AutoCad :: Print PDF To Current Plot Settings In Current Drawing Directory
Sep 29, 2011
Is there a macro/script/deisel that will automatically print a pdf (cute pdf autocad lt 2007) to current plot settings in current drawing directory and give it the current drawing view name and number? Disk space not a problem these days and would save time to have a pdf copy of all drawing tabs readily stored in the directory ready for issue.
When we publish we are always asked if we wish to save the current list of sheets.
See attached screenshot.
One of my users no longer gets this option.
Every time he publishes the program goes directly to the Save List As dialog box so he can name/save a .DSD file. He no longer gets the option of a box asking him if he wants to save the current list of sheets.
My guess is some variable got changed that has removed the option of being prompted about saving the .DSD file.
I need to process multiple photos every day in the same way and am trying to minimize the effort needed by automating Gimp with Scrip-fu, which seems to be kind of limited. My plan was to save the files in specified folders and using incron (an inotify service) to open them in Gimp; do a manual perspective backward transformation by hand and start a script would, resize them and based on their filename and what directory they came from, save them to the correct folders for display on web pages.
I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get the filename and directory which the images came from.
Technique that can check the current plotter name for the current tab and assign it to a variable? i.e. can it be assigned to a variable to check if if equals "myplotter1". The next step - is there a technique to change the plotter name to "myplotter2.pc3".
I have partially done the latter part of this in the past using the -plot command line to ASSIGN a new plotter but I would really like to only run the routine if it really needs to.
I have 1 Next button that is used on the timeline. Each position has a pause then a play so there is only 1 button. I need to get the label info so I know where I am so I can save the location of the timeline that the user was at if they exited before they finished the process.
The Pagesetup isn't showing up in the Pagesetup dialog.
But when I close the drawing and open it up it's visible.
What am I missing here? Still new with this transaction concept...
<CommandMethod("aps")> _Public Sub AddPlotSetting() 'TODO: Finish Cleaning Print Function Dim s_PlotSettingsFile As String = "c: est.dwg Dim s_PageSetupName As String = "catdog" Dim s_MediaName As String = "11 x 17"
I'm trying to import one Revit file into another. When I try to link the file I get a dialogue box that says:
"The import geometry will not be visible in the view using current settings. The Oringin of the import will be centered on the origin of the model instead. You can view the import in any view where its geometry is within the extents."
For this it sounds like the imported model is way off to the side or way up high or low but even in a view that I increase the extents to maximum i can't see the object.
I've tried "center to centre" and "origin to origin". I've check in the visual graphic and can't see anything turned off.
The file i am imported ia a structural model export from Tekla that I imported into a Revit and cleaned up. Everything looks fine when i open the file on it's own.
I am trying to write a quick macro to open the current drawing in the block editor. I can easily do the steps from the dialog box to open the current drawing, but the command line version give me an error.
Command: -bedit Enter block name or [?]: <current drawing>
(A message box pops up saying, "The name cannot be longer than 255 characters."
If I click ok on the message box, AutoCAD returns to model space. The file name is 30 +/- characters, and the path is maybe another 50 to 100 characters. Can I bedit the current drawing using the command line, or must I use the dialog box?
I am writing a program acts on the current drawing by using data in the SSM. If the current drawing is found to be a member of a sheet set (using sysvar SSFOUND) it cycles through all the sheet in the sheet set looking for a sheet entry that matches. Sometimes a match is not found because the layout name in the SSM does not match the layout name in the current tab (sysvar CTAB). Is there a more directly way...and one that works? I just need a reliable way to get the AcSmSheet object the correlates to the current drawing.
I'm using autocad 2000 and I have a problem printing & plotting. The print, plot preview only shows a section of the drawing. What settings do I need to change for the entire drawing to print for the paper size I need.
"Your current color settings discard CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be honored when this document was created."
every time I open an Illustrator document. How this setting was set and how to turn it off. I am just using the standard N America Prepress color setting in Bridge.
I have tried opening new documents using the supplied Ai CS4 new document profiles, no luck. So I am assuming it's a pref that is set in the app itself, yet how to change this setting? I don't even see anything referring to a setting like this.
I found this archived discussion: [URL] .... which had no resolution.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim layerColl As AcadLayers Dim entry As AcadLayer Dim LayList As String Set layerColl = ThisDrawing.Layers For Each entry In layerColl ComboBox1.AddItem entry.Name Next End Sub
I have a form with a combobox. That combobox is filled up with all layers in a drawing. (see above)
Now I want to make the layer that I have selected (value) in the combobox the current layer in my drawing.
I need simple code to do just one thing, inserting a dynamic block that is stored in a separate file on my computer (like C:/base/b-22) in the drawing that I'm currently using. For example, I have a windows form with a list box with names of many dynamic blocks that are stored on my c drive, I would like to pick a block with a name and upon a click event of a button or other will go get this block from a separate file and insert it in the drawing I'm currently using, and would need to be able to pick the point of where I want the block to go. I'm using autocad 2010 with visual studio 2008- using the new autocad .net language.
I know you can "pull" styles from a drawing (maybe the template) into your current drawing.
Is there a way to "push" them from the current drawing to another on?
Here is what I am picturing:
Right click on a style on the settings tab and choose "Send to Template"
"Template" would either be a predefined DWT file or it would open a standard file selection dialog to select one.....and this would copy the selected style into the template.
I'm trying to automate an attribute extraction in the form of a table. I create the .dxe file but when I use this template file with -eattext (or -dataextraction), in a drawing different than the one the .dxe was created in, I still get the original table and not the one with the attribute values of the curent drawing.
When I set a layer as current, every object or line I select in the drawing appear to be on that layer in the toolbar. Although in the properties toolbox, I see that the line I selected is still on the right layer.
I can't work in paperspace either, when I freeze a layer it freezes all objects. It seems like whenever I give a different layer to an object, it attributes to all object that same layer.
When I open the same drawing in acad 2008, everything is ok, the objects have the proper layers.
Is there a command for that or it's an acad 2013 problem?
i have a for example a block with one attribute and would like add a new attribute. i´m trying to read the current block and redefine - it comes a new attribute in propertieswindow but not graphical.