GIMP :: Show Location On Image As Percentage
Jan 24, 2014
I'm working on a project involving DDS files. I'm working on the UI for the program, and we are re-writing and re-working the calls to DDS files. Part of the change is that we're changing from a pixel reference to a floating point %. However, my ruler options don't include a %. Aside from doing the math manually, is there a way to show a location on an image as a %?
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Nov 17, 2006
i have to change it t pixel everytime i start up photoshop.
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Dec 10, 2013
How do you adjust the scale image percentage to extend out to the hundreths place instead of rounding to the nearest whole number?
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Nov 4, 2011
I'm using GIMP 2.6.11 on Windows XP. I use "ALT + PRINT" to capture the active program's screen and "Edit -> Paste as -> New Image" to create a new image from the captured screen.
The problem is that the new image always shows extra lines (about 3-pixel wide) on the left side and clips the right side. I haven't verified it pixel-by-pixel, but it looks like what's clipped on the right side is displayed on the left side.
But the problem doesn't happen when I do "File -> Create -> Screen Shot -> Grab a single window"; it shows up nicely.
Also even when I use "ALT + PRINT" to capture, the problem doesn't happen when I paste it to a different program, such as Windows Paint or even WordPad; it happens only when I do "Paste as New Image" in GIMP.
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Oct 17, 2012
I enlarged a photochrom image (which gimp converted to rgb) to twice its original size, but when I wanted to see its dimensions in inches the image scale showed 6.667 x 4.887, which is half the original size. This can’t be possible, the enlarged image is quite big. I set the resolution at 300, if that makes a difference…
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Nov 15, 2011
While I still try, unsuccessfully, to get Gimp to run on my Mac...
I'm not a graphic artist, but I do have a task I would like to accomplish, so a couple of quick questions?
It's been over 10 years since I experimented with graphics software of any kind other than resize and/or convert from one format to another.
Scenario to illustrate my question:
I create a new graphic, of X by Y proportions. Create a black circle in the center of the graphic. Save graphic.
When I import the graphic into a document, web page, email composition window, etc., I would like only the black circle to display when the background is a color other than white. IOW, I want the unused/blank part of the graphic to be transparent.
I've found the online manual to be confusing to follow, since I can't easily "thumb" through the pages to see a picture of the effect I want to accomplish, and I'm not sure of the correct terminology.
I found a PDF manual for 2.4, are there instructions that cover this? I'm not really interested in printing it, or having it printed. If the manual were for 2.6, I would consider having it printed.
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Aug 9, 2013
Why is the linked image scale percentage being rounded off in Illustrator CC?
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May 2, 2013
Say I have an image that is 100x100 pixels. And I want to take one of the layers and resize it to 50% of the image size, so that it is 50 pixels. How can I accomplish that?
The reason I ask, is that have multiple images all with different size. But I have a signature (ie. watermark) that is always the same size. I want to be able to place this signature, and then resize it to XX% of the image it was placed on. That way, it should always have the same proportions.
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Oct 25, 2008
I'm always changing this to percentage. any way to default to it?
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Nov 15, 2013
I'd like it, if an image is re-sized to the same percentage as the current zoom level, afterward the zoom is automatically switched to 100%
Typically, if I have an image too big for it's intended use, I'd adjust the zoom until I get it to appear the right size, then resize it to the zoom level. (I imagine many people do the same thing). However, after resizing, the view of the image is really tiny, since the old zoom level is now being applied to the smaller image.
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Sep 14, 2012
I need to show column locations in a Plan (overhead) view. The columns are so small that they don't show up very well. Is there an "automagic" (I'd prefer not to have to manually place some kind of sketched symbol on each columns linework) way to do a PART REP (so-called) in a drawing?
I'm using 2012 Premium.
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May 9, 2012
I have note labels in one drawing. An Elevation style that list the elevation of the insertion point. The label texts are dragged to new locations. When I xref this drawing in to another. The label text shows at both the insertion points and the dragged locations. What's going on??
I've made sure the labels aren't duplicated on another layer. If I change the layer of the dragged text and do an Xlist in the drawing they're xrefed in to. The dragged text list on the layer I've change it to. The text in the original position lists on layer 0, which is the default layer for creation.
C3D 2012
Dell T7400, 4GB RAM, Win 7 64 bit
Nvidia Quadro 4600
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Jul 20, 2013
I moved the folder where all the brushes and stuff into the overall gimp folder. Originally the folder with the brushes and stuff was in Documents Settings, however now after I moved it. My brushes don't work. How do I make it so that gimp targets the new location of the folder?
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Jul 22, 2012
I've been trying the new 2.8 version of Gimp and find I don't like it. Is there a way to disable some of the new features. For example I don't like the use of group layers. I've gotten used to just seeing all of my layers in a single list and being able to move each one independantly if necessary. Is there a way to disable this feature? Second, I really don't like the need to "export" just because I need to change the file type. I'd rather just save in the file name I need it to be in as it has been done in past versions, this ads extra steps for simply saving a file. Can this also be a disabled feature so that I only have to click save and tell gimp what file to save it as? Third I don't like that the text box shows the font, size etc when on the workspace. It gets in the way when I'm trying to adjust the location of the text. I rather it just have the box and control the font size,color etc from the tool box. Is this a feature that can be disabled as well? In otherwords is it at all possible to revert those features to what it was in 2.6 as far as UI. If not I think I'll have to reinstall 2.6 until I have no choice but to update it and just live with these features despite the fact that they actually make what I do problematic.
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Feb 9, 2013
To the 2.8 users....
Where is the profile for Gimp 2.8 in Windows? I have the hazy memory that it's going to change to be available as part of the "Roaming" profile.
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Aug 16, 2012
I just installed 2.8 and have downloaded the help files, but cannot figure out the destination folder/location for extracting them. I am using Windows Vista.
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Nov 6, 2012
I completely reinstalled GIMP 2.8 and put Andrew's Script (found here: URL....) into "C/USER/ADMIN/GIMP 2.8/SCRIPTS" (I'm stuck with Windows Vista Home Premium) running on an Acer laptop. Now the "Opacity" and "Brush Size" sliders have shown up where they're supposed to have been on the first install.
My middle mouse wheel used to control brush size - I recently reinstalled my updated Logitech mouse drivers and I'll bet if I go to "Setpoint" in my system tray, I'll be able to configure the mouse wheel from there. That's where I had to go in order to fix the tilt control in Google Earth after I updated the mouse drivers.
I just installed GIMP 2.8, with Andrew's GIMP Script FU and now I can't find the brush opacity slider anywhere (EDIT: Or the brush/eraser/pencil etc SIZE slider - there also appears to be no way to set my middle mouse wheel as the controller for the brush size). I've used GIMP for awhile and I know how to move around but I'm not very good with it.
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Jun 1, 2013
is there a way to set the default save location in gimp, when i create a new image and save it always starts in ~/Documents directory on the save dialog.
i tried to see if there was a setting i could override in gimprc but i was unable to find this, maybe i am looking in the wrong place.
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Mar 21, 2013
the location of the template folder or files. I'm not sure if it's (C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\.gimp-2.8\templates) which nothing is there. or if it's (C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0) in which case I can't find anything there either...
I need to delete some files/templates.
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Jul 26, 2012
I haven't been able to find a way to alter the default export location in 2.8 on Windows. How to change the workingdirectory on the shortcut, but that didn't work. how to change this? If not can I submit a request? Ideally I thinkthat Gimp should remember the last used location, and/or have a config settings.
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Jul 4, 2013
I adjust lots and lots of pix for our ebay auctions. Many items have at least 5 pix so they have the same file name but with a 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. at the end of the file name to distinguish them from each other. Example: eapgcompote1.jpg , eapgcompote2.jpg etc..
The problem that I have with Gimp is every time I save/ export a pic Gimp does not save the last export location and last modified date nor does Gimp offer the ability to select from previously saved items like in PhotoShop. I have to go thru about 5 steps in order to save each pic.
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Jun 24, 2011
Is there a way to find a location on an image.? Let's say I have an image of 1024 x 768 and I want to find the pixel at 354 x 47. How do I do that? Right now I'm using the rectangle selection tool and dragging it around because I can see the coordinates at the bottom of the screen which seems a little
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Feb 27, 2013
I just updated my PS CS6, and now my images are dropped so low on my screen it is impossible to edit. How do I change that?
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Sep 20, 2012
Where is the Photoshop CS6 splash screen PNG image located on Mac OS X?
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Jun 9, 2011
I'm a new user of X4. I'm making a project using several transparent layers, with layer 1 set as background image. I then draw several images into the succeeding layers. My template is set at 480x270 pixels.
Is there any way to export my drawings with their original size and location preserved with respect to the background image? The thing is I need to recombine the images in the different layers later on (in a different program and project) and I need them to be in their right sizes and positions as when I created them in order to reconstruct the image accurately.
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Aug 6, 2012
Ability to set a manual location for an image or selection, and using this ability to give precise display of images, photos or graphics of the sorts.
The reason I say this is because I feel it would make precision much more in-depth, and make it easier to manage the graphics on the display. Another feature that marries this concept is alignment, with the ability to make certain objects on a specific layer to have that similar x or y location to that of another object, with the ability to enable/disable alignment.
While alignment is more of a vector feature, it would make graphic drawing much easier, especially if Paint.NET marries some vector features to improve on it's current bezier curve interpretation of line drawing.
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Oct 30, 2013
How do I know which collectios my single image is in? Is it in one collection? Is it ten colelctions? How can i find out? If I click a single image, it doesnt highlight all the possible locations the image resides in. Am I missing something?
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Jan 10, 2013
I have little room left on my iMac 'C 'drive and want to move them to my 'D' drive. How do I do this so that Lightroom 4 'sees' where the files are?
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May 14, 2013
I've been a casual user of Illustrator for many years, but have only used it at its most basic level. Now I need to begin using it more extensively to develop logos and what-have-you, and it seems that Murphy's Law has gone into effect... now that I need to use it, something has gone amiss.
I've been through Deke McClellands beginner training for AI CS4 and CS6, and I seem to recall this problem being addressed somewhere in that training -- but I can't find it.
So here's the problem:
After I draw a shape, any shape, and then click to reposition it on the artboard, when I release the mouse it snaps to a nearby location.
The shape doesn't stay where I want it to stay.
Smart Guides, Snap to Grid and Snap to Point are turned off.
Preferences > General > Keyboard Increment is set to 0.2 px.
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Jul 6, 2013
Photoshop Elements 6 (20070910.r.377499)
I do not know why the catalog has changed the file location of "ALL" pictures to the location on my backup drive.
Example: K:My DocumentsMy PicturesPetsPICT1460-1.JPG
The actual location of the original photo is: D:My DocumentsMy PicturesPetsPICT1460-1.JPG
The location of "My Pictures" is on my primary Hard Drive D:My DocumentsMy Pictures
Why is Photoshop changing all of my 37,000+ photo thumbnails to point to my Backup Drive K:?
I need to correct the catalog file. How do I make the correction and stop it from happening in the future?
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Oct 20, 2012
I don't understand Lightroom.
For example, I use LR4.2 on a desktop and on a laptop. Both computers (Windows 7 64bit) access the same image folders. On my laptop in a folder I have 42 master images and 5 virtual (soft proofs) images for a total of 47 images. But when I open LR4.2 on the desktop I don't see the 5 virtual (soft proofs) on the 42 master images.
Why can't I see the 5 virtual proofs since I am accessing the exact folder and how can I see the virtual proofs created on the laptop at the desktop.
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