Photoshop Elements :: What Are Blank Gray Screen With Box In Middle
Feb 13, 2013What are the blank gray screen with a box in the middle? Is a photo missing and if so how do I find the photo?
View 1 RepliesWhat are the blank gray screen with a box in the middle? Is a photo missing and if so how do I find the photo?
View 1 RepliesStarted suddenly, no issues previously. Installed on an iMac running 10.5.8. Blank welcome screen and nothing else. Tried reinstalling... nothing is working.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm here with 2013 SP2 64 bit Build 200 and two screens. Left screen is graphics area, Browser is on the left of right screen. Graphics is ATI Fire Pro V7800 with driver
In video (zipped MP4) you see a cutout of both screens, think of screens changing at the left of the browser.
Now, in many cases, after doing an operation, the browser is jumping back to the middle of my graphics in the left screen.
When I try to use edtor for a picture in iPhoto I get nothing but a gray screen. No picture will load. I select the picture in iPhote, select external editor and click on editor, Just a gray screen.
View 4 Replies View RelatedToday I downloaded a trial version of PSE. This means of course that I'm new to the game. I can follow a step-by-step guide though. Here's what I'd like to do: I've taken a dozen photos of an actor with a green screen as a background. Is there a way that I can chroma-key out the green and put in another color, like gray or perhaps a textured off-white?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just recently got Cs4 and each time I open it thers a window that pops out with the PS logo on the top left cornor and a grey rectangle in the middle.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy company is switching from ctb files to stb files. With the ctb file, we make concrete hatch with two layers. A top layer with the concrete hatch pattern and a background layer with a solid hatch patern. The ctb file concrete plots the concete hatch black and the solid background hatch light gray. I am using civil 3d 2013 and the hatch allows a seperate background color mask. I am trying to make all my concrete layers (Top of Curb, Curb Flowline, etc.) a certain color scheme, i.e. shades of green. I would like my on screen concrete hatch patern to be a green color with a gray background, but plot the concrete hatch black with a gray background. I can not figure out how to do this without making two layers. Is there a way to use one layer and utilize the background color mask to show on screen green and gray, but plot black and gray?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to change the light gray background colour to a darker gray background colour?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have one Inventor Pro 2012 SP1 user who is trying to insert a bmp image into a sketch so he can create a decal and the image appears blank and gray. See the attached screen capture. We converted the bmp to a jpg and we get the same result. When I insert the bmp into a sketch on my workstation and it views correctly. I've logged into the same workstation as the user who is having the problem and the image also views correctly. I tried to change the file associaiton from Microsoft Picture View to Paint and I get the same result.
Here are his workstation specs:
Dell Precision T5400 - Xeon Quad Core - 2.93 GHz
Windows XP SP2 - x32
Nvidia Quadro FX 570
Have a windows 8 computer. Loaded CS6 and launched photoshop and it worked fine. About a week later when opening, it just opens to like a gray screen. Uninstalled CS6 and reloaded. Same thing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen clicking on Import, instead of the usual tool bar across the top of the screen, as I've seen in many videos, I get a very large bar across the middle of the screen. There probably is a toggel somewhere that allows you toswitche back and forth between the large bar and the normal one at the top. I have been watching a number of videos trying to learn LR but have not come across this issue/option. Currently, I have always moved my photos into a folder on an external drive and then inport to LR. Is that the problem?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm sure it's something basic but whenever I close a PS file, I end up with an empty frame. Tools and menu bars are there. When I close the file, I want to see my desktop, not a blank PS window. How do you get rid of that blank frame?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen the mouse/pen is held following a crop the image and pallette windows go blank, and when the pointing device is released the image and pallettes are restored. Again, problem is not easy to replicate, but can happen with the marquee and ruler tools as well - was this issue ever resolved ?
View 3 Replies View Relatedis there any entity stutas for selecting?like use mouse select? But do'nt use mouse to select.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have several tool palettes that I use all the time. And every time I close down AutoCAD and open it back up, all the palettes load back up in the middle of my left monitor (dual monitor set up). I typically have my AutoCAD window open on the left monitor, and my palettes on the right monitor.
I have tried to save my profile, lock all Toolbar/Palette positions.....and nothing has any affect. My palettes always load in the middle of my left monitor.
I tried loading the latest graphics drivers, no affect.
I want to show one entity middle of the screen and highlight it? Maybe use zoom?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to have my credits roll on the screen from the bottom but have the fade out in the middle of the screen instead of going all the way to the top?
View 20 Replies View RelatedI am having this issue with the new PS CC. It happens whenever I try to add/edit a text. Pick the text tool, click onto the work and -- bang! -- the whole work screen gets blank. Depending on the project size it may get stable at a certain ammount of zoom and keep blinking (or go completely blank) at other zoom factors. If I finish text editing the screen gets back to normal. Funny is that if I type something, it will be there, so the problem seems to be with the viewport.
PS: Currently I am going to download and install back the CS6 version as the issue reported above does not happen with it.
When I try to transform an object my screen goes blank, how can I correct this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using the final released Photoshop CS6 software, not beta, and am having the same issue with the Patch tool. I start to drag around an area to make a selecton, and the screen goes blank so that I can't see where I'm making the selection. When I release the mouse, the image appears again. Another problem which may be related is that sometimes when I zoom in, the screen goes blank. Closing Photoshop and re-launching it usually fixes the problem, but is an annoying time-waster. I have the most current update from the Cloud for Photoshop CS6, 13.1.2.X64.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi am currently on a trial for CS6 CC version on Windows 8 but every time i try to liquify an image all that happens is a blank grey screen. The weird thing is i can click and edit the area of the grey screen and if i click OK to finish the liquifying it has edited the image! Why can i not see my image whilst in the liquify screen? I've tried to change all the settings and stuff but still nothing?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have a simple block of text on a PS doc that is supposed to be black (i've checked many times and it's color =000000) but it looks gray on screen and prints gray. i checked opacity. it's 100%. i tried opening a new PS doc to see if somehow the doc itself was messed up, but i have the same problem in a brand new doc. make sure it wasn't a printer issue, i printed some text in MS Word and it got black just fine.
View 18 Replies View RelatedWhy is the screen in my liquify page blank / white? I used to be able to see the picture I was working on but now it just shows a white page... I have Photoshop CS4.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot remedy the CS3 blank-screen problem on my Mac (Safari OS) with the suggested fix, as I don't get an error window saying "Never Register" after disconnecting internet and re-launching CS3.
View 2 Replies View Related have had the good fortune to have recieved a Christmas present (o.k. to myself) a new Dell 30" monitor with 2560 x 1600 resolution.
The only thing I am finding troublesome as you might be able to see by the attached screen shot, is that now my autocad menus are, as expected at the top of the screen. This new size of monitor brings with it the problem that you now have to travel your mouse a great distance to reach the menu bar items.
My welcome screen is blank.
View 9 Replies View Relatedway of opening images in CS2 where after opening they will appear in the middle of the CS screen rather then in the top left corner?
I can drag and maximize so they appear in the middle, but on reopening another image they default to the top left again, I would like them to always open in the middle?
Using X6 64 bit on Windows Ultimate. Tables appear blank until a manual screen refresh?
View 4 Replies View RelatedBlank/Black Screen when opening some CorelDraw files.
I have several hundred CorelDraw files with various images and design that I use for printing for our business.
Recently I have opened files to discover either blank or black screen in the CorelDraw file. I can use Object Manager to see that the image and text are still present, but I cannot view it. I can also export the image to a PDF even though I cannot view it. Other files open without any issue. One file opened fine and then when I went to cut an image the file turned black and is now in the same condition as other files with the problem.
Using CorelDraw X4.
However, rendering seems to be hit or miss with me. Sometimes autocad will render objects and then, all of a sudden, rendering produces a blank black screen.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi just installed the 2012 autocad on my laptop and everytime i use trim or rotate or anything else the screen just goes black and the computer freezes for a few seconds and then it comes back and tell me that its trying to adjust the program with the monitor but it never ends and it keeps doing the same thing. btw my laptop specs are: windows7 home premium, intel i5, 6gb ddr3, intel HD3000 graphics.
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