Lightroom :: Possible Location Of Single Image In Collections?
Oct 30, 2013
How do I know which collectios my single image is in? Is it in one collection? Is it ten colelctions? How can i find out? If I click a single image, it doesnt highlight all the possible locations the image resides in. Am I missing something?
I have created a hodge podge of directories with images in various locations. I want to re-organize all my images into the single location and organization in a logical directory structure. Now for my question. Would I be better off moving all my files into the new directory structure then create a new master catalog then import into the new catalog? I am wanting to develop and use import templates to better organize and document my images... btw, I am not opposed to upgrading v3 if this will make things easier... just haven't had a need as yet.
Not sure if it's a setting I'm missing, a workflow gaffe, or a feature that is simply absent. I would like new/multiple versions of a file to be persistent across multiple collections. It is not inconceivable to have an image in more than one collection; something could be in a Landscape collection, Portfolio collection, Blog Postings, and so forth. Unfortunately, it seems that if I export a file to edit in Photoshop (or any external application) it will only stack with the image in the collection from which it was sent. It will not show in any other collections so they would not include the current version of a file unless manually added.
I'm operating on an iMac, OS 10.9, brand new, lots of RAM etc. I've confirmed with Apple that my computer and ext HDs are working fine. That said, using LR5.2 I'm unable to import, even a single image. I'vre tried rebooting LR, rebooting the external HD, rebooting the computer. Nothing works.
I can use the "/" key to deselecting the current photo but how do I select the current photo with the keyboard? Usually the space bar is used for this but that displays the image. Is the only way to select the current photo by using the mouse?
I would like to know how to change the colour of a single layered, single coloured gradient (foreground to transparent) image. There is nothing more to it than that other than I don't want to use the hue/saturation adjustment as it's hard to get a specific colour.
For example, I use LR4.2 on a desktop and on a laptop. Both computers (Windows 7 64bit) access the same image folders. On my laptop in a folder I have 42 master images and 5 virtual (soft proofs) images for a total of 47 images. But when I open LR4.2 on the desktop I don't see the 5 virtual (soft proofs) on the 42 master images.
Why can't I see the 5 virtual proofs since I am accessing the exact folder and how can I see the virtual proofs created on the laptop at the desktop.
Let me start by describing my needs. I need to generate proofs for my shoots. I'd like to export images with different aspect ratios for target devices, ie iPad, Android phone, 16:9 TV, etc. What would be really great is if I can select a named "crop setting" in the export window and generate JPGs based on the chosen setting. I've searched all over the place, all seem to talk about presets, virtual copies, etc, which really doesn't address what I want.
Fundamentally I'd like to be able to save a handful of crop settings (unique crops but with common names) for each image. I will create the crops manually as I have to pick the position and size for each carefully. For example, on a 4000x6000 image I have these crop settings (for a fairly small area of the image):
1. iPad [settings: top-left coordinate (500,500), ratio 4:3, width2000] 2. Android [settings: top-left coordinate (500,400), ratio 8:5, width 2400] 3. HDTV [settings: top-left coordinate(500,450), ratio 16:9, width 2200]
As you can see each crop is different becasue I want to be precise about how the cropped outputs look. Then at export time, I want to be able to multi-select a bunch of images and pick say "iPad" crop setting to create the JPGs in a batch.
Is there a custom plugin outside of Lightroom that can handle this?
Recently I reorganized my system so that my image files were on a different drive that I had previously been using a backup drive, so no additional file copying was involved. When I ran Lr it did not find any images, as expected, at the original location and I told it where to find them by pointing it to the new parent image folder. That worked fine but then it seemed as if all of the previews had to be rebuilt on the fly by Lr as I went to each folder. Could it be that the previews in the preview cache are location specific to drive/volume level rather than just folder level ? Or is there a way to aim that ole preview cache at the new image locations ?
Likewise, would this apply to the ACR cache too ? i.e. if I point Lr at the same images in the same folder names on a different drive, will the ACR cache data still be relevant or should I just scrap it and start again ?
I told Lr to rebuild previews for many of my images and it did so overnight, but now the preview cache is about 30GB instead of about 12GB. It's possible that I picked up previews of images that were previously not in the cache, but would the new cache still contain previews of the now non-existant images at the old locations ?
I have previously reverted to system backups in which the whole drive volume had previously been been copied intact. Lr always worked fine in those situations. Is my present problem because I shifted the images folder relative to the drive volume where Lr is running ?
I'm using Lr 3.6 on a 2011 MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.6.8.
I would like to change the default filename for the HTML pages produced by Lightroom 3 in the web gallery. Specifically, I would like to remove the string "_large" from the HTML filename, so it corresponds exactly to the image filename.
Specifically, the URL by default is like this: [URL] ....
and I would like it to be like this: [URL] ....
I assume there is some way to make this change using the template editors, but I can't figure it out.
I used to be able to select a folder (say, all images in 2013) and then control click a smart collection I had created (rated > 1 star) and that would filter my images from 2013 and only display the ones that were rated higher then one star.
I cannot seem to get this to work in 5.3 (win7 pc fwiw). When I do this, it shows images that aren't from 2013 (the folder I selected).
To be clear, I expect to see images from 2013 that are rated > 1 star. If I select a folder with a single unrated image and then control click a "> 1 star" smart collection, it shows the image still. It doesn't seem to filter, it's showing both the contents of the smart collection and my one image.
After deleting a Smart Collection in Lightroom 3.6, the option to Edit Collection that was previously in the context menu is gone. Double-clicking the Collection Name will not bring up the Edit Dialog either. I tried removing the preferences and letting Lightroom create a new one but that didn't fix it either. Not sure what else to try.
After installing lightroom 4 I imported my photos from photoshop elements 10. When I click on a collection only one of the photos in my collection shows. How can I see all of the images in my collection?
Is there a simple way to import any collections from LR3 to LR4? The import function of LR4 doesn't me see the collections so would I have to go back and grab all my "Picks" from the folders and re-create a collection?
After importing a wedding I would like to be able to sort the images into 13 different catagories. EX: Brides, Grooms, Rings, Family etc..... Then on future weddings I can do the sme thing into the same folders to make a collection of each catagory.
I recently converted all of my pictures to a new format. I want to make a new catalog, identical to the old one, with the new pictures. I imported everything, but I don't know what to do about collections and smugmug folders. I still have the old catalog, and all of the old pictures. But I need to reupload all of the new pictures to my smugmug site, same as before. So, I need to recreate every collection and add the new pictures like they were before. Is there a faster way to do this? Can I use my old catalog to somehow recreate the collections? I still have the old catalog, and all of the old pictures. All of the filenames of new and old pictures are identical. I also have a few collections that I would prefer not to manually recreate.
Just upgraded to Lightroom4. Previously, if I selected a collection and a folder in a catalog, only the images found in both the collection and the folder would appear on screen. Now all the images from either the collection or the folder are shown. Is there a way to get the old way back?
I had a catalogue with 4 or 5 collections filled with pictures in each with stars and color filters. I just went to go open my collections to export the pictures and all my collections are gone and I did not click any thing to reset or delete anything. Only a small portion of the pictures have a star rating but none of them have a color filter.
I have created nearly 25 smart collections in a hierarcy for my workflow ... do we have any command in order to save them all together and later recreate them with their names, rules and in their original hierarcy?
I've read a few similiar discussion threads but none match exactly my prob.I have a collection (within a collection set) of items which have mixed photos that are flagged as picked and/or rated as 2 or 3 stars.
Invoking filters while in the collection - either flagged items or items >+ 2* don't work - it's not just flagged or rated items - no filtering seems to work on my collection.
Lots of other unusual behavior in collections that I can't detail right now, but something is defintely wrong.
Some old jpgs Lighroom suddenly started to report as unreadable, if I open them in another program they are not unreadable. Tried an optimimize catalog with no luck. Tried to start with a new catalog and import all the pictures again. That went fine, now I can read the pictures that earlier were reported unreadable. The problem is that I do not have my collections from the old catalog.
How do I get them to the new catalog?
Or: How can I make the pictures readable for Lightroom in the old catalog?
I have lightroom 2 on my computer and would like to install lightroom 4. Will I be (easily) able to transfer my photo collections from 2 to 4? Is there a danger of losing the photos in the process?
I have various collections and the files for the corresponding photos are on an external drive ("Samsung", see screenshot). How can I direct LR to source the files from that external drive?
After my trial version of LR4 expired I have had a few problems with LR3.The problem now is that it seems the Collections I created while using LR4 trial version are not listed in the LR3 collection panel. As of yet I'm not sure that those are the only collections that are missing. I do have LR backed up (every time I shut down LR) but I don't know how to go about importing the collections or where to find them. I don't see "Collections" in the backup folder.