GIMP :: Screen Capture As New Image Doesn't Show Up Correctly
Nov 4, 2011
I'm using GIMP 2.6.11 on Windows XP. I use "ALT + PRINT" to capture the active program's screen and "Edit -> Paste as -> New Image" to create a new image from the captured screen.
The problem is that the new image always shows extra lines (about 3-pixel wide) on the left side and clips the right side. I haven't verified it pixel-by-pixel, but it looks like what's clipped on the right side is displayed on the left side.
But the problem doesn't happen when I do "File -> Create -> Screen Shot -> Grab a single window"; it shows up nicely.
Also even when I use "ALT + PRINT" to capture, the problem doesn't happen when I paste it to a different program, such as Windows Paint or even WordPad; it happens only when I do "Paste as New Image" in GIMP.
I'm having an issue using LR4 where when shooting in tethered capture mode the previewed image wont advance to the photo you have just taken.The file is there, but you have to manually advance to it.
I just installed Photoshop through Creative Cloud and my Liquify filter screen is totally black and doesn't show the image. You would think the default setting would be to show the image or layer,
Screen capture doesnt work in psp x4. I tried searching for this but no info at all on it. I have to resort to using the print screen option in windows and then paste as new image.
I do need to display the correct surface side to varify if any surface normal is wrong sided. But all the time surfaces are displayed in the force 2-sided mode, although the setting is off. I use the Nitrous driver but tested it also on all other drivers whithout success. Older 3dmax versions doesn't have had this problem on the same machine. See the attachment where I added the renderer where the object is displayed correctly. How can I get the result within the viewport?
Trying to use the builtin screen capture tools under Utilities/Screen capture.
There appears to be no way to do a selected capture or partial selection of parts of a window. Instead we have:
Full screen [] active window [] content of active window [x]
So I selected the last one above as shown `Content of Active Window'
But what I actually get is a mini version of the entire Designer pro 7 application Including the menus, borders, and all that guff that no one usually wants in a capture of part of the full screen.
So what does `Content of active window' mean as apposed to `Active window'?
Its really unbelievable that there is no provision like `Region' found in most screen grab tools where you select with the mouse what you want captured.
Maybe I'm just missing how to use this thing, but have included the result of what a `content of active window' does. Its a mini version of the entire application...
I have a screen capture to send with a post reply. Did it in Windows w/ snipping tool. Can't figure out how to attach this to post. Tried New Attachment, Browse, but didn't happen.
Also, how do I delete all the redundant posts/replies that I somehow accidently created?
I have just bought a Wacom Cintiq 12 XW. Photoshop works fine while I am using it, but when I switch it off and go back to working on my iMac in normal mode it doesn't work correctly. Photoshop opens ok but if i open a file the file does not show on the screen.
I have PSPro X.Often when I capture an image, figures show which I presume is the image size measurements.What can I do to avoid these figures being seen in the screen capture target area.
I wanted to use the capture screen feature but when I go to file-import-screen capture - the setup and capture features are grayed out and I can't get to set up. What can I do.
I inserted an image into my AC drawing. I’m doing a drawing in 3D starting from this image, using solids and regions. When the visual style is set to Realistic I can see the image but when I change to X-Ray all I can see is black and white points instead of the image.
See attached file
Funny thing is that yesterday it was working perfectly, meaning I could see the image in X-Ray mode, but today it doesn’t work! I don’t understand.
I have already made a new drawing, check with other images formats, and it doesn’t work
well - how to scale an image correct! I am pretty new to GIMP and i want to scale an image.
what is wanted: want to have an image with approx 300 x 200 pixel:
currently it (the image called Demo-image.jpg) has a size of approx 580 x 260 pixel.
First of all; i open a new window - (with 1080x540 pixel)
then i open my Demo-image.jpg in this newly created window - Question: should i drop in this Demo-image.jpg as a new layer or as a new picture. guess that this is pretty important. Unfortunatly i do not have any glue!?
Then i take the marker tool and mark the whole Demo-image.jpg - and afterward i choose (out of the toolbox -) the scaling-tool. Now i try to scale down the Demo-image.jpg.
If i am lucky then the scaling -dialogue pops up. Then i can see some values; height and width - What now happens is totally misterious: Whatever i do:
a. playing with the numbers (/height or width) b. taking the demo-image.jpg with the "mouse" and tryin to scale "manually by shifting the edges...
I recently upgraded to PS-CS4 from CS3 and notice that I can only view one image on my screen. Is there a way to view more than one image on the screen at the same time? I cannot seem to find a way to change this feature.
When I try this, PSE 11 opens but the image doesn't show up. When I go back to Aperture, I find a .psd version of the file I attempted to edit in PSE11.
I'm running CS6 on Windows7, Intel HD Graphics P4000 with driver updated. I have used the oil paint filter successfully in the past. Now when I try to use it, the filter window comes up, and it notes that the image I want to work on is at 25% size, but it remains blank -- the image itself never shows.
My gimp isn't starting up it says GNU Image Manipulation Program has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly Windows will close the program and notify you if the solution is available.
When I save a Corel X5 file the thumbnail doesn't show an image like it did when I saved a corel file in X3. It shows the green pencil symbol this normal?
I have my photos on a separate volume at /Volume/Users/Lightroom Photos/…
Everything works fine except when I choose "Edit in Photoshop CS6", work on the image in Photoshop then save it. It gets saved back to the same folder as the original file, but when I tab back to Lightroom it just shows a square tile with a question mark instead of the new file. Tapping on the exclamation mark reveals that Lightroom thinks the new file is supposed to be in /Users/Lightroom Photos/…
For example the dialog box might say:
“_DSC3047-Edit.tif” could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it? Previous location: /Users/Lightroom Photos/2012/2012-12-08/_DSC3047-Edit.tif
When in reality the original and the edit are both in /Volumes/Users/Lightroom Photos/2012/2012-12-08/ and there is not, and never was a /Users/Lightroom Photos/…
That is, something about saving back from Photoshop stripped off the "/Volumes/" from the beginning of the path. I can choose Locate and find it right where it should be and it will show up. Once it shows up the image tile shows the image but has an exclamation mark; tapping on that brings up a dialog box that says:
The metadata for this photo has been changed by both Lightroom and another application. Should Lightroom import settings from disk or overwrite disk settings with those from the catalog?
This is on a Mac and so /Users does exist but that maps to /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users. I wonder if either LR or PS is confused by there being a /Users and a /Volumes/Users.
Editing in a Nik Plugin (e.g. Silver Efx) works properly, FWIW.
I am using LR4.2 and PS CS6 13.0.1 on OS X 10.8.2.
I am making a video in Nero Vision 10 and need to cut out the screen of a tv so that I can layer the TV over an image/video so it looks as though it is on the screen. I enclose a screenshot of the project. 'Transform-tools-crop' only cuts in straight lines so I wonder which device I should use which can cut out an odd bespoke shape? You can see in the uploaded image from the project how the image currently cannot fill the frame without covering it.
When I use the scale tool on an image, I get that thing where I have to type in the pixels, but after I do that, and press Scale, I get the scale loading thing, but nothing happens, and the image remains the same size. It also doesn't work if I manually drag the image to size. It's only works when I type in the pixel width, then press enter, then Scale, but this makes the picture remain the same size. I also can't rely on this since I don't know the pixel size. This is what I hate about Gimp, either it's really glitchy or it's super complicated and I don't know how to fix something as simple as this. It's not the first problem I've had, and I have to close with saving, reopen everytime.
I'm working on a project involving DDS files. I'm working on the UI for the program, and we are re-writing and re-working the calls to DDS files. Part of the change is that we're changing from a pixel reference to a floating point %. However, my ruler options don't include a %. Aside from doing the math manually, is there a way to show a location on an image as a %?
Some time ago, the Gimp stopped responding to my mouse in the image window. In other windows and on menus the mouse works fine (ie I can select brushes and such and use the interface without problems), but in the image window (or more precisely, the canvas area) it's as if the mouse doesn't even exist. All kinds of clicks are ignored, the rulers doesn't show the position of the cursor, and the position in the lower left also isn't updated (it isset once upon entering the window, but after that it's dead).
This originally happened out of the blue one day while using Gimp 2.2.11 . I tried upgrading to 2.2.12 and then 2.3.13, without success. I also deleted the ~/.gimp*directory in the hope that regenerating the config would fix the problem, but no.
No matter what I do, I can't make the Gimp recognize the mouse in the image window. The mouse isn't anything special, and it used to work with the exact same X config I've got now. I haven't changed the xorg.conf file in several months. The Gimp is the only application with this problem.
This is on a dual-core amd64 processor in 64-bit mode (haven't tried 32-bit), Linux kernel 2.6.18, Xorg 7.1.
An animated email signature where an image of an arrow moves from the left to the right of the screen - easily done with a few frames and animation in gimp the arrow needs to move behind a paragraph of text which has the persons name, work address, email and phone numbers.
So the question remains is it possible to have one fixed frame (persons contact details) in a project of say 20 frames (which make the moving arrow behind the text)?? AND can
Often I find there's a problem with the paint bucket where I click on the layer and it doesn't color it. Also, sometimes the color I already have in the background just keeps going to darker shades with each click on the paintbucket.
Also, how do you do a screen capture on a mac?
Lastly, worked with Sketchup in conjunction with PS? Is it easy to manipulate a Sketchup image once you get it into PS?