Paint.NET :: Image Is Resized To Same Percentage As Current Zoom Level
Nov 15, 2013
I'd like it, if an image is re-sized to the same percentage as the current zoom level, afterward the zoom is automatically switched to 100%
Typically, if I have an image too big for it's intended use, I'd adjust the zoom until I get it to appear the right size, then resize it to the zoom level. (I imagine many people do the same thing). However, after resizing, the view of the image is really tiny, since the old zoom level is now being applied to the smaller image.
I've got a question that I'm sure has a very simple solution but I can't find it even though I've searched all over the place. Is there a way to change the default zoom level when Photoshop opens an image? I'm using CS2 on OSX (though the screenshots I've included to illustrate what I'm asking are from Win XP).
I'm working on some images that have very specific colors. It can be 1000 colors or 5000.
When I resample the image, I would like to keep the colors. So if I have one pixel being e5d900 and a pixel next to it is 00a5d3, resampling the image will pick one of the colors and not something between.. or a color of the 1000 or 5000 that are on the color palette.
I have been using for a couple of years to resize photos for work purposes with no problems. All of a sudden two days ago the photos I resized or cropped started saving as oil paintings. I didn't click on the oil painting effect and I haven't changed anything that I am aware of. I've been going through everything I can think of and even uninstalled and reinstalled the program trying to get rid of this weird default change. I can't figure out how to change it back to normal.
I am having problems with zoom, pan and rotate at high zoom level. The movements becoming jerky and delayed. But for whatever reason the problem exists in some assembly files and not in the others.
Any way to set a default zoom percentage value in the Photoshop CS6 Navigator panel?I normally zoom in and out using the CMD and + - keys, which give 12.5%, 16.67%, 25%, 33.33%, etc.I would like to set the value at the bottom left of the Navigator panel to 31.5%, then click and somewhere and save this as one of the default settings, so that it would replace,33.33% or come between that and 25%
A bit of a strange value I know, but I've found that this value gives me an image on the screen that is the same size as what I get out of the printer.bind having to type in 31.5 over and over again in the Navigator.
Any way to set a default zoom percentage value in Photoshop CS6?
I would like to set this to 31.5%.
A bit of a strange value I know, but I've found that this value gives me an image on the screen that is the same size as what I get out of the printer.
It would be great if I could do this, as it's a bit of a bind having to type in 31.5 over and over again in the Navigator.
I have a windows 7 based machine with 24gb of ram and a 560to geforce video card and 980x CPU. have just reinstalled Photoshop cs5 and newest update, Photoshop now opens images at a viewing percent that is a lot smaller than the previous installation, currently a vertical image is 16.7% and a horizontal 25%, these should be 25% and 33.3% to almost fill the screen. what can I do to get images to open at a bigger zoom percentage?
sometimes when trying to manually input the percent number for either layer opacity or image zoom, when I try to type a number I just get a DING sound and it wont allow me to do anything. It goes away after I click a bunch of random things, minimize photoshop and then open it up again. Why does it do this? All I do is click on the percent number, try to input a new number but it sometimes just doesn't allow me to do so. I check all around the document to see if there is anything going on that may interfere but I notice nothing. What is it trying to tell me when it just dings and refuses to change the numbers?
I would like to lock the size of an object regardless of the zoom percentage. When I am zooming in on a vector map (main layer) the objects (on different layers) becomes very big. So I should be able to zoom in/out on the vector map, but the objects shall keep the same size. How can I do this?
I'm making a map for Dungeons and Dragons using a rather large resolution. 20,000x13,332 @ 300 pixels per inch.
My max zoom is @ 164% when I try to just it further the Zoom percentage increases but the image doesn't actually zoom. Which I'm having a hard time adjusting small details with, how to increase how far I can zoom?
I often use Paint.NET while creating documentation for users of various computer applications, mainly working with screenshots. For awhile I've thought that instead of simply circling a spot on the image and labelling it with an arrow, it would might better to 'pull' that section of the image up, so that it appears larger and in-front of the rest of the image.
I created a crude mock-up of what I'm trying to accomplish:
if you have used CS6 you may have noticed the Applications bar was removed. According to Adobe it was removed to make more vertical "real estate" for the workspace which makes no sense. When maximized it uses zero additional vertical space but that's another argument.
As part of the Applications bar, there was a drop down menu for a few preset zoom levels. 25, 50, 100 and 200. I got addicted to using this drop down for the work I do in PS and specifically 100 and 200% as I'm also zoomed in make minor changes and I want to jump to 100 or 200% to see what the changes look like at size or zoomed out.
drop down menu like that for zoom in CS6? I know the original shortcut ctrl-1 was for actual pixels but I have that and all the other keys close to the left ctrl/shift/alt used for other functions. I rarely take my right hand off the mouse as I work and that was the best way for me to zoom quick to 100%.
Now that the application bar has been dropped from CS6, the zoom level feedback is also gone in full screen mode. It would be nice to see zoom level feedback similar to how Pixelmator displays the level with each zoom in or out in the center of the frame.
The UI device is similar to the feedback that the new crop tool displays to show the changing image size.
When I Zoom in my drawing on a specific area and press F3 to come to the previous zoom level it doesn't happen. inspite of this drawing will zoom out with another sequence.
Been using Xara Xtreme Pro 5 for several years and this is an issue that happens now. Parts of lines disappear in a drawing at different zoom levels. The drawing might look perfect at one zoom level, but if I zoom in from say 100% to 500% parts of lines disappear from the drawing. The fix is usually having to click on the line or zoom to a different %. I have attached a picture to show the issue. The hat on the left shows the missing part of the line (circled in red), and the hat on the right shows how the line actually is.
If this was happening in a pc game I would describe it as clipping. I'm on a Pentium 4 PC 3 GHz, Win XP SP 3 2 gigs of RAM. GeForce 6200 if this comes into play .
I have the paint shop pro x2 and I didn't realize before that when I converted my raw images over to jpeg it took the size down from 8MP to 1MP and my clients want wall photos. I need to know how to maintain the large file size.
I have some hand drawn patterns that need resizing by percentage and printed. However, when I resize, it shows exactly the same and prints exactly the same.
I manage a website and I have to resize bundles of images frequently. I find it a problem in Paint Shop Pro X5 that every time I resize an image it shows as a tiny thumbnail. This causes me to go to the 'view' toolbar and then from the dropdown box have to click 'zoom to 100%'
How do I format PSP X5 to automatically show resized images at 100%?
I have resized a photo to 406 x 305mm with the image size & canvas size dialogue box set correctly, but when I print the image it comes out as 240 x 170mm.
I have tried every printing option to get the correct print, but it just aint happening.
I have tried scaled to fit media (on & off), custom printing size, a3 printing size.
In Photoshop CS3, I crop or use the Image Size to get, say a 5"x7" image at 300 dpi. Then I do a "save as" as a jpeg image. Then I re-open it and it's not 5x7. Instead it's 8.75" x 6.25". When I look at Image Size again on this new, previously saved file, it displays 8.75" x 6.25" at 240 dpi.
I uninstalled and re-installed Photoshop CS3. I looked at my preferences to ensure it was displaying in inches and not centimeters. It is.
One thing to note is that this once worked and now it does not. I'm running with version 10.0 on Windows XP.
I'm working on a project involving DDS files. I'm working on the UI for the program, and we are re-writing and re-working the calls to DDS files. Part of the change is that we're changing from a pixel reference to a floating point %. However, my ruler options don't include a %. Aside from doing the math manually, is there a way to show a location on an image as a %?