Premiere Pro :: CC - Crash When Opening Because Of Network Disk Cache
Jan 7, 2014
I have had premiere fail to open for a while now on one of my secondary PC's. This computer was setup with a network drive as its disk cache/links to projects. This is so multiple editors can work off the same RAID. Works perfectly, aside from the fact that windows somehow unlinked the network drive. Once this happened premiere fails to launch and crashes when starting the program.
I had got the network drive linked back up at one point and premiere launched again running with zero problems. Again windows messed up the network drive, and premiere again, does not work.
I need to reset the settings for premiere (the disk cache settings).
THINGS I'VE ALREADY TRIED: I already tried holding Ctrl + Shift to reset, did not work. I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but the settings were not removed and program keeps crashing.
I would just relink the network drive and then once premiere launches change the disk cache and never do that again, but sadly the computer will not relink to that partical drive.
I'm running windows 8, latest version of CC (just updated). I have 32gig Ram, I7 processor overclocked to 4.4GHz, Nvidia Graphics.
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Mar 4, 2011
Map 3d 2011.User A connects to SDE using FDO and creates a dwg containing Mastermap data and other shape files held in SDE.User A saves Map 3D dwg on network drive that all users can access where all acad dwgs, docs etc. for that project are stored.
User B who is working on the same project at another PC tries to open the Map 3D dwg created by user A from the shared network drive but gets a "Failed to open FDO connection" error and cannot open the dwg.
Is this because Map 3D caches all data from SDE on the local drive of the PC on which the dwg was created?Is there a way around this to allow both users to access the same drawings?
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Mar 3, 2014
Here's the text:
1. Should Media Cache Files and Media Cache Database be in separate folders? Does it matter?
2. Can I open an "in progress' project from P Pro CS4 with CC P Pro and continue editing?
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Dec 26, 2011
backburner is a good tool, but it doesnt always work as expected... everything that is not an image is simply ignored while sent over the network. hence problems of "missing map". (and the server does not render anything if anything is missing) be it an audio file, or anything else. like the point cache file. max has no problem to send the XML file, but will not even look at the MC that is linked. those particular ones are giving me a very bad time dealing with them.
is there a way to trick max into baking point cache into a vertex animation or something ? (i know maya does it, but i never found a way for that in max) or maybe tricking backburner into sending EVERY files related to the max file. also, the "save as archive" doesnt take it eighter. i suspect someone forgot to implement it in the function..
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Oct 6, 2012
I have Adobe Bridge CS4 for the Mac. It keeps telling me that I have not enough disk space at the cache location. What do I do?
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Jul 30, 2013
that is having really slow performance using AE CS6 or AECC and possibly AE CS5.5 I think i might of found out what the problem is.My System specs are below:
Dell T7600 Dual XEON E5-2687W 3.1/3.8GHz w turbo / Dell M6700 i7 -3940XM 3.9GHz
64GB Ram / 32GB Ram
Nvidia Quadro K5000 / Nvidia Quadro K5000M
Windows 7 x64
Here are the issues I was having
- Really slow performance when scrubbing along the timeline.
- Adaptive Resoltion wasn't working at all super slow previewing
- Multiprocessor rendering not working, or taking forever to start up, and sometimes it would work but still not the way it should it was hit or miss
- Disk Caching not working
- many others that I can't think of at the moment
SOLUTION for slow scrubbing of the timeline for Quad, Six and Eight core systems
Here is what I figured out after hours and hours of testing and configuring. I even went back to AE CS5.5 to see if all these problems existed in that version. Although some did but not all
From what I can tell it looks like certain plugins are not compatible to Quad, Six and Eight Core machines. The main plugin that has the problem is Keylight 1.2 that comes bundled now with CS6 and CC.
If you turn off the plugin on your layers scrubbing the timeline speeds up and works like it should. If you want to use keylight then do the following:
- under screenmatte, set the screen softness to 0
- shrink and grow to 0.
If you use any number other than these settings it causes scrubbing and rendering of the timeline to go extremely slow.
SOLUTION for all the issues above for Quad, Six and Eight core systems
After hours and hours of testing I have come to the conclusion that AE CS6 and CC don't work well with Quad, six and eight core systems in general and especially with the keylight plugin.
FIX: Go into your Bios of your computer and set your multiple core to either 1, 2 cores, theis will give you 2 thread or 4 threads. This will fix all the issues as stated below. I haven't tested 4 cores yet but soon will.
But I know that 6 and 8 cores definitely does not work it causes all the major issues above.
After setting my system to 1 or 2 cores, Ae is extremelly fast and responsive. Timeline scrubbing is super fast now even with keylight 1.2 and all it's settings. Adaptive resolution now works, Multiprocessing starts up
immediately and disk caching is working.
I am not able to set my system to use 8 or all cores in my bios, This causes so many performance issues in AE CS6 and CC and some in even CS 5.5. I need to use either 1 or 2 cores. As you might no this really sucks when I am limiting myself to only 4 threads when I could be using 32 threads. Pleas Adobe look into this issues with these systems that have 4, 6 or 8 core systems. This could possibley just be for Dual core systems too since that is what I have here.
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Jun 21, 2011
When Lightroom tries to optimize my catalog (in Windows 7, 64 bit), I repeatedly get the following error message: "Lightroom encountered an error when reading from its preview cache and needs to quit."
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Nov 19, 2012
Is it possible to use a network drive as a scratch disk? I have very little space left on my only internal drive and don't want to have to purchase a drive just to connect to my PC for a couple projects.
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Mar 10, 2014
Whenever a user logs on and loads premiere for the first time, they all receive this error. "Media Cache Not Found or is not writable." I believe this is caused because it's trying to locate the media cache inside the profile of another user, the user I based the profile template on. The trouble is I don't know specifically where this setting is stored.
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Mar 11, 2014
I recently upgraded to 32 GB of RAM, thinking Premiere Pro CC would work amazingly. At first it does, but after about half hour of editing, my system shows 25GB of "disk cache" in RAM memory used up. This means my system is maxed out with RAM. And the result is choppy playback even at 1/4 resolution. Why is Premiere tying up so much RAM? Is there a way to limit that?
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Feb 11, 2014
I'm working on a feature length project and i'm having a really annoying issue. My project is on an external 3TB drive. My media cache is also set to that same external hard drive. My scratch disks are also set to that same drive. I checked and rechecked it - it's all set as it should be.
Yet somehow, while editing, especially while rendering parts of the sequence, the space on my C drive (boot drive) fills up within minutes!
I tried to look through C drive to see if there's some hidden place Premiere saves some files too but i can't seem to find anything unusual.
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Aug 4, 2013
I am running W8 with i5 3350 and a GTX 640 and 20GB of 1600 Mhz RAM (all at default settings). I am using AE CS6
I am using a dedicated 256 SSD for my cache drive------i.e. the ONLY thing on that drive is the AE cache information. I have allotted different sizes in the cache preferences, from 140- 220GB (The drive has 240GB free space when formatted).
The problem is, that no mater what the size of the cache that I try, if there is less free space on the drive than what the specified cache size is I will get the error
"your disk cache folder is on a drive that does not have enough available space" when opening After Effects.
( 240GB formatted capacity)
160GB of cache specified in preferences + 100GB of information currently cached on drive = 260GB = The error message upon opening after effects
160GB of cache specified in preferences + 60GB of information currently cached on drive = 220GB = No error message
I do NOT get the error if I make the cache small enough, or delete the cache before opening AE, but that completely destroys the purpose of the cache in the first place.
With that, I have two questions:
1. Is there a fix for this that tells AE to cool its jets a little and recognize that the information on the SSD that is taking up space and making not enough space available is AE's own cache information?
2. If the answer to (1) is no, then is this an error I can just ignore without any major issues?
Right now it seems that this means that I can only make my cache<50% of the total formatted capacity of the drive, which seems a bit over zealous.
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Oct 6, 2013
i found once the UVSX6 crash while editing burning disk, it will never enter the 'output to disk' dialog again for existing projects.
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Dec 27, 2013
I tried to activate the CS3 version again, now after installing it to the new hard disk from original AI CD. Old image of old hard disk AI is in separate folder /Good Files . When contacting Adobe to register, AI registration automat tells me to (this next is a screen copy) " Registration Unsuccessful
A problem was encountered while trying to send information over the Internet.
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Jul 5, 2012
I'm copying RAW files from a shoot onto my network RAID drive in a per-album folder, from where I then import into a new LR catalog (I'm using LR 4.1) on my Windows laptop for that album.
I'm finding that editing RAW files on a network drive from a wireless laptop is awfully slow (not to mention not being able to continue the work offline somewhere else), so I'd like to cache those files on my speedy SSD drive just until I'm done editing and exporting/publishing that album.
I back up my per-album catalog onto the network folder alongside the RAW files since that's my IT-managed master repository. When I'm done editing, I'd purge the cached files and just keep the catalog previews on my limited capacity SSD.
So, is there a way to tell LR to, for one/all files imported from a location (in my case a network folder), look in an alternate location for the identical files? Since I create per-album catalogs in per-album folders, there wouldn't be filename clashing. Either LR can provide this caching behavior on its own or I'd manually copy files from the network folder to a local folder and tell LR to look there first.
I don't really want to make copies of files into secondary folders within LR since then it's a hassle to merge edits on the cached copy to its master copy (I haven't done this, but I'd imagine so).
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Jan 4, 2013
We have a work station with C3D 2013 that has started crashing when trying to open the pipe network vista. We have to edit the pipes using pipe properties for the individual pipes. This makes it difficult when trying to edit a large network. The drawings work fine on other computers. It has something to do with the settings on this machine. What would be causing the crash when trying to open the vista window?
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Sep 11, 2013
My harddisk is crash, and my cs3 is failed to retrieve from it. For now, I fail to install at other laptop.
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Mar 25, 2014
I've started getting this error when attempting to open QT wrapped DVCPro HD in Premiere Pro CC (7.2.1) windows OS.
I have the latest version of QT installed and I can open and play the files successfully on the same machine in QT. The files are located on a network share but I have tried copying them locally and I get the same issue.
I've tried removing, reinstalling, updating QT, rebooting the machine, holding down shift when launching Premiere but none of these things have made a difference.
I can open the same files on a different machine using the same version of Premiere (without QT installed - different OS though, Windows 8) and up until fairly recently, I could open these files on the machine where it's not working too.
The really strange thing (as far as I am concerned at least) is that I can open up the project in AME and render it out to DVCPro HD on the same machine, without a problem but for some reason Premiere doesn't want to handle the files properly.
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Apr 15, 2014
I recently lost 11 days on a documentary project due to Premiere's crashes, instability and refusing to launch (including almost 6 hours of Adobe tech support in India remote controlling my iMac, trying in vain to fix the issues).
I decided to give Premiere another try today, thinking Premiere's problems might have been related to the Canon XF300 used on the documentary project. Would I have better luck with different media?
I planned a very simple project: different camera (8 clips shot on Panasonic GH3, in the 72 Mbit All-I MOV mode), different media (2 AIFF audio files).
I made a fresh project, and imported the GH3 clips from the media browser. When I tried to import the 2 AIFF files, Premiere crashed.
Now I can’t even get Premiere to launch, despite rebooting and trashing every cache and Adobe preference I can find (user application support, user preferences, and ~/documents/Adobe). This happens with or without plugins in the Mediacore folder (I use all of Red Giant's plugins and quite a few of FXFactory's).
Are there any other secrets to get Premiere to launch? Now that I am locked into the CC subscription, I would like to at least have a program that can launch.
I hate to be negative, but my experience with Premiere has been absolutely horrible (and costly). And every other Mac-based editor I know who has tried Premiere CC is reporting the same instability. Especially for us television editors, stability is FAR more important than new features.
quad iMac 3.4 GHz, AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2GB, 20GB RAM, MacOS 10.9.2 Mavericks, Premiere 7.2.2
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Mar 28, 2014
When rendering footage in the latest version of premier pro on MAC OS X 10.9.2 no matter what sequence or timeline I am in, premier keeps crashing every time I try and do anything. I have plenty of memory on a brand new MAC computer but it continues to just crash.
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Jan 20, 2014
Premiere was running fine for most of the weekend, then began to crash every time I tried to open the project. Other projects open briefly, followed by a crash within 5 minutes.
Most recent error:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX64
Application Name: Adobe Premiere Pro.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 52aed7f3
Fault Module Name: StackHash_1dc2
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Mar 11, 2014
I'm seeing Premiere Pro CC (7.2.1) constantly crash with a few projects when I try to export. The common thread (as I can see) are that they were all started in earlier versions of Premiere.
I'll finish editing, then hit Ctrl-M (or Export -> Media), and Premiere sits idle for a moment, then it crashes. Importing the project sequence in AME allows for encode though.
Checking the event viewer in Windows turns up that the ntdll.dll might have something to do with it.
Here's some of the information I saw:
Faulting application name: Adobe Premiere Pro.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x52aed7f3
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18247, time stamp: 0x521eaf24
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000000000002dc00
Faulting process id: 0xd24
Faulting application start time: 0x01cf3d541b80d4ea
Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Premiere Pro CCAdobe Premiere Pro.exe
Faulting module path: C:WindowsSYSTEM32
Report Id: 8896833a-a947-11e3-be31-78acc03d0b2e
and this was from another crash just moments before the one above:
Faulting application name: Adobe Premiere Pro.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x52aed7f3
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18247, time stamp: 0x521eaf24
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000000000002dc00
Faulting process id: 0x223c
Faulting application start time: 0x01cf3d50f11ab58e
Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Premiere Pro CCAdobe Premiere Pro.exe
Faulting module path: C:WindowsSYSTEM32
Report Id: 18856ec7-a947-11e3-be31-78acc03d0b2e
System info - Wondows 7 SP1, HPz800 workstation
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Jan 15, 2014
I have Adobe Premier Pro CC on a laptop windows 8.1.
I can open the software without problem but when i want to create a new projet, open a projet, import media (all actions which needed to use the window's browser) the soft crash and a "adobe premiere pro has stopped working" pop up appears.
I have the follow report in "C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportArchiveAppCrash_Adobe PremiereP_c3d8aff034e6134d452e86f0b46eb49124ae68d4_bdc6adc1_9321fcde Report.wer" is attached
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Mar 23, 2013
Because OS 10.8.2 was the worst update in Apple history, for the first time ever I decided to do the 10.8.3 update on an external boot disk before sacrificing my internal disk. I used Super Duper to make a bootable clone of my internal , booted from the external and then did the combo update.
The first app I tried was Photoshop CS 5.1. It tried to open but I got a window that said "could not inialize scratch disk because disk could not be found". After I clicked OK on that, another window said "could not open because disk could not be found" . I have never tried to open Photoshop any version from a bootable backup before and I don't know what this means. The scratch disk for Photoshop is set to be my internal drive Macintosh HD.
Why would it not find it? If I were booting from my internal and had set the scratch to the external it would find it. Why would the app be looking for itself on another disk?
After recloning my internal which is still 10.8.2, I have not yet booted from the external to see if the problem was somehow caused by 10.8.3, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. People have reported the usual weird behavior of an upgrade already on forums, but not this paricular problem
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Sep 6, 2012
We have a new windows 7 PC x64 with Illustrator CS6, when we open a file from our server share, it only utilises 25% of the available network bandwidth to open the file.
On an older XP 32 bit machine it utilises the full bandwidth ie 100% so the file opens up to 6 times faster.
When I copy the file from the network to either machine machine it copies fine and uses 99% of the network speed.
What can I do to my new machine to speed the transfer of data in illustrator?
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Apr 15, 2008
I just recently bought a new computer, so I thought I could at last use Photoshop CS3, but apparently it does not like jpg's that are rotated (with lossless jpg conversion) in Irfanview. Code:
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Dec 28, 2013
I read the FAQ on files not importing but am afraid I am having a weird problem.I converted my canon's .mov files to several types :avi,mpeg, and mp4, but they still cause PP to crash every time I try to drag the imported file into the source panel.
I am running HP on Intel Core i7 2630 QM CPU with 6 gig RAM and 64 bit Windows 7.
Deets on the AVI file that caused the crash:
data rate 20000kbps
fps 29
lenth 56 seconds file size 97.7 mb
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Dec 20, 2013
I'm running Mac OS 10.8.2, PPro 7.1.0, SG 7.2.
After applying a simple Primary grade in Direct linked SG project, saving and sending back to PPro causes PPro to crash and render the following error:
[/morereel64/releases/2013.09/shared/adobe/MediaCore/MediaLayer/Import erHost/Make/Mac/../../Src/Audio/AudioWaveform.cpp-173]
Then I get a "serious error" dialog and it shuts down.
Re opening the PPro project causes crash after the splash screen.
Opening any other PPro project, direct linking to SG, grading, and returning it to PPro causes this behavior.
This first happened after adding a mask. All transport controls froze, although I could still grade the frame I was stuck on. I saved and sent it back to PPro, and that was the first time PPro crashed. That project is now corrupted and crashes after the splash screen.
Now any direct link to SG causes a crash on return to PPro, and permanently corrupts the project.
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Feb 7, 2012
Why does Photoshop cs4 crash when opening a file? (Mac OS 10.6.8) I've rebuilt pref.'s and reinstalled Photoshop with no positive results. I can create a new file but cannot "place" anything because that crashes as well.
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Jun 25, 2009
Photoshop crashes when opening a file.
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Sep 26, 2013
I run Illustrator CS6 on windows 7. Every time I try to start a new file or try to open a existing file the program crashes.
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