AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2013 Crash Upon Opening A Drawing
Jun 6, 2012
After upgrading/switching my stand alone license from Civil 3D 2011 to Map 3D 2013, my computer is crashing before a complete opening of some larger dwgs (1575 KB). Sometimes I get an Out of Memory message.Other (much smaller) drawings open fine.The switch from Civil to Map was made because we were not using any of the civil bells and whistles that make it unique.
Map suits our needs. We use shp files (data connect) to generate most of our work.I can use another computer in our office that has Map 3D 2011 and am able to open up any of the drawings with no problems. Because I had no issues with Map 3D 2011, I thought moving up to 2013 would be "easy".
We have a subscription and every couple of years try to load up the latest and learn to live with it.Now I am wondering if we can all just go to Map 2011 and forget 2013.
i usually get stock at this screen , usually what happen is i click "Continue" and it load the video screen and i start working but now nothing ... just nothing when i had this before i try to restart sometimes work sometimes it's just load me the Autocad 2012 "Non-Civil3D" .
I am building a custom batch update for our drawings to take border definitions as well as custom iproperties from a current template and push them into a specified inventor dwg file. I built a form for the users to select the template they want to import into a list of files they place in the form. The program opens the template, get's all the information (iproperties, border defs, etc... using the active document to get the document) then iterates through the list of the users doing the following for each file (also getting the active document to get the items in each file): open, replace border definition, insert any non-existent custom iproperties, save and close the file. It works great when I keep the open visible set to true for the files. When I switch the visible property to false for each one of the files I want to open I get an error similar to this: Systems.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Inventor._DocumentClass' to type 'Inventor._DrawingDocument'. at ---- then my button click event here.
Does inventor technically not see a document as an active document if the file is not visible when opened?
I am using Windows 7 64 bit laptop. When I close a drawing just after saving in AutoCAD 2013 64 bit, the program crashes. This will happen with one drawing open, or several. I also had this problem with 2011.
I have been using AutoCAD for 16 years and never had this problem with previous versions on earlier operating systems.
A colleague was working on a drawing yesterday in AutoCAD 2013 when it crashed. Since then the drawing has refused to open in AutoCAD 2013. It also does not open Trueview. It will however open in previous version of AutoCAD. We tried to export it to .dxf as well but they are corrupt. We also tried to attach it to a new drawing as an Xref and as a block, both were met with an instant fatal error and the closure of AutoCAD.
We have tried auditing, purging, resaving, using backs-ups. None of them will open in AutoCAD 2013 any more. The drawing closes without attempting to open with no error messages. It just loads up the default drawing(x).dwg.
Recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2013 and drawings opened up fine. Now today any drawing that opens shows the plan view as last saved but then after loading takes the drawing and shifts it into a 3d view similar to a crossection. Is there a setting somewhere that has been changed? I noticed after a windows 7 update was preformed.
I'm having an issue with Inventor crashing every time I attempt to follow this exact procedure:
1. I have a drawing open with an iAssembly or iPart in it.
2. I edit a view by double-clicking the view, opening the 'Drawing View' dialog box.
3. I open the 'Model State' tab.
4. In the 'iAssembly/iPart Member' menu box, I select a different member.
Now, it may or may not open the 'Save' dialog box. If it does, then I click 'OK' and poof, Inventor crashes without fail, asking to send in a crash report.
The same thing happens if I start a brand new drawing and attempt to follow the same procedure while inserting a Base view.
Now, I know for a fact that the not all of the drivers are not up to date on my computer, I am not using a recommended graphics card, and I am using SP1.1, not SP2. I have notified my IT guy about this, but he has yet to get back to me. I don't now if/when everything on my computer will be updated. I do not have admin rights to my computer.
In the mean time, Inventor has become essentially useless for me until this issue has been resolved. how I can get these drawings to start working?
I get an error every time I open any drawing after it has been saved in 2013. Opening a dwg that was created in an earlier version does not give the error, but after I save it in 2013, it does.
If I create a new dwg in 2013, save it, close it and then open it I don't get the error the first time. But then if I save that dwg again, I will get it the next time I open it.
The exact error is:
One error was found in the drawing file during open. Would you like to cancel this open?It is recommended you cancel the open and run the RECOVER command on the drawing file.
I run the recover command. It says it found, fixed, and erased 1 error. I save, close, and reopen the drawing and the error still appears every time.
Users using Windows 7 -64bit with Architecture 2014
Mapped drives are used for both site to access NAS, but use different drive letters.
At one point working the projects, users starting getting fatal errors opening from the share. All attempts to get past this failed and I thought the drawing or base files were corrrupt. However, when the files are moved locally to workstation and opened without issue. The users in one office are now working off this files using UNC \serverproject...
The interesting thing, is that users in the other office have no issues dealing with these drawings using on the NAS. The only difference is the WAN and drive mapping letter. This is how they have always worked and never had this issue. The only other thing I will add is they upgraded from 2010 two months ago, but no problems with any other projects.
On opening a C3D 2013 drawing, C3D hangs for about 5 minutes. At the bottom of the screen is the message: "Upgrading COGO points". This drawing is only 974KB.
The drawing is being opened from a network . I tried saving it on a local hard drive. That had no effect.
I have downloaded AutoCAD 2012 and when I try to open it my computer automatically shuts off without even openig AutoCAD. I tried downloading the newest version of AutoCAD 2013 and it does the same thing. Inventor fusion seems to open and work properly but not AutoCAD.
We have loaded copies of AutoCAD Architecture 2013 on several workstations. We had tried brining over older profiles (from 2008)- which did not work, so made up new ones. ANYTIME we go into the profile settings to load a different profile beyond the default, AutoCAD Architecture (US Imperial), eventually while working the program will crash. We've wiped out installations of the program, registry and all, and re-installed without brining over any prior data. Same issue.
Even when using a seperate "default" profile us as (Global) or (Metric)- same issues. The problem with staying/modifying the workspace for the US Imperial is it will not load the complete menus with the MENULOAD command (only loads EXPRESS). If we work within the (US Imperial), no crashing, but again, the menus are not available within that profile for some reason, so that is not an acceptable solution.
I just recently bought a new computer, so I thought I could at last use Photoshop CS3, but apparently it does not like jpg's that are rotated (with lossless jpg conversion) in Irfanview. Code:
Why does Photoshop cs4 crash when opening a file? (Mac OS 10.6.8) I've rebuilt pref.'s and reinstalled Photoshop with no positive results. I can create a new file but cannot "place" anything because that crashes as well.
The program opens normally and after 3-5 seconds I get a blue screen crash. Just before the crash, photoshop displays a message about a problem with the display driver and GPU. I am unable to read the entire message before the system crashes. I re-installed the video driver and CS4 but the problem persists.
This is a recent phenomena (two days ago). The program operated normally with the current OS/software/hardware configuration for over a year.Windows 7, SP1 (64-bit)Intel Core2 Q9550 @ 2.83gzh, 8gb RAMNVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti video card (updated driver)
I've found an issue with 3ds Max 2012, when I open/upgrade my 2011 scene, max will crash immediately and every time. I used a 'binary search' approach to figure out what part of my 2011 file/scene was failing to import by exporting half of it, importing it and seeing if it crashed, if so, I'd split that half in half again and repeat until I got down to the offending object. I managed to get down to a single Loft object, which when exported (Save As > Save Selected) just on it's own would cause 2012 to crash on opening it.
It's not a biggy for me as I can just delete the offending object and carry on.
I'm not quite sure why there isn't a try-catch block around the entire import/load file function inside 3ds max, so that if/when max exceptions it won't bring down the entire application? I guess making this a safe transactional operation would be fairly difficult.
Is there a way to prevent Ai CS5 from re-opening documents after a crash?
I think a specific document is causing Ai to crash, so after Ai crashes, it tries to re-open the file when I restart Ai, then it crashes again - ad infinitum!
About 50% of the time, I get a crash when closing a drawing. When this happens, I get the following message: "AutoCAD LT Application has stopped working". This has been going on for sometime now and sometimes I am prompted to report the error, sometimes not. Everything shuts down, so if I have several drawing files open, I will loose any changes made unless I do a hard save for each one (which I have gotten used to doing).
I have the same problem with my license of Architectural Desktop 2004. My version of LT is 2011, running Windows 7 Pro, 64 Bit.
After ugrading to LR 3.5 I have not be able to print an image. Each time I move to the Print Module the systems crashes with the error message "Adobe Light Room has stopped working". My viedeo card is an ATI Radeon HD 5570 and I have no problems printing from any other program including Qimage. Windows 7 64bit updater shows all updated to the OS have been made. All the other functions in LR are working normally. Only the print functions seems to be failing.
I have had premiere fail to open for a while now on one of my secondary PC's. This computer was setup with a network drive as its disk cache/links to projects. This is so multiple editors can work off the same RAID. Works perfectly, aside from the fact that windows somehow unlinked the network drive. Once this happened premiere fails to launch and crashes when starting the program.
I had got the network drive linked back up at one point and premiere launched again running with zero problems. Again windows messed up the network drive, and premiere again, does not work.
I need to reset the settings for premiere (the disk cache settings).
THINGS I'VE ALREADY TRIED: I already tried holding Ctrl + Shift to reset, did not work. I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but the settings were not removed and program keeps crashing.
I would just relink the network drive and then once premiere launches change the disk cache and never do that again, but sadly the computer will not relink to that partical drive.
I'm running windows 8, latest version of CC (just updated). I have 32gig Ram, I7 processor overclocked to 4.4GHz, Nvidia Graphics.
I have two drawings A and B. I work in A and I need some design elements from B.
When I open the drawing B everything I have in drawing A disappeared. I refer to all elements of design (blocks, lines, polylines, etc.).
After studying the issue have concluded that the design of all elements were automatically isolated. Right click> Isolate> End Object Isolation and everything reappears in drawing A.
I mention that I installed Autocad Map 3D 2012 x64 on Windows 7 x64 and work in Map Classic Workspace using the same coordinate system in both drawings.
When I open an drawing, AutoCAD opens *two* drawings, the one I wanted *plus* a new one (called drawing 1.)Why does this happen and can it be prevented?
I keep getting the error message when I try to open this one project. Everyone else is getting the same message when opening it. It doesn't matter if it is a local file or a detached central file the same message comes up and closes Revit.
This is a 2011 Revit Architecture model but also crashes 2012.
My girlfriend has a problem with AutoCad 2013 students version. After attaching pdf file in underlay option AutoCad crash. She's got macbook air with system version OS 10.9. She had not ever problems with pdr iunderlay before.
We have just loaded the following the this order, AutoCAD2013, Revit MEP then Navis Simulate. All 2013. Everything works, including the NWC export from Revit MEP and the export from AutoCAD.The problem is that when you submit the NWNAVIGATOR command, Autocad thinks about it and then crashes out of AutoCAD. We have switched off the Hardward drivers.