AutoCAD .NET :: How To Show One Entity Middle Of The Screen Using Code
May 19, 2013I want to show one entity middle of the screen and highlight it? Maybe use zoom?
View 2 RepliesI want to show one entity middle of the screen and highlight it? Maybe use zoom?
View 2 Repliesis there any entity stutas for selecting?like use mouse select? But do'nt use mouse to select.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm here with 2013 SP2 64 bit Build 200 and two screens. Left screen is graphics area, Browser is on the left of right screen. Graphics is ATI Fire Pro V7800 with driver
In video (zipped MP4) you see a cutout of both screens, think of screens changing at the left of the browser.
Now, in many cases, after doing an operation, the browser is jumping back to the middle of my graphics in the left screen.
I am using ilogic to modify the boxes:
I have a one rectangular box in that box again small rectangular boxes in this my problem is when iam giving value for smaller boxes(all boxes height) more than outer box how it will show the message box and how to stop the code.
d1=big box height
d2,d3,d4---small boxes height
I am writing code like this:
IF((d2+d3+d4)=<d1) then correct value)
end if
here it's showing the message and it,s not stoping the program.
my viewport is set for 2d wireframe, even when i have certain layers turned off or frozen the viewable lines in the layyers that are 'on' are broken as if i was in 2D hidden. text wont show up if over a "box" entity, no matter what elevation i set it at. The results come out upon printing as well.
There must be a display setting i am unaware of to fix this. Why do certain entities override others even if the later is at an elevation above it? Someone referred to draw order before but I still do not understand how to make that work.
We have several tool palettes that I use all the time. And every time I close down AutoCAD and open it back up, all the palettes load back up in the middle of my left monitor (dual monitor set up). I typically have my AutoCAD window open on the left monitor, and my palettes on the right monitor.
I have tried to save my profile, lock all Toolbar/Palette positions.....and nothing has any affect. My palettes always load in the middle of my left monitor.
I tried loading the latest graphics drivers, no affect.
have had the good fortune to have recieved a Christmas present (o.k. to myself) a new Dell 30" monitor with 2560 x 1600 resolution.
The only thing I am finding troublesome as you might be able to see by the attached screen shot, is that now my autocad menus are, as expected at the top of the screen. This new size of monitor brings with it the problem that you now have to travel your mouse a great distance to reach the menu bar items.
When clicking on Import, instead of the usual tool bar across the top of the screen, as I've seen in many videos, I get a very large bar across the middle of the screen. There probably is a toggel somewhere that allows you toswitche back and forth between the large bar and the normal one at the top. I have been watching a number of videos trying to learn LR but have not come across this issue/option. Currently, I have always moved my photos into a folder on an external drive and then inport to LR. Is that the problem?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI would like to add additional entities to the selection if any of the selected entities contains a an xdata value.
If I put the condition into the ImpliedSelectionChanged reactor I imagine will probably loop back on itself.
how to show in the message box the assembly name or part name in the model browser without selecting it using vba?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhat are the blank gray screen with a box in the middle? Is a photo missing and if so how do I find the photo?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to have my credits roll on the screen from the bottom but have the fade out in the middle of the screen instead of going all the way to the top?
View 20 Replies View Relatedhow I can use VBA to select objects in the drawing, so that the grips are enabled/shown. The editing of the object will be done manually in AutoCAD. All I want for VBA to do, is to select them.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do i show and close the parts list iso-main menu with code?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI’m creating an assembly that makes an automatic berm when the cut height in not enough, so then I need a berm. The problem is for some reason I can’t get the link code for the assembly.
View 5 Replies View Relatedwant to upated attributes in proxy entity is this possible?
View 1 Replies View Relatedway of opening images in CS2 where after opening they will appear in the middle of the CS screen rather then in the top left corner?
I can drag and maximize so they appear in the middle, but on reopening another image they default to the top left again, I would like them to always open in the middle?
If I have multiple windows open and close the current one, the screen continues to show the contents of the closed window although the model tree changes to show the active model tree. If I have multiple windows open then the tabs at the bottom of the screen correctly show the active window.
View 2 Replies View Relatedthrough the groups here I have found the redefine screenmenu command, but I cannot find how to get the screen menu up on the screen as it is not an option in the display options any longer.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway of plotting a cad drawing from the model view screen so that certain linescales show? At the moment when I plot it will show hatched items without the outlines.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded to PS-CS4 from CS3 and notice that I can only view one image on my screen. Is there a way to view more than one image on the screen at the same time? I cannot seem to find a way to change this feature.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using Photoshop Cs4.
As you can see on the picture, the color code don't show the same color on the web page:
Only 422 of 468 photos show up on the import screen. What's happening?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have 9 copies of the same image with a different develop preset on each one so to compare. How do you get Lightroom to show the preset used on the image when viewing in lightroom and when you print, how do you get the preset name included on the print so you can tell which preset is on each print? At present I have to note the preset down and then write each preset name on each photo to show I know what was used.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy documents will not show up properly in the large screen, but they show in the layer screens. it does not mattter if it is a new psd or an old one.
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe icons don't come up at the top and bottom of the page in Organizer and I can't scroll to the bottom of the pagein Elements 11. It's like the entire page doesn't fit on the computer screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to use the develop module in lr for the first time, I normally use Breezebrowser. in Library mode.I have quick develop options, but in the develop module nothing shows on the right hand side of the screen at all.I have went into presents and ticked all the boxes but the only way I have options to develop are from the library module and that does not show the straigten option which i want. I have hit the D button until its worn out. This has been like this since I installed lr5, I used lr3 previously but only as a method to export images to zenfolio did not use anything apart from import and export. What do I need to do to get the options for the Develop module to show on screen? I have also hit the T for Toolbar several hundred times with no difference.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just bought a Wacom Cintiq 12 XW. Photoshop works fine while I am using it, but when I switch it off and go back to working on my iMac in normal mode it doesn't work correctly. Photoshop opens ok but if i open a file the file does not show on the screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using GIMP 2.6.11 on Windows XP. I use "ALT + PRINT" to capture the active program's screen and "Edit -> Paste as -> New Image" to create a new image from the captured screen.
The problem is that the new image always shows extra lines (about 3-pixel wide) on the left side and clips the right side. I haven't verified it pixel-by-pixel, but it looks like what's clipped on the right side is displayed on the left side.
But the problem doesn't happen when I do "File -> Create -> Screen Shot -> Grab a single window"; it shows up nicely.
Also even when I use "ALT + PRINT" to capture, the problem doesn't happen when I paste it to a different program, such as Windows Paint or even WordPad; it happens only when I do "Paste as New Image" in GIMP.
Elements 10 Why Do some of the pictures in my catalog not show in the organizer screen? They will not show when I do a search by key word
View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded from ps elements 10 to 12 and have noticed that all of my albums from 10 have disappeared, but to the lower right of each photo thumbnail there is a red album icon, and if I hang my mouse over it, it tells me what album it is in, but the album isn't listed on the left of the screen. I really do not want to recreate these albums, as it would be almost impossible. I am dealing with over 2000 photos over several years (downloaded from discs from the last several years). I need to have these albums back to print, delete, edit, share.
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