Edge Animate CC :: How To Link From HTML Page Button To Within A Point (label) On Timeline

Aug 14, 2013

I want to link from an html page button to within a point (label) on the timeline. What code would I need to put on the button?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Control HTML Element Of Single Page From Custom Animated Button

Jan 9, 2014

how I can control another Edge animation and/or html element of a single page from a custom Edge animated button? For example, I created an animated tabbed buttons in Edge, then I want to animate a different Edge animate once I clicked on a button in the other Edge animation. I want to add multiple Edge animation in one page instead of one big Edge animation. This is partly because the design of the page is done is Muse with the parallax effect.

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Edge Animate CC :: Two Edge Animations On HTML Page?

Apr 4, 2013

I followed the adobe tutorial to manually create an html page in order to have two edge animations on a page but it doesn't work well. The second animation starts but not the first one (I can see the first frame only).

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Edge Animate CC :: Calling Function From HTML Page Embedded In IFrame?

Mar 26, 2014

This is a tricky one, but it may just be that I don't understand the syntax,
Situation:I have an Edge Animate composition that is acting as an interface and container into which other content is embedded using an iFrame.  I have several functions in Stage > creationComplete, and for one of the embedded content pieces, I want to include a button that calls one of the Edge functions.
Challenge: I have read about referencing elements within Edge when it is the Edge file that is embedded on an HTML page, but I cannot figure out how to reference Edge in the reverse.
I have tried these options where headerselect(page) is my function:
AdobeEdge.getComposition("EDGE-531849691").getStage().headerSelect("co mmunity");
window.top.Edge.getComposition("EDGE-531849691").getStage().headerSele ct("community");

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Call A Label Placed Outside Of A Symbols Timeline

Aug 27, 2013

how can I call a label placed outside of a symbol's timeline in edge animate? I made a droppable symbol and now I need an action (for a button... making click) to return to the principal stage to a specific label.

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Edge Animate CC :: Get Button To Play Timeline For Specified Length Of Time

Feb 27, 2014

I have an animation in Edge, and I'm trying to make a button that can play the timeline for a specified amount of time and then stop, without the aid of labels. So, I figured if i set the button to sym.getSymbol("mysymbol").play(500);  it would make the timeline of that symbol play for 500 milliseconds each time the button is clicked, but it is not working, as this makes the whole thing simply start playing at 500ms. So I then tried adding a stop action after this: 


But this didn't work, because I guess since these events are one after the other, it doesn't wait 500 seconds to stop, and it reads stop(500) immediately after the play instruction, so that didn't work either. I'm pretty new to javascript, but I've been really trying to learn it along with the Edge API for a couple weeks now and still can't seem to solve this problem.

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Edge Animate CC :: Absolute URL From A Subordinate File To Land At Label Within Timeline

Nov 21, 2013

Is it possible to assign an absolute URL from a subordinate file to land at a label within timeline of an Edge file.
I am creating a site which is too large for one file and it would be better for the subordinate files to access the master. With Flash I have usually achieved this by having one shell file which loads and unloads files according to the buttons clicked.
To minimise the number of html (an) files I organise the site as follows:
Home page - contains "courses", "about", "contact"

the subordinate files such as info, links, treatments, acupuncture, remedial massage etc etc need to have linke to "contact" say which is within the Home page timeline.Here is the example I am working on and you may see the problem of scale involved: URL....
The first four buttons come in one file while all the rest are separate files which at present can only link back to home page.

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Edge Animate CC :: Loading An Animation At A Specific Point In Timeline?

Sep 29, 2013

I am trying to find out if it is possible to start/load the animation based on a specific point in its timeline? The animation I am creating is a parallax animation based on mouse position and I am trying to load it in the middle of the animation and based on the users mouse position will play forward or backwards from that point.

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Edge Animate CC :: Remove Video Controls And Add Replay Button On Page

Jun 21, 2013

I am trying to create a page in Adobe Edge that loads a video without any controls (play, slider bar, volume, full screen) and then displays a replay button after the video finishes which will start it from the beginning.
Currently I am able to load the video file and have it play to the end and stop, but I can't seem to get a replay button working.  I also can't find a way to disable controls on the video so they do not show.
Here is the code I am using to load the video:

// insert code to be run when the composition is fully loaded here


As you can see, I tried a few ways of disabling the controls, and I also tried adding the replay function to the button itself, but neither of those worked. controlling the video control display and replay function in Adobe Edge would be very useful.

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Edge Animate CC :: Get Current Label In Timeline From Current Location

Jun 5, 2013

I have 1 Next button that is used on the timeline.  Each position has a pause then a play so there is only 1 button.  I need to get the label info so I know where I am so I can save the location of the timeline that the user was at if they exited before they finished the process.

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Edge Animate CC :: All Edge Objects Are Drawing Behind The Pre-existing HTML File

Aug 20, 2013

I have an existing HTML page (created in Adobe Muse) and I am trying to draw some Adobe Edge objects on top of the page (e.g. a rectangle or an image). When I look in the layers panel, the Edge objects show as top in the list. However, visually when I look at the page, the elements show behind the pre-existing HTML page from Muse.

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Edge Animate CC :: Animate HTML File Won't Work

Dec 13, 2013

I am including an animation I built using Edge Animate into Dreamweaver. I can't use an .oam file because of some other JavaScript I'm using so basically I'm limited to an .html file with all my edge includes java, and other supporting files.
when I preview in browser within dreamweaver. However, when I upload the page to my domain, my animate HTML file won't work. Here is a link to the current site in progress. (The first green box top left is my link to my animation). URL....

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Edge Animate CC :: Pasting Ordinary HTML Into An Animate Div

Jun 18, 2013

I have an ordinary div I composed with HTML, that I'd like to import into an existing Edge Animate comp and have it treated like an ordinary div. The two closest things I saw were: a YouTube video of a whole page opening in EA, and divs animated within itThis other forum, which has more components imported than I need:URL...Isn't there some kind of pasting window somewhere?

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Edge Animate CC :: Symbol Timeline Versus Stage Timeline

Apr 3, 2014

If I have a symbol with its own timeline, I am familiar with targeting it with otehr elements and symbols and activating that timeline. But the symbol will also have a presence on the stage timeline - how does one play that?
I might be overcomplicating it, I thought it might just be play() on the main stage but that doesn't appear to work, neither does getStage.play() so I am doing something wrong somewhere

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Play A Symbol Timeline From Main Timeline

Jan 7, 2013

Ive created a box, turned it into a symbol called box,Inside box i have a left to right animation with auto play turned off.I then went back to the main stage, clicked the box, added action, on click to play, yet it does nothing.How do i Play the symbols timeline?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Animate A Link With A Hover Feature

Dec 6, 2013

I'm looking for a way to animate a link with a hover feature. I would like the link to be initally blank, but after hovering hover the link, a colored rectangle of sorts slides in from left to right, essentially creating a new background color. When the cursor moves off of the link, the colored rectangle in the background would slide back to the left, disappearing.
After some thought, initially it sounds like an animation of clipping masks. Not sure if this is possible in Edge, or if I am on the right track.
Another hover animation that looks as if it would be some sort of clipping mask is found here on this site: [URL]....
I love the link to the right of the screen that says "Watch the trailer." It's a simple, beautiful animation that gives the site a great look.

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Edge Animate CC :: Animation In HTML (WIX+Dropbox)

Jul 30, 2013

I created an animation for a landingpage on my website(built with wix.com).
My problem is, that wix.com has got no folder-organisation or upload-function and my Edge animation has *.html, *jscript and *.jpeg/*.png files.
In a Wix.com-forum, I've found a response, that said, that I should use external storage-websites for my files.I did so and put these files in my dropbox/public folder, copied the open links in the *.html file like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"/>
<!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"

But, when I copy the code into my wix-page-html-app (for not-wix-user: a small field to insert html-code),nothing happens...

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Edge Animate CC :: Could Not Find The Associated HTML File

May 18, 2013

still I try to reopen the issue about an error of "Edge Animate could not find the associated html file" for me, this error remains even after opening and saving corresponding html file. in fact I don't remember any successful launch of .an file for all my projects working at win 7, 64 bit

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Insert Additional HTML File Into OAM

Jul 11, 2013

I want to use an iframe construction into my edge animate document. Edge animate *.oam file's planned to be used into inDesign DPS-folio. There is an iframe like <iframe src="local.html"></iframe> in that.

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Edge Animate CC :: Fontface Changes When Changing HTML Of Text

May 14, 2013

I have a textfield nested in a symbol and am using an Adobe web font (droid-sans). When I change the text inside the textbox with something like the following:
sym.getSymbol("captionButton").$("textBox").html("Hide Captions");
the fontFace APPEARS to go to some other sans font and seems bold from that point forward. Do I need to reset all the css properties of the fontface every time I change html text in a textbox.

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Edge Animate CC :: Couldn't Find Associated HTML File

Oct 29, 2012

I made several projects using Edge Animate 1.0, all of them worked perfectly. But now I need to make some changes, and several of them are displaying an error saying that could not find the html file associated with the project, even though the file is right at the same folder. I opened the .an file in a text editor and checked that the HTMLFileName attribute is pointing to the correct file. I'm attaching a print screen of the error.

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Edge Animate CC :: Inserting HTML Content Into An Animated DIV?

Dec 22, 2012

insert HTLM content into an EGDE animated Div box? Specificaly an HTML table?  I can get the html code in the box but it won't read/render it as html code. In flash you can tell the program that the contents of the box is html code and it will read it as such but I don't see any way to do that here. I've tried several ways and I can get the code to display in the box but it won't render the code instruction in the boxCan it be done ?

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Edge Animate CC :: Upload A HTML File To A Website?

Apr 27, 2013

I am trying to upload the file to webs.com for my website by it keeps showing up blank. I've uploaded all the files needed but nothing is showing.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Embed HTML Code Into A Website

Sep 26, 2013

Ok so Im trying to embed html code into a website.  I created an animation on edge, but after i publish i cant use the final publish link to just link embed.  Because my isp has inbound ports blocked. 
Anyway my question - Is there a way to just take the code from all the files and paste it into the website ?
If so, how would I organize the code, so it worked correctly ?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Import HTML Form Elements

Feb 2, 2013

I created an HTML FORM, then loaded it into Edge Animate.

Now, that I have it there, I created a Div, however, I cannot place the form fields on top of the DIV.

It goes behind the DIV, and does not give me the option of appending it to the FRONT.

I sent the DIV to the Back, however, the Form Fields still remained behind the DIV.
How to work with imported HTML Form Elements within Edge?
I think that I might have figured this one out.However, you loose some of the properties, doing it the way that am trying it right now.Will post back my findings later on.

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Edge Animate CC :: Send HTML Animation By Email

Dec 29, 2013

how can i send the html animation by email for my freind(yandex,email)?

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Edge Animate CC :: Could Not Find HTML Error Message

Nov 15, 2013

I have a series of animate files that I have created. When I try to open the files to make edits, this error message appears:

All of the files are in the same folder, and I have not changed any file names or coding outside of animate. I can open the .html file and edit that, but when I go to save or publish, I get this message:

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Edge Animate CC :: Click (or Similar) Action From HTML Hyperlink?

Nov 4, 2013

I have a text object in my Animate comp. It's pulling in HTML using JQuery's .html command. What I'd like to do is from that HTML, I'd like add an a href or similar link where onClick something happens to another Animate symbol. In this case, I'll make it simple and just show a div, but it could be anything. Of course, Animate has actions for symbols in the Elements panel, but this needs to happen from the HTML itself. Like this:
sym.$('content').html('<p>If you click this link, the <a href="sym.$("gallery").show();">Photo Gallery</a> will appear.</p>');
OK, this is a simplified version and I realize the syntax in the a href is completely wrong. But you get the idea. I click in that text and a div now appears on the screen. Also would be great to do it from an image link as well.
So is there a way to do this in Edge Animate? It's important I need to find a way to make this work.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Add Simple HTML Consisting Of Text Divs

Jun 28, 2013

I have a Edge project I would like to add a simple html to, which consist of many simple text divs.  Is this possible?
I also have the block of div codes if I can just insert that instead .
I opened the html file in edge it shows as many separate divs. I can select but cannot copy to another edge project where I want it .

can I convert it to symbol, or can a html file be turned to a symbol?
can i group div them?
can i add it by editing the .js file and creating and ID?
So i instead opened the edge html in DW CC where I can copy the code and paste the div's over. it previews right. except the location and it covers all frames on the timeline (I only need it in one part of the site). So then i tried Muse as a html insert but i lost a lot of edge attributes. fail!
I'm trying to avoid rebuilding all the text divs in edge.

Question is:

what is the best way to import, or reuse html in edge ?

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Edge Animate CC :: Publish For Static HTML Stops Layered Animations

Jan 27, 2014

I created this website for a client and it can be viewed at Uscantravel.com.  However being in the SEO phase of the site, the publish for Static HTML to make the website search friendly turns off the animated pop-ups and links that are layered within symbols with additional animations.  It works fine when I save the .html file and upload that, but the published file for static alters the website animations when uploaded.
Can I somehow use the copy and paste the Div tags into the workable .html file to make search friendly, or am I missing something?

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Edge Animate CC :: Can Multiple Compositions In Html File Be Controlled With Navigation Buttons

Feb 7, 2014

Say there are 4 compositions in an html file.  Is it possible to create a few navigation buttons in the html file, so that when a 3rd button is clicked, the animation jumps to the 3rd animation.  Something like JQuery slideshow, but the difference is, each composition is animated instead of a static image. 

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