hatch, lines - all different layers) disappear. This happens before any command is made, and the object that disappear are on layers that are active and not frozen on all viewports. Also, the rest of the objects on the layer are visable. Other objects on these layers are visable, and the objects that disappeared are not visable on the model space or paper space. On top of that, when someone else opens the file, different objects turn invisable, and they can see the things I cant. The drawing takes about 5+ mins to load, dispite it being not a very large file. I tried purging unused items, reconciling layers, unhiding everything, freezing and unfreezing all layers and restarting autocad.
Coincidentaly the x-ref dwg is having a very similar issue.
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Oct 4, 2011
I'm not sure what happened but all of a sudden when I try to open an existing drawing it no longer pops up a box to browse, it asks me in my command bar at the bottom to type in the name of the drawing. The same thing happens when I try to "save as" a drawing... How to get this back to normal?
I have attached a Jpg of both instances...
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Sep 21, 2012
I had an issue using 3D 2010. In my drawing I had a layer for my windows. My windows were nicely put together and design on the window layer. Next thing that happens I turn on my drawing today to come and find my windows are now saved on my viewport layer and the viewport layer took the properties of my window layer. Now last night when I plotted out the drawing I made viewports on a layer for viewports and that was the last layer I had used so it was current. What I want to know is why the hell did the layer dominate my window layer with taking the properties of my window layer. I did not merge them!
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Jun 26, 2012
I am running into some trouble with user parameters that have been inserted into a dimension's "text box". I sometimes hide the dimension itself and insert these parameters so that iLogic can manipulate the upper & lower tolerance limits for a dimension.
The problem seems to arrise anytime one of the dimension's arrows becomes detached from the drawing (and perhaps for other reasons, too, although this is the only clear cause so far). I can reattach the arrow and the dimension seems healthy again, but if I go into the text editor, I notice that the link to any parameters that I've inserted has been lost. They appear as they were last set, but will not update if the parameters themselves change.
Is there a better workaround for this, or can we expect a solution in IV2013? I've invested close to a year's worth of work expecting this method to perform properly, and it will be a letdown if there's no solution.
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Jun 1, 2012
At the end of the day yesterday our server crashed while I was working on a drawing and today when I tried to open the drawing I got the message 'Drawing File is Not Valid'. Is there a way to recover the drawing? I tried the recover command but I got the same message. i tried converting the BAK file and CAD did not respond.
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Sep 16, 2013
We are working on a civil 3d project that was created by first bringing the data into Caice then exporting to microstation and then creating a .dwg. This file has been extremely slow and crashes all the time. Is there any way to fix the file? If we proecess our survey data in caice, what is the best way to bring the data over to civil 3d?
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Nov 4, 2013
I'm having problems importing points into Civil 3D 2012.I'm trying to import an ASCII file into the drawing.Files formats are P,N,E,Z,D in ASCII file and the same format is selected when I try importing.
The ASCII file has well over a 1000 points but when I import the points only the first twenty or so points import to the drawing.This seems not to be limited to this drawing.I tried to import points to a different drawing and the same thing happened.
Up to this point I have not had trouble importing points into other various drawings.Is there a button or setting that may have changed that is preventing full importation of the points?
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Jul 18, 2012
I imported survey data from a file into the drawing and created a surface from the points and figures. No problem. Engineer wanted to change the datum from assumed to known. At this point all figures have been copied to a new layer flattened and changed to 2D polylines in order to hatch. Then the figures reimported. I raised all the points with the edit datum and raised the figures with edit survey figures. Surface was adjusted and tweaked. Everything was fine. I open the drawing and all the figures are back at assumed datum and the points are on the right datum. Now when I tweak the surface it uses the bogus elevations from the figures. How can I get my figures to save the adjusted elevations?
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Feb 12, 2013
I have been provided survey data in the form of an XML file that I am using to build a surface. Everything is fine, except for the drawing with the surface is still referencing the XML file. What is the best method to remove this reference and have the surface fully contained in one file? Using C3D 2012.
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Jun 9, 2013
My Coworker has an issue with dimensions disappearing while she is working on completing her drawing. We have tried using Audit..did not work, we thought it was maybe the anno visible tab did not work. She thinks that she did nothing out of the ordinary while working on the drawing. See attached drawing. The drawing is after all but a couple dimensions have disapperaed.
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Apr 25, 2013
I am drawing a pond levy. I draw the outline of the top of the fill, set that at the elevation I want, then grade it down to the existing surface on a 6:1. The grading works perfectly. The outline of the fill's footprint shows up just fine around the back of the fill, but the toe line doesn't show up all along the front side of the fill, but I still get the slope lines projecting down in the front.
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Jun 19, 2013
We are using C3D 2013 and have recently had 3 different episodes where a dwg file was open and being worked in, CAD shut down without warning and the drawing was lost. As in, it's gone. No longer on the network anywhere. These were 3 different drawings in different projects.The drawings were not new, they had been previously created and worked in by more than one user. We were able to find a backup file and did not lose everything but still thinking there has to be something causing this. The machine is a Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB of RAM, only had it for a few months.
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Dec 30, 2013
I received a drawing from another consultant that uses C3D 2013. When I open the drawing in C3D 2012 I get the message that it was created in a newer version of C3D so I assume he did a save as to 2010.
When I get drawings like this I copy what I need to the clipboard and paste into a new drawing (acad.dwt). This usually works fine. But in this case the drawing is almost 4 MB and contains just one arc. I purged everything I can from the drawing and it is still 3 MB.
I looked for but could not find any of the usual suspects: drawing scales, regapps, empty text objects and wipeouts. When I list "all" there is one arc in model space and 4 view ports in paper space. I did notice that there are hundreds of linetypes and text styles that cannot be purged.
I tried export to AutoCAD DWG 2010, 2007, 2004 and 2000 but that didn't work. Export to AutoCAD DWG R14 and DXF R12 both caused C3D to become unresponsive. Saveas to DWG R14 and DXF R12 caused C3D to become unresponsive.
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Dec 27, 2012
I recently switched from Civil 3D 2012 to 2013 student version because when I initially installed the program I probably messed up some of the settings that I shouldn't have for my entire application. After reinstalling it, I noticed that the program seems to run just fine but the settings for the original file I'm trying to work with remain, such as label settings, linescales, etc.
I want my drawing to match the settings of new drawings when it comes to labels, scales, and anything else I might have changed. Is there a way to apply these settings to my original file? If not, is there a way to at least make sure the label styles can be reset? I don't want any changes to the settings I made to be present in my file.
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Oct 15, 2012
We are using Autocad Civil 3D 2010 and are also using the 2010 Vault.
We are having problems with one project in Civil 3D (project in Vault). We are trying to create a surface reference and are getting the error: "Drawing is already attached to project X."
Note: This drawing is not vaulted, only the cross section surface that has the final grade surface in it is vaulted.
When we test the same process with a new document we are able to reference the surface fine and the command shows: _AeccCreateSurfaceReference which works properly.
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Jul 12, 2010
I can't remember how to import a ctb file into my plot settings for a drawing?
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May 9, 2013
I'm working on a rather large subdivision (not uncommon, certainly used to a longer-than-normal load time) but have found one of our XREF files to be bringing drawing loads to a screeching halt. We have XLOADCTL set to 2, which explains the creation of the temporary file.
I have previously gone into the file and reset the scale list, which speed things up by about 50%, but today it appears to be doing the same thing.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this from becoming a more serious problem? Can I add some sort of SCALELISTEDIT reset command to the acaddoc.lsp file?
Civil 3D 2014
Windows 7 Professional
Intel Xeon E31270 @ 3.4 GHz
8 GB, 64-bit
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Apr 7, 2013
I import a csv file into my drawing and all the points and figures get drawn correct and on the correct layers.
But I end up getting some extra things also:
1. a little white circle comes in from the marker styles. it comes in on layer V-SURV-NTWK
2. i also get an extra white line that comes in on layer 0.
I have stopped these things from happening now by hitting the light bulb for the "basic" Marker Style and the "basic" Feature Line Styles. But i would really like to know what the Marker Style and Feature Line Styles are and what they are there for.
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Jul 25, 2012
acad c3d 2013
My sag and Crest profile labels disappear when opening the drawing.
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Feb 11, 2010
Over the past 6 months we have had the feature lines just up and disappear from the drawing for no reason. They were not erased. They just went away for some reason but the surface created from them was still there.
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Oct 25, 2012
I'm using C3D 09 with all the updates. OK, now that those are addressed, I am having an issue with my pipe hatching dissappearing when I connect it to a structure. See the two attached pics for clarity.
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Jun 13, 2013
I have a couple of files with DS surfaces that I cut profiles with and all was fine until today. the surface ref is in the drawing but does not display. If I zoom to it goes to a location not related to the site but there is no display of the surface (all layers and style set to display) this is what view props shows. notice the odd serial number for the data source. through tools space I deleted the refs and re-refed and sampled, but when I close and go back its gone again.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
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Feb 23, 2013
I’m having some issues with my CAD. Every now and then, my contour lines disappear and I can’t get them to reappear. My surface border and triangles will appear but not the contours. Sometimes if I change surface styles they will appear but other times they are gone forever.
Troubleshooting: Regen AllAuditPurgeLayers on/offLayers frozen/thawedPromoting (if the surface is a data short cut)Changing the surface styleChanging the contour interval
None of this has worked…
AUTOCAD Civil 3D 2013
Windows 7
Processor: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU W3565 @ 3.20GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 12.0GB
System Type: 64-bit
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Mar 11, 2011
I'm trying to get a handle on what should and should not be expected to work as far as labeling XREF'd entities goes. I'm using 2011.
I have recently had bearing notes associated with an XREF'd line disappear, and I can't pinpoint the cause.
I had edited a couple of lines in said XREF'd drawing, but NOT the one that was associated with the C3D notes. There are two C3D drawings that XREF this drawing and that have line labels applied to the same, unchanged, line. Yet, all of those labels were gone (in both drawings) when I opened them this morning.
So, should labeling an XREF'd entity work? Are labels predictably lost when a labeled line undergoes a known set of modifications (Sinc relayed his experiences here: [URL] .....
What if the XREF'd drawing is simply saved, with no changes made to a labeled line? Should that be okay?
If labeling XREF's is known to be unpredictable, it sort of puts us back to manual text labels and manual curve tables. Is that really what people are having to do?
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Jan 16, 2013
I am running 2012 C3d and I am having an issue when a drawing is freshly opened, some of the profile data is not showing and it will show up after I sync the different information that is missing.when I run a publish of multiple projects that info doesn't show and I have to go into each project to sync the info and plot each sheet separately.
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Jul 9, 2012
My Civil 3D 2012 coordinate systems normally displayed on the units and zone tab of the drawing settings have disappeared. On existing drawings the coordinate system code is still displayed. On new drawings the code appears as a symbol - a period or a comma or something. I can enter the coordinate system code and the program recognizes it.
My Civil 3D 2011 coordinate systems display as expected.
WP7,SP1, 64-bit, Civil 3D 2012
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Jan 23, 2013
When I send a file to Ps from Lr, edit that file then save it, Lr puts that file at the end of the line instead of next to the file I was working on. When you have 600 photos in a down loud, it is a pain to scroll through the photo's to find your place again.
Is there a setting to force the saved file back in line next to the file that was edited in Ps?
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