Edge Animate CC :: Get Current Label In Timeline From Current Location
Jun 5, 2013
I have 1 Next button that is used on the timeline. Each position has a pause then a play so there is only 1 button. I need to get the label info so I know where I am so I can save the location of the timeline that the user was at if they exited before they finished the process.
I'm trying to use the default timeline's current time inside an if-statement's validation code (the code itself being inside a symbol), but I can't seem to find a way to reference the default timeline's current time.
My code would be something along the lines of this:
(upon clicking the buttton)
if (default timeline > 1 second and default timeline < 6 seconds) { play default timeline at 6 seconds } else if (default timeline > 6 seconds and < 11 seconds) { play default timeline at 11 seconds } etc...
how can I call a label placed outside of a symbol's timeline in edge animate? I made a droppable symbol and now I need an action (for a button... making click) to return to the principal stage to a specific label.
Is it possible to assign an absolute URL from a subordinate file to land at a label within timeline of an Edge file.
I am creating a site which is too large for one file and it would be better for the subordinate files to access the master. With Flash I have usually achieved this by having one shell file which loads and unloads files according to the buttons clicked.
To minimise the number of html (an) files I organise the site as follows:
Home page - contains "courses", "about", "contact"
the subordinate files such as info, links, treatments, acupuncture, remedial massage etc etc need to have linke to "contact" say which is within the Home page timeline.Here is the example I am working on and you may see the problem of scale involved: URL....
The first four buttons come in one file while all the rest are separate files which at present can only link back to home page.
Is there a macro/script/deisel that will automatically print a pdf (cute pdf autocad lt 2007) to current plot settings in current drawing directory and give it the current drawing view name and number? Disk space not a problem these days and would save time to have a pdf copy of all drawing tabs readily stored in the directory ready for issue.
Technique that can check the current plotter name for the current tab and assign it to a variable? i.e. can it be assigned to a variable to check if if equals "myplotter1". The next step - is there a technique to change the plotter name to "myplotter2.pc3".
I have partially done the latter part of this in the past using the -plot command line to ASSIGN a new plotter but I would really like to only run the routine if it really needs to.
when I preview my video, the current timeline indicator skips to the next 10 frames and I would like to know if there is a way to decrease the amount of fames being skipped to.
If I have a symbol with its own timeline, I am familiar with targeting it with otehr elements and symbols and activating that timeline. But the symbol will also have a presence on the stage timeline - how does one play that?
I might be overcomplicating it, I thought it might just be play() on the main stage but that doesn't appear to work, neither does getStage.play() so I am doing something wrong somewhere
Ive created a box, turned it into a symbol called box,Inside box i have a left to right animation with auto play turned off.I then went back to the main stage, clicked the box, added action, on click to play, yet it does nothing.How do i Play the symbols timeline?
I'm working on building an action in Illustrator CS5 that will do the following..Delete the layer "original artwork"Select AllCreate OutlinesSave as PDF "content.pdf" to the current working folder with specific settings in the Save PDF prompt..Up to step 4 this is pretty simple, but so far when trying to record the saving step it insists on using the directory that I'm building the action in - not the relative one based on where the current file is opened. Also, unlike the 'Save For Web JPEG' default Illustrator action, the PDF saving step doesn't retain any of the specific settings within the action.
I use the same label style for multiple objects (surfaces) with different layers (i.e. Concrete, Pavement, etc.) I have the label style set to Layer 0, to take on the layer properties I want the label on. When I insert a label, it defaults to Layer 0, then I have to change it's layer. Is there a way to insert a label on the current layer?
How can I have an offset alignment that I created be the current label so when I start to pick offset of my current alignment I do not want to have to go back and change the label style to my own label style.
I'm trying to use some images in my ScriptUI dialog, but I want to use a "relative" path name, and I can't seem to get it to work.For example, this myScript.jsx works just fine, but as you can see, I'm using an "absolute" path name to transparencyGrid.jpg:
var w = new Window ("dialog"); var f = new File ('~/Desktop/transparencyGrid.jpg'); w.add ("image", undefined, f); w.show ();
However, I want to be able to use a relative (to myScript.jsx) path to point at transparencyGrid.jpg, like this:
var w = new Window ("dialog"); var f = new File ('../../../transparencyGrid.jpg'); w.add ("image", undefined, f); w.show ();
But, I can't seem to get this to work because relative paths seem to be relative to the current folder, Folder.current, not the location of the currently executing script.I say that because when I do this:
The only thing the alert message shows is a backslash (/), indicating to me that the current folder is the root of my OS, but I thought it would be the folder where myScript.jsx resides.
So, is there a way of setting Folder.current to the location of the actual script?
when working with a 3d model i want to switch between front, top, side views to change my XYZ axis. when i hit the view icon(whichever i am going to) it regenerates and zooms extents. is there w way to stay zoomed into the current location but toggle the crosshair XYZ plane?
I´m using Edge for couple of days and start to work with and I love it. Now I´m trying to build a slide animation, so the content moves from right to left and vice versa.The controller goes with buttons.
I'm not very good with JS, but for now I got it to move the content from left to right. Now what I want is, to stop the timeline if a certain label is reached. This is my code for the buttons if click:
var myLabelLocation = sym.getLabelPosition(""); if (sym.getPosition() < 2000) { sym.play(myLabelLocation); } if (sym.getPosition() > 2000) { sym.playReverse(myLabelLocation); }
I like to say if the playhead reached 2000ms oder the label "team", than stop!
so when im scrolline to the right or left side , the timeline follows!
id tried some different way ,but i dont think its good.
1 way was. on my stage in scroll:
var animationWidth = 5000; var stageWidth = sym.$("Stage").width(); var scrollPos = sym.$("Stage").scrollLeft(); var duration = sym.getDuration(); var percent = scrollPos / (animationWidth-stageWidth); var time = duration * percent; // Update timeline sym.stop(time);
it works but is giving me double scroolbar and the second scrollbar is scrolling out of the "stage"!
2- way i tried was:
// insert code for scroll event here var myCalc = e.currentTarget.scrollLeft/(e.currentTarget.scrollWidth-e.currentTarg et.clientWidth); var pos = Math.round( myCalc * sym.getDuration() ); sym.stop(pos);
I need to activate a timeline event on a symbol with a button press on another object, then when the button is pressed again, reverse the timeline event. This will have something sliding in and out of the stage.
If the animation is placed right at 0.00 and there's nothing else, then this code works OK:
However there is other animation that plays automatically on page load, then a trigger stops all animation. The animation I need to trigger is a couple of seconds later bracketed by labels 'start' and 'stop'. So I need to code the button A to get the symbol B and animate from 'start' to 'stop' and then wait. Then on a further press to animate from 'stop' to 'start'. But I'm damned if I can get anything to work.
I have made a 9-second animation but, somewhere along the line, the timeline has acquired another 15 seconds of blank space. Is there any way to cut the timeline back to the 9-second mark?
I use edge animate in adobe dps. I searched to control the timeline with touch (or scroll) in the forum. Even some solutions were discussed, i didnt find the perfect one. It could open so many possibilities like slideshows, parallax, diagonal textscroll etc.
I would like to build a wide animation and control the timeline by scrup/swipe with my finger.
I found something which works, but it seems the directions doesnt work in adobe edge animate anymore.
I am working on a timeline of out company's work through the past 20 years. I have the base mechanics down by making a "rough layout".
Going back and forth between "years" (noted as large 1,2,3,4 text blocks) is fine by using the arrows at the bottom.
My problem is that I'd like to be able to jump to any year from any year. So I added the numbers buttons to go to the marker for that year. Here's the script I'm using to do that (in this case I'm going to the label "two"):
sym.play(); // stop the timeline at the given position (ms or label) sym.stop('two');
The problem is that I want it to play the timeline to the number I've selected. So if I'm on "4" and click on "1" I want it to scroll through 3 and 2 to get to one.
I have a composition which has two pieces of VO. Each has an associated text block.I want to play the first VO when the first text is clicked. Then, when the VO ends, I want the first text block to fade out, the second to fade in and play the second VO when tapped.
I have the timeline set up with labels to play through the transitions at the end of the first VO. No issues there.I have the audio playing when I click on the text blocks. All good.However, I do not know how to make the timeline wait for the audio clip to end before playing.This is the code for the first text block:
sym.$("RUP01_Nar_1")[0].play(); sym.play('Nar2');
This plays the audio but also plays the timeline instantly (so the text blocks fade from one to the other as soon as the audio starts).
I figure I need some sort of code in between which says, essentially, 'wait until the audio finishes then [play timeline]'. But as much i have searched I cannot find anything to do that.
I believe there is a shortcut key for rolling up the members of a div on the timeline (kind of like you would use folders in Flash, and exactly the way it happens in the edge elements panel.) I need less layers on my timeline to cut down on the scrolling and hunting for specific layers. My coworker accidently hid hers while randomly keysmashing and we can not reproduce it. Since it's a keyboard shortcut--there's probably another way to make it happen but I can't find it. How to toggle between the hide/reveal of elements in a div on the timeline?
I am currently playing around with Edge. I'm a designer, not a coder, however I do understand some basic jquery coding, and know html/css, etc. I'm currently looking for a way to have the timeline move a keyframe, as the user moves their scrollbar. There seems to be a lot of canvas scrolling animations being used on the web at the moment, and is definitely a neat effect that is going to catch on - two really neat examples of this are: URLs...
As you can see, when the user scrolls forwards (by click and drag, on Tron -- and on their browser scrollbar, for the ie site), the content moves, animates and reacts. Scrolling back has the same effect, playing the animations backwards.
What I'm wondering is if there's a way of creating a similar effect using Edge? Ideally, you could create the full animation in the timeline, and then as the user scrolls forwards or backwards, it moves the timeline scrub forward a keyframe, therefore creating the effect of animation.
The only thing I found thats close to this is here: URL....However this is an old article using an older version of Edge, and so doesn't seem to work - but shows that it can't be that difficult to do surely!?
i have recently moved from adobe flash professional to adobe edge animate. But things seem to be more complicated on edge.
I have 2 buttons, "next" and "previous", and they have their own actions to make the timeline plays to a specific point. But I cant reuse the same symbols changing only the code like I used to do on flash.
Ive already looked the whole web, but there are few edge tutorials. How to change the code from the SAME symbol in different parts from the timeline? I dont want to have to create new "next" and "previous" buttons everytime I need to change the code to go to the next page of my project.,
i need to control the timeline animation with the mouse wheel.i've tried this code but I've could only make it work with mouse move, unfortunatly the scroll does not work -