I tried to open a photo (photoshop 5.5) and got this error message:
"cannot open the document because of a disk error'
I went to 'open' Then the dialog box opened and I clicked on the photo to op
en (the image is visible in the box) and then I click 'open' and got the mes
My system has deleted all the temp files. The photo files are in a folder
in 'my docs' so i know they are there and can be opened.
Had no problem installing the PS CS4 (update from CS3). On opening PS the first time, and every time after, I receive an error message:
"OWL Orphanage: Photoshop.exe - entry point not found."
This is followed by a bunch of numbers or addresses. After I shut the message, the program opens normally, and as farr as I've explored it, functions OK. Haven't had time to really explore things.
PSCS6 with 12.0.4 update. Mac OSX 10.8.2 16GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 543 GB Available
I've recently become aware that other people are getting an error message when opening many of my my psd files if they are on earlier versions of PS and also on PSE, (including the latest version). The message is:
This document contains unknown data which will be discarded to keep layers editable. To preserve the original appearance instead, choose flatten to load composite data as a flattened image.
Three options follow: Flatten Cancel Keep Layers
When 'keep layers' is selected the file opens as normal. However, people with much earlier version (CS version 8) don't get the option to keep layers, and the layers are flattened when the document is opened.
I still have CS5 on my mac, and I find that if I take my finished file into CS5 and save it there, the customer does not get the message above, and the file behaves as it should. Those on very early version of PS can also open the files without any issues.
I've been using CS6 since it was released and have had to delve through all my files and save them in CS5. Not every file is affected and I've been unable to find a common thread.
Opening AutoCAD LT this morning no problem. Closed it down and then opened it up again about 10 to 15mins later and get this message (see attached pdf).
A couple of times I was able to successfully open RAW (Canon CR2) files as layers to stitch together, but now when I try to open a RAW file I get error messages.
I have run LR 3 for some time and it has worked well. I have been away and when I now wish to run the program I get an error from Microsoft C++ runtime library saying that the program has requested to terminate in an unusual way. Re-installing LR has not solved the problem
Does anyone know what to do about this error message in the middle of the web photo gallery automation?
"Could not complete the web photo galleery command because the file is in use or was left open."
It seems to be happening quite randomly on different photos. I've tried restarting the program and the computer, emptying the trash and have checked the clipboard,
I have Photoshop 7 installed (or at least, it was installed) on my Dell laptop (which is running on Windows 2000 still). I've had it for nearly a year now and it has never had any problems before, but a couple of days ago when I tried to open the program, it just shut down.
There was no error message or anything; it just booted up, got to the point where it said it was initializing, and then disapeared. Since then I have tried re-installing it twice with no luck. Can anyone possibly help me out with this?
I just switched from PC to MAC and have troubles using the PC catalogues, or better: associating the images.
I copied the catalogue as well as the images to the MAC harddisk. When I open the catalogue I see the images, but they cannot be found on the disk. So I search on the harddisk for the new path but after finding it I get an error message "Die Datei "xxx.CR2" ist mit einem anderen Foto im Katalog verbunden." In English something like "The file "xxx.CR2" is associated/connected with a different photo in the catalogue."
Trying to edit and save this file fails silently, because Photo-PAINT does get confused by a file name like this: "filename.morename.extension". Nothing gets saved.
The actual file name taken from my example file is: "Flag_of_Germany.svg.png".
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
I have Vista Home Premium, 32 bit. I've downloaded the trial version of Photoshop CS4 (I'm a first-time user of this program), but on opening it I always receive an 'Owl Orphanage' message (in Italian; I have the Italian version of Vista) telling me that it is impossible to find the file M2000Twn.dll. Photoshop nevertheless opens, but this message is annoying. Is there any way to stop it from appearing. I've done a search, and the driver M2000Twn.dll is in fact present on my computer.
I am trying to open a photo in camera raw and the image always has a lot of red and blue in the picture? What can I do to avoid this. When I first started learning photoshop this did not happen?
I tried to load CS4 onto my new i mac and I'm getting an error 6 message. What that means and what I can do about it? I can't find my original software discs so have copied the software from my old i mac via my external hard drive. Bridge loaded okay.
One or more files in the Adobe Application Support folder, necessary for running Photoshop, are missing. Please run the Photoshop installer and re-install Photoshop.
Is there a problem or is this just a bug in Photoshop? I don't have any problems other than the error message. The version is: 12.0.4x64.
I am running PS CS4 Win Vista.I have 3G RAM and have designated plenty of available space for scratch disks(298G on C:, 66G on J: and 231G on M:, the latter two being external HDs).
When I attempt to use some of the advanced features of CS 4, especially Content Aware Scaling, I get the insufficient RAM message every time without fail.
MY HD is regularly defragmented and I have purged, lowered the History states allowed, and cleaned out all temp files from IE.
Any deas how I can avoid the RAM message and use the features in CS4?
I have some raw files on a dvd that I have imported into bridge. They imported very small files and when I try to import them into cs3, I get an error message that says "cannot complete your request because of a program error". I've had other dvds that I have imported with no problem.
I am wondering if it is possible to have a message (note) appear upon the opening of a file? I would like to write notes about the files we are working with, so that succeeding users don't alter information parameters mistakenly, or get confused about the orientaion of a component, etc. etc. etc.
I'm getting this error message when I try to use photomerge. I'm using CS5, and this is the first time I'm trying to use photomerge. I've tried several different photos but I'm always getting this message.