We are using C3D 2013 and have recently had 3 different episodes where a dwg file was open and being worked in, CAD shut down without warning and the drawing was lost. As in, it's gone. No longer on the network anywhere. These were 3 different drawings in different projects.The drawings were not new, they had been previously created and worked in by more than one user. We were able to find a backup file and did not lose everything but still thinking there has to be something causing this. The machine is a Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB of RAM, only had it for a few months.
We are using C3D 2013 and have recently had 3 different episodes where a dwg file was open and being worked in, CAD shut down without warning and the drawing was lost. As in, it's gone. No longer on the network anywhere. These were 3 different drawings in different projects.The drawings were not new, they had been previously created and worked in by more than one user. We were able to find a backup file and did not lose every thing but still thinking there has to be something causing this. The machine is a Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB of RAM, only had it for a few months.
My Coworker has an issue with dimensions disappearing while she is working on completing her drawing. We have tried using Audit..did not work, we thought it was maybe the anno visible tab did not work. She thinks that she did nothing out of the ordinary while working on the drawing. See attached drawing. The drawing is after all but a couple dimensions have disapperaed.
I am drawing a pond levy. I draw the outline of the top of the fill, set that at the elevation I want, then grade it down to the existing surface on a 6:1. The grading works perfectly. The outline of the fill's footprint shows up just fine around the back of the fill, but the toe line doesn't show up all along the front side of the fill, but I still get the slope lines projecting down in the front.Â
Over the past 6 months we have had the feature lines just up and disappear from the drawing for no reason. They were not erased. They just went away for some reason but the surface created from them was still there.
I'm using C3D 09 with all the updates. OK, now that those are addressed, I am having an issue with my pipe hatching dissappearing when I connect it to a structure. See the two attached pics for clarity.
I have a couple of files with DS surfaces that I cut profiles with and all was fine until today. the surface ref is in the drawing but does not display. If I zoom to it goes to a location not related to the site but there is no display of the surface (all layers and style set to display) this is what view props shows. notice the odd serial number for the data source. through tools space I deleted the refs and re-refed and sampled, but when I close and go back its gone again.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram
I’m having some issues with my CAD. Every now and then, my contour lines disappear and I can’t get them to reappear. My surface border and triangles will appear but not the contours. Sometimes if I change surface styles they will appear but other times they are gone forever.
Troubleshooting: Regen AllAuditPurgeLayers on/offLayers frozen/thawedPromoting (if the surface is a data short cut)Changing the surface styleChanging the contour interval
None of this has worked…
AUTOCAD Civil 3D 2013 Windows 7 Processor: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU W3565 @ 3.20GHz Installed Memory (RAM): 12.0GB System Type: 64-bit
I'm trying to get a handle on what should and should not be expected to work as far as labeling XREF'd entities goes. I'm using 2011.
I have recently had bearing notes associated with an XREF'd line disappear, and I can't pinpoint the cause.
I had edited a couple of lines in said XREF'd drawing, but NOT the one that was associated with the C3D notes. There are two C3D drawings that XREF this drawing and that have line labels applied to the same, unchanged, line. Yet, all of those labels were gone (in both drawings) when I opened them this morning.
So, should labeling an XREF'd entity work? Are labels predictably lost when a labeled line undergoes a known set of modifications (Sinc relayed his experiences here: [URL] .....
What if the XREF'd drawing is simply saved, with no changes made to a labeled line? Should that be okay?
If labeling XREF's is known to be unpredictable, it sort of puts us back to manual text labels and manual curve tables. Is that really what people are having to do?
Using Civil 3D 2011, I have a topo drawing that's about 2 miles long. The points have styles to them to show the actual survey item such as manhole, trees, signs, etc. I have also created a point group called "no display" that I have added certain points to so they don't show up in the topo. While adding additional points to the "no display" point group, I have noticed that ALL the points but 3 have vanished from the drawing.We just installed the SP2.
I am running 2012 C3d and I am having an issue when a drawing is freshly opened, some of the profile data is not showing and it will show up after I sync the different information that is missing.when I run a publish of multiple projects that info doesn't show and I have to go into each project to sync the info and plot each sheet separately.
My Civil 3D 2012 coordinate systems normally displayed on the units and zone tab of the drawing settings have disappeared. On existing drawings the coordinate system code is still displayed. On new drawings the code appears as a symbol - a period or a comma or something. I can enter the coordinate system code and the program recognizes it.
My Civil 3D 2011 coordinate systems display as expected.
I have a problem in Civil3d 2013 where at random I'll open up a drawing that previously had a point table created and all the point information has disappeared. All that remains are the Titles.
Working in Civil 3D 2014 SP1 I have a Design Profile that I have created by setting the Existing Profile to 'Static' and Creating a Copy of the Existing Profile... This leaves me with a Design Profile that follows the Existing Surface. The problem begins when I delete a section of PVI's and introduce new 'Design PVI's'... I have found that at apparently random times my Design PVI's have been lost and replaced with the original copied PVI's that follow the Existing Surface. This has occurred more than once and I can't find any reason as to why this may be occurring...?
I have a section view base map that has labeling at the grade breaks of a corridor section. (see correct labels image)
I made a minor change to the alignment the corridor is using and when I opened my section base, most of the section view labels were messed up. (see messed up labels image)
Some views were missing labels and in others, they were grouped together in a lump.
The settings I am using are in the third image. If I checked either the start or end offset box, then unchecked it and closed the dialog, the labels would fix themselves.For reference, there are about 300 section views in this base drawing.
Civil3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional - 64-bit HP Z400 Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz 24GB of RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
One of my users has a strange problem. While editing a drawing (opened from the network), the drawing switches to read-only when she tries to save it, and the .dwg file on the network folder from which she opened the file disappears. The lock files are still there, but the .dwg is gone. She can do a Save As, so she hasn't lost any work (yet!), but the problem has me perplexed.
This problem started when we converted her to Civil 3D 2011. At the same time we also upgraded her to Windows 7 64-bit.
I have about 20 other users on this same platform, she's the only one who's had this problem. I've done a repair install but that didn't fix it. I haven't yet done a full uninstall & reinstall, maybe that's what I should do next.
I have a network recovery bin application running on the server, but it has no record of the file being deleted.
I have C3D 2013 and recently my profile labels for sag and crest vertical curves are disappearing. When I first open the drawing and the program goes through loading I can see the labels but once it stops loading they disappear. All my levels are on, I have ran an audit several times, I have deleted the labels in the manager and replaced them but once I save and quit they are no longer visible. I am able to see the labels through an xref of the drawing but it appears that the labels have been reset to their default position and not where I had adjusted them to view them within the viewport. I have attached pictures of what it looks like.Â
Using 2010 with update 1 or whatever it's called these days, I'll just call it the first fix.
I've made three grading objects using "Grade to Relative Elevation" along a feature line. Then I've added a grading transition between them. This seems really unstable now, like making the wrong move makes the whole thing disappear...but what is strange is the feature line that is attached to the grading object that I have added into my surface remains, but there are only a few lines where the grading objects used to be, basically the line that seperates the different sections of grading.
There's no way to edit the grading again either, it has to be remade, because there is nothing to select.
Civil 3D 2010 Dell Precision 690 Intel Xeon 2.00GHz Dual Core 4 GB RAM, 256mb nVidia Quadro FX 550 Windows 7 URC 64-bit Operating System
I have created a TIN surface from polyline contour data in Civil3D 2013. My file shows shows that the surface is present both in the Prospector and when I float over the surface and will preview. I assigned a style to the surface, which for my uses is displaying minors at 1' and majors at 10'. My problem is that the contours only display sometimes. That is to say, SOMETIMES I open the file and I can see the surface contours and other times it simply will not display them.
There has been NO change to the layer (on, visible and not frozen) nor to the style (not assigned as not showing or any different color) between current and the time I used the file last. Occasionally, when I restart my machine, the contours will display for a few hours worth of work, but when I return the next day, or after a hang, restart my machine again, the contours simply will not show. If I add "show triangles" in the style definition, the triangles will show every time, but not the contours.
I changed my RAM from 2- 4GB DIMMs to 2- 8GB DIMMS giving me a total of 16GB of RAM, which I did, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference in performance and the contours still don't show.
That opaque tool bar thing keeps disappearing. The one over on the right of the screen. Has the PAN command and a few other things. It just disappears at random. I'm sure there's a reason but I never notice any correlation as I'm busy when it happens.
I can switch to another drawing then switch back and it comes back. How do I easily turn it back on?
Moving a text box or section label and it disappears then zoom extents and everything disappears. save the file close reopen and everything back to normal.
I have tried exporting to a different AutoCad year (2010) but the same issue is still occurring.
In model space I grab my tin, then object viewer. Everything comes up then immediately on rotating my vie win the object viewer the surface disappears.
On occasion when on a layout tab and making a few changes in model space and I preview while model space is still active, crosshairs disappear when I exit preview. So I then save, close and reopen, it is then back to normal.
Civil3D 2013 Windows 7, 64 bit Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz 16 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 600
I am running CV3D 2011 on a Windows 7 64 bit workstation. Â I have a road profile that has a band which labels the existing and proposed profile elevations. Â For some reason the profile band labels (including the stations) Â randomly disappear and all you see is the band box. Â If you REgen they will reappear but will dissapear again when you plot preview and they WON"T plot...even though they are there in the drawing!
Civil 3D 2013 SP2 | Win 7 64-bit SP1 Intel Core i5-2500 @ 3.30GHz, 8GB Ram | ATI Radeon HD 5450
How to keep the snap mode settings from disappearing after certain commands. For example every time I use a lisp routine I have to go and reset my settings because they are no longer the way I had them set before I performed the lisp command.
I'm using shape outline styles for corridor "structures" materials list  to depict my cross section material shapes in section views. After creating the materials list everything looks fine until I exit the file, re-open or try to plot it using Sheet Set Manager. All shape outlines disappear randomly & if regenall is ran after opening xs.dwg the shapes will reappear.
Seems like the shapes should stay put but I'm getting this in all xs.dwg's for all my alignments.
-Attached Sec view 1 .jpg shows how section should look & Sec view 2 shows the disappearing issue.
Again with regenall the shapes usually reappear so the biggest dileema is the inability to do multiple plots & there are many sheets to plot but there are also times when the materials list stops dsplaying & only way to get it back is recreate the materials list.
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
I've been working with psd files in CS4 and after saving once, everything seems normal. After working on a file more and trying to save, I get a message that it can't be saved because the file name is not valid. If I close the file without saving and try to reopen, it says I don't have permission to open the file. I've tried doing a SaveAs under a different name with same results. Even worse is that the files I thought I had saved previously simply disappear from the folder they were in if I do the SaveAs step under a similar, but different name (like adding -1 to the name.) They don't appear anywhere on the computer that I can find. I'm running an up-to-date Windows 7, 64-bit. CS4 also is a current 64-bit.
In a seemingly random way, files occasionally just show up corrupted (thumbnail is white with an X in the center) and no longer open. Image info still shows up but the image is corrupted or lost. I do not have the Preserve feature (or whatever it's called) active, as it didn't seem to have an option to select where the preserved files are stored, and I don't want hundreds of MBs of image files to be stored by default on my small SSD C: drive, where my operating system is installed. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why these files disappear. I can not professionally trust a program that exhibits this behavior. Must I now store duplicate file sets, to be drawn from should X4 decide to corrupt my working files at random?
I opened up a few files in Photoshop 7, and when I was done working on them, they wouldn't save saying they were locked. I closed the files without saving them, and then selected them in the folder, right clicked, went to properties, and unchecked "read only." I was able to work on them and save them after that, but then I noticed they had disappeared from the folder. I have gone to folder options and checked "show hidden files." I have searched for them. When I click on the shortcut for them, it says the file is no longer there and it is not in my recycle bin. Have I lost these files for good?