3ds Max :: Objects Disappearing But Only In One Frame
May 26, 2011
It's not a direct 3D issue or direct X, it's something else. I can see the objects in perspective, front, left, etc, but as soon as I put a camera on it, they disappear. If I move the camera out far from the objects I can see it, but whenever I try to dolly it closer, they disappear again. I tried this camera in another viewport and it works fine, so it seems to be something with this particular viewport.
im having problems with max 2012 after hotfix 2 im working on some terrain and when i just move a tiny bit wireframe just go completely diseaper and its hard to model when you dont se wireframe everything was fine until hf2.
I'm trying to generate frame members around a combination of 2D & 3D sketches, the preview is fine however when I click apply and OK it magically vanishes
Everything is set up fine in the 'Insert Frame' dialogue box and the previews look spot on.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
When working with large plant layouts I sometimes need to copy may things from different parts of the plant. Some large some small. When I zoom in to select the smaller objects i have lost lots of objects that were selected before.
we are having a problem here at our office. this revolves around one file. When I open the file, some objects (text, hatch, lines - all different layers) disappear. This happens before any command is made, and the object that disappear are on layers that are active and not frozen on all viewports. Also, the rest of the objects on the layer are visable. Other objects on these layers are visable, and the objects that disappeared are not visable on the model space or paper space. On top of that, when someone else opens the file, different objects turn invisable, and they can see the things I cant. The drawing takes about 5+ mins to load, dispite it being not a very large file. I tried purging unused items, reconciling layers, unhiding everything, freezing and unfreezing all layers and restarting autocad.
Coincidentaly the x-ref dwg is having a very similar issue.
I am using 2010 and when I am on my sheet or viewing my database through a viewport annotative objects tend to disappear and it happens randomly. It's only a few objects that will disappear while others are shown.
Example: My grid bubbles may disappear, but leaders, text, dimensions, etc are visible.
Another example is door or window tags may disappear while grid, leaders, etc are all shown and when they don't show up they also don't print. Reloading the xref doesn't bring them back also. I have to physically go into the database and make some kind of change (erase a line and than undo; draw a line and than delete it; change a scale, anything); save the drawing and then go to my sheet and reload the xref to get them to come back.
Using 2010 with update 1 or whatever it's called these days, I'll just call it the first fix.
I've made three grading objects using "Grade to Relative Elevation" along a feature line. Then I've added a grading transition between them. This seems really unstable now, like making the wrong move makes the whole thing disappear...but what is strange is the feature line that is attached to the grading object that I have added into my surface remains, but there are only a few lines where the grading objects used to be, basically the line that seperates the different sections of grading.
There's no way to edit the grading again either, it has to be remade, because there is nothing to select.
Civil 3D 2010 Dell Precision 690 Intel Xeon 2.00GHz Dual Core 4 GB RAM, 256mb nVidia Quadro FX 550 Windows 7 URC 64-bit Operating System
when i make a parent view from model space of 3d objects not all of them will appear in paper space. some times it will only display objects from one layer and other times it will pick and choose. this can also happen when i edit an object in paper space and when i return to paper space objects i was not even editing have disappeared from the view. note this does not always happen, in fact it does not always happen with the same objects.
It does not matter if i open and close AutoCAD the objects will still be gone. This has happened before SP1 but seems to be happening more since the release of it. i can provide a file.
After placing an Illustrator file in Photoshop as a Smart Object, then double-clicking the object in Photoshop to edit it, the only swatches that remain in the Swatches panel are global ones. All the other swatches have been removed. (This is with the embedded file that opens; the original is unaffected.)
I assume this is by design, but any way of preventing it from happening, other than tediously changing every swatch to global before doing the embedding? And yes, I can always re-load the swatches afterwards, but that's also an extra step I'd like to avoid.
I created an extruded aluminium profile (attached file: Item Profile 8 80x80) which I published into the Content Center. When using this profile in a frame design, and using the Trim To Frame command, the profiles are trimmed at a weird angle (attached pdf file).
I create animated gifs frequently using the Frame Animation pallet. The default frame rate starts out as 10 seconds, so I always have to change it to 4 seconds. Is there anyway to reset the default frame rate that I start out with to 4 seconds, so that I don't have to change it every time?
Preferences did not yield any promising menus
I know the standard default reset with many Adobe products is to change it without a document open, but in PS CS5.5 if you do not have a document open the frame rate option is greyed out ______________ CS5.5 MacPro Tower Mac OS 10.8.2
I am trying to add a frame to some pictures, but when trying to apply a frame from the content section, the frame goes on top of any picture...and not directly on to the picture.
I come across this problem from time to time and generally either just ignore it, if the detail is destined for in house manufacture, or alter it in autocad if it's destined for exterior suppliers.
Our guard frames are manufactured from extruded aluminum section (made by a company called palletti) I have when needed created a new frame generator frame member for each new x-section that we wish to use. I then draw a 2d sketch for the base frame skeleton and then a 3d sketch for all the frame work above. This I then use in an assembly to create the framework. This framework assembly then goes into a second assembly where the framework is then adorned with all the accoutrements that make up a guard frame that we can then order as an assembled frame, panels feet, hinges et al.
When placing the views for the detailing of the second assembly sometimes the view will show the wrong length for one or some of the frame members.
;note how the left and right views are different and how some of the frame members are elongated on the lh view.
I'm guessing its because of the home grown frame members but all seems to work well other wise and this only happens infrequently.
HP z210 16Gb ATI FirePro5800 Autodesk Produst design Suite 2012
I'm designing some photo frames and as they come in loads of different sizes, I'd like to be able to make the frame design bigger, in illustrator, but keep the width of the actual border. i.e. at the moment it's for a 10cm x 15cm photo with a 3cm wide border going all the way round - I want to keep it 3cm for larger photos.
and here's a link to the .ai file: [URL] I have loads of other frame designs which will need similar treatment so I'm looking for a general solution rather than something that is totally specific for this design.
It used to be that whenever i would move the cursor in adobe premier with either the left or right arrows or by simply clicking and dragging it, it would play the audio from that frame. But it is not doing it anymore, I think i must have accidently hit a shortcut key or something to change it in settings i dont know. But it would be good if I could get the setting to change it back. I know for a fact that my laptops speakers do work, so its not that.
I am editing a short avi clip converted from a 1959 8mm film in the timeline. The telecine conversion results in as sharp an image as I have manged to get using PPro 5.5 unsharp mask. I tried mocha planar tracking to automatically remove a fixed spider web on the top edge of each frame in the clip.
Because the web is not distinct and the background does not progress at a steady fixed pace, the mocha procedure was not successful. Previous feedback recommended methods to mask the edge. Using various masking attempts to automate the procedure was also unsuccessful for the same reasons as mocha.
I have the time and decided to replace the spider web on each frame edge using photoshop tools e.g. clone stamp etc. - although other tools such as healing brush do not appear to work in the timeline as I expect.
My saves so far have resulted in a whole clip being saved with all following frames being modified similar to the first edited frame. Perhaps I am not using the editing procedures in photoshop from the timeline correctly.
My band has just recorded our first music video. We are very happy with the result except that the glasses on me (the lead singer) during the close-ups look very funny, they are very skew, and the "frame" does not go behind the ear.
What I would like to do is to import the video and edit these clips frame by frame, where this is showing. There is about 15 seconds totally of me in close-up - 15 x 24= 360 images. The clips are about 1-3 seconds long. And I want to edit all of these short clips of me and then make it a full-length video again.
I made a quick edit on one of the images from the video. The shades still look a little funny but it gets better when the frame goes behind the ear. If it's possible to correct the "glass" part of the shades as well.
I'd like to do some animation in photoshop, especially frame to frame animation. (such as editing images from stop motion)
But I'd like to import big quantities of images to a psd file, and which each image would automatically be imported to 1 different layer. Is it possible to do that?
The photos are fairly too high resolution to export as video (3456x 2034) so i don't want to make a video out of them and import the video sequence...
I've been hearing very much about this frame by frame thingy but i just dont know what it is or where to find it.i think it is a tool or button to edit a frame without getting the other frames modified or i just dont know. i simply want to know how to edit a frame without getting the other frames modified or a good tutorial because i dont understand the adobe help.
My plug-ins are disappearing...Just gone. I can't find them anywhere. Artistic - gone. Textures - gone. Not sure what's going on here... Is there any way to restore the factory default plug-ins w/o reinstalling PS altogether?
I've been working with psd files in CS4 and after saving once, everything seems normal. After working on a file more and trying to save, I get a message that it can't be saved because the file name is not valid. If I close the file without saving and try to reopen, it says I don't have permission to open the file. I've tried doing a SaveAs under a different name with same results. Even worse is that the files I thought I had saved previously simply disappear from the folder they were in if I do the SaveAs step under a similar, but different name (like adding -1 to the name.) They don't appear anywhere on the computer that I can find. I'm running an up-to-date Windows 7, 64-bit. CS4 also is a current 64-bit.
My text keeps disappearing after i have entered the text. I know you have to click the tick at the top right of the screen but i want to be able to drag the text around to see what looks good. Also, When im typing the text in i cannot see the text. I am using Photoshop CC,
I am running Mountain Lion on an older iMac (2007) 4 gb ram, and newer (2011) Macbook Pro with 8 gb of ram. Cursor disappears and will not comeback without click in finder or another program.
The culprit is security patch KB2753842 (12-11-12), in my case, in Windows 7, 64-bit, I have talked to Microsoft and reported this as an issue. In the meantime, hit a previous restore point and re-install all service patches except for the one above. Right click on the link to that patch and HIDE it. Then, update your antivirus and you're back to normal.