3ds Max Animation :: Point Cache While Network Rendering Ignored
Dec 26, 2011
backburner is a good tool, but it doesnt always work as expected... everything that is not an image is simply ignored while sent over the network. hence problems of "missing map". (and the server does not render anything if anything is missing) be it an audio file, or anything else. like the point cache file. max has no problem to send the XML file, but will not even look at the MC that is linked. those particular ones are giving me a very bad time dealing with them.
is there a way to trick max into baking point cache into a vertex animation or something ? (i know maya does it, but i never found a way for that in max) or maybe tricking backburner into sending EVERY files related to the max file. also, the "save as archive" doesnt take it eighter. i suspect someone forgot to implement it in the function..
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Mar 4, 2011
Map 3d 2011.User A connects to SDE using FDO and creates a dwg containing Mastermap data and other shape files held in SDE.User A saves Map 3D dwg on network drive that all users can access where all acad dwgs, docs etc. for that project are stored.
User B who is working on the same project at another PC tries to open the Map 3D dwg created by user A from the shared network drive but gets a "Failed to open FDO connection" error and cannot open the dwg.
Is this because Map 3D caches all data from SDE on the local drive of the PC on which the dwg was created?Is there a way around this to allow both users to access the same drawings?
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Jan 7, 2014
I have had premiere fail to open for a while now on one of my secondary PC's. This computer was setup with a network drive as its disk cache/links to projects. This is so multiple editors can work off the same RAID. Works perfectly, aside from the fact that windows somehow unlinked the network drive. Once this happened premiere fails to launch and crashes when starting the program.
I had got the network drive linked back up at one point and premiere launched again running with zero problems. Again windows messed up the network drive, and premiere again, does not work.
I need to reset the settings for premiere (the disk cache settings).
THINGS I'VE ALREADY TRIED: I already tried holding Ctrl + Shift to reset, did not work. I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but the settings were not removed and program keeps crashing.
I would just relink the network drive and then once premiere launches change the disk cache and never do that again, but sadly the computer will not relink to that partical drive.
I'm running windows 8, latest version of CC (just updated). I have 32gig Ram, I7 processor overclocked to 4.4GHz, Nvidia Graphics.
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Dec 10, 2011
I usually import my pictures and ask LR to generate standard previews at the same time, which is fine for a full screen preview.When going to loupe view and zooming, LR inevitably processes a 1:1 view. This is fine for me. However, after scrolling on other pictures and going back to the same exact picture which has already been 1:1 rendered, LR displays the 'Loading' message and actually proceed to another 1:1 rendering. It doesn't take advantage of the cache even though 1. dat files are present in the ACR cache directory 2. I flushed the cache and tried again 3. I set a higher limit (20 GB).I'm running LR 3.5 on Windows 7 x64.
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Jul 30, 2013
that is having really slow performance using AE CS6 or AECC and possibly AE CS5.5 I think i might of found out what the problem is.My System specs are below:
Dell T7600 Dual XEON E5-2687W 3.1/3.8GHz w turbo / Dell M6700 i7 -3940XM 3.9GHz
64GB Ram / 32GB Ram
Nvidia Quadro K5000 / Nvidia Quadro K5000M
Windows 7 x64
Here are the issues I was having
- Really slow performance when scrubbing along the timeline.
- Adaptive Resoltion wasn't working at all super slow previewing
- Multiprocessor rendering not working, or taking forever to start up, and sometimes it would work but still not the way it should it was hit or miss
- Disk Caching not working
- many others that I can't think of at the moment
SOLUTION for slow scrubbing of the timeline for Quad, Six and Eight core systems
Here is what I figured out after hours and hours of testing and configuring. I even went back to AE CS5.5 to see if all these problems existed in that version. Although some did but not all
From what I can tell it looks like certain plugins are not compatible to Quad, Six and Eight Core machines. The main plugin that has the problem is Keylight 1.2 that comes bundled now with CS6 and CC.
If you turn off the plugin on your layers scrubbing the timeline speeds up and works like it should. If you want to use keylight then do the following:
- under screenmatte, set the screen softness to 0
- shrink and grow to 0.
If you use any number other than these settings it causes scrubbing and rendering of the timeline to go extremely slow.
SOLUTION for all the issues above for Quad, Six and Eight core systems
After hours and hours of testing I have come to the conclusion that AE CS6 and CC don't work well with Quad, six and eight core systems in general and especially with the keylight plugin.
FIX: Go into your Bios of your computer and set your multiple core to either 1, 2 cores, theis will give you 2 thread or 4 threads. This will fix all the issues as stated below. I haven't tested 4 cores yet but soon will.
But I know that 6 and 8 cores definitely does not work it causes all the major issues above.
After setting my system to 1 or 2 cores, Ae is extremelly fast and responsive. Timeline scrubbing is super fast now even with keylight 1.2 and all it's settings. Adaptive resolution now works, Multiprocessing starts up
immediately and disk caching is working.
I am not able to set my system to use 8 or all cores in my bios, This causes so many performance issues in AE CS6 and CC and some in even CS 5.5. I need to use either 1 or 2 cores. As you might no this really sucks when I am limiting myself to only 4 threads when I could be using 32 threads. Pleas Adobe look into this issues with these systems that have 4, 6 or 8 core systems. This could possibley just be for Dual core systems too since that is what I have here.
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Jun 26, 2012
Is there a way to enable IBL for network rendering?
It appears that the custom mental ray settings for IBL are not saved as part of the .max file so sending a job to a render farm does not have IBL enabled.
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Mar 31, 2011
I saw something about being able to render faster using network rendering for mental ray, but I'm not sure where I've seen it, nor do I know how it works.
If this is possible it would be great, since a scene I tried rendering had an ETA of about 51 hours. So I turned off ray traced shadows, seems to have lowered the rendering time quite a bit, but I'm still gonna end up with about 26 hours of rendering. If network rendering could bring that time down, that would be great.
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Apr 24, 2011
our whole studio revolves around the pointcache modifier!
how is it that this modifier is not working anymore?
it works in all other versions of 3ds max.
where can i report this bug?
this is a big one!!
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Apr 20, 2012
I need to export FBX file with point cache but everytime I try it is the same error
"The FBX plug-in cannot export the Geometry Cache for the following reason(s): No set is selected for geometry cache export, the selected set is empty, or the selection set is applied to the shape node of the object instead of its transform node"
before that , I create my cache , and my set with all the geometry but after selecting and saving it as a presset my set just disapear. i need to do it on maya ... I have done it already on MAX and works fine.
PD: I have attached two images to explain better my problem, because my english is still poor.
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Sep 4, 2011
in any version of 3ds max to have an animation rendered as it looks like in the viewport. Without any render engine (scanline, mentalray etc...). So the exported avi looks exactly what i see in the viewport during editing.
3D Studio Max 9 32bit
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit RC
Core 2 Duo 4600 @ 2,40 GHz, 2,40 GHz
NVidia GeForce 9600GT
500 GB + 160 GB HDD
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Apr 17, 2013
I've been given the task of rendering an animation of a towerblock covered in RGB leds. Approximately 200 of them. I don't suppose there's a clever way of importing a light-show, rather than dying of old-age fiddling with the curve editor?
The lighting designer is using 'ShowCAD' which is apparently quite popular in the industry..
[URL] .....
ACad, MEP, 3DS Max
Windows 7x64
X5482 @3.2Ghz 8Gb Ram
Quadro FX1700
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Jan 20, 2012
We have 4 PCs and 3 macminis here at work. All have 3ds max 2012 installed on them.
I can see the macminis in the backburner queue monitor. I turn the server on all the available machines and only the lum-pc, renderfarm01 and russell01 are available to render (these are the PCs). The mac minis remain idle. I cannot use them to render.
However, if I turn on manager on one of the macminis, and turn on server on all the other machines, the macmini running the manager can only see the other macminis. This does not make sense as I've installed full 3ds max on these mac minis so they should be good to go.
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Jul 5, 2012
I'm copying RAW files from a shoot onto my network RAID drive in a per-album folder, from where I then import into a new LR catalog (I'm using LR 4.1) on my Windows laptop for that album.
I'm finding that editing RAW files on a network drive from a wireless laptop is awfully slow (not to mention not being able to continue the work offline somewhere else), so I'd like to cache those files on my speedy SSD drive just until I'm done editing and exporting/publishing that album.
I back up my per-album catalog onto the network folder alongside the RAW files since that's my IT-managed master repository. When I'm done editing, I'd purge the cached files and just keep the catalog previews on my limited capacity SSD.
So, is there a way to tell LR to, for one/all files imported from a location (in my case a network folder), look in an alternate location for the identical files? Since I create per-album catalogs in per-album folders, there wouldn't be filename clashing. Either LR can provide this caching behavior on its own or I'd manually copy files from the network folder to a local folder and tell LR to look there first.
I don't really want to make copies of files into secondary folders within LR since then it's a hassle to merge edits on the cached copy to its master copy (I haven't done this, but I'd imagine so).
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Nov 20, 2013
I can't seem to get max to render to texture properly with network rendering. it renders just fine on one machine, but whenever i run it through the network option it saves the wron part of the strip.
I have tried it with several different machines and several different files and none of them work.
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Aug 26, 2011
I'm wanting to use a diffuse colour to alter the iterations in the mesh smooth modifier. I'm using the wire parameters dialogue but am unsure of how to turn the 3 point value of the diffuse (rgb) into linear (1 point) data.
Work Computer - Max 2012, Core i7 3.6, 6GB RAM, ATI FireGL V7700 512MB, Windows 7 64bit
Home Computer -BBC Electron with tape player and a copy of creepy cave
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May 3, 2011
I have been asked by a collegue if Map 3d will perform Network route Analysis and produce a model of the results.That is using defigned roads, footpaths etc find the shortest route from A to B.
As I'm only just getting into Map3D I couldn't answer this one. How you perform the analysis, a tutorial or example if avaliable.
I'm currently running Civil3D 2012 which should have the same functionality as Map3D 2012.
Civil3D 2013 / 2014
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.0GHz With 32768MB RAM, AMD FirePro V4900, Dedicated Memory: 984 MB, Shared Memory: 814 MB
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Oct 17, 2013
I am new to 3DS Max Design 2014.
I am using a dual Xeon machine with 32 GB Ram and a Nvidia Quadro 4000.
I have a 100 point RCP (point cloud) file loaded into my scene. I have successfully set up a camera and a target path (spline) for it to follow through the scene, but when I go to render the production it takes FOREVER to process. For example, it took it 1 hour to process 2 of 700 frames. That's way too long.
I am trying to save $5000 by using Max instead of buying Pointools (which I have used and it does render these cloud animations much faster). I am just not too sure about the gazillion settings, what thye mean, and if they are applicable to point cloud production rendering.
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Jun 27, 2012
how I can stop rendering an animation and still retain what has already been rendered?
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Jul 29, 2010
After running a rendering for an animation, I opened up the .wmv file to see that everything was a blur. The anti-alias was set to high, screen resolution to 1024x768, frame rate 25, and 1500 kbps. Is there something that I am doing wrong?
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Dec 10, 2012
I have an animation I am trying to render as a Quicktime using H.264 compression at 720x480 with just one camera. I have 4 different sound clips (wavs) loaded into the scene. When I scrub the slider, the sound works just fine. However, when I render the scene as the mov, the sound does not render with it. Do you know why this isn't working and how to fix it so the sound will render with the mov?
I am using the ProSound option and rendering the scene at 30fps. Normally the sound works just fine when I render but now it won't work.
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Feb 12, 2013
I have a problem rendering my animation in photoshop. I have cs4, 5.5 and 6 installed and still i can render because the quicktime section is not active. I have quicktime installed already. my pc is a dual core cpu @ 2.70GHz, 2.0GB ram, 32bit operating system x64 based processor.
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Feb 11, 2013
Our marketing team is requesting the resolution of our product video to be 1920 x 1080 pixels. Invetor Studio only allows me to select between 176 and 1280 pixels, is there a way to change this setting?
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Jun 10, 2011
i have got 2 ways to create foliage for architectural rendering. One of them is using proxies and the other is using particle system.I have got another idea.
Use position restricted one polygonal plane with opacity mapped plane.Scatter.Look at constraint with camera.
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Mar 3, 2014
Here's the text:
1. Should Media Cache Files and Media Cache Database be in separate folders? Does it matter?
2. Can I open an "in progress' project from P Pro CS4 with CC P Pro and continue editing?
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Aug 17, 2011
I need this information for an animation rig.
Let's say I have an arbitrarily oriented plane, and somewhere above that plane, I have placed an object. Now, I want to calculate the closest point on that plane to the position of the object, and constrain a third object to that calculated position.
If I move the object above the plane around, the object on the plane should always move to a position where it is as close to the first object as possible without leaving the plane. Is there any reasonable way to do this with on-board 3ds 2012 features?
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Apr 13, 2012
I am currently trying to rig this character in 2012 3ds max. I've done this plenty of times. I cannot seem to grab the IK chain for the heel. I am trying to align the point dummy to the heel.
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Sep 29, 2013
I am trying to find out if it is possible to start/load the animation based on a specific point in its timeline? The animation I am creating is a parallax animation based on mouse position and I am trying to load it in the middle of the animation and based on the users mouse position will play forward or backwards from that point.
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Dec 7, 2012
I am using Civil 3D 2013. I work in an office where we have a few different flavors of Autocad (LT, MEP, regular vanilla AutoCAD etc...) and versions (2010 LT, 2011, 2012, 2013).
For the most part there isn't much inter-office drawing coordinate that has to happen, but there is the occasional project where multiple disciplines (Structural, Mechanical and Civil Site) have to share drawings.
The specific problem I am having is when I share my 2013 Civil 3D drawing with a user using 2011 MEP. He gets the typical rectangle for the proxy objects (in my case, my pipe networks for sanitary and storm drain). We've tried downloading and installing various object enablers, but there doesn't seem to be one for a 2013 to 2011 scenario. So I setup my parts to be on layers that he can just turn off. HOWEVER... the actual pipe network (not the structures, parts, labels etc... the network itself) ends up on layer 0. For this specific project, I do the old (ssget "x" '((8 . "0")) search to select all objects on layer 0, add those objects to a selection set (pselect), then in my modify objects dialog I filter for pipe networks, then change the layer to something other then 0.
While this is a workaround that works for me, what I really want to know is if there is a way that I can change the default layer that the network (again, not pipes, structures or text, the actual network) so I don't have to use the workaround. Any thoughts?
P.S. It's killing me that I had to create a new Autodesk login and now all my AutoCAD "street cred" is lost
"The source of expertise is not in the memorization of the minute details of a subject but in the thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts on which it is based."
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Nov 8, 2011
How to position a Point Helper at the endpoint of the Taper Length in 3d space? I think it would extend the Taper in its use for rigging things. Have a look at the screenshot. I mean the magenta ones.
I know there is a mathematically way with vector analysis, but it's to long ago to script it fast. Or is there a helper which has the same capability?
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Apr 7, 2011
This is a pretty basic function in the Graph Editor.
All I want to do is copy some keyframes at one point to farther down the timeline IN the graph editor. Basically, select some keys, move to a new time and paste those same values. When I paste, all it does is add keys to the existing curve. I haven't used maya in awhile (2008 version), but I'm PRETTY sure this function was available. Why doesn't it work in 2011?
I've searched online, I've tried copying, moving to new time, create some keys, select them and then paste over them, but still doesn't work. And yeah, I know about the middle mouse button time slide trick, which is a workaround but doesn't work if you're copying multiple keys over time. I want to be able to do this BASIC function. What's the deal? On a Mac.
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Apr 6, 2012
I am trying to setup a a system that allows me to rotate Point 1 and 2 joints to place downstream spheres into specific locations such that the distance and angles between the spheres don't change.
Everything works the way I want (so far), but Sphere04 goes the opposite direction of its IK chain.
What am I doing wrong?
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