AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Importing CTB File Into Plot Settings For Drawing?
Jul 12, 2010I can't remember how to import a ctb file into my plot settings for a drawing?
View 9 RepliesI can't remember how to import a ctb file into my plot settings for a drawing?
View 9 RepliesI recently switched from Civil 3D 2012 to 2013 student version because when I initially installed the program I probably messed up some of the settings that I shouldn't have for my entire application. After reinstalling it, I noticed that the program seems to run just fine but the settings for the original file I'm trying to work with remain, such as label settings, linescales, etc.
I want my drawing to match the settings of new drawings when it comes to labels, scales, and anything else I might have changed. Is there a way to apply these settings to my original file? If not, is there a way to at least make sure the label styles can be reset? I don't want any changes to the settings I made to be present in my file.
my plot file names don't include the drawing name, only the layout name. it used to include the drawing name. i must have changed something but i don't what.
Dell Studio XPS 9100
Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz
12GB Ram
64 bit
C3D 2012 SP3.0
After reviewing many similar topics, I am still at a loss here. We are finding that the settings for using shift to deselect items seem to be changing within individual drawing files.
I open 2 drawing files. In one, the shift/deselect works fine, but in the other is does not deselect anything...
Further - within the non-working drawing file, the option to activate 2 hotpoints on a line and then stretch that line no longer works either.
Like everyone dealing with these shift/select/deselect issues, we are wasting an extreme amount of time trying to resolve issues that never seemed to be issues with past versions.
When saving a drawing why do my plot settings not save with it? As in the window I use and the scaleUsing 2007.
View 8 Replies View RelatedThe crashing is consistent every time I try this. Here is how I replicate the problem:
- Open a SheetSet.
- Right click on the sheetset and select Transmittal Setups.
- Click import.
- Select a template DST and click open.
- Check a setup and click import checked.
Civil 3D Locks and an error saying "AutoCAD Application has stopped working" pops up and whamo. I have custom eTransmit settings and here they are just in case,
I have created a profile showing existing and finish grade. I can't seem to control the appearance of the existing grade line and the finish grade line individually. I need finish grade to be color 161 and existing grade to be color 252, but whatever I set as a color applies to both.
I have done this in the past with no trouble at all, but can't seem to get it to work now. I even tried importing settings from drawings with that display, but nothing has worked yet.
Is there a macro/script/deisel that will automatically print a pdf (cute pdf autocad lt 2007) to current plot settings in current drawing directory and give it the current drawing view name and number? Disk space not a problem these days and would save time to have a pdf copy of all drawing tabs readily stored in the directory ready for issue.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI’m trying to create a plot command that reads settings in from a variable stored in a text file but its becoming muddled up somewhere.
(defun c:MYPLOT ();Setting nessesary variables...(setq fname "C:/ICT/AutoCAD_Architecture_Suite_2012/CUSTOM/TREADSTONE/PEN/MYOUTPUTDEVICE.PEN")(if(setq f(open fname "r"))(while (setq MYOUTPUTDEVICE (read-line f))(close)))(setq fname "C:/ICT/AutoCAD_Architecture_Suite_2012/CUSTOM/TREADSTONE/PEN/MYPAPERSIZE.PEN")
In Civil 3D 2013 I'm attempting to import styles from another drawing. Whenever I select the Import button under Manage > Styles I get a warning box pop up that says "The drawing has unsaved modifications. Please save the drawings and then perform the style import again".
This occurs even after I hit save or reopen the drawing.
I am trying to plot a drawing and am using a .ctb file that is not a color .ctb file. When I go to plot the plot wants to plot in color. Is there a setting in Options or somewhere that would be causing this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedLet's say you created some Label Styles, and want those Label Styles to be available in another existing drawing.
Do you have to insert the drawing (which has the desired Styles) into the existing dwg? I tried DesignCenter, but it does not seem to have the ability to import Label Styles or Point Label Styles.
C3d 2010 (no SP)
Would there be a way to write a lsp to change all the drawing layers? I need to change a bunch of the object layers, multiple times, and don't want to make another template with the other layers. I have 3 sets of layers needed?
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation
I'm using an embedded ACAD, and getting half-finished field-to-finish dwgs from a sub-contractor. I'm having a hard time getting his lineweights to conform to the output needed.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSet up the settings tab in Toolspace to always skip to display the drawing that I'm not working in? I just spent half an hour creating expressions in the wrong drawing,
View 2 Replies View RelatedI received a drawing today that doesn't allow me to choose existing ".ctb" files. Opening the "Plot style table (pen assignments)" from the Page Setup dialogue box. I can choose "Start from scratch" , use a "CFG" file, or "Use a PCP or PC2" file". I do not have any CFG files. I usually use PCP in my "Plot" dialogue box for the plotter pull-down menu.
How to use my plot style "BRhalf.ctb" when plotting this drawing. Also, a "heads-up" on background information on this drawing's plot style options, vs. the plot style options on many other drawings I have plotted.
Is there a way to plot multiple drawings in Acad 2009 without opening each drawing file?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't seem to find a way to plot to a tiff file. Is there a driver I'm missing? I have and use often "DWG to PDF", but someone has asked us for everything to be in TIFF format.
Using Civil3D r2011
How to open a .tin? I tried to create a surface from a TIN as one way but it is looking for .pnt. as well.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWe do most of our drawing in 2D – quaint I know, but that’s the way the office works. On occasion we’ll do something as a solid model to guide a client understand a complex roof or a clearance problem. We started a model for a project we are working on and ended up using it as building elevations.
The problem is with plotting. If I use our standard office CTB (which is set to print as black), I get color printouts no matter what I try. I have tried using an STB and changing all our layer colors to “7” in an attempt to make it print black, but I'm getting extremely undesirable - seemingly random - line weight results.
The client wants the next project done in 3D as well and I’d like to be able to have the elevations look right.
Is there a way to apply plot styles and line weights to a dwg file like 'dwf ePlot' does but keeping the results in .dwg format?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI get the following error when I try to import a comma delineated CSV file into Geotechnics 2013. When I first ran Geo technics I received 15 errors. I made changes to the csv file and now I get 15 errors in a different location.
I've included the 2 CSV files.
Example of the error message.
Error 0 The CSV appears to be corrupt near record '332' field '3 at position '1044'. Current raw data : '
1020 SB,29,34,GRAVELLY SAND medium grained gray waterbearing medium dense
1020 SB,34,36.5,GRAVEL WITH SAND gray waterbearing medium dense
1020 SB,36.5,41.5,GRAVELLY SAND medium grained gray to brownish gray waterbearing loose to medium dense
1020 SB,41.5,52.5,SAND WITH GRAVEL medium grained gray waterbearing medium dense
1020 SB,52.5,58,SAND a little gravel fine to medium grained brownish gray waterbearing medium dense
1020 SB,58,63,SAND WITH GRAVEL medium to fine grained gray waterbearing dense a lens of fine grained sand with silt
I am using autodesk autocad civil 3D (Metric).When I am importing point from text file it comes with different scale which is not to 1:1.Actual scale is 1: 3.280 which is exactly equal to 1m :1 ft ratio.
So, my guess is, X,Y,Z coordinates are importing to autocad civil 3D is in feets and measured distance points in meters.
I am having trouble importing a field book file.......I click the option to import survey data, verify the survey database then select the field book option but at that point Civil 3D does not alow me to browse to select a field book file.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAutoCAD 2011 - XP - 2 Machine office
When I use the pdf plot drivers from AutoCAD or the export to pdf option the resulting pdf is not available to the other computer trying to access it through a shared folder.
When I plot to pdf with batch plot or export the drawing to pdf and save the file in the shared folder, the other computer can not open the pdf (file not found) or attach the file to an email (you do not have permission)
Why is this? All other files share and open fine. Only pdf files from batch plot, plot to dwg to pc3, or export to pdf. This is a pain and I still have to use another plot driver (cutepdf) to get a fully useable pdf for our office.
Each time I attempt to import a USGS .adf file the program becomes unresponsive and locks up
approx 450,000KB in size
I am having trouble processing point code to correctly string the survey points. I have tried three methods of coding and each method has a draw back which isn't really acceptable to me, as it either means more work in the field or more work in the office.
Method 1: I code my points TOP 1 B, or TOE 2 or NS.
When doing this method the survey points don't string correctly. Because of the space delimitation inbetween TOP & 1 Civil3d only recognises the code TOB and doesn't pay attention to the string number. So all the points with the same code get stringed regardless of the string number. Please see file "TOP_1_B_CODE_STYLE.png" and you will see that TOP 1 E strings to point TOP 2 B.This will create a lot of work in the office breaking all the survey figures so they appear correct.
Method 2:I code my points TOP1 B, or TOE2 or NS. When doing this the points don't get coded correctly. Because the code is TOB when I import a point with the code TOB1 it doesn't recognise the code, and puts the point on the default layer 0. Please see file "TOP1_B_STYLE.png" and you will see all of the TOP1 and TOE1 are white and one layer 0. This will make a lot of office work changing points to the correct layers.
Method 3: I code my points without a string number, and only pickup one line at a time. So I would start picking up a toe of bank by TOE B then finish it on TOE E. See file "TOP_B_TOP_E.png" to see the result.
This does get the result I want but it really makes field work procedures slow. It would be very frustrating doing a detail survey of a road and having to walk each individual breakline.
I want to be able to use Method 1 but to have all points get stringed correctly. I have read a pretty good post about this here where the outcome is that all points should be put on layer 0 by default (I can't find it again though!). For me though that isn't a very good option as I often have both design and asbuilt in the same drawing, and need to be able to turn off groups and not have the associated points left on my screen.
I have a Civil3D file with Drawing Settings = WGS84 UTM-Zone44 North Map3D coordinate system = WGS84 UTM-Zone44 North a USGS DEM from HYDROsheds data set (tile = N40E80) also note this DEM is a folder of multiple ADF files when using FDO provider the DEM comes in just fine but it lands in the wrong location thousands of kilometers away.
When I load the same shape files into ArcMAP10 with spatial reference as WGS84 UTM-Zone44 North everything lines up perfectly.
The header prj.adf file is this:
so how do I make it come into Map3D correctly?
Recently we have discovered a problem (bug?) with the survey database. We usually import our field data from our Trimble controllers into the survey database (SDB) through Trimble Link. We have been very careful to get all the survey database settings right, so that the data comes through correctly and have been successful up until the last few weeks. We find this a good workflow, where we are able to make edits to our field data (change target heights etc) easily in the SDB and comparisons with Trimble Business Center and direct output on-screen in the controller confirm that our data is reliable. We often have both GPS (long Network RTK vectors from the nearest network base station) and total station observations in the same file.
The issue is that, as the fbk file is imported, the survey database settings change to reflect the content of the fbk file. The "Atmospheric conditions" and "Curvature and Refraction" settings, which I have purposely left unticked (the controller applies these corrections), become ticked. This throws out our heights, especially on the long GPS lines.
We do have the option for a workaround, which involves going back into the Edit Survey Database Settings after import and updating the data in the sdb, but this is clumsy.
This seems to be similar to the issue that was discussed here. However, we have only just encountered this issue in the past month or two, which coincides with when we rolled out C3D 2012 Service Pack 4 across the office. We are planning on implementing 2014 soon, so I have tried it out on 2014 as well, with the same result.
Is this something that others are dealing with too? Perhaps there's some sneaky setting somewhere that I haven't found which locks down the SDB settings preventing them from being changed on import? Otherwise, I think this is a bug.
I am also bracing myself for some comments regarding the dangers of using GPS in the SDB!
Civil 3D 2012 SP4
I am tryiny to import coordinate file like I have so many times and the Select File box keeps telling me "No point file format match found". I click the proper file format and it shows in the Preview box but the OK box will not go dark so I can clcik on it. The file is a CSv and tried making it a txt with no luck. Using 2012.
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When I plot PNG or JPG file, its paper size is needed to edit according to drawing size.
I want to know the source code or function(or method) - C#.