AutoCad :: Randomly Commands Will Seem To Be Stuck On Xy Plane

Mar 2, 2011

1. when copy/pasting after the first few times the objects start to appear really far away from the cursor, i have to zoom out to even see where they are trying to paste to.

2. randomly commands will seem to be stuck on the xy plane. I switch to left view and dimensioning will only want to measure lines from a top view.

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Illustrator :: Perspective Selection Tool Stuck On Plane Left (1)

May 23, 2013

I have been working with the perseptive tool for a couple of hours now. I've watched 3 or 4 videos, and read writting directions but I can't for the lift of me figure out what's going on. I am using the perspective grid and selection tool. I can get my objects onto the left plane only. When I try to select for the right plain (2) or the horizontal grid (3) it keeps moving my shape back onto the left plane. I've tried using the icon to select the areas and I have tried using keyboard shortcuts. What am I doing wrong?
Working in CS6

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Work Plane Rotated At Angle To Another Plane And Passing Through Axis Of Cylinder

Jul 13, 2013

How to make a new work plane rotated at an angle to another plane and passing through the axis of a cylinder, or one of the main axes.On the plane commands, in V2013, i don't find an option for plane at an angle

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layers Turned Off Randomly

Feb 13, 2013

I've had this issue with layers turning off randomly in the previous years; it has been fixed at some point when a service pack was installed. It is back now in Autocad 2013 and SP1 does not work.

Usually it is happening after the unisolate command. I assume that it is related with the unisolate function that does not work for all layers.

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AutoCAD VB :: 20MB Dvb File Crashes Randomly

Dec 19, 2013

I just finished 'updating' my VBA code developed over the last 10 years from 'VBA 6' to 'VBA 7'.  When i view the code in the IDE of AutoCAD 2014, everything shows up fine -- no errors.  All of the references i need do exist:

Visual Basic for Applications
AutoCAD 2014 Type Library
Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
Microsoft Scripting Runtime
OLE Automation
Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation
AutoCAD/ObjectDBX 19.0 Type Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1(or  2.7  or  2.8)

When i goto Debug-> Compile, it 'compiles' without errors.  But when i go to run it, it will crash.  If i put in a breakpoint, and step through it, i can identify a subroutine that it crashes on.  But if i do it again and step INTO that sub, it runs fine.  If i have the code just continue on, it will crash somewhere else.  Basically for the most part, if i run a macro and have a breakpoint right away, i can put my stapler on the F8 key and just sit back and watch it run (although a 10 second process turns into about half an hour) -- it gets much further along but will still eventually crash.

By the way, the same basic code runs fine on 32bit AutoCAD 2012 (with the appropriate references changes as well as no 'PtrSafe' or LongLong or LongPtr usages)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameter Changed Randomly

Oct 22, 2013

In one of the assemblies I'm editing I have a rule where the parameter changed formats on me. It went from something normal like:

Parameter("Name:1", "Name")=36 to a format like: p534g9_86=36. 

How i might be able to track down what was being pointed at so I can correct it? I looked through the assembly and part file parameters but can't find where 36 is being plugged in at. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Randomly Freezes And Won't Refresh

Feb 8, 2011

Anyway, I just updated to the Factory Design Suite Advanced package for 2011 which, of course, includes Inventor.  I have downloaded and installed all updates, service packs and hotfixes I could find btw.  What happens is I'll be working in Inventor on a solid model of ANY size (even a single part) and with absolutely no warning, the display window will freeze up and won't refresh.  What's really weird though is that Inventor itself is not locked up.  I can click on any of the buttons or any of the items shown in the browser as though the program's running normally.  I can check the task manager and it shows Inventor to be running normally.  The memory status bar in Inventor shows lots of available memory.  I can even hover over the display window in the area where the view steering wheel is located and the icon will change appearance as though it's working normally.  I can even save the file.  If I close the file, it responds like normal and goes back to the default screen.  If I try to open ANY file after that, however, the screen will not refresh or show me the file I opened, even though everything else works fine and the program isn't frozen.  The only way to restore full function is to completely close and reopen Inventor (on average I have to do this about once an hour).  Btw, I'm also working in a local directory stored on my hard drive, not a network.

My first inkling is that it's a graphics issue but I have played with all the display settings to no avail.  I ran a diagnostic on the video card and Inventor says that I'm running an Autodesk Certified driver.  All the specs are within reason I think.

My workstation specs:

Dell Precision M4500 laptop

Intel core i7 processor, 2.67 GHz


Windows XP Professional SP3, 32-bit, running in 3 GB mode

NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M, 1 GB graphics card (just updated the driver change)

230 GB hard drive, 136 GB free space

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Screen Randomly Goes Black When Use 2013

Feb 24, 2013

I have a Alienware M17x with 8600 dual core processor (2.4 GHZ), 1G Nvidia 260M Graphic card, and 8G of RAM. These black outs in Autocad Architecture 2013 are random they just happen out of nowhere.  Is it that I need a 2G graphic card instead of a 1G or what?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing Portions Randomly Scaling?

Jan 9, 2013

I work in both metric and imperial dimensions. I specify european cabinetry, and most of the architectural drawings i receive are for US clientelle so they're in ft and inches. When dimensioning, it's important that the cm dimensions are accurate for the factory, but the inches are accurate for the contractors.

So my drawing had 1 plan and 4 elevations. All drawn correctly. All scaled together, never one at a time. Yesterday morning everything printed correctly with this drawing.

Randomly, after some very minor changes to the drawing, 1 elevation remained at the correct scale and the plan, and 3 elevations randomly scaled down and at different scales from each other. Also, when i plotted this to a printer it matched what was on the screen. When i plotted it to PDF immediately after, the PDF's reflected 5 totally different scales where all 5 drawings and didn't match the screen or print. For example: a cabinet height in one elevation was 87cm, the next 86cm , and the next 83.9cm. Printed to pdf at totally different dimensions (see attached).

The file was closed and reopened, and the plan, and 2 different elevations were at an even different scale, smaller scale than before. They more closely matched what I got when plotting to a PDF.

I purged, and audited (no errors found), I copied only the bare bones necessary info into a new document, and scaled everything by reference to the size it needed to be. Most of the drawing automatically corrected themselves to the correct dimensions with the one step.

However, certain lines on my plans scaled at a far greater scale, while one wall was accurate, and one wall was off just a fraction. So even though i selected the entire thing and scaled it up together, different layers scaled differently. Basically i had to redraw the plan almost entirely.

The same happened with 3 of the 4 elevations. One section scaled correctly, one section scaled more than it should have and made that portion off.

So i had to redo that elevation as well.I created guidelines and set them where they need to be to align every single wall and cabinet and locked the layer in the hopes that if things move again, the guides will remain.

This has happened randomly with drawings previously, but only by a degree of .1 to .3 cm.  I figured this was from scaling the drawings and dimension accuracy. While that was annoying, it was minor. This time we're looking at 2-8 inches difference which can really mess up a job if unnoticed.

what could cause only portions of drawings to scale differently than the rest and at random times even when the scale command hasn't been used? And between closing a document and reopening it? AND from printing to a printer and to a PDF?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Label Of Drawing View Move Randomly

Nov 21, 2013

I have often problem with drawing view labels. When model is changed and I switch to the drawing then the label is moved to an random position. There is possible to little move with view, or edit label text or switch off/on label and label move back to correct position. This is very unpleasant when there s more views in drawing, is necessary to correct each label.

This happen in Inv2013 and also in Inv2014.

Is not there an possibity to minimize this?

Enclosed is example video.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 64 Bit VBA Crashing On Program Launch Randomly

Oct 14, 2013

My users are reporting that 2014 64 bit VBA crashes on program launch randomly.

I have 12 to 14 apps written in VBA.  Randomly they crash when the user trys to run them.

Sometimes they load and work fine other times they crash inventor without reporting an error.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk 2014 Randomly Stopped Opening

Oct 5, 2013

Autodesk Inventor 2014 randomly stopped opening. This is on Windows 7 64-bit. I tried repair and reinstall. No error message is give. This issue persists across reboots.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: User Parameters Get Corrupted Randomly

Jul 29, 2013

When I create blocks and give them dynamic elements, I often define user parameters in the block table. I have noticed that on some drawings when I open them and go to the block editor to edit them, the user parameters have no name, value, or expression and my dynamic will not work.

I have tried renaming them and putting the expression back in from the parameters manager, but it gives me an error message saying invalid parameter name.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Wheel Roll In Randomly Shaped Rail

Oct 24, 2012

The wheels on the side need to roll inside the guide rail. I can let them roll in each part separately but not in the entire rail.

I already tried with transitional constrains but then inventor says that there are some problems.My project needs to become a sectional gate so there's going te be lots more than just 2 wheels in it..

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2014 Freezing Randomly/ Only Opening Certain Drawings

Aug 7, 2013

I am running the new auto cad civil 3d 2014, downloaded from the design suite premium. I have left all of the programs installed (as a I saw that a few people chose to uninstall several of the programs). I am running auto cad on an @xi workstation, 4.1ghz processor, 16gb corsair vengence heatspred ram, 240gb ssd operating drive, 2tb storage raid 0 configuration storage drives, NVIDIA K2000 graphics card. It took me a while to configure the graphics settings within auto cad due to the high resolution, text is being portayed as small in some cases, commands are huge in others.

I am still adjusting all of those, however my real problem is that when I open certain drawings the program immediatly goes to not responding, and when I am working back and forth and trying to open multiple drawings it does the same. Just opening the program off of my desktop on a cold-start up takes maybe 15 seconds to be fully functional, the same with certain drawings. However others just seem to not want to be opened. This occurs with drawings large and small. Some large drawings open perfectly while some small ones crash, and vice versa. What could be the cause of this?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimensions Randomly Takes Scale Of View Port

Jun 21, 2013

At times when I am dimensioning a dwg in paperspace one of the dimensions will assume the viewport scale when the dwg does a regen. Its as if the DIMLFAC will be set to something other than 1but its only for one or two dimensions. I check the DIMLFAC var for thje dwg and its set properly to (1). Since I am dimensioning in paperspace i have the DIMASSOC set to (2). 

As you can imagine this is a huge problem when I send the dwg out for fabrication. What is the problem and how can I stop this from happening on random dwgs to random dimensions?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Active Project File Changes Randomly On Different Users Machines

Mar 19, 2013

We have had this issue now for a couple years and don't know what is causing it. We are using vault pro with admin set single project file. A user can work for months using correct.ipj, then randomly at 10:42 they will notice the active project was been changed to some other temporary project location "c: emp.....". Then it will happen to different users at different times. I cant seem to find any correlation to anything. I can only imagine that it is somehow triggered from the vault addin.

We are inventor 1012 and vault 2012 pro.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 3D Orbit Stuck In Continuous

Sep 17, 2013

Over the last few days my all my AutoCAD 3d orbit commands have become continuous orbit.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Cursor Stuck To X-axis

Jan 16, 2013

So I was working in 3D and I guess I pressed some kind of button or something that caused my 3D cursor to only move along the x=0 line. If I move my cursor up, it moves it lightly sideways. It stops when I move into side/top/front views, but as soon as I pan into 3D view, the cursor only appears along the x-axis. I'm probably overlooking a simple AutoCAD command, but I'm a new user and I can't find the answer anywhere in the manual or on the internet.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Layers Stuck In Template?

Jan 18, 2013

I am working on the template for my company and making all the styles, labels, etc all consistent to our company standards. This also includes our standards layer names. There are 2 layers that I can't get rid of because they are in use somewhere. C-ROAD-CNTR-STAN and O_PROF-VIEW-TEXT both of these layers do not meet our standards and I can't get rid of them. I went through every style and label to see if I could find where they were being used, but couldn't find them anywhere. I made sure I check the layers for plan, profile, model and section on the display tab of each style. 

Since there are so many styles to go through I wanted to try to narrow it down, so I started a new drawing from the template. I purged all of the styles, purged the layers, but they were still there. I set the object layers all to 0. I made sure that every label style default setting was also set to 0. Then I even created all new styles and labels for everything, did a "replace with" and made sure only the new styles were in use, removed the old styles and did a purge. But these layers still are being used somewhere. I tried using LAYTRANS to translate them into the 0 layer, but it doesn't work. There are no blocks in the drawing that are using these layers.

The only command that works to get rid of them is LAYDEL, but doing that makes me concerned that a setting may not have a layer set up for it and it may cause problems in the future.
Attached is a dwg file that I have stripped down as described above. I am using Civil 3D 2012, SP 2. Where a layer is in use? How you can now find where a style is in being referenced?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Autodesk 360 Will Get Stuck Syncing

Dec 19, 2013

I have the latest version of Autodesk 360 and I am using Autocad LT 2014.  

There seems to be no pattern for when the Sync gets stuck, but occasionally Autodesk 360 will sync indefinitely and it causes AutoCAD to run extremely slow.  Restarting the computer fixes it but it has been happening a few times every week.  I have attached my ADSync.log file for review.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Stuck In A View Port?

Apr 24, 2012

When I am in paper space I sometimes double click in my viewport. Then the viewport becomes my whole window. How do I get out of the viewport without doing an undo until I reach where I first began?

Also sometimes when I double click in the viewport, but the viewport is the only thing visible in the screen, (vs having the whole sheet and being able to click out) I don't know how to get out without Undo.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Stuck At Regenerating Layout

May 2, 2012

i used to open file off like 6.5 mb size easly and i have a save as version of it and it open very fast and normal , yet nowi'm stuck for like 15 mins on  "Regenerating Layout" in command line...

and it only happen with this file also my RAM usage went beyound normal ?! So  what to do ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Appearance Library Colors Randomly Quit Working?

Aug 8, 2012

We are have been using Inventor to draw wooden furniture for a couple years, and have a custom appearance library with several different finishes (using photos of actual finished pieces of wood). Every now and then a part (ipt) takes a notion to not change to the color we set it to, seemingly without ryhme or reason. This mostly occurs with mirrored parts, but occasionally a standard (not mirrored part) will do this as well.

We have done all the obvious things, and some not so obvious. The path to the photos and the library is added to the project, and I opened the Appearance Browser and checked to make sure appearance knows where to find its bmp file, and it still doesn't do it to change color. And yes, I tried restarting my computer, because a couple days ago I was working with the Appearance Browser, and sometimes restarting Inventor made a difference in whether certain things worked or didn't work. This is also not limited to one computer, it acts like this on all of our computers.

We are using some png files and some bmp picture files. Would the file format maybe have something to do with it ?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Drawing Units Stuck On Architectural

Feb 22, 2012

I have an old dwg that I used to add new data to. I also inserted a block produced by Revit to get a building elevation. I am not sure when or how it happend, but my drawing scale units are stuck on arch. I am talking about the bottom right hand corner of the screen on the status bar where there is the spot to set drawing scale. When I open by clikcing the arrow all the scales are in architectural units. I can add a custom scale of 1"=100', but it does not otherwise appear in the list. I wasn't going to wrry about it, but when I layout a plan/pro series they do not seem to be scaling correctly (and I cannot find a place to specify what scale I want the views to be at). UNITS, -DWGUNITS & -AECDWGUNITS don't fix it, they are all set to decimal, etc. Using the seetings tab to change the drawing settings, everything is set to feet, there is no place to specify arch units, the 100 scale drawing is shown as a custom scale.

This is C3D release 2012, on a 64bit Win7 Pro machine, everything is up to date.

Where I can change the units for the drawing scale?

C3D 2012 on 64bit Win 7 all up to date
Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M
LDT/C3D user since release 12

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Stuck In Plot Preview Loop

Oct 26, 2009

AutoCAD 2010 SP2:

Upon setting up a drawing for plotting (the problem is not printer specific) the "Print Preview" gets stuck in a loop where I am unable to exit if I choose to cancel or alter the settings. I am forced to go ahead and send the plot. If iI immediately go back and run the PLOT command again nothing happens... no dialog box, no error nothing. I must then go to any other open dwg, do a save, and then go back to the original dwg. Then the PLOT command will again work, however, still getting stuck in the preview loop.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Stuck In A Routine 2?

Nov 21, 2013

Basically, the routine asks for the user to choose the hatch type (Retirer/Percer), then the layer (Defpoints/Select/Current) and finaly the type of the object to draw (Polyline/Rectangle). My original routine has also a Circle and a Boundary options, and an Error trap to reset the variables but I will keep it simple for the purpose of my issue. 

So, my issue is: when I choose the type of object to draw, it draws just one of it and the routine ends. I would like to have something that "says" to the routine that I want to keep drawing that object (Polyline or Rectangle) and putting the hacth inside until I do enter and then the routine goes to its end.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: PDF Publish Stuck On Multi-sheet

Aug 16, 2012

While publishing several drawings I am having problems creating Single Sheets, (a customer preference). Even though I have the Multi-sheet/Single-sheet setting set to "Single" Autocad still creates a multi-sheet PDF. I am using Autocad 2012.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 Stuck On Loading Screen?

Aug 27, 2012

When I try open AutoCad, at first it loads fine, doing all the pulg ins and that, then just stops.

The text in the corner just says "Loading", and I've left it for hours an it really isn't.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Workspace / Bars Stuck All The Time

Jan 31, 2012

When I switch tabs in my UI (I use Drafting and Annotation), they bug somehow and they don't upgrade visually. What I mean is that if I switch "Home" tab to "Annotate", it keeps showing "Home" tab maximized, but the if I click "Line" it would use "Multiline tool", as they occupy same space in corresponding tab. I can fix it temporarily by multi-clicking bar, but after next switch between tabs, it would bug again. I assume it is not hardware problem, as it used to work for me, then I reinstalled my OS and bug started.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Stuck In Refedit And Can't Close It / 2012

Apr 26, 2013

I used refedit to freeze a couple of items that were nested. My drawing file/machine locked up when I attemped to freeze them. I had to reboot, when I opened the file again I was still stuck in refedit mode. I cannot use refclose to get out our that command. It wants me to use refedit again. I need to get back to my work.

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