AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Survey Data From A File Into The Drawing
Jul 18, 2012
I imported survey data from a file into the drawing and created a surface from the points and figures. No problem. Engineer wanted to change the datum from assumed to known. At this point all figures have been copied to a new layer flattened and changed to 2D polylines in order to hatch. Then the figures reimported. I raised all the points with the edit datum and raised the figures with edit survey figures. Surface was adjusted and tweaked. Everything was fine. I open the drawing and all the figures are back at assumed datum and the points are on the right datum. Now when I tweak the surface it uses the bogus elevations from the figures. How can I get my figures to save the adjusted elevations?
I copied some Survey Data of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 for Surveyors to my C3D 2013 machine few weeks ago. Now I cannot do the "Import point file" of the Survey2 Data B in Survey Databases, because the Survey2 Data B is locked up - see the attached file that has a red circle with an arrow on. How I can unlocked the locked Survey 2 Data in the Survey Databases.
I am importing survey data using a .txt file. In that file there are a few lines that I don't want C3D to read. Is there some character I can put at the beginning of the line so that it won't read or give me an error? In some other programs I have seen # or : used to do this.
C3D 2012 sp1 W7Pro 64bit HP Z400 Workstation 16 GB RAM Intel Xeon CPU W3565@3.20GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
Is there a way to "data shortcut" information imported from a data file into multiple drawings? If so, is there a way to lock the data points "in place" and not be able to adjust the point location/elevation, but allow the movement the text information around within the drawing.
The goal is to have multiple drawings with these data points and be able to move the text information from the style, but not (in a million years) be able to move the data point itself. There may be multiple drawings with these points located within them.
I am using AC3D 2014. I have created a surface from downloaded DEM points, but, as expected, the contours are not as accurate as I would like. They vary from known elevations anywhere from a few inches to several feet.
I also have survey data from approximately 500 points which include Northings, Eastings and Elevations. Is there a way to add these points to my existing contour surface and incorporate these know NEZ points such that he contour surface is more accurate?
I have already converted my "known point" file to a .txt format with comma delimited information.
I am wondering if it's possible to have a point code automatically add data to a user-defined field either in the survey database or in a drawing. For instance, our surveyors currently will code a catch basin as CB INV2.2 if it has an invert depth of 2.2'. I have a survey point user-defined property called InvertDepth. Is it possible to get the survey database to automatically add 2.2 to that user-defined property or does that have to be manually input? I have an expression and a label style that will take the elevation shot and subtract the depth number to give me the invert elevation on a lable, but I'd like to see if this can be done automatically without having to manually type in the depth on every point that is a catch basin or other inlet.
I've looked into the description key-set's parameters, but they seem to be mostly for display purposes and writing a full description.
We recently tried to convert a RAW data file to FBK and the program aborted after running several setups. I have viewed the raw data on the data collector, but there appears to be no error. What other methods of conversion could I use to convert the RAW data file to a TXT file? I was hoping that our local AutoCad/Topcon dealer would be able to have a work-around, but they seemed stumped too. We have never encountered a problem usitlizing the Survey data Collection Link with any of our traverses prior to this time.
We use Survey Data Collection Link to convert our file formats, in this case it is a GPS job exported from a TSC2 using Trimble Survey Controller Version 12.46. I exported the job from the data collector as a .csv file then use SDCL to convert the .csv into a .fbk file. I am getting this error saying the file is invalid or in use. We ran into this problem a couple months ago and it disappeared after a couple days, and now it has resurfaced.
Running Autocad Civil 3d 2012 with Service Pack 2, Windows 7 64-bit OS.
What I have is northing/easting survey data starting at an arbitrary point. The rest of the points are measured from that.
I do know the global coordinate of the base point, but no other points.
My question is how can I take all of the points and create gloabl coordinates out of them. I assume this is possible because I know the global coordiane of our reference point, I just have no clue how to do it in CAD.
I am fairly new to the Civil side of AutoCAD, as I used to work primarily in Map. I am working on a street rehab project in which I need to take survey points showing existing elevations (centerline, flowline, and top of curb) and show existing profiles in a profile view. I have no problems setting up the profile view(s) or the centerline alignment, but I am having problems with creating the profiles themselves, and I have a two part question about them
Question 1: According to the user's guide, the correct way to set up an "existing" profile is by extracting it from a surface, but I don't have a surface to use. In reading through the various profile types, the best way to set up what I want seems to be by using the profile layout tools, but the help says that a profile layout is supposed to be for a final "proposed" profile, not the existing. Does this actually matter? Will I be breaking Civil functionality by creating an existing profile using the profile layout tools?
Question 2: In reading through the profile layout tools, everything seems to be centered around PVI's. Even using the "tangent tangent" method to add in points seems to only use the first and last point as controls, with everything in between treated as a PVI. If you look at the documentation here, points one and four are treated as actual elevations, while curvature occurs at points 2 and 3. In my case, since what I have is a series of actual points on a surface, each point should be an actual surface elevation with curvature occurring between points and not at them. What method should I be using to input the points in the profile?
How do you move a survey database and data shortcuts? Without going into details, sometimes it is necessary to copy portion of projects as new projects. The survey database along with the drawings our surface, points, linework, etc. need to reference the new directory. I can set the survey database folder location to the new path but am not certain the information in the dwg is point to the correct location.
The same essentially applies to the data shortcuts. I'm having trouble getting this to work. With LD we were able to copy the project and resuscitate the drawing(s). I tried to use Data Shortcut Editor with the Saveas. I then attempted to rename the dwg's and path the new location and name but receive an error of Invalid source file. Correct the path or press Esc..
i am following the new feature of CIVIL3D 2013. i have some problems with making user defined properties.
when i make a lable style for figure, lable style should be selected.
But i don't know how to make a properties for text of lable style.
see image below. i select the add labels of annotate ribon -> figur -> add figure labels -> edit section of line label style -> layout tap -> contents below text -> you can see the owership which is user defined to make that properties?
i need to guide for using sanding total station for exchange data now my question is that do there is any way in civil 3d survey menu that i can use sanding total station for exchange data?
When you use the Import Survey Data wizard it automatically creates a point group that goes to the top of the list. This used to be created with a standard point style and description, but something has changed and I'm getting a different symbol and label that I definitely don't want as the default. I would think that this would be controled by the CreatePointGroup settings, but that isn't working for me. I can't find any other settings that would override or control this.
I'm exploring the option of going from normal autocad and PDS (for our road designs) to fully using Civil 3D 2013.
Generally we only recieve a survey drawing as a 2d cad file with height points represented as 2d text.
In PDS all we need do is 'convert text to point' and create a ground model, this gives us a 3d ground mesh to work with.
In Civil 3d i've found 'movetexttoelevation' but now i'm stuck with adding a point at the node of the text object, and then I need to creat a surface model to overlay a 2d siteplan andstart creating our roads.
1. Import survey point via ascii file into a new drawing call it Field-dwg. 2, Create a survey data base 3. Import all points in the the data base under import event. 4. open existing drawing, work-dwg, import points as needed from the Survey Data Base.
Problem : Survey points needs be renumber.
I goto field-dwg, and fix the points (renumber).
open survey data base for edit, and import Event, field-dwg/points/update : nothing happen
I've been sent a survey drawing with elevations. The format is a block, but it's not a named block. Each entity has it's own block name. So, I'm having trouble getting at the elevations. I can't seem to export and get the elevation or Postion Z.
I've tried exploding these blocks, but all I get is a couple of polylines, and some text. Useless. I've attached a sample drawing with a couple of these points.
I have an AutoCAD file which includes 3d points and lines which represent an existing ground survey. The scheme is approx. 8km and points are spaced in a dense grid. The survey was undertaken using aerial (Lidar) methods, before being rationalised using aerial imagary to identify linear features such as kerbs, fencelines, etc, which are included as 3d polylines. Items have been grouped by the surveyors and adopt individual cad layers and linestyles, etc.
Basically, I want to incorporate all of the points and all 3d polylines into my Civil 3d Survey database in order develop a roads design.
I'm looking to change an elevation of a survey point within a drawing. I can see where it is possible to manually unlock the points from the Survey Database to allow the user to edit the point. I'm not seeing a method or property in the API Help for 2013 to do the unlocking with code.
Also is it possible to convert a Survey Point to a regular Cogo Point through the code? Or do I have to delte the point and then recreate it as a COGO point? I think this will be my work around if the above doesn't work.
Using Civil 3D 2013Coordinates coming out of survey equipment are modified state plane GROUND (scaled up from the origin by the combined factor).Drawing is setup with state plane coordinate system with user defined transformation to establish geodetic reference and the ability to label lat/long or import Bing map data.Survey database is setup with "No Datum, No Projection" (data is already at ground, I don't want ot transformed).Import style is PNEZD and is set to use Northing/Easting not Grid Northing/Grid Easting.After importing points into survey database, coordinates of survey points match the CSV. This is good.After importing points from database to drawing, they are taken as grid coordinates, are scaled again and are off ~5,300 feet northeast.Why would Civil 3D assume the points in the database are grid and scale them when the import style used did not specify grid? Is there a setting or something I can do to tell Civil 3D to leave my coordinates alone?
We have a template file for all of our engineering drawings. When we receive the topo from our survey department we insert the topo (as a block) into our Eng. dwg. Our Survey dept just did their first topo using 2012 and survey figures. When we try to insert the dwg the system crashes. I can XML the surface into the drawing, but I don't get the line work.
I have a master shape file that contains parcel ID, owner, tax info., etc. I have another file ( access 2003 -open to better file format suggestions-) which contains parcel ID and a "yes" or " no" entry for whether or not the parcel needs a new water meter. All I want to do is add the water meter information into the other shape file. This would create one shape file with one table with all the information that I need.
Ultimately I will use the information to do a map query and find out spatially where i need new water meters.
Right now i have the master shape file connected though the “Connect to Data” feature. I also have the new data added to the drawing though the Data sources------>attach under the “Map Explorer” Task pane. I attached access file (ver. 2003 .mdb) which has two columns “Parcel ID” and “Meter”.
I right click on the shape file under the display manager and select”Create a Join;” however my water meter table is not listed as an option. Will this not work?
Plan B - I tried to Create and connect to the access file as an ODBC connection. Followed this guy’s directions to a T [URL]. But when i populate my table under the fdo connection the column headings exist ( “parcel ID” and “Meter”) but the actual data is missing. Am I missing something important?
Note: I am running c3d 2012 on a Win 7 64 Bit machine. I also removed office 32 bit apps and installed 64 bit apps to see if that would solve the problem. No go.
3- Import my FBK file. The survey figure linework generated doesn't overlay my previously imported asc file. I checked the FBK file and the coord's match the asc file. I'm confused as to why the survey figures don't overlay the survey points from the asc file, since the coords match in both? The survey figures are all shifted .7' and 54deg. from the points. The elevations are all good on the survey figures, as they match the survey points.
So my quick fix is to explode the survey figures, since I don't really need them for what I'm doing, and then select all the 3d polylines and move them to them to an appropriate survey point. Everything then looks fine and I can get the job done.
However, I would like some insight as to why this might be happening. It's strange that the FBK and asc coordinates match, but the survey figures aren't lying over them.
How can one make a survey file smaller? The current file is 11 mb with survey figures and cogo points. It takes too long to load versus simple cad. How can I speed it up?
When I exported to autocad, first it crashed, then the annotation ability seemed to be missing and the points scaled/disappearred.
Or is this how it is... Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
How do I "unset" a Survey Database from a file. I created a new file and set a working folder to import survey data. Now when I go to File>New to create an unrelated file, the Survey Database and related info is shown in the Toolspace>Survey tab. I don't want this in the file, how do I get rid of it without deleting any info for the previous drawing?
C3D 2012 C3D 2012 sp1 W7Pro 64bit HP Z400 Workstation 16 GB RAM Intel Xeon CPU W3565@3.20GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
Recently we have discovered a problem (bug?) with the survey database. We usually import our field data from our Trimble controllers into the survey database (SDB) through Trimble Link. We have been very careful to get all the survey database settings right, so that the data comes through correctly and have been successful up until the last few weeks. We find this a good workflow, where we are able to make edits to our field data (change target heights etc) easily in the SDB and comparisons with Trimble Business Center and direct output on-screen in the controller confirm that our data is reliable. We often have both GPS (long Network RTK vectors from the nearest network base station) and total station observations in the same file.
The issue is that, as the fbk file is imported, the survey database settings change to reflect the content of the fbk file. The "Atmospheric conditions" and "Curvature and Refraction" settings, which I have purposely left unticked (the controller applies these corrections), become ticked. This throws out our heights, especially on the long GPS lines.
We do have the option for a workaround, which involves going back into the Edit Survey Database Settings after import and updating the data in the sdb, but this is clumsy.
This seems to be similar to the issue that was discussed here. However, we have only just encountered this issue in the past month or two, which coincides with when we rolled out C3D 2012 Service Pack 4 across the office. We are planning on implementing 2014 soon, so I have tried it out on 2014 as well, with the same result.
Is this something that others are dealing with too? Perhaps there's some sneaky setting somewhere that I haven't found which locks down the SDB settings preventing them from being changed on import? Otherwise, I think this is a bug.
I am also bracing myself for some comments regarding the dangers of using GPS in the SDB!
My surveyor gave me a topo survey done in no particular coordinate system. He set up his total station on a PK nail and gave it a coordiante of (5000, 5000, 100). I used this survey to generate a surface.
I also have a site survey of the same site, done in state plane coordinate system. the two surveys have mulitple common points; pk nails, iron pins ect.
What i need to do is move the points for the topo survey over to the survey that is in state plane. A simple move command will not do this.
How do i go about moving these points to thier correct location without having to manually edit the .txt file?