AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Keep Snap Mode Settings From Disappearing After Certain Commands
Sep 18, 2013
How to keep the snap mode settings from disappearing after certain commands. For example every time I use a lisp routine I have to go and reset my settings because they are no longer the way I had them set before I performed the lisp command.
Using an old version of autocad 2012 in my laptop as backup loaded on Window 7. Everytime I used the snap mode it slow the movement of my cursor to move to specific location, but no problem using the Window XP.
We recently had a draftsman that drew with snap on (he no longer works here), and now all the drawings he worked on have this setting turned on. I thought it would be as simple as opening up the drawings and either hitting F9 or clicking on the toggle to turn off snap. That doesn't seem to be the case. Snap mode seems to be tied to individual sheets, and every viewport. I have multiple sheets in a drawing and each sheet has multiple viewports. The last thing I want to do is open every drawing, click in every viewport on every sheet to turn off snap.
I have snapmode set to 0, but it will only turn it of in whatever sheet or viewport is active. I have to write a lisp routine that will go through every viewport on every sheet to set snapmode to 0?
I've got most of my most commonly used keyboard commands changed to simplified versions that suit me, however, I have not figured out how to change the snap commands. I still type "nea" and "per" to snap to nearest and perpendicular. How do I change these?
I have snap on, and Im drawing as usual. At some point I want to mirror something:
MIRROR -select object, done, enter, -select two dots of the axis
in this phase, where I'm supposed to pick the points, snap turns off, or stops working. I turn it on and off, I uncheck all the options, check them again.
Im using AutoCAD 09 for the first time and need to find out how to customise my snap commands to F keys. I've been using 2004 and it was really easy. 09 seems to not allow it?
for example i set F4 to end point and F5 to intersection point etc. it saves using O snap or a tab. just L, F4 and its done (for example)
We are not hitting F9, but the Snap Mode comes on. Not sure what is causing it. Not clicking it and not hitting F9. Is there anything else that can trigger the Snap Mode to "On"?
AutoCAD is constantly losing settings and commands that I give it. The Undo command is one of them. I'll set it to undo [ALL] and after a while (a couple of days maybe) I will find this command on a different setting. This has been happening to many other commands as well.
In the Printer Settings drop down menu both Color Mode and Print Mode are grayed-out. This just happened I cannot think of anything I've done differently.
I'm using OS 10.6.8 and the latest Epson drivers for the 3880. I have re-installed both PS and the Epson drivers. If I print from Acrobat Reader everything seems to work fine, this only is happening in Photoshop CS5.
If we have both the Xref and the File that it is referenced into open on one of the computers here and we reload, the Xref disappears. If we do an undo and close the Xref it reloads without problem.
I tried to replace the user profile from another PC that doesn’t have the problem, but it didn’t work. Is there a Registry setting that cause this behavior? All stations set to “Enabled with copy”
Did an export of custom settings from a Windows 7 64 bit LT 2011 installation, imported those to the new Windows 8 LT 2011 installation. This was done using the Start>Programs menu. (I ditched the "Metro" stuff.)
The setup looks mostly the same, but when I go to use it, the icons don't match the commands. I have toolbars down the left and right sides with many icons. The icon for Hatch runs the Polygon command. The Move icon runs the Offset command. Lots of them are screwed up.
I created a .dwt template for general use with plenty of a various paper space layouts and such. I also created a bunch of styles for text, dimensions, multileaders, and tables for both paper and model space. After saving the template, those styles will still be there any time I open up a new drawing with that template. After working a bit and then saving the drawing, the styles will all be gone once I open it again.
Re-opening the original template always has all of the old styles still saved, so why would they disappear once I use that template on a drawing?
My Object Snap settings will not stay "set". Each day i have to reset the options i wish for each dwg i open up that day. also the settings do not stay set even when working on same dwg for several hours. Every couple hours i have to reset them to my options.
We use ordinate dimensions for all holes in parts. Unfortunately there seems to be features frequently left out of ordinate dimension mode. For instance, by default Inventor uses center and quadrant object snaps. Unlike in normal dimension mode, there is no right click option for disabling quadrant snaps. This is a constant annoyance, especially when dimensioning a print with a lot of holes. Is there any other way or hidden setting to disable the quadrant snap? In addition, add member is missing from the new "marking menu" completely so we have to enable the old right click menu to get it back. Are we the only ones using ordinate dimensions?
I have a drawing of Clock Face here (see the picture below), which requires donut for the outer circle. My first question is, looking at the picture, what would be the limits, grid, and snap settings? I made an attempt with the limits (0',0') (12',9'), with Grid =0'-0 1/2", and Snap = 0'-0 1/4", but it didn't work out well. I tried to make the Snap 0'-0 1/32" but it couldn't, neither 0'-0 1/16", nor 0'-0 1/8". Why can't I set the Snap to 0'-0 1/32"?
Next, I would like to know how the outer circle could be constructed with donut. The small inner circle below it is of 1'-11" + 1" + 1" in diameter, that is, 2'-1". If then the Donut (as shown) is to be of 24" inside x 1" thick, the 2'-1" DIA circle would disappear within the thickness of the Donut, leaving no gap between them both. How could this be drawn,
what the SDI mode settings do? I was told to set my SDI to (0) by typing SDI in the command prompt so I could publish drawings. I use LDDT 2005. I typed SDI. It then prompted me to
"Enter a new value for SDI <3>:" I entered 0 and was told, "The current setting for SDI is required by a loaded application. Cannot set SDI to that value. *Invalid*"
I am trying to get renovation mode to work properly. When i use it it seems to change item that existing to a new layer on color 8 (I specified color 8), but not to by layer. I want to be able to assign an item and have the color be set to by layer instead of a forced color.
It also changes everything in the drawing. Say i have multiple objects on layer A-Wall, it changes all those objects instead of just the one i select.
I have a user and when he's in sketch mode he trys to draw a line but it keeps on snapping to a grid. Both snap and grid setting are switched off. I can't find any settings he has different from my own set-up so I'm finding it hard to fox this problem. FYI, this user is a bit of a problem and tends to change settings without even realising he's doing it.
My Coworker has an issue with dimensions disappearing while she is working on completing her drawing. We have tried using Audit..did not work, we thought it was maybe the anno visible tab did not work. She thinks that she did nothing out of the ordinary while working on the drawing. See attached drawing. The drawing is after all but a couple dimensions have disapperaed.
I am drawing a pond levy. I draw the outline of the top of the fill, set that at the elevation I want, then grade it down to the existing surface on a 6:1. The grading works perfectly. The outline of the fill's footprint shows up just fine around the back of the fill, but the toe line doesn't show up all along the front side of the fill, but I still get the slope lines projecting down in the front.
We are using C3D 2013 and have recently had 3 different episodes where a dwg file was open and being worked in, CAD shut down without warning and the drawing was lost. As in, it's gone. No longer on the network anywhere. These were 3 different drawings in different projects.The drawings were not new, they had been previously created and worked in by more than one user. We were able to find a backup file and did not lose everything but still thinking there has to be something causing this. The machine is a Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB of RAM, only had it for a few months.
I have been working on an extensive template and wanted to add some layer filters too it. I was wondering if there was a list anywhere that outlines what different characters mean to the fillter? What I mean is... I know that ~*|* excludes xfref layers because ~ means 'not' and * means "anything" and | is the character we are looking for. But what are all the other things that filters understand?
Cannot use UNDO on command line because I have to enter the command many, many times to ever undo anything.
I therefore use the UNDO pull-down in the quick access toolbar; however, a few simple zooms and/or pans using the mouse wheel results in many, many (it seems like hundreds of them) "Group of Commands" items. I have to work my way back through (that is highlighting) many of these to ever get back far enough to undo something simple like an erase of an object. It works like this even if the erase (or whatever) was the last command issued--besides zooming and panning.
The mouse wheel zooming and panning seems to be what is adding all of the "group of commands" listings in the undo list. I must say this seems like a terrible bug in the software to me.
Combine zoom and pan IS checked under user preferences of options.
Just had to repair my installation, now I am unable to use any Civil 3D commands, anything with "AECC" in front of it is coming back with "unknown command"?