AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Importing ESRI ADF File Lands In Wrong Location?
Jul 7, 2013
I have a Civil3D file with Drawing Settings = WGS84 UTM-Zone44 North Map3D coordinate system = WGS84 UTM-Zone44 North a USGS DEM from HYDROsheds data set (tile = N40E80) also note this DEM is a folder of multiple ADF files when using FDO provider the DEM comes in just fine but it lands in the wrong location thousands of kilometers away.
When I load the same shape files into ArcMAP10 with spatial reference as WGS84 UTM-Zone44 North everything lines up perfectly.
The header prj.adf file is this:
so how do I make it come into Map3D correctly?
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Oct 25, 2008
I have a directory that contains .dbf, .prj, .sbn, .sbx, .shp & .shx files. How do import or use this data in Autodesk Map?Also, I would like to know about obtaining GIS training.
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Jan 3, 2012
I'm new (again) to using AutoCAD and am a GIS user. I just wanted to know if there was a way to import an ESRI shapefile (.shp extension) into AutoCAD 2011. This is the only version I have and don't really have any extensions with it. Can I do this or do I need different software?
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Dec 10, 2012
I want to know that whether Canal Design is possible in civil 3D or not.
If there is any software that deals in designing of Canals for distributing water to irrigated lands.
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Sep 12, 2012
I would like to try and import a .tds and .dat file that should contain an aerial photograph and a location in the real world of that photograph. I would then like to create a map over the photograph with lines, circles, etc. that will also be in the same coordinates as the photograph.
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Jun 2, 2013
I developed problems importing images onto LR - everything was working just fine then.Get a message:"Some operations were not performed.Could not copy a file to requested location"
It itemised every image I am trying to import..I thought I would upgrade to LR 4 and the problem would go away - it didn't!!
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Aug 28, 2012
How can to export my SDF file to ESRI Shape file? In AutoCAD Map menu have a commands, but those works only for drawing objects. Have any way to export SDF to Shape?
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Apr 2, 2012
I have a surface, to which I've added data from a ENZ file. No problems - I had a workable surface. I want to be able to work on the drawing at home as well as work. So I brought home the DWG as well as the ENZ file thinking that if both were in the same directory, it would work OK. But I get an error saying the Point file can't be found. I can't see any way to make the file reference relative, rather than absolute.
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Jun 4, 2013
I am currently using AutoCad Map3d 2013. I am trying to export some features to esri shape file. When I use the export command it does not export all the features, only a few of them. I tried each different way point, line, polygon (treat closed polylines as polygons). I just did this the other day and worked out fine.
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Nov 27, 2013
C3D 2013 64 Bit, Win 7 Pro 64Bit
When I use the open command in C3D the file date is incorrect for a file. I also have a explorer windows open and it shows the same file with the current date.
This file is located on my local hard drive. C3D shows 11/15/2013 for the date the actual date of the file is 11/26/2013. Even after a save it's still wrong. My isavepercent is set to 0 .
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Dec 11, 2013
I'm running AutoCad 2012 Civil 3D and I've imported a shapefile and would like to show the ESRI labels in AutoCad. The shapefile is a maze of pipelines in an oil field and the owners and sizes of the lines are in my GIS table.
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Nov 8, 2012
Is it possible to export a DTM (TIN surface) to ESRI's ASCII grid format (for ArcGIS)?
I've attached an example file.
Failing that, is it possible to export to a simple XYZ point file?
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Apr 27, 2012
I have just upgraded from C3D 2011 to C3D 2013. I know it should be simple to copy my custom CUI file from one release to another, but somehow I'm missing it. In 2013, I open Workspace/Customize, then swith to the Transfer tab (right sofar?). In the pull down, I choose Open. Now at this point, I think I should just browse for my 2011 CUI file, but for some reason, I can't find it. If I search my C drive, I still can't find it. With 2011 open, in Workspace, the name of the CUI that I use is "Randy", so I'm assuming the file name to search for would be randy.cui.
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Jul 11, 2013
When the attached shape file (change soilmu_a_a.txt to .shp) is imported using MAPIMPORT the data aligns with other imported georeferenced raster imagery (said imagery was imported using the MAPIINSERT command). If the same shape file is imported using the data connect tool it shows up in a much different location (see word document).
The drawing coordinate system code is "UTM83-18F" and the data was downloaded from the Web Soil Survey's data download with the identical coordinate system (see attached readme.txt).
I prefer to use the data connect option when importing this type of shape file because I can label them all using a theme and use stylize the data for visualization/presentation.
As an aside, I have found that data connect does not automatically transform data coordinate systems to match your drawing coordinate system as advertised. I've used the edit coordinate system to no avail; however, again when the file is imported using MAPIMPORT and saved as a drawing (with native data coordinate system) and then that drawing is queried from a drawing in a different coordinate system it seems to transform the coordinate system just fine. Is this a problem with data connect?
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Dec 7, 2012
I'm having all kinds of trouble with these dynamic blocks.
This one should be simple, but I can't even get it to work! Please take a look at the drawing... when you flip it, it flips everything (as it should), but the stretch grip goes "up", instead of staying in the middle of the box in the flipped state.
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Jan 30, 2012
I know I can go into the AeccSetNetworkCatalog command and set the file path but I want to do it pragmatically. Is there any way to do this? If so I don't know where it is located?
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Aug 14, 2013
How to open a .tin? I tried to create a surface from a TIN as one way but it is looking for .pnt. as well.
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Aug 21, 2012
I have a character in Max. The eyes are separate geometry as usual. When I "Send to Mudbox" everything works out fine. No error messages. But the eyes are being placed by the knees and close together. Though I can move them into position, I'd like to know what's cause this problem? The character itself is fine.
The eyes ARE quads with correct Unwrapping. Again, no warning displaying.
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Dec 18, 2013
I get the following error when I try to import a comma delineated CSV file into Geotechnics 2013. When I first ran Geo technics I received 15 errors. I made changes to the csv file and now I get 15 errors in a different location.
I've included the 2 CSV files.
Example of the error message.
Error 0 The CSV appears to be corrupt near record '332' field '3 at position '1044'. Current raw data : '
1020 SB,29,34,GRAVELLY SAND medium grained gray waterbearing medium dense
1020 SB,34,36.5,GRAVEL WITH SAND gray waterbearing medium dense
1020 SB,36.5,41.5,GRAVELLY SAND medium grained gray to brownish gray waterbearing loose to medium dense
1020 SB,41.5,52.5,SAND WITH GRAVEL medium grained gray waterbearing medium dense
1020 SB,52.5,58,SAND a little gravel fine to medium grained brownish gray waterbearing medium dense
1020 SB,58,63,SAND WITH GRAVEL medium to fine grained gray waterbearing dense a lens of fine grained sand with silt
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Jan 18, 2013
I am using autodesk autocad civil 3D (Metric).When I am importing point from text file it comes with different scale which is not to 1:1.Actual scale is 1: 3.280 which is exactly equal to 1m :1 ft ratio.
So, my guess is, X,Y,Z coordinates are importing to autocad civil 3D is in feets and measured distance points in meters.
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Aug 27, 2012
I am having trouble importing a field book file.......I click the option to import survey data, verify the survey database then select the field book option but at that point Civil 3D does not alow me to browse to select a field book file.
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Jul 12, 2010
I can't remember how to import a ctb file into my plot settings for a drawing?
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Dec 9, 2013
Each time I attempt to import a USGS .adf file the program becomes unresponsive and locks up
approx 450,000KB in size
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Apr 7, 2013
I am having trouble processing point code to correctly string the survey points. I have tried three methods of coding and each method has a draw back which isn't really acceptable to me, as it either means more work in the field or more work in the office.
Method 1: I code my points TOP 1 B, or TOE 2 or NS.
When doing this method the survey points don't string correctly. Because of the space delimitation inbetween TOP & 1 Civil3d only recognises the code TOB and doesn't pay attention to the string number. So all the points with the same code get stringed regardless of the string number. Please see file "TOP_1_B_CODE_STYLE.png" and you will see that TOP 1 E strings to point TOP 2 B.This will create a lot of work in the office breaking all the survey figures so they appear correct.
Method 2:I code my points TOP1 B, or TOE2 or NS. When doing this the points don't get coded correctly. Because the code is TOB when I import a point with the code TOB1 it doesn't recognise the code, and puts the point on the default layer 0. Please see file "TOP1_B_STYLE.png" and you will see all of the TOP1 and TOE1 are white and one layer 0. This will make a lot of office work changing points to the correct layers.
Method 3: I code my points without a string number, and only pickup one line at a time. So I would start picking up a toe of bank by TOE B then finish it on TOE E. See file "TOP_B_TOP_E.png" to see the result.
This does get the result I want but it really makes field work procedures slow. It would be very frustrating doing a detail survey of a road and having to walk each individual breakline.
I want to be able to use Method 1 but to have all points get stringed correctly. I have read a pretty good post about this here where the outcome is that all points should be put on layer 0 by default (I can't find it again though!). For me though that isn't a very good option as I often have both design and asbuilt in the same drawing, and need to be able to turn off groups and not have the associated points left on my screen.
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Jul 25, 2013
I have recently moved a catalog from a PC to a mac (after 5+ years using PSE on a PC). I transferred (using PSE11 restore catalog process) 25,000+ photos across using the instructions from adobe and had it all working perfectly for a couple of weeks.
Recently all the photos in my catalog have become 'missing files'. The catalog is located in a custom location on the internal drive being '/users/marcus/pictures/adobe/organizer/media/media/'
pse11 now thinks location is '/volumes/public/users/marcus/pictures/adobe/organizer/media/media/'
The /volumes/ directory contains references to files on network drives (and show up under 'Shared' in finder). I have no idea how PSE11 decided to think all the files in ther catalog were on a network drive.
When I reconnect the file manually, then the program returns the error "The file exists in the catalog."
This error appears to be the one referenced here: [URL] ... being kb404560 but these are mostly windows based solutions. I have tried the suggested solutions without success on the mac
I suspect the problem occurred due to OSX's stadard process of mounting virtual drives to install new programs but this is a guess as I am new to macs. I have unmounted all recent drives
I am running OS X 10.8.4 on a late 2012 27 inch iMac 3.4GHz i7 mac with 8 GB of memory.
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Feb 28, 2013
I am tryiny to import coordinate file like I have so many times and the Select File box keeps telling me "No point file format match found". I click the proper file format and it shows in the Preview box but the OK box will not go dark so I can clcik on it. The file is a CSv and tried making it a txt with no luck. Using 2012.
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Aug 12, 2013
I am battling is bringing in LiDAR files from ArcGIS. I have tried TXT and ASC, and they both seem to only maintain the elevation to the nearest foot, as you can see in the attached image.
What is strange, is that when the file is brought back into GIS, this issue is a problem. Is there a setting for reducing the amount of units when importing data? The text file as I shared has data to the thousandth.
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Jul 6, 2013
Photoshop Elements 6 (20070910.r.377499)
I do not know why the catalog has changed the file location of "ALL" pictures to the location on my backup drive.
Example: K:My DocumentsMy PicturesPetsPICT1460-1.JPG
The actual location of the original photo is: D:My DocumentsMy PicturesPetsPICT1460-1.JPG
The location of "My Pictures" is on my primary Hard Drive D:My DocumentsMy Pictures
Why is Photoshop changing all of my 37,000+ photo thumbnails to point to my Backup Drive K:?
I need to correct the catalog file. How do I make the correction and stop it from happening in the future?
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Nov 29, 2012
I found a curious bug in Lightroom 4.2.
If I have pictures taken after 23:00, Lightroom creates an import folder in the next day, but the dates in the files are correct.
Example: The file's date is: 29/11/2012 23:19.
However if I hover my mouse over the image in the import dialog:
The date that appears is 30/11/2012 00:19. Here's the detail:
After you import, you get the image in the wrong import folder, but the meta on the image is correct:
I've started to notice this before, but always thought of a wrong date on my camera. Just noticed that this happens with my camera, iPhone, and any other photo that has a time after 23:00.
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Mar 4, 2013
I import photos direct from camera (5DII) into Lightroom 4.3 the folder automatically created in Lightroom is one day out from the date photo created. Camera, computer and metadata info of file all have correct date. Windows 8 OS.
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Dec 13, 2011
I'm experiencing a bit of an organization problem with Lightroom 3 which is probably rather easy to fix, but I just can't seen ti figure out how. When I import photos in Lightroom it automatically creates folders (2011-12-14 for example) and I would like to change the location on my computer for these folders, but I can't find where to do it. It now creates these folders in my regular Pictures folder which gets really messy due to this. How can I change this? And how do I relocate all the excisting folders on my laptop, without having to find all the missing photos afterwards.
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