AutoCAD LT :: Error Message With Opening Of Every Drawing?
Feb 1, 2012The configured Heidi Driver cannot be loaded. Switching to default software.
View 3 RepliesThe configured Heidi Driver cannot be loaded. Switching to default software.
View 3 Replies have encountered an error message on opening Lightroom 4 using Windows 7 Pro 32 bit.
The message is saying - Error in reading preview cache.
Opening AutoCAD LT this morning no problem. Closed it down and then opened it up again about 10 to 15mins later and get this message (see attached pdf).
Windows XP.
This error message (see attached) pop up, when I open more than 2 or 3 dwg files in autocad.
I am not sure how to correct it. I have a Windows 7 pro x64 system running Inventor 2012
I've been getting this fatal error message upon opening files.
It seems to be as I try to load x-ref's.
OK then update. I select never show this message agian ever (my favorite ) - but guess what a it pops back up. Nothing is wrong with the assembly
View 1 Replies View RelatedHad no problem installing the PS CS4 (update from CS3). On opening PS the first time, and every time after, I receive an error message:
"OWL Orphanage: Photoshop.exe - entry point not found."
This is followed by a bunch of numbers or addresses. After I shut the message, the program opens normally, and as farr as I've explored it, functions OK. Haven't had time to really explore things.
Any idea what is producing this message?
I tried to open a photo (photoshop 5.5) and got this error message:
"cannot open the document because of a disk error'
I went to 'open' Then the dialog box opened and I clicked on the photo to op
en (the image is visible in the box) and then I click 'open' and got the mes
My system has deleted all the temp files. The photo files are in a folder
in 'my docs' so i know they are there and can be opened.
A couple of times I was able to successfully open RAW (Canon CR2) files as layers to stitch together, but now when I try to open a RAW file I get error messages.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I try and open an Illustrator file, I get the error message "can't open the illustration".
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have run LR 3 for some time and it has worked well. I have been away and when I now wish to run the program I get an error from Microsoft C++ runtime library saying that the program has requested to terminate in an unusual way. Re-installing LR has not solved the problem
View 4 Replies View RelatedPSCS6 with 12.0.4 update. Mac OSX 10.8.2 16GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 543 GB Available
I've recently become aware that other people are getting an error message when opening many of my my psd files if they are on earlier versions of PS and also on PSE, (including the latest version). The message is:
This document contains unknown data which will be discarded to keep layers editable. To preserve the original appearance instead, choose flatten to load composite data as a flattened image.
Three options follow: Flatten Cancel Keep Layers
When 'keep layers' is selected the file opens as normal. However, people with much earlier version (CS version 8) don't get the option to keep layers, and the layers are flattened when the document is opened.
I still have CS5 on my mac, and I find that if I take my finished file into CS5 and save it there, the customer does not get the message above, and the file behaves as it should. Those on very early version of PS can also open the files without any issues.
I've been using CS6 since it was released and have had to delve through all my files and save them in CS5. Not every file is affected and I've been unable to find a common thread.
I am trying to convert my AutoCAD inventor 2013 file to a standard 2007 file by going "Save As" "Save Copy As" and then "Autocad DWG File" but i keep getting up a message "problems encountered while saving the document" How do i repair this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have AutoCad LT 2012 version. We encounter fatal error when we save the drawing. we cannot finish our job because everytime we save our work it will show a messsage FATAL ERROR.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI created a Dynamic Block that works perfectly, however when I try to add it to my tool pallet, I get an error message that reads "Block XXX is not found in source drawing. If the source drawing is currently open in the editor please save your drawing."
I'm not in the block editor, and I've saved it multiple times before I tried doing this. I've even closed AutoCAD and reopened it and I'm still getting the same results. I've been able to add many other blocks to my tool pallet, but it just will not accept this one.
I am getting a error when I open a specific drawing
FATAL ERROR: unhandled e06d7363h Exception at fel14940.
I have tried to recover the drawing (message says error were found and then I get the same error)
tried the back up file go
tried a back up file from 2 weeks prior, same result.
Have tried inserting as a block to a new drawing... same error.
I get an error every time I open any drawing after it has been saved in 2013. Opening a dwg that was created in an earlier version does not give the error, but after I save it in 2013, it does.
If I create a new dwg in 2013, save it, close it and then open it I don't get the error the first time. But then if I save that dwg again, I will get it the next time I open it.
The exact error is:
One error was found in the drawing file during open. Would you like to cancel this open?It is recommended you cancel the open and run the RECOVER command on the drawing file.
I run the recover command. It says it found, fixed, and erased 1 error. I save, close, and reopen the drawing and the error still appears every time.
When I open Inventor, the message "cannot load..." pop-out. Although I still can create the 3D model in Inventor but everytime when I open my existing or new drawing file (.idw), Inventor will occur fatal error and closed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI changed from 2012 to 2013 Inventor,
When I open an existing drawing, I have this error msg.
Files stored using SAMBA shares NetgearReady NAS
Two sites connected via WAN
Users using Windows 7 -64bit with Architecture 2014
Mapped drives are used for both site to access NAS, but use different drive letters.
At one point working the projects, users starting getting fatal errors opening from the share. All attempts to get past this failed and I thought the drawing or base files were corrrupt. However, when the files are moved locally to workstation and opened without issue. The users in one office are now working off this files using UNC \serverproject...
The interesting thing, is that users in the other office have no issues dealing with these drawings using on the NAS. The only difference is the WAN and drive mapping letter. This is how they have always worked and never had this issue. The only other thing I will add is they upgraded from 2010 two months ago, but no problems with any other projects.
I have Photoshop 7 installed (or at least, it was installed) on my Dell laptop (which is running on Windows 2000 still). I've had it for nearly a year now and it has never had any problems before, but a couple of days ago when I tried to open the program, it just shut down.
There was no error message or anything; it just booted up, got to the point where it said it was initializing, and then disapeared. Since then I have tried re-installing it twice with no luck. Can anyone possibly help me out with this?
I get the attached when opening certain drawings which fails to load my acaddoc.lsp and so several useful lisps don't get loaded.
a successful drawing opening shows the following
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
In Elements 9 I now get an error message "Cannot use Clone Stamp due to program error".
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a new box version of PantShop Photo Pro X3. Using the CD to install, I am getting a 1935 error message.
View 8 Replies View Relatedhow to remove following message which appears when i open new / file existing file. This also changes my settings and autocad does not work properly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am facing problem in my AutoCAD2013 (Ultimate version) -
1.While opening any file an alert message is appearing on the screen, for closing the same I Have to use ( X) close many times.
2 After opening the file every time I have to set the AUTOcad default setting once again, it is taking too much time,
I am not in a position to format my PC now, The snap shot is attached herewith.
Recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2013 and drawings opened up fine. Now today any drawing that opens shows the plan view as last saved but then after loading takes the drawing and shifts it into a 3d view similar to a crossection. Is there a setting somewhere that has been changed? I noticed after a windows 7 update was preformed.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm using AutoCAD 2012 LT and have having problems inserting/updating/editing fields. This is the error that appears
"There are no registered modules to edit fields or demand loading is currently disabled". When I click OK the Field pop-up appears empty! (see attached)
The BEDIT command is also not working. It was all working up until a few days ago! I have downloaded the most recent Service Pack and it's still not working.
A user is having issues with plotting from AutoCAD LT, when trying attempting a normal plot to PDF the program crashes and he is forced to close it, also when changing the way he plots to plot to DWG PDF it starts to work correctly but brings up a fatal error message as below and attached:
FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x0014 Exception at 778e224dh
When i try to convert my .dwg to a pdf on my laptop (second computer) i get an error message that the drawing might be password protected. it happens on all my autocad drawings
View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try and plot a drawing I get this error message:
' YOU CAN NOT USE MULTIPLE INSTANCES AT THE SAME TIME'. The program then freezes for a short while then returns a message saying plot canceled.
I am using Map 3D 2011. Although I did have a trial version of AutoCad 2012 I had no problems plotting on both versions up until recently I have made no changes to any printer configuration, plot files or styles. I removed 2012 after I started getting this message but still I am unable to plot.