AutoCAD LT :: Objects Disappearing When Opening The Drawing

Dec 13, 2013

we are having a problem here at our office. this revolves around one file. When I open the file, some objects (text, hatch, lines - all different layers) disappear. This happens before any command is made, and the object that disappear are on layers that are active and not frozen on all viewports. Also, the rest of the objects on the layer are visable.  Other objects on these layers are visable, and the objects that disappeared are not visable on the model space or paper space. On top of that, when someone else opens the file, different objects turn invisable, and they can see the things I cant. The drawing takes about 5+ mins to load, dispite it being not a very large file. I tried purging unused items, reconciling layers, unhiding everything, freezing and unfreezing all layers and restarting autocad. 

Coincidentaly  the x-ref dwg is having a very similar issue.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layer Disappearing When Opening Drawing?

Sep 21, 2012

I had an issue using 3D 2010. In my drawing I had a layer for my windows. My windows were nicely put together and design on the window layer. Next thing that happens I turn on my drawing today to come and find my windows are now saved on my viewport layer and the viewport layer took the properties of my window layer. Now last night when I plotted out the drawing I made viewports on a layer for viewports and that was the last layer I had used so it was current. What I want to know is why the hell did the layer dominate my window layer with taking the properties of my window layer. I did not merge them!

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AutoCad :: Selected Objects Disappearing?

Nov 19, 2012

When working with large plant layouts I sometimes need to copy may things from different parts of the plant. Some large some small. When I zoom in to select the smaller objects i have lost lots of objects that were selected before.

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AutoCad :: Xrefs And Annotative Objects Disappearing

Dec 9, 2010

I am using 2010 and when I am on my sheet or viewing my database through a viewport annotative objects tend to disappear and it happens randomly. It's only a few objects that will disappear while others are shown.

Example: My grid bubbles may disappear, but leaders, text, dimensions, etc are visible.

Another example is door or window tags may disappear while grid, leaders, etc are all shown and when they don't show up they also don't print. Reloading the xref doesn't bring them back also. I have to physically go into the database and make some kind of change (erase a line and than undo; draw a line and than delete it; change a scale, anything); save the drawing and then go to my sheet and reload the xref to get them to come back.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Grading Objects Disappearing When Editing?

Aug 18, 2009

Using 2010 with update 1 or whatever it's called these days, I'll just call it the first fix.

I've made three grading objects using "Grade to Relative Elevation" along a feature line. Then I've added a grading transition between them. This seems really unstable now, like making the wrong move makes the whole thing disappear...but what is strange is the feature line that is attached to the grading object that I have added into my surface remains, but there are only a few lines where the grading objects used to be, basically the line that seperates the different sections of grading.

There's no way to edit the grading again either, it has to be remade, because there is nothing to select.

Civil 3D 2010
Dell Precision 690
Intel Xeon 2.00GHz Dual Core
4 GB RAM, 256mb nVidia Quadro FX 550
Windows 7 URC 64-bit Operating System

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Objects Disappearing In Model Documentation

Aug 31, 2012

when i make a parent view from model space of 3d objects not all of them will appear in paper space. some times it will only display objects from one layer and other times it will pick and choose. this can also happen when i edit an object in paper space and when i return to paper space objects i was not even editing have disappeared from the view. note this does not always happen, in fact it does not always happen with the same objects. 

It does not matter if i open and close AutoCAD the objects will still be gone. This has happened before SP1 but seems to be happening more since the release of it. i can provide a file.

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3ds Max :: Objects Disappearing But Only In One Frame

May 26, 2011

It's not a direct 3D issue or direct X, it's something else. I can see the objects in perspective, front, left, etc, but as soon as I put a camera on it, they disappear. If I move the camera out far from the objects I can see it, but whenever I try to dolly it closer, they disappear again. I tried this camera in another viewport and it works fine, so it seems to be something with this particular viewport.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Points Disappearing From Drawing

Feb 29, 2012

Using Civil 3D 2011, I have a topo drawing that's about 2 miles long.  The points have styles to them to show the actual survey item such as manhole, trees, signs, etc.  I have also created a point group called "no display" that I have added certain points to so they don't show up in the topo.  While adding additional points to the "no display" point group, I have noticed that ALL the points but 3 have vanished from the drawing.We just installed the SP2.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Disappearing Open Drawing Browser Box

Oct 4, 2011

I'm not sure what happened but all of a sudden when I try to open an existing drawing it no longer pops up a box to browse, it asks me in my command bar at the bottom to type in the name of the drawing. The same thing happens when I try to "save as" a drawing... How to get this back to normal?

I have attached a Jpg of both instances...

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Drawing File Disappearing While Being Edited?

Nov 16, 2010

One of my users has a strange problem. While editing a drawing (opened from the network), the drawing switches to read-only when she tries to save it, and the .dwg file on the network folder from which she opened the file disappears. The lock files are still there, but the .dwg is gone. She can do a Save As, so she hasn't lost any work (yet!), but the problem has me perplexed.

This problem started when we converted her to Civil 3D 2011. At the same time we also upgraded her to Windows 7 64-bit.

I have about 20 other users on this same platform, she's the only one who's had this problem. I've done a repair install but that didn't fix it. I haven't yet done a full uninstall & reinstall, maybe that's what I should do next.

I have a network recovery bin application running on the server, but it has no record of the file being deleted.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameters Inserted Into Drawing Text Keep Disappearing

Jun 26, 2012

I am running into some trouble with user parameters that have been inserted into a dimension's "text box". I sometimes hide the dimension itself and insert these parameters so that iLogic can manipulate the upper & lower tolerance limits for a dimension.

The problem seems to arrise anytime one of the dimension's arrows becomes detached from the drawing (and perhaps for other reasons, too, although this is the only clear cause so far). I can reattach the arrow and the dimension seems healthy again, but if I go into the text editor, I notice that the link to any parameters that I've inserted has been lost. They appear as they were last set, but will not update if the parameters themselves change.

Is there a better workaround for this, or can we expect a solution in IV2013? I've invested close to a year's worth of work expecting this method to perform properly, and it will be a letdown if there's no solution.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Opening Drawing In 2013 And Drawing View Changes?

Nov 28, 2012

Recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2013 and drawings opened up fine.  Now today any drawing that opens shows the plan view as last saved but then after loading takes the drawing and shifts it into a 3d view similar to a crossection.  Is there a setting somewhere that has been changed?  I noticed after a windows 7 update was preformed. 

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Prevent Non-global Swatches In Smart Objects From Disappearing?

Jul 18, 2013

After placing an Illustrator file in Photoshop as a Smart Object, then double-clicking the object in Photoshop to edit it, the only swatches that remain in the Swatches panel are global ones. All the other swatches have been removed. (This is with the embedded file that opens; the original is unaffected.)
I assume this is by design, but any way of preventing it from happening, other than tediously changing every swatch to global before doing the embedding? And yes, I can always re-load the swatches afterwards, but that's also an extra step I'd like to avoid.
This is all CS6 in Windows 8.1.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Drawing Disappears After Opening Second Drawing In 3D 2012?

Mar 23, 2013

I have two drawings A and B. I work in A and I need some design elements from B.

When I open the drawing B everything I have in drawing A disappeared. I refer to all elements of design (blocks, lines, polylines, etc.).

After studying the issue have concluded that the design of all elements were automatically isolated. Right click> Isolate> End Object Isolation and everything reappears in drawing A.

I mention that I installed Autocad Map 3D 2012 x64 on Windows 7 x64 and work in Map Classic Workspace using the same coordinate system in both drawings.

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AutoCAD LT :: When Opening A Drawing / Automatically Creates A New Drawing

Nov 16, 2011

When I open an drawing, AutoCAD opens *two* drawings, the one I wanted *plus* a new one (called drawing 1.)Why does this happen and can it be prevented?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Opening A Drawing

Jul 18, 2011

I'm reading a .dwg in from a database and writing to a local file.I'm using the following code to open it after I write it to a local file. Application. Document Manager.Open(filepath); What is happening is soon as it gets to that line of code AutoCAD either crashes or it has a StackOverflowException.

I've stepped through and before I go to open the file I have double check it is there. Also after AutoCAD crashes if I go to where I wrote the file to and open it that way I can open it by double clicking it.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Edit Drawing Without Opening?

Jul 5, 2013

I need to open a bunch of drawings, update a block and then save. I am trying to do it without opening each drawing in AutoCAD. Here is the code snippet I have. I figured before I plug in my block editing code, I would test things out with just adding a line. It seems to be boing through the drawings, and I get no errors, but the line is not being added.                           

Dim mydb AsNewDatabase(False, True)
mydb.ReadDwgFile(Newfname,FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndWriteNoShare, True, "")
Using Trans AsTransaction = mydb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
Dim btr AsBlockTableRecord = Trans.GetObject(mydb.CurrentSpaceId,OpenMode.ForWrite)


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Opening Too Big Drawing?

May 30, 2013

Any tricks for opening a drawing that is too big for the computer to handle?

its 474,838 KB

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AutoCAD LT :: Opening A Drawing In Acad

Aug 22, 2013

So I have a problem opening this drawing that i have worked on for quite a while now and all of a sudden this morning when i tried to open it i got the following message:

"This DWG file was saved by an application that was not developed or licensed by Autodesk. What do you want to do?"When I continue to open the drawing some stuff is missing from the drawing?I am using Acad LT 2012 and this drawing was working fine until now.

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AutoCad :: Export To PDF Without Opening Drawing

Mar 9, 2012

Is it possible to export a drawing to pdf without opening a drawing where AutoCAD is installed.

I want to write my own code using AutoLISP or VB.Net (and not use any existing third party utility) because I have some specific additional requirements.

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AutoCad :: Setting For Opening Drawing?

Jul 23, 2009

Currently in AutoCAD 2008, evertime I browse my folders and dbl click a dwg - AutoCAD opens that drawing in a new window. If I click on three drawings, AutoCAD has three different AutoCAD programs running.

If I'm inside AutoCAD and choose File, Open, etc... then the new drawing opens in the same AutoCAD program. I'd like for that behavior to work if I have AutoCAD already open and I browse my server thru explorer and dbl click a dwg on the server.

Is there a setting that will allow that?

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AutoCad :: Saving And Opening A Drawing

Jul 29, 2013

Whenever I go to save a drawing or open a new one from AutoCad, a command box shows up asking me to manually type in the file name and file path of the drawing I would like to open or save. Before I could do it as most programs do (Microsoft word, excel, etc.) where I can browse for the file via folders. Has this happened to any of you before and what do I need to do to get it back to normal?

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AutoCad :: Opening Drawing Files From CD

Aug 16, 2011

I have an issue with opening my old drawing files (.dwg). I usually make a backup copy of all the drawings I have done and save them according to the project numbers. The drawings I have difficulty opening were done ages ago and backed up on a CD.

When I was trying to open the drawings from the CD, I received error messages saying "cannot find the specified drawing file. Please verify that the file exists". I also noticed that all of those drawing files are of size between 30Mb and 35Mb. So clearly, there is some data in them.

I also tried to do copy and paste from the CD to my local machine but to no avail. It said the file may be corrupted or something. I do not know if this is to do with losing path or what.

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Illustrator :: Opening AutoCad Drawing In CS6?

Nov 7, 2012

I am very skilled in CS5 and CS4, however I have updated to CS6, However I am unable to open a simple autocad .dwg into CS6
I am using Autocad 2013
I did not know if i need to down save the file to an older autocad file. Or is there a new way of opening an autocad file into CS6

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AutoCad :: All Layers Set To No Plot When Opening A Drawing

Aug 1, 2012

I've recently upgraded to AutoCAD 2012 and CADS RC 2012 and a really annoying thing has starting happening! Every time I open a new drawing or an existing one, all the layers are automatically set to 'no plot' so print previews come up completely blank every time! I then need to manually go through all the layers setting them to plot or no plot as required!

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AutoCAD VB :: Opening Drawing And Creating A New Layer

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to automate opening a document and inserting a new layer in it.  Inserting the layer and opening the document is quite easy, but doing both is proving to be quite difficult.

Here is the Code that I am working with.  The code for creating the layer works fine in an already opened document.  It seems that autocad cannot find the opened file. 

Sub Open_and_new_layer()Application.Documents.Open ("C:UsersPatrickDesktopAutocad program66986691_BL_01.dwg")Dim strLayer As StringstrLayer = "BOM"Dim layCurrent As AcadLayerOn Error Resume NextSet layCurrent = ThisDrawing.Layers(strLayer)If layCurrent Is Nothing ThenSet layCurrent = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add(strLayer)If layCurrent Is Nothing ThenMsgBox "Error creating layer " & strLayer & "."Exit SubEnd IfEnd IfThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = layCurrentEnd Sub

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AutoCAD LT :: Error Message With Opening Of Every Drawing?

Feb 1, 2012

The configured Heidi Driver cannot be loaded. Switching to default software.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2013 Crash Upon Opening A Drawing

Jun 6, 2012

After upgrading/switching my stand alone license from Civil 3D 2011 to Map 3D 2013, my computer is crashing before a complete opening of some larger dwgs (1575 KB).  Sometimes I get an Out of Memory message.Other (much smaller) drawings open fine.The switch from Civil to Map was made because we were not using any of the civil bells and whistles that make it unique. 

Map suits our needs.  We use shp files (data connect) to generate most of our work.I can use another computer in our office that has Map 3D 2011 and am able to open up any of the drawings with no problems.  Because I had no issues with Map 3D 2011, I thought moving up to 2013 would be "easy". 

We have a subscription and every couple of years try to load up the latest and learn to live with it.Now I am wondering if we can all just go to Map 2011 and forget 2013.

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AutoCad :: Opening A Drawing Exchange File

Sep 27, 2013

I am having problems in opening a drawing exchange file sent to me by a friend who is using TurboCad V1.1 In trying to open the file using AutoCad 2000 I am getting the following error message "Invalid or incompatible DXF input - Drawing discarded".

I thought that the whole point of a dxf file was that it could be universally recognized from one system to another.

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AutoCad :: LT 2010 Crashes During Opening Of Drawing?

Jul 23, 2012

We are running LT 2010. I have one drawing that crashes Autocad while the drawing is trying to open. The drawing is about 13 Meg. The crash occurs when it gets to the regen step. The program does not continue and it is necessary to go to the Task Manager. Autocad shows as not responding. Performance shows 50 - 100% CPU usage. The task must be ended. CPU usage drops to < 10%. The recovery utilities say that everything is OK and make no difference. It is doing the same thing on another PC. About 10 Meg of the file is one block. I can open that block separately without a problem.

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AutoCad :: How To Change Settings For Opening Another Drawing

Apr 9, 2012

How to change the settings (if it has) for opening another drawing. because for example I opened an autocad file, and again i want to open another file, when I opened another file it will not display in the same window which I first opened, it is very hard for me to put my mouse pointer on the taskbar to choose that drawing and again return in another drawing, better if using the windows button inside the autocad. here is the image just to be clear on what i am trying to ask.


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